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邢继春  许立忠 《振动与冲击》2012,31(17):195-200
新型旋转式压电惯性电机,是一种利用压电双晶片振子作为驱动元件,利用锯齿波作为激励电信号产生惯性冲击力的旋转电机。本文研究压电惯性电机振子在pzt元件激励下的冲击受迫响应。推导出了压电陶瓷片两端电压响应方程,以及压电振子梁的冲击受迫响应方程。分析了激励信号频率对振子梁端部响应的影响规律。同时,分析了不同激励信号占空比情况下振子梁端部响应变化规律,以及结构参数对电机驱动力矩的影响规律。分析了提高电机驱动力矩的有效途径。  相似文献   

利用中耳与压电振子的耦合力学模型,研究设计人工中耳压电振子。该力学模型基于一无任何听力损伤病史的成年志愿者的左耳,利用CT扫描和逆向成型技术建成模。模型的可靠性通过镫骨底板的位移计算结果与国外文献实验测得数据进行对比加以验证。最终设计的压电振子采取悬浮结构,由绑定装置、压电叠堆及质量块所组成,仅需简单的手术便可直接将其植入在砧骨长突上,且只需要10.5 Vrms的驱动电压便可以对镫骨激起相当于鼓膜处100 dB声压激励的振幅。  相似文献   

利用表观弹性法讨论了有限长实心和空心压电圆柱振于的三维耦合振动理论,并给出了各振子的总导纳方程、频率方程和多维耦合下的机电转换系数等。由总导纳方程计算了频率常数随振子几何尺寸的变化曲线,所得结果与用里兹变分法得到的结果相当一致,也与实验结果相吻合。此方法可用于圆柱形压电陶瓷参数的修正以及复合压电振子和非压电振子耦合振动的计算。  相似文献   

(压电振子的几何形状是影响其振动发电的重要因素之一。在相同压电材料体积下,三角形压电振子相比于矩形和梯形压电振子具有更大的发电能力。选用悬臂梁式三角形状压电振子作为研究对象,利用有限元分析软件ANSYS进行仿真研究。建立有限元模型;通过静力学和模态分析,研究压电振子的几何形状对其输出电压、固有频率的影响规律,然后在满足原来输出电压不下降的前提下对其进行尺寸优化,提高单位体积的发电能力。在相同边界条件和外力作用下,优化尺寸模型的体积是原来的0.94倍,输出电压是原来的1.03倍,取得了很好的优化效果。  相似文献   

提出十字形压电振子同型模态驱动的压电平面电机新原理,选定该振子的面外弯振、面内横杆弯振、面内纵杆弯振为工作模态,利用面外弯振分别与面内纵杆弯振、面内横杆弯振的振动耦合,在纵、横杆驱动足上生成沿x Oz、y Oz面行进的椭圆轨迹以推动动子沿x、y向移动。阐明电机驱动原理,优化出振子尺寸为60 mm×60 mm×7.8mm,厘定电机最适驱动频率为30 127 Hz。建立振子机电耦合模型,研究驱动足的振动特性,模拟出驱动足的椭圆轨迹,仿真得到在250 V电压激励时驱动足的x、y、z向振幅分别为1.6μm、1.6μm和1.2μm。建立电机的整机分析模型,探析驱动电压、频率、相位差、预紧力对电机速度的影响。在正常驱动条件下,电机速度可达50 mm/s。该电机在平面装置驱动中的应用前景广泛。  相似文献   

压电振子的等效电路形式当考虑损耗时可用两种方法表示:一种方法是不改变相应无损振子的等效电路形式,而将电路参数取为复数;另一种方法是在电路中加入耗能元件。文中分析了压电材料中的损耗现象,并用复数表示有损耗压电振子的各种参数。从压电振子的阻抗方程出发,详细分析了纵效应劝及横效应振动模式振子的谐振频率、频率偏移量与损耗大小、机电耦合系数大小的关系。  相似文献   

