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江南水乡,太湖之畔,风景秀美,环境宜人.村村都有小河穿过,舟楫往来,头戴斗笠的船夫有节奏地摇着橹,轻击水面的声音,伴着时而浙浙沥沥的小雨滴洒在水面上,鸣奏着水乡动人的乐曲.放眼望去,雾蒙蒙,雨蒙蒙,不远处谁家老宅,飘出缕缕炊烟,翠绿竹林中,鸟语传情,霭霭云烟,依依墟村,好一幅醉人的水墨画卷!  相似文献   

饮酒,不宜在烦恼时,烦恼时易醉。林冲雪夜上梁山,几杯浊酒,就醉倒在雪地里,大雪飘飘,盖了一身,险些冻死。饮酒,不宜在乡愁来袭时。一个人,走向远方,走在异地,把所有的思念,包括故乡的习俗,故乡的声音,还有故乡人的相貌样子,都压在心的深层,不去想它。可是,三杯两盏,怎抵得乡愁偷袭。这时,故乡的山歌,故乡的人  相似文献   

奥普拉·温弗瑞的生平简直就是一部美国版的励志电影,单亲家庭,复杂性关系,少女母亲,到黑人防火小姐,新闻主持艾美奖获得者,具有世界上最庞大与广泛的听众群,抵达世界最知名的天后主持,拥有个人资产超过十亿美元。她的这部电影跌宕起伏,充满了恶作剧似的戏剧性。刚开始调子悲凉,慢慢地,渐入佳境,色彩明亮,曲调也欢快。仿佛有一双巨大的命运之手,先磨砺她,尔后塑造她,将她推向成功的制高点。  相似文献   

天凉下来的时候,情绪低落的时候,味蕾平淡的时候,苍茫大地饥肠辘辘的时候,想吃什么?白粥不是,米饭不是,馄饨差强人意,对啦,一碗面,一碗色香味俱全的面是最好的。即便一碗普通的鸡蛋青菜面,  相似文献   

生命本是一场漂泊的漫旅,走过的每一个地方,遇到的每一个人,也许都将成为驿站,成为过客。总是喜欢追忆,喜欢回顾,喜欢眷恋。却发现,曾经以为念念不忘的事情,就在我们念念不忘的过程中,已慢慢淡忘……对于曾经的驿站,只能剪辑,不能驻足,对于曾经的过客,  相似文献   

四毛 《美食》2013,(1):113-113
上大学时,离家比较远,有一颗日寸常饥饿着,非朝思暮想的家乡食物不可喂饱的心。南师大宿舍四人一住,我们一个扬州的,两个山西的,我是陕西的。不管哪一个从外面带回来什么吃的,零食店散称的锅巴,路边蛋糕店的点心,油炸的馓子,干脆面,大白兔……三个白吃的人都会异口同声说好吃啊。其实这些吃食谁在家的时候稀罕过呐,但在宿舍吃,因为一颗“饥饿”的心,就好吃了。吃的人高兴,带吃的回来的人更高兴。这还不说明事儿,再说。当时我背着阿姨悄悄地买了小电饭锅和面包机,爱捣鼓,尤其在动手做上,很有年轻人性情,做起来创新不断,吃起来大胆无畏。记得我学做面包那会,没控制好时间面发过了,冒酸气,那往里面加点碱吧,结果手一抖,碱也过了,加了个鸡蛋,又搅合搅合,嘿!整个成一绿色的面疙瘩了,还挺翠绿的那种。搅合好了,那烤吧,烤出来,哗!哪有面包长那个样子的,就一绿色大馒头,说是馒头我看那也是馒头界里的绿巨人,颜色外形实在不算正常。尝尝呗,四人一人一块,咬了一点点,碱味十足,当下我就吐出来了,自己做的自己就先嫌弃的不行,一抬头再看那三位,好嘛,手里的吃的干干净净,虽有碱味,但还夸好吃,夸颜色有新意,还要吃!  相似文献   

近20年来,中国的珠宝首饰业得到了前所未有的发展,产值从1个亿发展到1 200亿元,从业人员从2万人发展到200万人。珠宝业的快速发展和市场的激烈竞争,使企业对珠宝专业学生的综合素质有了更高的要求。首先,要具有正确的人生观,思想品德素质好,诚实守信,吃苦耐劳,踏实肯干,放得下架子,善于合作,乐意从基层干起;第二,具有良好的知识结构,既有较丰富的专业知识,又有相关的营销管理知识,既有较高的设计水平,又有较强的动手能力、社交能力和熟练的外语及计算机能力;第三,具有良好的心理素质及身体素质,在面对各种压力和环境变化时,能正确地调整自我…  相似文献   

