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为方便人造板生产企业和相关贸易商更好地了解CARB认证最新动态,翻译并整理了美国加州空气资源局(CARB)2011年的公开讨论会资料,对CARB制定的"有毒空气污染控制措施"(ATCM)可能的修正,包括CARB认证实施的背景和现状、控制措施的修正以及下一步工作等做了阐述。  相似文献   

美国加利福尼亚州空气资源局(CARB)颁布的关于《降低复合木制品甲醛释放造成有毒物质空气传播控制措施》的法规,于2009年1月1日正式生效。面对美国设置的全世界最严格的绿色环保贸易壁垒,丰林集团公司领导果断决定成立CARB认证课题组进行攻关,打破该壁垒为公司产品拿到市场通行证。经过3个多月的奋力拼搏,CARB课题组顺利通过SGS公司组织的盲样考核,通过了干燥器法与SGS公司的大气候箱法的关联性测试,  相似文献   

最近在网络传媒上看到与人造板甲醛释放有关的信息,诸如:"我国人造板甲醛释放限量的强制性标准太落后"、"美国的CARB认证是世界上对人造板甲醛释放最为严厉的认证"、"美国的新标准关于甲醛释放限量要求整整高出我国现行标准规定的1 000倍(指刨花板,  相似文献   

美国CARB认证的相关规定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由中国林产工业协会和常州市人民政府共同举办的“第三届(中国·常州)国际地板高峰论坛”于2009年3月26日在常州举行,有来自联合国粮农组织(FAO)、美国加州空气资源局(CARB)等行业要员参会,并作了相关主题报告。本文是来自CARB的Brent Takemoto博士对会议过程中所提出问题的回复,它对我国人造板和木制品行业如何执行美国CARB认证的ATCM标准,如何达到规定的质量要求,企业如何进行CAKB认证,实验室要达到什么要求等具有很好的指导意义和参考价值。  相似文献   

《有毒空气污染控制措施》导读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国加州空气资源理事会(CARB)在2007年4月26日批准了一份《有毒空气污染控制措施》(ATCM),旨在限定并减少硬木胶合板(HWPW)、刨花板(PB)、中密度纤板(MDF)和薄中密度纤维板(Thin MDF)以及含有这些产品之成品的甲醛释放量。  相似文献   

<正>2017年10月20日,美国加利福尼亚州空气资源委员会(CARB)签发了第N-17-276号行政令,认定中国丰林集团明阳工厂生产的"丰林"牌无醛添加人造板通过NAF(No-added formadehyde)无醛豁免认证。取得该认证的板材或家具制品进入美国市场时,无需进行甲醛检测。据悉,NAF"无醛豁免认证"是CARB的认证标准中目前最为严格的认证标准,高于CARB认证中的P1、  相似文献   

据鱼珠木材网报道,大亚人造板集团下属的5家工厂(分别位于丹阳、江西、茂名、三明、肇庆)于10月底顺利通过CARB认证并取得证书。  相似文献   

美国加利福尼亚空气资源管理署(CARB)关于《降低复合木制品甲醛释放造成有毒物质空气传播的控制措施》的最终管制令,通过《加利福尼亚州规则法典》第17卷新增第93120—93120.12各款正式颁布。这项法规可能对我国向美国加州(甚至全美)出口人造板及其制品产生很大影响,已引起我国行业内各方的高度重视。  相似文献   

CARB认证是美国加利福尼亚州制定的胶合板甲醛释放量限制标准的认证,从2009年1月1日起,凡进入该州销售的胶合板材必须通过该项认证。由加利福尼亚空气资源管理署发布,并将于明年元旦起正式实施的关于木质人造板中甲醛释放量的法规Airborne Toxic Control Measure(ATCM),对胶合板等木质产品的甲醛释放标准从明年元旦起分两阶段实施,  相似文献   

