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Shaw PS  Gupta R  Lykke KR 《Applied optics》2002,41(34):7173-7178
We have constructed and characterized a simple probe that is suitable for accurate measurements of irradiance in the UV to the vacuum UV spectral range. The irradiance meter consists of a PtSi detector located behind a 5-mm-diameter aperture. The probe was characterized at various wavelengths ranging from 130 to 320 mm by use of continuously tunable synchrotron radiation from the Synchrotron Ultra-violet Radiation Facility III. We determined the irradiance responsivity by scanning a small monochromatic beam over the active area of the irradiance meter and measuring its response on a grid with regular spacing. The angular response was also determined and shown to be suitable for applications such as photolithography. In addition, we studied the radiation damage using a 157-nm excimer laser and found that the irradiance meter can endure more than 100 J/cm2 of 157-nm radiation before a noticeable change occurs in its responsivity. Many industrial applications such as UV curing, photolithography, or semiconductor chip fabrication that require accurate measurement of the irradiance would benefit from having such a stable, accurate LTV irradiance meter.  相似文献   

Nahon L  Alcaraz C 《Applied optics》2004,43(5):1024-1037
SU5 is a high-resolution variable-polarization synchrotron radiation (SR) beam line with which linear and circular dichroism experiments are performed in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) range (5-40eV), based on an electromagnetic crossed undulator called the Onduleur Plan/Helicoidal du Lure à Induction Electromagnétique (OPHELIE). To get precise knowledge of the polarization state of the emitted SR and to take into account the polarization transformations induced by reflection on the various optics, we set up an in situ VUV polarimeter to provide a precise and complete polarization analysis of the SR atthe sample location. The overall measured polarization performances were highly satisfactory, with measured linear polarization rates of more than 98% (83%) in the vertical (horizontal) linear polarization mode and an average 92.1% (95.2%) circular polarization rate for the right- (left)-handed circular polarization mode, which, to our knowledge, are the highest reported values in the VUV range. Despite some uneven photon energy efficiency, the OPHELIE crossed undulator behaves as expected in terms of polarization, permitting full control of the emitted polarization by manipulation of the vertical-to-horizontal magnetic field ratio (rho(und)) and the relative longitudinal phase (phi(und)).  相似文献   

The extraordinary properties of SR have opened up new horizons for all techniques which use vacuum ultraviolet light and X-rays. In this article, some applications of SR in materials science have been discussed. X-ray absorption spectroscopy is a local, atom specific probe of the geometrical and electronic structure of the absorbing species. As an example, the lattice site location and the valence of Co in a doped high-Tc, superconductor YBa2Cu2–5Co0–5O7–4 has been discussed.  相似文献   

Using a fully classical model, we have studied sequential double ionization of argon driven by elliptically polarized laser pulses at intensities well in the over-barrier ionization region. The results show that the joint electron momentum distributions in the minor elliptical direction depend strongly on the pulse duration. From pulse number N = 4 to 10, the clustering regions of the joint electron momentum increase with the pulse duration. For even larger pulse durations, the clustering region does not increase further but the population of the joint electron momentum in these regions changes with the pulse duration. Back analysis of double ionization trajectories shows the phenomenon of multiple ionization bursts and the pulse duration-dependent multiple ionization bursts of the second electron is responsible for the evolution of the joint electron momentum distribution with the pulse duration.  相似文献   

Residual stresses were determined in particle-reinforced ceramic composites using synchrotron based x-ray diffraction. The baseline Si3N4 and the Si3N4-TiN composites were processed by turbomilling, pressure casting, and isopressing. They were then continuously sintered to full density, under a pressureless, flowing nitrogen atmosphere. The flexural strength, fracture toughness, and residual stress were measured for as-machined samples and following quenching in water from 1000°C, 1100°C, and 1200°C. The residual stresses for both the baseline Si3N4 and the Si3N4-TiN composites were determined from the (441) and (531) reflections, by applying the 2-sin2 method. The measured residual stresses were compared with the flexural strength and fracture toughness results to determine the effects of residual stress and thermal shocking on the mechanical properties of each material. In both the baseline Si3N4 and Si3N4-TiN composites, after thermal shocking, the compressive residual stresses were developed in directions both parallel and perpendicular to the sample surface. The residual compressive stresses for the Si3N4-TiN composites were much higher than the baseline Si3N4. As a result, both fracture toughness and flexural strength of the Si3N4-TiN composites were improved. In addition, the addition of the TiN appears to improve both the strength and toughness of the baseline Si3N4.  相似文献   

Photoionization studies of free atoms and molecules have undergone considerable development in the past decade, in large part due to the use of synchrotron radiation. The tunability of synchrotron radiation has permitted the study of photoionization processes near valence- and core-level ionization thresholds for atoms and molecules throughout the Periodic Table. A general illustration of these types of study will be presented, with emphasis on a few of the more promising new directions in atomic and molecular physics being pursued with synchrotron radiation.  相似文献   

