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CaLaBaCu3O7–y (CLBCO) is a high T c superconductor with unique tetragonal structure and cross-cationic substitution sites. In this paper, we present our study on the BaO—CuO—CLBCO phase diagram and its application to the crystal growth of CLBCO. The eutectic composition of BaO—CuO system is confirmed by the improved thermogravimetric analysis ITGA and is used for the crystal growth as a self-flux system. A pseudo-phase diagram of CLBCO—eutectic flux system is established by differential thermal analysis DTA which enables the selection of a suitable starting composition and temperature program for the crystal growth. We explore the relation between crystal growth, cell parameters and the main superconducting transition temperatures T c. The T c of CLBCO crystals depends strongly on the Ca/La ratio in the starting materials. As for YBa2Cu3O7–y YBCO, a small amount of BaF2 additive greatly increases the main transition temperature of CLBCO crystals. This can be understood by the cluster model we proposed previously for YBCO crystal growth. Based on the research on the phase diagram, crystal growth and the superconductivity, high T c crystals of CLBCO with size up to 6.5 × 6.5 × 0.43 have been grown from the eutectic self-flux system with BaF2 as additive. T c was determined by an a.c. susceptibility measurement, which shows the main transition temperature up to 60 K for the as-grown crystals. After annealing in flowing oxygen at 600 to 400 °C for two days, T c increased to 73 K.  相似文献   

The formation of oxide phases in the system (1 -x) Fe2O3 +xGd2O3 was investigated for 0 x 1. On the basis of XRD measurements the distribution of oxide phases, -Fe2O3, Gd3Fe5O12, GdFeO3 and Gd2O3 was determined, as a function ofx. No solid solutions were observed with certainty even at the very ends of the concentration range. This was also confirmed by57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy. New accurate crystallographic data for Gd3Fe5O12 are given. The formation of oxide phases in the system Fe2O3- Gd2O3 is compared with the data for analogous system Fe2O3-Eu2O3.  相似文献   

Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) measurements at various temperatures are reported for Gd0.02Y0.98Ba2Cu3O7– single crystals, before annealing (superconducting sample) and after annealing (nonsuperconducting). A resolved fine structure from Gd3+ is observed below 100 K, in annealed samples only; at high temperatures and before annealing, the EPR lines coalesce into a single narrowed line, with geff=2.05±0.01, which is attributed to the effect of the Gd3+-conduction electrons coupling (Plefka–Barnes mechanism). The superconducting phase is characterized by an important field dependence of the base line just below TC, and by the appearance of the noise on the spectrum.  相似文献   

YBa2Cu3O7–/(Y1–xPrx)Ba2Cu3O7– multilayers have been used to probe coupling through (Y1–x:Prx)Ba2Cu3O7– alloys. We observe that the coupling between ultrathin YBa2Cu3O7– layers, 12 or 24 Å thick, survives through several hundred Å of (Y1–xPrx)Ba2Cu3O7– with x=0.4 and 0.55. Tc versus the thickness of the spacer-alloy, and activation energies for flux motion, with fields parallel and perpendicular to the c-axis, have been used to probe this long range coupling. All these experiments point to an unusually large coupling length for these two alloy compositions. In the x=0.55 case this result is particularly surprising since the alloy material display a semiconducting behaviour for this composition. Tc measurements, activation energies, and a study of the vortex dynamics in these coupled multilayers is presented along with new results obtained on a series of multilayers built with a more insulating alloy, x=0.7.  相似文献   

In this study, the superconducting Nd(Ba,Nd)2.1Cu3O7?δ system has been prepared using conventional solid-state reaction technique. Transport properties including structural/microstructural evolution, electrical, magnetic and critical current density properties were investigated. After high temperature heat treatments at over 1,000 °C, large and strongly connected grains were obtained but weakly connected and small in size granular formation were obtained for the low temperature heat treated samples at around 900 °C. The best T c and T 0 values were obtained as 93 and 89 K respectively for the sample prepared at 1,020 °C for 24 h, which is very close to peritectic temperature of YBCO material. Magnetization of the sample heat treated at 1,020 °C was investigated in detail. The magnetization hysteresis loops are expounded to be the product of Nd-123 grains and unscreened Nd3+ ions within intergranular boundaries and vortex cores. The peak effect on the magnetization curves was described by the extended critical state model. Temperature dependencies of the irreversibility field, the peak field and the full penetration field correlate and there is scaling behavior of the pinning force as well. Thermoelectric power data was analyzed by “Modified two band model with linear T-term for superconductors”. Temperature dependence of thermal conductivity of the samples showed small peak with broad maximum just below the T c value. Thermal conductivity of samples prepared was calculated by using “The Modified Callaway Model and Wiedermann–Franz law” and results obtained discussed.  相似文献   

