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吴卉 《福建建筑》2008,(9):23-24
古代建筑、近代建筑、历史建筑和文物建筑是相近并容易混淆的几个概念,它们之间相互交叉但又相互区别,具有不同的内涵、外延和价值性,对它们的正确认识对在当今城市建设和历史文化名城的开发和保护利用有重要意义。  相似文献   

文章研究了1989至2003年间墨尔本港区规划话语在形式与内容上的基本变化。这一变化代表着与"常规范式"的一种根本上的背离。文章运用德勒兹与瓜塔里的哲学思想,解释了这些变化,表明这个规划过程如何从一个以场地、历史与社区为基础的阶段,经历了一个无限制的、无基础的以及梦幻般的"解域化"阶段,转向产生了新的身份与欲望的"再领域化"阶段。文章结尾阐述了,这一分析会对理解城市规划实践、规划与资本和欲望之间的关系、规划中权力的行使、城市研究中的"话语转向"以及德勒兹与瓜塔里的"内在性"优越于"先验性"观点对于规划的适用性等问题带来什么启示。  相似文献   

This article argues that planning would benefit from greater engagement with the work of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. It pays particular attention to their normative political vision, which is a revolutionary agenda that aims at a condition of radical freedom for humans beyond the state and capitalism. The planning literature has only just begun to examine Deleuze and Guattari's work, and so far it has avoided discussion of their normative political vision. I argue that when we confront this vision head-on, it opens up productive existential and normative questions about what planning is and if it should exist at all.  相似文献   

德勒兹非常重视大千世界的共生、化生、装配、链接等问题,其差异哲学蕴含着丰富的生态美学思想,其中地理哲学、生机论与机器论三个维度尤具特色。地理哲学以大地观为核心,强调在内在性的"千高原"平台上充满博弈的力量,人类创造性与物质系统潜力之间的新型耦合能够创造"新大地";生机论美学以尊重多元生命形态与物质存在为旨归,倡导社会文化生态和自然生态的和谐互惠;机器论诗学倡导宇宙万象川流不息的链接与装配,体现出德勒兹"差异与重复"哲思和艺术创新的诗意特征。德勒兹生态美学思想突破传统二元论的思维模式,启迪我们反思当代生态美学与艺术创造的问题。  相似文献   

A three-part series presents the development of models for predicting the local thermal sensation (Part I) and local thermal comfort (Part II) of different parts of the human body, and also the whole-body sensation and comfort (Part III) that result from combinations of local sensation and comfort. The models apply to sedentary activities in a range of environments: uniform and non-uniform, stable and transient. They are based on diverse findings from the literature and from body-part-specific human subject tests in a climate chamber. They were validated against a test of automobile passengers. The series is intended to present the models’ rationale, structure, and coefficients, so that others can test them and develop them further as additional empirical data becomes available.A) The whole-body (overall) sensation model has two forms, depending on whether all of the body's segments have sensations effectively in the same direction (e.g warm or cool), or whether some segments have sensations opposite to those of the rest of the body. For each, individual body parts have different weights for warm versus cool sensations, and strong local sensations dominate the overall sensation. If all sensations are near neutral, the overall sensation is close to the average of all body sensations.B) The overall comfort model also has two forms. Under stable conditions, people evaluate their overall comfort by a complaint-driven process, meaning that when two body parts are strongly uncomfortable, no matter how comfortable the other body parts might be, the overall comfort will be near the discomfort level of the two most uncomfortable parts. When the environmental conditions are transient, or people have control over their environments, overall comfort is better than that of the two most uncomfortable body parts. This can be accounted for by adding the most comfortable vote to the two most uncomfortable ones.  相似文献   

What is the estrangement of architecture? The concept has been incessantly mentioned by academics while there seems to be a lack of discussion systematically sorting out the significance, influence,and origins of estrangement asanarchitectural concept. Thiswork aims to discern the meaning of estrangement from the beginning and its process of entering the field of architecture. The first part is expected to answer the following questions: what is estrangement’s original meaning in the field of literature and its variantions? The second part determines what estrangement is in architecture and in what form estrangement is represented according to these arguments. The third part points out the difference during this translation fromliterature to architecture and demonstrates the reasonable inference thatmay actually compose the possibleway of applying the estranging technique in architecture.  相似文献   

Architects theorise their work through the practices of writing and drawing, but they largely ignore theorisation of, or through the architectural model. Whilst architectural drawings are often discussed in relation to ideas, architectural models are more likely to be discussed in relation to matter. The division between intellectual and material aspects of architecture can be traced back to the Italian Renaissance when architectural labour became associated with intellectual rather than manual labour. Architectural models have tended to escape theoretical consideration because they have been associated with matter, manual labour and craft, and therefore dissociated from the intellectual.

With reference to mediaeval models of divinity, the paper discusses how the mind was considered superior to matter because it permitted access to the spiritual. Whilst we live in a predominantly secular age where the spiritual dimension itself is suspect, the supremacy of the intellectual is maintained.