2003年,为推进全国"三绿工程"建设,建立确保农副产品和食品安全的流通网络体系,国家认证认可监督管理委员会与商务部联合推出《农副产品绿色批发市场》(GB/T19220—2003)、《农副产品绿色零售市场》(GB/T19221—2003)两个标准及《绿色市场认证管理办法》《绿色市场认证实施规则》.绿色市场认证开始作为一种新的认证制度正式启动。  相似文献   

The effect of pH and contact time on uranium extractability from quartz surfaces was investigated using either acidic or carbonate (CARB) extraction solutions, time-delayed spikes of different U isotopes ((238)U and (233)U), and liquid helium temperature time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS). Quartz powders were reacted with (238)U(VI) bearing solutions equilibrated with atmospheric CO(2) at pH 6, 7, and 8. After 42 days, the suspensions were spiked with (233)U(VI) and reacted for an additional 7 days. Sorbed U was then extracted with either dilute nitric acid or CARB. For the CARB, but not the acid, extraction there was a systematic decrease in extraction efficiency for both isotopes from pH 6 to 8, which was mimicked by less desorption of (238)U, after the (233)U spike, from pH 6 to 8. The efficiency of (233)U extraction was consistently greater than that of (238)U, indicating a strong temporal component to the strength of U association with the surface that was accentuated with increasing pH. TRLFS revealed a strong correlation between CARB extraction efficiency and sorbed U speciation as a function of pH and time. Collectively, the observations show that aging and pH are critical factors in determining the form and strength of uranium-silica interactions.  相似文献   

苦练内功积极应对绿色壁垒   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张运明  韦淇峰 《中国人造板》2010,17(1):28-29,33
简介美国加州CARB法规,提出了为应对发达国家的绿色壁垒,降低甲醛释放量的措施。  相似文献   

The impact of biodiesel and second generation biofuels on nitrogen oxides (NO(x)) emissions from heavy-duty engines was investigated using a California Air Resources Board (CARB) certified diesel fuel. Two heavy-duty engines, a 2006 engine with no exhaust aftertreatment, and a 2007 engine with a diesel particle filter (DPF), were tested on an engine dynamometer over four different test cycles. Emissions from soy- and animal-based biodiesels, a hydrotreated renewable diesel, and a gas to liquid (GTL) fuel were evaluated at blend levels from 5 to 100%. NO(x) emissions consistently increased with increasing biodiesel blend level, while increasing renewable diesel and GTL blends showed NO(x) emissions reductions with blend level. NO(x) increases ranged from 1.5% to 6.9% for B20, 6.4% to 18.2% for B50, and 14.1% to 47.1% for B100. The soy-biodiesel showed higher NO(x) emissions increases compared to the animal-biodiesel. NO(x) emissions neutrality with the CARB diesel was achieved by blending GTL or renewable diesel fuels with various levels of biodiesel or by using di-tert-butyl peroxide (DTBP). It appears that the impact of biodiesel on NO(x) emissions might be a more important consideration when blended with CARB diesel or similar fuels, and that some form of NO(x) mitigation might be needed for biodiesel blends with such fuels.  相似文献   

Trace elements stabilization in contaminated soils is frequently the most convenient option for the remediation of large areas with moderate to high levels of contaminants. The use of organic and/or inorganic amendments is often necessary for the amelioration of the soil in order to immobilize trace metals and metalloids and prevent their transfer to groundwater or to any living organism in the soil, and to allow the establishment of plants when the aim is the regeneration of a vegetation cover. The great upsurge of the agri-food industry in recent decades has led to the generation of huge amounts of waste materials and byproducts throughout the entire cycle of food production and processing. Some of these byproducts, which may give rise to serious environmental concerns regarding their accumulation, handling and transformation, have been satisfactorily used as amendments in the remediation of trace elements contaminated soils. This review offers a general outline of the use of food byproducts from olive oil, sugar beet, wine, and certain other industries for the stabilization of trace metals and metalloids in the soil. Both the benefits of using these materials and the potential limitations or inconveniences that their utilization may pose, as well as some considerations regarding possible future uses and challenges, are pointed out in the text.  相似文献   