Measurements of electrical resistivity. X-ray diffraction patterns, magnetic susceptibility and thermoelectric power of the Er1-x Pr x Ba2Cu3O7- system have been made. The superconducting transition temperature was found to decrease monotonically with praseodymium concentration, x. From the susceptibility data, it was determined that the valence of praseodymium lies between +3 and +4. The thermoelectric power was found to increase with x, and the slopes of dS/dT were negative except for the case x= 0. The. tendency of the thermopower to change with increasing praseodymium concentration has been qualitatively explained using the theory for strongly correlated systems.  相似文献   

The Y3+/Ho3+, Y3+/Dy3+, and Dy3+/Ho3+ interdiffusion coefficients in the YBa2Cu3O7 ? δ-HoBa2Cu3O7 ? δ, YBa2Cu3O7 ? δ-DyBa2Cu3O7 ? δ, and DyBa2Cu3O7 ? δ-HoBa2Cu3O7 ? δ systems have been determined in air at a temperature of 1233 K by the Boltzmann-Matano method from the yttrium/holmium, yttrium/dysprosium, and dysprosium/holmium concentration profiles across the diffusion zone between two pellets of the high-T c superconductors. The composition dependences of the interdiffusion coefficients in the solid-solution systems are presented.  相似文献   

Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of samples with partial substitution of Nd for Y in YBa2Cu4O8 are considered. The samples with nominal composition Y1−xNdxBa2Cu4O8 (x=0.0–0.75) were prepared using a solid state conversion reaction from Y1−xNdxBa2Cu3O7−δ and CuO using LiF as a flux. The annealing was performed at 790°C in a flowing oxygen atmosphere. The products with x=0.0–0.5 showed thermal stability up to 660°C in N2(g) atmosphere revealing a single phase composition. The success of the synthesis is considered in relation to the effective ionic size of the Nd3+ ion. The crystal structures of the compounds are described on the basis of powder neutron diffraction measurements. The Tc values of the Nd substituted samples were noticeably lower than for the pristine YBa2Cu4O8. Possible reasons for the decrease in Tc are discussed on the basis of calculated values for hole concentrations in the Cu–O2 planes obtained via the BVS (bond valence sum) method, and on the basis of some Nd3+ ions being introduced at Ba2+ ion sites in the lattice.  相似文献   

A synthesis of neodymium-substituted YBCO superconductor Nd x Y1?x Ba2Cu3O7?δ (x=0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1) has been done using a dissolved method in order to obtain homogeneous crystals and higher critical current density. The effects of the substitutions on the structural and magnetic properties of the superconductors after sintering at 970 °C have been examined. Crystallinity of the synthesized powders was confirmed using X-ray and high-resolution neutron diffraction (XRD and HRPD) techniques. Rietveld analyses for both diffraction data sets gave increasing lattice parameters with addition of Nd content and decreasing orthorhombicity. Such addition also caused a decrease in occupancy of the oxygen in the O(4) site. Further investigation using SQUID showed critical temperature of the superconductors between 90.9 and 92.0 K. The critical current density (J c ) was calculated from the magnetic hysteretic loop at 5 K as 40 kA?cm?2 for Nd0.25Y0.75Ba2Cu3O7?δ sample and 100 kA?cm?2 for Nd0.5Y0.5Ba2Cu3O7?δ sample. We also found that increasing Nd content on the Nd x Y1?x Ba2Cu3O7?δ superconductor samples can improve their resilience of superconductivity and critical current density.  相似文献   

Polycrystalline samples of Y0.6Gd0.4Ba2?x Nb x Cu3O7?δ and Y0.6Gd0.4Ba2Cu3?x Nb x O7?δ with different Nb contents (x=0.025, 0.075, 0.125, 0.175 and 0.225) were prepared using the solid state reaction method. Structural and electrical properties of new compounds were investigated with optical microscope, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Four Point Probe (FPP). The results indicated that Nb constituted YBa2NbO6 structure instead of substituting to the Y0.6Gd0.4Ba2Cu3O7?δ structure. YBa2NbO6 structures gathered between grains. Transition temperature did not change significantly, but critical current (J c) values decreased with increase of Nb concentration. The underlying reason is that the oxygen concentration of compounds remained unchanged due to Gd; thus, T c values did not change significantly.  相似文献   

《Materials Research Bulletin》1986,21(11):1343-1349
The phase relations of ZrO2Y2O3Nd2O3 and ZrO2Y2O3CeO2 systems have been studied at 1100–1600°C. The single region of the fluorite phase was intensively examined using the relation between lattice parameter and composition. In the ZrO2Y2O3Nd2O3 system, 37 mol% Nd2O3 is soluble in Y2O3-stabilized zirconia (fluorite phase) at 1100°C and 42 mol% Nd2O3 at 1600°C. In the ZrO2Y2O3CeO2 system, 40 mol% CeO2 dissolves into the stabilized zirconia at 1600°C.  相似文献   