In view of finalizing the design of the vacuum system of the Large Electron and Positron Storage Ring (LEP) we have studied synchrotron radiation induced neutral gas desorption. A 3 m section of an aluminum vacuum chamber has been exposed to the photon beam emerging from the electron storage ring DCI in Orsay, under conditions closely simulating the environment in a particle acceletor. In order of importance the gases desorbed were H2, CO2, CO and CH4 with H2O practically absent. Under the experimental conditions of an unbaked chamber and 11 mrad glancing incidence of the photons, the initial molecular desorption yields for these gases were typically 0.5, 8 × 10?2, 2 × 10?2 and 8 × 10?3 molecules per photon respectively. These values could be reduced by about 1 to 2 orders of magnitude during continued photon exposure and most cases without evidence that this ‘beam cleaning action’ would be limited. After exposure to air and pumpdown of the previously cleaned chamber, we observe a significant memory effect. The dependence of the photon desorption on the angle of incidence has been studied down to a glancing angle of 11 mrad showing a definite deviation from the previously assumed 1/sin ø scaling. The implications of the results in terms of the expected beam-gas lifetime in LEP are discussed.  相似文献   

The availability of the neutrons due to photonuclear reactions has been discussed by using synchrotron radiation with the beryllium targets. The superconducting wiggler with the magnetic field of approximately 10 T, which is installed into an 8 GeV class storage ring, can emit intense and high-energy photons to produce neutrons. By using MCNPX, the simulations were performed for the conceptual design of the neutron beamline to estimate the available intensity and to investigate the shield conditions. The results were discussed in comparison with other research reactors.  相似文献   

With a classical ensemble model, we investigated non-sequential double ionization (NSDI) of argon by elliptically polarized laser pulses. The results show that the correlation behaviors of two electrons depend strongly on the laser intensity. At relatively high laser intensity, the momentum spectra of two electrons along the long axis of the laser polarization plane are mainly distributed in the first and third quadrants and display V-like structures. However, at relatively low laser intensity, the momentum spectra of two electrons are mainly distributed in the second and fourth quadrants. By back analyzing the classical trajectories of NSDI, we find that all of the successful NSDI events still come from recollision in the cases of elliptically polarized laser pulses, and the final-state electron repulsion plays a decisive role for the V-like structure along the long axis of the laser polarization plane. In addition, we find that the initial velocity of the first electron at ionization along the short axis of the laser polarization plane are essential for the recollision, and the time delay between the first ionization and recollision depends on the ellipticity strongly.  相似文献   


We demonstrate the control of spontaneous emission from a five-level atom embedded in a modified reservoir under the action of a single control beam with elliptical polarization. For different initial-state preparations, we take into account the influence of the phase difference between the two circularly polarized components of the control beam on the behavior of spontaneous emission. For the ground initial states, the spontaneous emission spectrum usually shows ultranarrow central lines which are greatly enhanced. In contrast, for the excited initial states, these enhanced ultranarrow lines are significantly suppressed due to the destructive quantum interference. Furthermore, our numerical simulations indicate that the multipeak structure appears in the presence of the elliptically polarized control beam and external magnetic field. Such a scheme for controlling spontaneous emission may find applications in high-precision spectroscopy.  相似文献   

An investigation of the possibility of reconstructing a three-dimensional object on a microscopic scale using the planar-integral technique with a synchrotron radiation source is presented. It is shown that the proposed planar-integral technique offers a realistic approach for 3-D tomography on a microscopic scale aimed towards spatial resolution within the μm range.  相似文献   

We designed a reflectometer for grazing-incidence X-ray measurements with a rotational feedthrough consisting of three welded bellows and a circle-type goniometer. This apparatus does not require differential pumping and is suitable for ultra-high-vacuum applications. With this reflectometer, we successfully performed high-precision synchrotron radiation X-ray reflectivity measurements on a thin iron-film under an ultra-high-vacuum condition.  相似文献   

Focusing of the synchrotron radiation from a storage ring using a convex lens is geometrically analysed and tested. The source radiation is supposed to have a bivariate normal distribution in its phase space both vertically and horizontally. Its modification caused by a lens is calculated as a function of distances among the source, the lens and the image plane. It is shown that the horizontal image becomes sharpest when the source is focused on the image plane. The vertical image, however, is not sharpest under this condition. The vertical distribution has more information than the horizontal; we can derive the orbit dependence of the vertical profile and the angle distribution of the radiation changing focusing.  相似文献   

Ten years ago, an elliptically polarized undulator (EPU) with a periodic length of 56?mm was constructed at the Taiwan Light Source. It was the longest EPU at that time. An electron beam of energy 1.5?GeV and current 300?mA passes through the undulator gap and radiates variously polarized light in the soft X-ray spectral domain. This EPU was extensively used in a wide range of research fields, including inelastic scattering, spin-polarized photoemission spectroscopy, photoelectron emission microscopy, and soft X-ray scattering. In response to increased demand by users with differing experimental requirements and applications, the construction of an EPU with a period of length 46?mm is under way. This investigation describes many aspects of the magnetic design, the structural engineering, and the control system. As magnetic technology is undergoing dramatic advances, advanced mechanical devices, and mechanisms have been included in the new EPU design; this design and its differences from the earlier design are summarized here.  相似文献   

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