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针对聚类无线传感器网络安全的问题,将移动代理技术与分布式入侵检测技术相结合,提出了一种基于移动代理的无线传感器网络分布式入侵检测方案,采用了多个代理模块进行分布式协作,运用一种基于聚类的分布式入侵检测算法,从节点上收集和处理数据,减少网络负载、促进效率平衡,能够满足WSNs的要求和限制。从而达到提高无线传感器网络的安全性、可靠性,降低入侵检测能量消耗的目的。 相似文献
Wireless Mesh Networks is vulnerable to attacks due to the open medium, dynamically changing network topology, cooperative algorithms, lack of centralized monitoring and management point. The raditional way of protecting networks with firewalls and encryption software is no longer sufficient and effective for those features. In this paper, we propose a distributed intrusion detection approach based on timed automata. A cluster-based detection scheme is presented, where periodically a node is elected as the monitor node for a cluster. These monitor nodes can not only make local intrusion detection decisions, but also cooperatively take part in global intrusion detection. And then we construct the Finite State Machine (FSM) by the way of manually abstracting the correct behaviors of the node according to the routing protocol of Dynamic Source Routing (DSR). The monitor nodes can verify every node's behavior by the Finite State Machine (FSM), and validly detect real-time attacks without signatures of intrusion or trained data. Compared with the architecture where each node is its own IDS agent, our approach is much more efficient while maintaining the same level of effectiveness. Finally, we evaluate the intrusion detection method through simulation experiments. 相似文献
范荣真 《微电子学与计算机》2012,29(3):113-116
提出一种局部联系对比搜索算法.通过把节点刷新定位过程,与其相邻的小范围分布网络的均值特征节点做比较,利用局部无线网络节点最优信息,检测异常入侵节点信息,避免了传统集中式方法对全部节点搜索的耗时.实验证明,这种局部联系对比定位算法能够有效利用网络信息,对异常节点实现准确入侵检测,缩短了检测时间. 相似文献
网络入侵检测技术研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
对入侵检测作较全面的综述性介绍,首先从入侵、入侵检测的概念出发,接着介绍入侵检测的分类和入侵检测系统的模型,最入对入侵检测的各种方法进行简要分析。 相似文献
Associativity-Based Routing for Ad Hoc Mobile Networks 总被引:56,自引:0,他引:56
This paper presents a new, simple and bandwidth-efficient distributed routing protocol to support mobile computing in a conference size ad-hoc mobile network environment. Unlike the conventional approaches such as link-state and distance-vector distributed routing algorithms, our protocol does not attempt to consistently maintain routing information in every node. In an ad-hoc mobile network where mobile hosts (MHs) are acting as routers and where routes are made inconsistent by MHs' movement, we employ an associativity-based routing scheme where a route is selected based on nodes having associativity states that imply periods of stability. In this manner, the routes selected are likely to be long-lived and hence there is no need to restart frequently, resulting in higher attainable throughput. Route requests are broadcast on a per need basis. The association property also allows the integration of ad-hoc routing into a BS-oriented Wireless LAN (WLAN) environment, providing the fault tolerance in times of base stations (BSs) failures. To discover shorter routes and to shorten the route recovery time when the association property is violated, the localised-query and quick-abort mechanisms are respectively incorporated into the protocol. To further increase cell capacity and lower transmission power requirements, a dynamic cell size adjustment scheme is introduced. The protocol is free from loops, deadlock and packet duplicates and has scalable memory requirements. Simulation results obtained reveal that shorter and better routes can be discovered during route re-constructions. 相似文献
由于Adhoc网络的独特网络特性,其安全性特别脆弱。在分析了Adhoc网络安全性的基础上,提出了一种聚类算法和人工免疫系统相结合来进行入侵检测的方法。该算法是一种无监督异常检测算法,它具有可扩展性、对输入数据集的顺序不敏感等特性,有处理不同类型数据和噪声数据的能力。实验表明,该算法可以改进Adhoc网络入侵检测的检测率和误检率。 相似文献
