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一踏入陕北这片土地,仿佛灵魂突然苏醒,不仅仅有种炎黄子孙回归故里的感觉,更主要的是进入了人类最初的生存场景:黄土高坡那若隐若现、层层叠叠的窑洞,似乎既是现代人一种原生态生活状态,也是远古时期人类生活居住的一种延续与再现。  相似文献   

<正>项目地点:上海市徐汇区建筑面积:760平方米基地面积:5500平方米完成时间:2013年项目功能:展览+茶室建筑结构:钢骨混凝土剪力墙、钢桁架结构设计总监:祝晓峰设计主管:丁鹏华设计小组:蔡勉、杨宏、李浩然、杜士刚材料:镜面不锈钢、扭拉铝条、透明及丝网印刷玻璃、实面及穿孔铝板、豆石、水  相似文献   

王欢  钟珏  李文 《建筑与文化》2021,(4):107-111
随着城市空间工作逐步层次化和精细化,面向社区的街区更新成为街区治理重点之一.城市工作的转型需要与之适应的信息沟通展示空间和平台,能够及时、准确且生动地将街区更新工作的规划和进度传达至市民个体、解释专业性的条文政策、鼓励建言献策并参与其中,从而共同为美好街区而努力.文章立足街区更新工作,分析街道展厅文化的特点,从展示主题、展示方式、信息传递机制和展示可持续性方面,提出支持城市工作与市民沟通的展示设计策略,并结合新街口街道街区更新展厅案例具体说明.  相似文献   

<正>业主:贵州遵义市汇川区区政府地点:贵州遵义市总建筑面积:1 880m2设计时间:2013年竣工时间:2014年建筑设计:中国建筑设计院有限公司项目负责人:于海为建筑:刘晏晏、朱起鹏、魏亚文、穆小贺结构:王一平机电:李澎、崔艳青室内:刘珂、刘春录摄影:张广源、于海为海龙屯遗址,在贵州北部的群山间。从五代到明,杨氏土司在这里构筑关隘城堡,建造宫殿园林,统御着黔北的土地与人口,但这一切在17世纪的浩大进剿中化为灰烬。而今,山岭间断续的石墙、土壤下漫漶的台基将作为全人类的共同遗产受到保护1。我们的任务就是让一切尽可能地退回历史的原貌,并留下人们了解的渠道。改造海龙屯遗址展示中心,便是其中一项。  相似文献   

正售楼展示中心一般只是一种临时性建筑。寿命短,耗资大一直以来都是这类项目的致命性弱点。之所以对西安莱安展示中心感兴趣是因为设计师采用了适应性再利用设计。通过将展馆建在特制的钢筋基底上,设计师成功地将展馆打造成了一个便携式装置,未来会搬迁至附近区域,它是一个可以再生的作品。Aedas设计的莱安集团品牌展示中心位于城市中轴线和雁展路的交汇处,这个互动式的展览中心充分展现了开发商莱安集团对西安土地开发的前瞻性视野和发展战略。莱安展示中心现已开放参观,可根据需要作为公司的销售和营销中心。  相似文献   

地球上的资源是有限的,而地球上的人口却在不断增长。当地球上的各种资源日趋枯竭的时候,人们便把目光投向了宇宙。在宇宙建造太空  相似文献   

1991年,天津市成立了墙改办。为了扩大其社会影响,墙改宣传首当其冲成为当时的工作之重。我有幸加入到这项事业中,从此与墙改宣传工作结下了不解之缘。  相似文献   

在武汉东湖高新区光谷生物城东北部,湖滨停靠着一艘“前行的旗舰”——光谷生物城展示中心,在平静的湖水和远处群山的映衬下,与落日的余晖交相辉映。作为光谷生物城的第一栋建筑,它犹如一艘指挥作战的旗舰,标志着整个园区的形象,身兼展示宣传、会议洽谈、办公招商等多种功能。  相似文献   