小包装分割肉是现代肉类产品销售的一种新形式,近年来在我国各地相继生产,由于它具有规格准确,方便群众,肉品卫生,有利于保证质量,维护消费者的利益,深受广大群众的欢迎。目前,各地生产的小包装分割肉多系结冻冷藏,出厂时的肉温一般在-10℃以下,但在天气炎热的季节,消费者购买后,如放置不好或时间稍长,容易变质,产生异味。  相似文献   

晓新 《食品指南》2013,(9):28-34
“这里有水晶晶的水,水晶晶的太空,水晶晶的日月,水晶晶的星辰,水晶晶的朝云,水晶晶的暮雨,水晶晶的田野,水晶晶的寺院,水晶晶的宝塔,水晶晶的天主堂,水晶晶的耶稣堂,水晶晶的水风车,水晶晶的水车,水晶晶的池塘,  相似文献   

郭哲 《中国宝玉石》2012,(Z1):84-85
四季轻语 轻轻的,你来了,邂逅在春日的阳光里,为我捎来了一束鲜花. 轻轻的,你来了,奔跑在夏日的海滩上,为我绽放着爱的热情. 轻轻的,你来了,漫步在秋日的斜阳中,为我谱写惬意的未来. 轻轻的,你来了,踩踏在冬日的雪地上,为我收集漫天的雪花. 那轻轻的脚步,原来是你穿过四季来到我的身旁;那甜蜜的问候,原来是你轻轻地在我耳边诉说.我等待已久,从未如此坚定,原来你就是我一直寻觅的那个人. 人生总会在不经意间邂逅早已注定的缘分,匆匆擦肩而过却依然记忆清晰.距离在微妙间发出了爱的信号,也许是一个转身,也许是一个微笑,也许是一次善意的碰撞.顷刻间,你我已被彼此吸引,深深陷入这场邂逅,一生难忘.从此,我们开始了一段满载浪漫耳语旅程,在心底守护彼此.  相似文献   

The main objectives of the experiment were: 1) to compare bacterial populations of mastitis-causing organisms on the teats of lactating dairy cattle housed on sand and sawdust bedding and, 2) to examine the relationship between bacterial counts present in the 2 bedding types with those on teat ends. Sixteen lactating Holstein cows were housed on either sand or sawdust-bedded free stalls using a crossover design with 3 wk per bedding type. Bedding samples were collected on d 0 (prior to animals lying on the bedding), 1, 2, and 6. Teat ends were sampled prior to the morning milking on d 1, 2, and 6. All samples were analyzed to determine coliform, Klebsiella spp., and Streptococcus spp. populations. There were 2 times more coliforms and 6 times more Klebsiella bacteria on teat ends of cows housed on sawdust compared with those housed on sand. In contrast, there were 10 times more Streptococcus spp. bacteria on teat ends of cows when housed on sand compared with sawdust. In both sawdust and sand bedding, coliforms, Klebsiella and Streptococcus counts increased over each experimental week, although patterns varied with bedding and bacteria type. Bacterial counts on teat ends were correlated with bacterial counts in sawdust (r = 0.47, 0.69, and 0.60 for coliforms, Klebsiella spp., and streptococci, respectively) and in sand (r = 0.35 for coliforms and r = 0.40 for Klebsiella spp.). In conclusion, coliforms and Klebsiella spp. on teat ends were more numerous when cows were housed on sawdust bedding, but Streptococcus spp. were more numerous on teat ends of cows housed on sand.  相似文献   

假性棉结初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
熊军 《棉纺织技术》2000,28(12):21-23
通过对织物上假性棉结形成原因,分布状况控制措施进行初步探讨,指出假性棉结对斜卡类织物的布面风格有较大影响,其形成原因是经纱与机件反复磨擦,改变了浮游纤维分布状态所致,在布面上的出现规律是斜卡类、经面锻纹类大于类织物;纯棉织物大于涤棉混纺织物,控制好因磨擦产生的毛羽增加率,合理配置工艺及维持适宜的温湿度,假性棉结可以得到有效控制。  相似文献   