Many existing reactive routing algorithms for mobile ad-hoc networks use a simple broadcasting mechanism for route discovery
which can lead to a high redundancy of route-request messages, contention, and collision. Position-based routing algorithms
address this problem but require every node to know the position and velocity of every other node at some point in time so
that route requests can be propagated towards the destination without flooding the entire network. In a general ad-hoc network,
each node maintaining the position information of every other node is expensive or impossible. In this paper, we propose a
routing algorithm that addresses these drawbacks. Our algorithm, based on one-hop neighborhood information, allows each node
to select a subset of its neighbors to forward route requests. This algorithm greatly reduces the number of route-request
packets transmitted in the route-discovery process. We compare the performance of our algorithm with the well known Ad-hoc
On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing algorithm. On average, our algorithm needs less than 12.6% of the routing-control
packets needed by AODV. Simulation results also show that our algorithm has a higher packet-delivery ratio and lower average
end-to-end delay than AODV. 相似文献
分析了移动代理技术具有的智能、平台无关、分布灵活、低数据流量和多代理合作等特点,探讨了移动代理技术应用于入侵检测系统中的优势.在系统设计中利用了移动代理的自主性和移动性弥补了入侵检测系统的缺陷、考虑到移动代理的安全性,提出了一个相关的安全性系统模型、 相似文献
Ad Hoc网络是一种没有固定基础设施、网络拓扑不断变化的新型网络,固有的脆弱性使它容易受到攻击,给Ad Hoc的入侵检测带来更多挑战.文中介绍了入侵检测技术及其分类,并根据Ad Hoc网络自身的特性,总结了已有的适于Ad Hoc网络的新型的入侵检测技术及其特性.最后,提出一种基于簇的分布式入侵检测技术,对其关键技术和工作机制进行分析和阐述. 相似文献
Delphine Nain Noshirwan Petigara Hari Balakrishnan 《Mobile Networks and Applications》2004,9(6):595-604
This paper is motivated by the observation that traditional ad hoc routing protocols are not an adequate solution for messaging applications (e.g., e-mail) in mobile ad hoc networks. Routing in ad hoc mobile networks is challenging mainly because of node mobility – the more rapid the rate of movement, the greater the fraction of bad routes and undelivered messages. For applications that can tolerate delays beyond conventional forwarding delays, we advocate a relay-based approach to be used in conjunction with traditional ad hoc routing protocols. This approach takes advantage of node mobility to disseminate messages to mobile nodes. The result is the Mobile Relay Protocol (MRP), which integrates message routing and storage in the network; the basic idea is that if a route to a destination is unavailable, a node performs a controlled local broadcast (a relay) to its immediate neighbors. In a network with sufficient mobility – precisely the situation when conventional routes are likely to be non-existent or broken – it is quite likely that one of the relay nodes to which the packet has been relayed will encounter a node that has a valid, short (conventional) route to the eventual destination, thereby increasing the likelihood that the message will be successfully delivered. Our simulation results under a variety of node movement models demonstrate that this idea can work well for applications that prefer reliability over latency. 相似文献
基于信誉度的移动自组网入侵检测分簇算法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对已有基于路由的分簇算法,不适用于移动自组网入侵检测的特性要求,文中提出了一种基于信誉度的入侵检测分簇算法(CIDS).该算法从簇结构安全、稳定的角度出发,采用信誉度的概念对网络节点属性进行数学抽象,定义了节点信誉度的数学表达式,选择综合信誉度高的节点收集网络教据、检测网络行为.为移动自组网入侵检测系统提供了稳定、安全的支持. 相似文献
简要介绍了入侵检测系统和移动代理技术,在分析现有的入侵检测系统的基础上,提出了对基于移代理的分布式入侵检测系统的模型的分析与设计。 相似文献
无线移动通信中传输的数据密度持续增长对无线Mesh网络的系统性能提出了挑战。在无线自组织网络中,由于存在随着节点数目的增加而平均节点容量逐步降低的规律,因此无线Mesh网络的大规模组网难以实施。无线Mesh网络可扩展性对于增强无线Mesh网络的自适应组网能力至关重要,因此,文章对在Mesh基站和Mesh移动台上采用的与可扩展性相关的关键技术,如信道分配技术、智能路由技术、多天线技术、节点分类和QoS分级技术、协作传输技术等,进行了探讨。 相似文献