耶路撒冷是有着五千年沧桑历史的圣城,它是犹太教文明、基督教文明、伊斯兰教文明的摇篮,吉祥和幸福从四面八方流向了它,先知们、清廉者们、修行者们纷纷到达这里,难怪耶路撒冷市长会骄傲地说这里是和全世界绝大部分人心意相连的地方。无论是信奉上帝还是真主,耶路  相似文献   

正项目位于一个尚在施工的建筑之中。在大片的混凝土框架和深灰色未完工石材墙面当中,飘浮着两个窗口。这两个窗口由于其内部的深邃、精确与炫目,和单调、粗糙及普通的外部建筑形成强烈的反差,令人印象深刻。透过这两个奇特的窗口,能窥见一个未来的世界这个世界里充满了柔和均匀的光线,空间里的每一个细节都能看得清清楚楚。与周围模糊暗淡,粗糙混乱的城市环境相比,这里显得异常清晰,透亮无比。  相似文献   

武当山是中国重要的道教圣地,园林营建活动历史悠久、空间广袤、建造技术精湛,达到了皇家所要求的宏伟、威严和道教所追求的玄妙、超然,是人文美与自然美的高度统一。本文通过对世界遗产武当山文化景观的概述,认为武当山是人类文化的见证和古代科学技术的典范,也是我们建设山地人居环境的生动教材。  相似文献   

The Mietsu Naval Facility (MNF) was established as a Western-style military facility by the Saga Clan in 1858. The aim of the present study was to examine the purpose and installation method of cedar logs preserved in the Small Boat Dock (SBD) section of the MNF. In order to restore the scale and shape of the superstructure at the SBD to those at the time of its construction, it was necessary to determine the role of the cedar logs. The movement of the soil particles in a laboratory model, made of Kawasaki clay and penetrated by a foundation pile, was examined in order to simulate the deformation behavior around the cedar logs. The deformation around the pile, caused by the pile penetration, increased within the range of the pile diameter. The changes in the natural water content and the undrained shear strength around several piles in the SBD were measured. The model test results revealed that the cedar logs were driven piles, and thus, not posts of the building. Based on this knowledge and additional research into architectural history, it was possible to determine the scale and shape of the superstructure, potentially leading to the restoration of the original buildings and remains.  相似文献   

<正>传统圣经的古经文如今几乎都已遗失,我们所了解的圣经天堂和希罗多德史学主要来自于中世纪修道院书房誊写的手抄本。德国莱茵河畔的洛尔施本笃会寺院是最重要的文化记忆修编中心之一。1557年本笃会解散后这里成为修道院,1991年被认证为世界文化遗产。这座修道院见证了古典圣经的沧桑变迁,但是没有多少原始版本保存下来。从公元9世纪屹立至今的"托尔哈尔"  相似文献   

保护地的声景具有重要价值。声景感知是衡量保护地声景质量的有效工具之一。声景感知受到声景环境、声源构成、主导音等要素影响,也会对人们环境感知的可接受度、情绪等方面产生影响。已有对城市和乡村环境中主导音、听觉对视觉及情绪影响等方面的研究,但对保护地中声景感知及影响感知的要素研究较为缺乏。以武陵源世界遗产地的声景为对象,通过听音实验,相关性分析、对比分析得出武陵源声景的总体特点。可知武陵源声环境中导游喇叭和谈话的声音是感知频率高且接受度最低的声源,因而在保护管理中应予以重视和控制。武陵源世界遗产地内乡村环境中的鸟鸣、流水等自然声源的可接受度要高于武陵源中纯自然环境中的同等声源的可接受度。在低噪声环境下,高感知频率的声源与主导音不一致,即被感知频率高的声源不一定是主导音。并通过相关性分析,得出声景与情绪感知与性格之间存在相关性,且不同声景环境中的自然声源均能使性格"内向安静"和"易焦虑的人"感到"放松""舒适"和"多样丰富"。最后,基于上述结论,提出了对武陵源声景价值认知的策略和保护管理的建议。  相似文献   