The orthorhombic structure of compounds of the YBa2Cu3O7−δ compositions was studied and the long-range order parameter of oxygen atoms in the basal plane of the crystal lattice was determined. It is established that the critical temperature T c is more sensitive to changes in the order parameter than in the (7−δ) value.  相似文献   

Rare earth zirconates (Ln2Zr2O7, Ln = La, Nd, Sm, and Gd) with pyrochlore structure were prepared by hydrothermal method with polyethylene glycol as surfactant. X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis/differential scanning calorimetry, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and field emission scanning electron microscopy were utilized to characterize the phase structure, thermal decomposition, and morphology of the products. Qualitative analysis indicates that the as-prepared zirconates are pyrochlore-type structures. The specific surface area, lattice parameter, and average crystallite size of the as-prepared products are closely related to the ionic radius. The activation energy of crystal growth shows an increasing trend with the decrease in ionic radii. The sintering behavior of compacted body was also investigated, revealing that the sintering-resistance properties of Ln2Zr2O7 are descending as the order of La2Zr2O7, Nd2Zr2O7, Sm2Zr2O7, and Gd2Zr2O7.  相似文献   

It is found that the samples of x=0.25 and 0.5 in the series samples of Y1?x Pr x Ba2Cu3O7?δ demonstrate some anomalous behavior. First, the changes of T c value of them are a bit different from their neighbor samples. Second, under a small magnetic field, i.e. 5–100 Oe, a little rise in the T c value with the rise of the field is observed. The anomalous behavior is primitively explained by the local structure changes and the magnetic properties. It is attributed to local structural changes, i.e. the chemical bonds in the Cu–O2 plane.  相似文献   

《Materials Research Bulletin》1987,22(8):1159-1163
Oxygen atoms in the middle CuO layer of YBa2Cu3O7 consisting of strings of corner-connected (CuO4) units are shown to be crucial for superconductivity. Importance of hole-hole pairing giving rise to OO bonds is also indicated.  相似文献   

《Materials Letters》1988,6(10):331-335
The cation concentration ratio in the individual grains (1 to 25 μm) of four Y1Ba2Cu3O7−z pellets was investiga spectroscopy. A spread in the cation composition was observed even in a sample showing a narrow superconducting transition. The concentrations of Y, Ba and Cu were in the ranges 12–20, 30–35 and 48–53 at%, respectively. It is, therefore, likely that the Y1Ba2Cu3O7−z structure covers a finite area on the YO1.5-BaO-CuO phase diagram.  相似文献   

The compound Sr3Fe2O7–x , with variable iron valence, was investigated by X-ray powder techniques, both at room and at high temperatures. If the material is examined in massive form, a single phase called -Sr3Fe2O7–x appears as previously reported in the literature. This -phase is tetragonal and exhibits the lattice parameters: a=3.874 and c=40.314 Å. Two other phases, called and -Sr3Fe2O7–x , respectively, can be obtained on heating the finely powdered material when laid on a flat platinum support. The form is stable up to 1275° C, while the form is revealed only above 1275° C and changes always into -Sr3Fe2O7–x when quenched. Both and phases are tetragonal, with a=4.001 and c= 58.251 for the form and a=4.013, c=57.092 Å for the form. The transition involves a true phase equilibrium, while the transformation is possible only by means of a suitable mechanical treatment of the material.  相似文献   

Domain growth of bulk partially melted Nd1+xBa2–xCu3O7– in air was found to be severely limited by liquid-phase segregation and losses. The use of a reduced oxygen pressure greatly improved the stoichiometry control, leading to the formation of well-developed domains and enhanced superconducting properties. Direct nucleation of Nd1+xBa2–xCu3O7– from the liquid phase by dissolution of Nd2BaCuO5 and a spiral growth mechanism in three perpendicular directions of the platelets stacked in the domains, are suggested.  相似文献   

At different equilibrium temperatures, a precise measurement of the electrical resistivity (R) is performed for high T c polycrystalline YBa2Cu3O7–y systems. T 2 law is applied in the part of the R-T relationship far above the superconducting transition temperature. Since Landau and Pomeranchuk predicted the T 2 law arising from electron-electron scattering, a higher critical temperature of T 2 law is defined as a start point (T es) of electron-electron scattering. On the other hand, we defined a lower critical temperature of T 2 law as the formation temperature (T ee) of an electron-electron pair, i.e. the formation temperature of boson. T ee relates to the offset temperature of the superconducting transition .  相似文献   

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