沈锡伟 《饮料工业》2004,7(6):45-48
对饮料主剂生产的质量控制,例如进料控制、过程控制、成品控制、不合格品控制以及产品标识和可追溯性控制等进行了论述。  相似文献   

为了提高对番茄表面农药残留量的准确检测能力,提出一种基于视觉图像识别的番茄表面农药残留量无损检测方法。采用激光成像技术进行番茄表面农药残留区域视觉图像采集,对采集的番茄表面图像进行农药残留量的光谱特征分析,提取番茄表面农药残留区域的边缘轮廓特征,根据特征提取结果进行番茄表面农药残留区域视觉图像重构,在重构的区域图像中采用分块匹配技术进行番茄表面农药残留量区域分割,结合自适应分块特征匹配方法实现番茄表面农药残留量检测识别。仿真结果表明,采用该方法进行番茄表面农药残留量的无损性较好,输出图像的信息饱和度较高,提高了对番茄表面农药残留量的准确检测能力,在番茄病虫害防治和农药的去除等方面具有很好的应用价值。  相似文献   

陈秀芳  胡云鹤 《丝绸》2020,57(4):40-45
以扎染技艺、蜡染技艺和蓝印花布印染技艺为研究对象,基于百度搜索指数分析公众对传统印染技艺的关注度。通过Holt-Winters模型进行序列分解,分析公众关注度的变化趋势和周期特点。结果表明:公众对扎染关注度逐年上升,对蜡染关注度在波动上升后几乎维持不变,对蓝印花布关注度在缓慢上升后有所下降,三者以年为周期波动的规律明显。SARIMA模型对三个序列的预测结果表明:扎染的公众关注度将持续增长,蜡染关注度将基本维持在原有水平,蓝印花布关注度将略有下降。文章从国家政策、人群分布、工艺特点等方面对两种模型所得结论进行解释分析,并给出合理化建议。  相似文献   

Mobilization and deposition in cows are different strategies of metabolism; hence, the aim was to study the possibility of reducing the crude protein (CP) supply during deposition to limit the use of protein supplements and minimize the environmental impact. A total of 61 Jersey and 107 Holstein cows were assigned to 4 mixed rations in a 2 × 2 factorial design with 2 concentrate to forage ratios (CFR) and 2 CP levels: high CFR (40:60) and recommended CP [16% of dry matter (DM); HCFR-RP], high CFR (40:60) and low CP (14% of DM; HCFR-LP), low CFR (30:70) and recommended CP (16% of DM; LCFR-RP), and low CFR (30:70) and low CP (14% of DM; LCFR-LP), where RP met the Danish recommendations. Cows were fed concentrate in an automatic milking unit. After calving, cows were fed HCFR-RP until entering deposition, defined as 11 kg (Jersey) or 15 kg (Holstein) of weight gain from the lowest weight after calving. Subsequently, cows either remained on HCFR-RP or changed to one of the other mixed rations. Comparing strategies during wk 9 to 30 of lactation showed higher dry matter intake (DMI) of mixed ration on HCFR compared with LCFR and on RP compared with LP. The DMI of the concentrate was higher on LCFR than on HCFR and higher on LP than on RP, resulting in overall higher DMI on HCFR and RP than on LCFR and LP. Crude protein intakes were higher on RP than on LP and starch intakes were higher on HCFR than on LCFR. Intakes of neutral detergent fiber tended to be higher on LCFR than on HCFR. Intakes of net energy for lactation were affected by CFR and CP level, with a higher intake on HCFR and RP than on LCFR and LP. No interactions were found between CFR and CP level for any feed intake variables. Yields of milk and energy-corrected milk were higher on RP than on LP, with no difference in yield persistency after the ration change. Milk composition did not differ among strategies but the protein to fat ratio was higher on HCFR than on LCFR and tended to be lower on RP than on LP. Differences in fatty acid composition were small, and de novo synthesis was high (>60%). Energy efficiency was higher on LCFR than on HCFR and no interaction with breed or parity was found. The N efficiency was higher on LP than RP, but with an interaction with breed due to lower N efficiency in Jersey than Holstein cows on HCFR-RP but higher N efficiency in Jersey than Holstein on LCFR-LP. In dairy production, concentrate in the mixed ration can be substituted with high-quality forage during deposition without negative effects on milk yield and composition when a sufficient CP level is ensured.  相似文献   