目的 探讨卫生行政执法中存在的突出问题,为卫生行政立法、执法提供参考。方法对一起无证外送盒饭案例进行分析。结果卫生行政执法中存在诸多急需解决的突出问题,包括主体认定、行政强制措施、卫生行政机关对第三方的调查权及房东责任等,暴露出卫生行政法律法规的不完善。结论加快对卫生行政法律法规的修订与完善,尽快出台行政强制法等法律法规。  相似文献   

Aldehyde emissions were measured from two heavy-duty trucks, namely 2000 and 2008 model year vehicles meeting different EPA emission standards. The tests were conducted on a chassis dynamometer and emissions were collected from a constant volume dilution tunnel. For the 2000 model year vehicle, four different fuels were tested, namely California ultralow sulfur diesel (CARB ULSD), soy biodiesel, animal biodiesel, and renewable diesel. All of the fuels were tested with simulated city and high speed cruise drive cycles. For the 2008 vehicle, only soy biodiesel and CARB ULSD fuels were tested. The research objective was to compare aldehyde emission rates between (1) the test fuels, (2) the drive cycles, and (3) the engine technologies. The results showed that soy biodiesel had the highest acrolein emission rates while the renewable diesel showed the lowest. The drive cycle also affected emission rates with the cruise drive cycle having lower emissions than the urban drive cycle. Lastly, the newer vehicle with the diesel particulate filter had greatly reduced carbonyl emissions compared to the other vehicles, thus demonstrating that the engine technology had a greater influence on emission rates than the fuels.  相似文献   

The effects of engineered natural organic amendments on two measures of the environmental "availability" of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) associated with soil and sediment samples are assessed. Two soils spiked with pyrene alone and a sediment spiked with a mixture of 4 PAH compounds were amended with raw or superheated-water processed peat or soybean stalks, then aged for periods of either 62 or 105 days. The aged soils were then examined with respect to bioaccumulation of spiked pyrene by earthworms (Eisenia foetida), and to its human bioaccessibility as measured by extraction with simulated gastrointestinal fluid. Additions of processed amendments reduced both measures of availability by factors ranging from 7.6 to 27.0 for earthworm bioaccumulation and from 2.3 to 8.8 for gastrointestinal extractability. All PAH compounds spiked to the sediment were reduced to varying extents in their availabilities to E. foetida and leachabilities by water by both processed and raw organic amendments.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Compost teas are purported to serve as an effective source of nutrients; however, there is little scientific evidence to support or refute this claim. Compost tea infusions made with municipal solid waste compost and ruminant compost were used as amendments for strawberry cultivation and their efficacy was compared to municipal solid waste (MSW) compost, ruminant compost, and fertilizer amendments. A variety of parameters were examined including the nutrient, micronutrient and metal concentrations of soil and leaf tissue, pH, total soil carbon and nitrogen, and mineralized nitrogen. RESULTS: Compost tea treatments provided similar amounts of most macro‐ and micronutrients compared to MSW compost, ruminant compost, and fertilizer treatments and subsequently to strawberry plants. The MSW compost added significantly greater amounts of Ca, Na, and S to soil with increased plant uptake while the ruminant compost treatment plots had significantly greater available soil P. The compost and fertilizer treatments also provided greater amounts of K to soil compared to the compost tea treatments. CONCLUSIONS: In a 2 year study, non‐aerated compost teas were effective nutrient amendments for strawberries compared to ruminant and MSW compost, and inorganic fertilizers. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The nutrition of food is increasingly important to consumers. The popularity of organic food rests partly on the assumption that these products are healthier despite a lack of conclusive evidence. The effects of organic and inorganic fertilizer amendments on parameters of strawberry fruit quality, in terms of sugar, macro‐ and micro‐nutrients concentrations, and total antioxidant capacity were compared. RESULTS: Treatments did not affect sugar content or total antioxidant capacity. Inorganic fertilizer treatments increased S and Mn content of berries compared to organic treatments. The K and P content of berries differed among years. CONCLUSIONS: Organic amendments did not increase the fruit quality of strawberries compared to inorganic amendments. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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