With reference to a levitating architectural model constructed by the author, the paper discusses how the strategy of design by making challenges the hierarchy of the intellectual over the material by adopting an embodied approach. Furthermore it examines how the division and dissociation between spiritual and material dimensions might be rethought through the notion of 'ensoulment'.  相似文献   

The relationships between overall thermal sensation, acceptability and comfort were studied experimentally under uniform and non-uniform conditions separately. Thirty subjects participated in the experiment and reported their local thermal sensation of each body part, overall thermal sensation, acceptability and comfort simultaneously. Sensation, acceptability and comfort were found to be correlated closely under uniform conditions and acceptable range ran from neutral to 1.5 (midpoint between ‘Slightly Warm’ and ‘Warm’) on thermal sensation scale and contained all comfortable and slightly uncomfortable votes on thermal comfort scale. Under non-uniform conditions overall thermal acceptability and comfort were correlated closely. However, overall thermal sensation was apart from the other two responses and non-uniformity of thermal sensation was found to be the reason for the breakage. Combining the effects of overall thermal sensation and non-uniformity of thermal sensation, a new thermal acceptability model was proposed and the model was testified to be applicable to uniform and non-uniform conditions over a wide range of whole body thermal state from neutral to warm.  相似文献   

This paper argues the need to widen the discourse of modern architecture through an exploration of modern(ities) in Asia, and posits that modern(ities) of East and West are intertwined. The constructed and contested nature of identities, through the medium of colonial exhibitions, is discussed. Using Japan and India as examples, the paper examines the notion of one, none or many modernities and argues that there are multiple alternative modern(ities) that need to be theorised for different locations. The alternative modernities and their dilemmas are posited as being linked to postcolonial constructions of identities, albeit in different ways and in different Asian contexts. The Asian architect, while being both the product and subject of different types of historical lineages and power constellations, has been a key agent in the manifestations of modernity in different locations.  相似文献   

It was in the 1960s when architects interested in organising the past had sufficient historical perspective to present different narratives for Spanish modern architecture. This paper discusses the writings of Carlos Flores and Juan Daniel Fullaondo, which were fundamental in the revision and reconstruction of the assimilation and evolution of modern architecture in Spain. Flores’s book Arquitectura Española Contemporánea stands out because of its spirited defence of modernity. Recognition of the iconographic value of architectural photography and the use of José Ortega y Gasset’s ‘The idea of the generations’ are the two main characteristics of this book. Whereas Fullaondo, who was in charge of a magazine, Nueva Forma, was a faithful advocate of the critical work of Bruno Zevi. He published different special issues in which he discussed the connection of German expressionism and Italian futurism in Spain, and defended organicism as the most influential tendency in Spanish architecture in the 1960s. This paper relates the main ideas of these authors with previous writings that began analysing modern buildings erected on Spanish soil, and with other remarkable books also published in the 1960s, such as those of Cesar Ortiz-Echagüe, Lluís Domènech and Oriol Bohigas. All in all, they established the principles of Spanish modern historiography, and influenced European magazines that were starting to pay attention to Spanish architecture by publishing special issues, such as the Swiss Werk or the Italian Zodiac.  相似文献   

This article explores the post-construction history of the Singapore Flyer observation wheel as an experiential symbol of Singaporean modernity. Using an interdisciplinary intersection of history, theory, interpretation and photography (specially commissioned from the Singaporean photographer Christopher Cheng), the Flyer is disclosed as a mobile architecture by which the visitor is prompted to consider their position in relation to the wheel itself, to Singapore, and to the wider world. The ideas of Henri Bergson in particular are used as a speculative tool.  相似文献   

杨嘉丽  龙志飞  王锐 《山西建筑》2010,36(14):31-32
以2008年北京奥运会场馆建设和使用为出发点,提出了现代体育建筑功能性、时效性等诸多独特的建筑个性,归纳了体育建筑的功能演化过程,体育建筑的文化、生态、科技内涵,阐述了体育建筑的特性、功能、内涵之间的关系。  相似文献   

A three-part series presents the development of models for predicting the local thermal sensation (Part I) and local comfort (Part II) of different parts of the human body, and also the whole-body sensation and comfort responses (Part III). The models predict these subjective responses to the environment from thermophysiological measurements or predictions (skin and core temperatures). The models apply to a range of environments: uniform and non-uniform, transient and stable. They are based on diverse results from the literature and from body part-specific human subject tests in a climate chamber. They were validated against a test of passengers in automobiles. This series is intended to present the rationale, structure, and coefficients for these models so that others can test and develop them further as additional empirical data becomes available. The experimental methods and some measured results from the climate chamber tests have been published previously.Part I describes thermal sensation models representing 19 individual local body parts. The models' structure and coefficients were derived by regression of skin and core temperatures against thermal sensation votes obtained in the chamber experiments. The sensation for each local body part is predicted by a logistic function with four inputs: local skin temperature, mean-skin temperature presenting the whole-body thermal state, and the time derivatives of skin and core temperatures representing the response to transients. These inputs can be obtained from thermophysiological computer programs that treat the body as multiple segments.  相似文献   

极繁主义的代表“巴洛克”和“洛可可”风格:极简主义:在德国由格罗皮乌斯提出。建筑存在的悠久历史使之成为宇宙之中最多样的文化,也是艺术的引导者——创造依据与依赖物质实体。当东方的文明远远领先世界文明之列的时候.它所依据的物质实体却在时间的流逝中慢慢腐朽,但这依然不影响东方世界的发展。  相似文献   

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