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"笔墨"是中国书画艺术的精髓所在,作为中国传统艺术中代表性的一个标志,以其独有的文化特征和艺术形式在世界艺术文化领域占有非常重要的地位。本文对艺术语境下笔墨内涵进行层次划分,把"笔墨"归纳为"器""道""气"和"意"四个方面。前两者为物质层面,它源于对特殊材料的技术把握;后两者为精神层面,主要反映了时代特征、审美取向以及个人的情感融入,展现的是笔墨对材料和技术的超越。有此可知,笔墨是技术与艺术的结合,是物质与精神的一体,是中国艺术精髓所在。  相似文献   

解析了生态旅游及海洋生态旅游的相关概念,阐释了海洋文化、生态文化与旅游文化、海洋生态旅游文化,分析了海洋生态旅游的主体、客体的文化属性,并根据海洋生态文化的价值,提出了海洋生态文化价值的实现模式.  相似文献   

"双师型"教师到目前为止还没有一个统一明确的定义.在卖践过程中,有关教育主管部门、职业院校及研究者等制定或提出了不尽相同的标准,各职业院校对"双师型"教师的理解也不尽相同.本文在总结社会和教育界对"双师型"教师理解的基础上,时如何准确把握"双师型"教师的内涵进行探讨.  相似文献   

"有效课堂"是提高教学质量的核心,社会在发展,人文环境也发生着重大的改变,旧的教学模式和课堂效率面临着新生代学生对于课堂教学新要求的考验,给站在教育第一线的教师们提出了新的要求,教师们要通过在教学实践中体会到学与教的共轭关系,把握好课堂教学时收与放的度,来完成时打造职业教育"有效课堂"的操作规范进行的探索.  相似文献   

大学校园文化的基本内涵探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"文化"这一概念的定义繁多,对于校园文化的理解也存在着差异。依据界定校园文化的基本原则,大学校园文化的内涵是指在大学长期的办学过程中,由大学师生员工共同传承和创造的物质文化、制度文化、行为文化和精神文化的总和,大学校园文化所包含的这四个层次相互联系、相互渗透,形成一个不可分割的有机整体。  相似文献   

地名是语言中的一个特殊组成部分,是一种综合性的文化现象.安庆是国家历史文化名城,安庆地名真实地反映了民族的地理、历史、语言、文化,同时也反映出民族的心态和风俗等,具有丰富的文化内涵.文章主要针对安庆市区地名文化进行尝试性探索,以期挖掘出安庆市区地名中蕴藏的文化内涵.  相似文献   

英汉两种语言中与动物有关的词语很多。许多动物形象负载着人们的感情,形成了某些民族独特的动物文化。它们的文化内涵来源多种多样,包括历史、宗教信仰、人们的信仰、神话传说等等。了解这些来源,有助于理解动物词汇除了表面含义以外更深层次的内涵和社会用法。  相似文献   

中等职业学校作为我国职业教育的一支重要力量,在我国经济发展的过程中起到不可替代的作用,如何实现中等职业教育的科学发展、和谐发展、快速发展是职教人必须面对的难题,加强中等职业学校的内涵建设是有效途径之一.  相似文献   

中国古典诗歌独具特色的魅力就是它的丰富多彩、真切感人的内涵美,这些内涵美可以归结为二十四个方面.研究这些内涵美,对于提高中华民族的思想文化素质,陶冶高尚的道德情操,具有十分重要的作用.  相似文献   

现代高水平竞技篮球运动的美学内涵究竟在哪里,观看篮球比赛获得怎么样的感受。本文探究了篮球运动的非实用性特点,联系篮球运动的特征,论述了篮球运动独特的美学价值内涵,从而为人们提供一种欣赏竞技篮球运动美的新视角。  相似文献   

通过诗人用韵来考证汉语四川方言从魏晋以后向隋唐时期韵部系统的演变.通过这种考证和比较分析,我们不仅能看出方言语音的发展和流变,还能反映出汉语在历史长河中的演变轨迹,并进而为研究普通语音学理论和语言学历史提供一定的参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

对我国河西地区汉魏墓出土的多幅六博砖画和木俑博戏,作者以图像和文献相参照,重新确认砖画表现的形态应该是樗蒲和博塞而非六博.这一考证,不仅发现了弥足珍贵的樗蒲和博塞图像,而且也为人们研究河西地区博戏的演变和古人的游艺活动方式提供了实证.  相似文献   