在忽略剪切振动、弯曲振动及扭转振动的近似条件下,分析了压电陶瓷矩形振子长度、宽度及厚度振动模式之间的耦合振动,推导出了振子三维耦合振动的等效电路.在此基础上研究了矩形振子耦合振动的共振频率特性并得出了振子的共振频率方程.理论分析表明,压电陶瓷细长条的横向及纵向振动模式是矩形振子在一定几何尺寸条件下的振动模式.按照导出的耦合振动频率方程设计的压电陶瓷矩形振子,其实测共振频率与理论计算值基本符合.  相似文献   

1 前言 G.Kossoff论述了具有背衬的压电陶瓷振子的灵敏度频率特性,本文则对于使用PVDF之类高分子压电材料的场合也作了计算,研究了它和陶瓷振子在特性上的不同。另外,Kossoff设定在背衬上没有反射,而本文则在Mason等效电路中插入衰减,对含有反射时的特性进行了分析。本文分析的是接收及发射灵敏度。2 接收电压灵敏度Mo  相似文献   

利用表观弹性法推导了矩形断面压电陶瓷长条和矩形压电薄板振子的二维耦合振动理论并给出了各振子的总导纳方程、多维耦合下的机电转换系数等,由总导纳方程计算了频率常数随振子几何尺寸的变化曲线。所得结果与有限差分法和有限元法的结果相当满意地符合。 这种方法比其他方法简单,可用于压电陶瓷参数的修正,复合压电振子和非压电振子的耦合振动的计算。  相似文献   

Modeling of a piezoelectric rotary ultrasonic motor   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
A piezoelectric rotary ultrasonic motor is modeled for the purpose of predicting, a priori, motor performance as a function of design parameters. The Rayleigh-Ritz assumed mode energy method is used to model the distributed piezoceramics and the traveling wave dynamics of the stator. Natural frequencies and modeshapes are obtained for a generally configured motor. Nonlinear normal and tangential interface forces between the rotor and stator are incorporated into the forcing function along with the linear piezoelectric forcing. Given the applied torque, applied axial loading, and piezo drive voltages as inputs to the model, general motor performance measures are obtained-namely speed, input power, output power, and efficiency. The approach presented here provides a general framework for modeling these motors as well as a design tool for optimizing prototypes with the added flexibility of allowing for a wide variety of geometries and materials  相似文献   

A tubular piezoelectric vibrator gyroscope   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper proposes a vibrator gyroscope made of a piezoelectric tube, which has the same configuration as that used for the tri-axial sensors and actuators developed in our previous paper. The gyroscopic operation is the same as a circular rod, but the polarization (in thickness direction of the shell) and, accordingly, the electrode arrangement are much simpler. Wireless LAN arrangement is devised for remote data access with which the measurement is possible for the gyroscope under rotation. The experimental results are compared with the numerical simulation with three-dimensional finite-element calculation. The discrepancy between the measured and the experimental is found to depend on the asymmetrical deformation of the structure, and the cause is clearly demonstrated via simulation. This shows the usefulness of the numerical modeling to investigate the cause, in which the parameters of dimensions and boundary conditions can easily change.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an analytical model of a rotary motor driven by an anisotropic piezoelectric composite laminate. The driving element of the motor is a three-layer laminated plate. A piezoelectric layer is sandwiched between two anti-symmetric composite laminae. Because of the material anisotropy and the anti-symmetric configuration, torsional vibration can be induced through the inplane strain actuated by the piezoelectric layer. The advantages of the motor are its magnetic field immunity, simple structure, easy maintenance, low cost, and good low-speed performance. In this paper, the motor is considered to be a coupled dynamic system. The analytical model includes the longitudinal and torsional vibrations of the laminate and the rotating motion of the rotor under action of contact forces. The analytical model can predict the overall characteristics of the motor, including the modal frequency and the response of motion of the laminate, the rotating speed of the rotor, the input power, the output power, and the efficiency of the motor. The effects of the initial compressive force, the applied voltage, the moment of rotor inertia, and the frictional coefficient of the contact interface on the characteristics of the motor are simulated and discussed. A selection of the numerical results from the analytical model is confirmed by experimental data.  相似文献   