Sixty-five Holstein cows were used to evaluate management schemes involving altered dry period (DP) lengths on subsequent milk production, energy balance (EB), and metabolic variables. Cows were assigned to one of 3 treatments: traditional 56-d DP (fed a low-energy diet from -56 to -29 d and a moderate energy diet from -28 d to parturition; T), 28-d DP (continuously fed a high energy diet; S), and no planned DP (continuously fed a high energy diet; N). Prepartum DM intake (DMI), measured from 56 d prepartum through parturition, was lower for cows on the T treatment than for cows on the S treatment and was higher for cows on the N treatment than for cows on the S treatment. There were no differences in prepartum plasma glucose, and beta-hydroxybutryric acid; there was a treatment by time interaction for prepartum plasma nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA). There was no difference in prepartum liver triglyceride (TG); postpartum liver TG was decreased for cows on the N treatment compared with cows on the S treatment, but was similar for cows on the T and S treatments. Postpartum NEFA was similar between cows on the T and S treatments, but was greater for cows on the S treatment than for cows on the N treatment. Postpartum glucose was greater for cows on the N treatment compared with cows on the S treatment and tended to be greater for cows on the S treatment than for cows on the T treatment. There was no difference in postpartum solids-corrected milk (SCM) production or DMI by cows on the T vs. S treatment. However, there was a tendency toward lower postpartum SCM production by cows on the N vs. S treatment and a tendency for greater postpartum DMI by cows on the N vs. S treatment. Postpartum EB was greater for cows on the S vs. T treatment and the N vs. S treatment. In general, T and S management schemes had similar effects on DMI, SCM, and metabolic variables in the first 70 d of the subsequent lactation. Eliminating the DP improved energy and metabolic status.  相似文献   

果蔬贮藏保鲜产业现状、研究进展与科技支持   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简要介绍了我国果蔬贮藏保鲜的现状,指出了当前果蔬贮藏的主要问题。论述了国内外有关果蔬贮藏保鲜的新技术及研究进展情况,包括:天然果蔬保鲜剂的研究、利用调压技术贮藏、臭氧及负氧离子保鲜、利用生物技术保鲜、静电场处理贮藏、低剂量辐射处理和紫外线处理保鲜以及细胞水结构化气调保鲜等国内外近几年发展起来的现代果蔬贮藏保鲜技术。并阐述了科技对我国果蔬贮藏保鲜产业的支撑作用。  相似文献   

采用高通量测序技术对不同地区自然陈化1年广陈皮表面微生物群落多样性进行分析,比较群落结构的差异。结果表明,不同地区自然陈化1年广陈皮微生物丰富度和多样性差异不显著(P>0.05),群落结构相似,但相对丰度存在差异。北京地区优势细菌属为Methylocella、苔藓杆菌属(Bryobacter)等,优势真菌属为短梗霉属(Aureobasidium)、炭疽菌属(Colletotrichum)等;四川地区优势细菌属为甲基杆菌属(Methylobacterium)、鞘氨醇单胞菌属(Sphingomonas)、芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)、乳球菌属(Lactococcus)等,优势真菌属为Symmetrospora、曲霉属(Aspergillus)等;广东地区优势细菌属为Rubellimicrobium、乳杆菌属(Lactobacillus)等,优势真菌属为假尾孢属(Pseudocercospora)、毛壳菌属(Chaetomium)等;云南地区优势细菌属为罗尔斯顿菌属(Ralstonia)、Glutamicibacter等,优势真菌属为平脐疣孢属(Zasmidium)、拟暗球腔菌属(Phaeosphaeriopsis)等。  相似文献   

X射线荧光光谱分析法以快速、无损、分析成本低且可多元素同时分析和原地检测的优点在重金属检测领域得到广泛应用,特别是在土壤重金属检测中发挥了重要的作用。本研究简要阐述了X射线荧光光谱分析法检测土壤重金属的基本原理。综述了国内外X射线荧光光谱分析法应用于土壤重金属检测方面的研究进展,分别对X射线荧光光谱分析法在土壤重金属检出限、模型方法优化和X射线荧光土壤重金属检测仪研制与应用等方面进行了重点介绍。在检测模型分析方面,发现采用神经网络与遗传算法结合算法,可以大幅度提高模型的实用性;检测仪器的研发趋势为小型化、多功能化、智能化,方便快捷和检测精度提升。最后展望了X射线荧光光谱分析法在土壤重金属检测中的应用前景。  相似文献   

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