In 4 experiments 82 university students formed mental images of pairs of named objects touching and interacting in some way. On half of the trials, one member of the pair was imaged such that it was at a small subjective size; on the remaining half of the trials, both objects were imaged at normal relative sizes. Ss rated their images in terms of vividness. Results of an unexpected memory test presented after all the items had been rated reveal poorer recall of words encoded as smaller images. This result was not due to differences in imaginal relations between the imaged objects in the 2 conditions, nor was it due to greater ease in constructing images including a reduced member. In addition, pairs including a subjectively tiny image were rated as less vivid than pairs including images only of normally sized objects. A regression analysis indicated that the memory deficit was due to size per se and was not a consequence of differences in vividness induced by the size manipulation. (French summary) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effect of pictorial illusion on prehension and perception   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study examined the effect of a size-contrast illusion (Ebbinghaus or Titchener Circles Illusion) on visual perception and the visual control of grasping movements. Seventeen right-handed participants picked up and, on other trials, estimated the size of "poker-chip" disks, which functioned as the target circles in a three-dimensional version of the illusion. In the estimation condition, subjects indicated how big they thought the target was by separating their thumb and forefinger to match the target's size. After initial viewing, no visual feedback from the hand or the target was available. Scaling of grip aperture was found to be strongly correlated with the physical size of the disks, while manual estimations of disk size were biased in the direction of the illusion. Evidently, grip aperture is calibrated to the true size of an object, even when perception of object size is distorted by a pictorial illusion, a result that is consistent with recent suggestions that visually guided prehension and visual perception are mediated by separate visual pathways.  相似文献   

To study the effect of varying degrees of compounding signs of objects denoted by the words, twenty-five stimulus words were presented under three learning conditions: (a) Words alone, (b) words with their uncolored pictures, (c) words with their colored pictures. It was concluded that support was given the hypothesis that "with the number of presentations… held constant, the number of… words recalled by Ss should vary positively within limits with the number of simultaneously presented additional signs." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to compare 3-year risk-adjusted survival in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery and percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. BACKGROUND: Coronary artery bypass graft surgery and angioplasty are two common treatments for coronary artery disease. For referral purposes, it is important to know the relative pattern of survival after hospital discharge for these procedures and to identify patient characteristics that are related to survival. METHODS: New York's CABG surgery and angioplasty registries were used to identify New York patients undergoing CABG surgery and angioplasty from January 1, 1993 to December 31, 1995. Mortality within 3 years of undergoing the procedure (adjusted for patient severity of illness) and subsequent revascularization within 3 years were captured. Three-year mortality rates were adjusted using proportional hazards methods to account for baseline differences in patients' severity of illness. RESULTS: Patients with one-vessel disease with the one vessel not involving the left anterior descending artery (LAD) or with less than 70% LAD stenosis had a statistically significantly longer adjusted 3-year survival with angioplasty (95.3%) than with CABG surgery (92.4%). Patients with proximal LAD stenosis of at least 70% had a statistically significantly longer adjusted 3-year survival with CABG surgery than with angioplasty regardless of the number of coronary vessels diseased. Also, patients with three-vessel disease had a statistically significantly longer adjusted 3-year survival with CABG surgery regardless of proximal LAD disease. Patients with other one-vessel or two-vessel disease had no treatment-related differences in survival. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment-related survival benefit at 3-years in patients with ischemic heart disease is predicted by the anatomic extent and specific site of the disease, as well as by the treatment chosen.  相似文献   

为延长MgO-C砖在提钒转炉上的使用寿命,本研究开发了一种新型MgO-Fe-C砖,通过与传统的MgO-C砖进行对比研究,考察这种新型耐火材料的使用性能.研究结果表明:在1400℃的使用温度下,导致提钒转炉用MgO-C砖使用寿命短的原因是脱碳层的烧结性差,抗冲刷性不理想;而对于本研究所开发的MgO-Fe-C砖,铁粉在氧化层氧化及使用条件下原位形成MgO-FeOss,有效地改善脱碳层的烧结性能,并形成致密且高结合强度的脱碳层,显著地提高了耐火材料的抗熔渣侵蚀性和抗氧化性,有利于耐火材料寿命的提高,因此MgO-Fe-C砖是具有良好应用前景的提钒转炉用MgO-C砖的替代品.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an extremely useful modality for evaluation of the complex pathophysiology of the liver. The high degree of soft tissue contrast afforded by MRI accurately detects and characterizes both focal and diffuse abnormalities of the liver. In this article we present a pictorial review of MRI of the liver.  相似文献   

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