为了丰富平面超声电机的型式,提出一种双十字压电振子同型弯振模态驱动的平面超声电机。利用双十字压电振子的纵杆面内、面外弯振耦合以及横杆面内、面外弯振耦合,分别在两杆的驱动足上合成沿xoz、yoz面行进的两相椭圆轨迹,以交替地推动动子沿x、y向移动。分析了该平面超声电机的驱动机理,并推导出两相椭圆轨迹方程。建立了双十字压电振子机电耦合模型,对其三相工作模态的振型进行仿真分析,并在结构优化的基础上实现了三相工作模态频率一致,使它们分别为43 468,43 552和43 569 Hz。仿真了双十字压电振子的频响特性并实现了干扰模态分离,当驱动电压为250 V时,驱动足x、y、z向振幅分别为1.3,0.8和0.9 μm,满足电机驱动要求。模拟得到定频激励下双十字压电振子驱动足的两相椭圆运动轨迹,验证了所设计平面超声电机驱动机理的有效性。该平面超声电机可输出较大速度与动力,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

This paper describes a new implementation of a disk-type piezoelectric motor, whose stator is a commercial available piezomembrane composed of a nickel alloy disk to which a piezoceramic disk is bonded. The two disks are concentric, and the total thickness is very small. Ultrasonic motors are based on the concept of driving a rotor by mechanical vibration excited on a stator, via the piezoelectric effect. The rotor is in contact with the stator, and the driving force is the frictional force between rotor and stator. To transform the mechanical vibration of the stator in the rotor rotation, a traveling wave must be excited on the stator surface. The proposed motor can be regarded as a disk-type, single wavelength motor in which the traveling wave is due to the natural flexural vibration of the piezomembrane at low frequency. The behavior of the stator is analyzed both theoretically, by using the theory of isotropic and homogeneous vibrating plates, and by means of a commercial finite element computer code, finding a good agreement with the experimental results. The main features of the motor are very small thickness, appreciable torque, and high speed, obtained with low input power at low voltage; the intended application is to substitute the moving-coil in analogic instrumentation.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional finite element modeling is applied to the characteristic evaluation of the piezoelectric gyroscopes. The Coriolis' effect is incorporated with the three-dimensional finite element code that we have already developed. There is no limitation for the vibrational modes and the direction of the gyratory axis. The piezoelectric thin plate gyroscope in plane vibration is again considered for the demonstration. The solution characteristics are compared with those of the two-dimensional modeling and also with the experimental results. Reasonable agreement is achieved. The application is then extended to a bimorph-type gyroscope vibrating out of plane, which is only numerically considered for another example of demonstration. The examination shows that, with this configuration, not only the rotation but also the gyratory axis can be detected in the three-dimensional space  相似文献   

传统的冲击压电马达大都工作在准静态下,振幅和工作频率相对较低,速度和输出力均不是很高。基于机械波合成理论,设计了一种新型共振型冲击直线压电马达。分析了压电马达的驱动机理,采用有限元仿真法优化了压电振子的结构尺寸。通过合成频率比为1:2的两个谐振正弦波得到近似谐振锯齿波,设计加工了压电振子、研制了马达样机、进行了性能测试与分析。当预紧力是0.02 N、基频驱动电压是300 Vp-p(592.5 Hz)时,马达无负载最大速度为32.4 mm/s;当预紧力是10 N、基频驱动电压是400 Vp-p(592.5 Hz)时,马达最大负载力可达1 N。实验验证了设计的有效性,表明该种压电马达具有良好的性能。  相似文献   

The hysteresis nonlinearity in piezoelectric materials brings difficulties in controlling the systems. In order to mitigate the effect of hysteresis, such nonlinearity needs to be characterized and modeled under different load circumstances. For this purpose, the actuator is modeled in terms of a mass-spring-damper system utilizing the stop operator as one of the operators of the Prandtl-Ishlinskii (PI) model. Merging the structural model with the nonlinear hysteresis model, we observe that the results demonstrate better correspondence to the measured output compared to that of the classical PI model for a wide range of working conditions, i.e., different input frequency and amplitude.  相似文献   

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