Cultural heritage is seen as a cultural capital. The heritage tourism increases the local employment and income, however, brings some problems at the same time, changing the traditional living way and industrial structure. The sustainability of economic development by tourism is also questioned. Fujian Tulou is a world heritage site in China, inscribed in 2008. The nomination has brought great changes to the sites, especially the flourishing tourism industries by the local communities as well as the tourism companies. The latter also take part in the management of the heritage site and get most of the income. The data in economic areas is analyzed in this study and explains the cultural tourism as a positive drive for the local economy, which contributes little to the life of locals. With the analysis of the changes and benefits from the tourism, we have found that tourism, as a dominant industry, might be a potential negative element for heritage conservation. According to the different situations of sites in Fujian Tulou, a proper planning of management is in need to integrate the tourism, conservation and development.  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2022,62(1):101096
The Mietsu Naval Facility was established as a Western-style military facility by the Saga Clan in 1858. A geotechnical investigation of the Mietsu Naval Dock (MND) at the Mietsu Naval Facility World Heritage Site was performed using portable cone penetration tests, unconfined compression tests with suction measurement, and standard oedometer tests. The pile length of the wooden frame structure was determined using pulse waves. The slope of the western wall consists of four layers, and straw soil bags were arranged for slope stabilization. The slope of the western wall during construction and under use was analyzed based on total and effective stresses, respectively, and was found to be stable. The wooden structure of the eastern wall consists of four stages and has a complex structure of pine wood with intact bark. The second and third-stage piles have anchorage structures with several horizontal elements linked to the first and second-stage piles. The number of the piles in the third-stage indicates that it plays a central structural role. Even though ship were repaired at the bottom of the dock, there is no evidence of ground improvement to prevent damage from ship loads. Because the amount of decrease in effective overburden pressure corresponded to the amount of excavated soil with the load of the Denryu-maru, which was repaired in this dry dock, it is possible that ground improvement for entry and repair of the ship was not needed. The results of this study are useful for the maintenance, management, and restoration of the MND remains.  相似文献   

近30年来,九寨沟在推进旅游可持续发展方面进行了长期有益的探索和实践,其经验获得国内外的普遍认同。与此同时,日益增长的游客规模对生态环境和生物多样性保护的威胁,逐渐成为旅游可持续发展面临的最大挑战。生物多样性保护是九寨沟的使命之一,在游客容量测算中应予以充分考虑,这在游客规模日益增加的背景下尤显重要。但是目前传统的游客容量测算中却没有涉及生物多样性容量,而且由于生物多样性监测数据和相关知识不充分,生物多样性容量也难以进行测算。因此,需要在下一步有针对性地积累生物多样性监测数据,将其结果纳入游客容量测算中,并在此基础上探索执行以监测为基础的游客容量适应性管理机制。  相似文献   

Robben Island has a number of significant overlapping physical, social, cultural, and political landscapes. The island has been invested with iconic status due to the fact that it was used as the notorious political prison by the apartheid regime in South Africa. After the first democratic elections, the island was officially opened as a national museum in 1997 and in 1999 it was listed as a World Heritage Site. This paper evaluates the initial phase of the Robben Island project using the identified key indicators of the ecomuseum ideal, which has its origins in France in the early 1970s. The ecomuseum movement has challenged many traditional approaches to museum and heritage management internationally, as the new Robben Island Museum has done in South Africa.  相似文献   

世界文化景观遗产的申报,是近年来国内越来越关注的话题,作为中国第一个成功以文化景观列入世界遗产名录的案例,五台山的申报过程为中国的文化景观遗产申报与研究提供了很多线索,尤其在突出普遍价值的认识及其保护管理方面,更是积累了一定的经验,同时也引发了新的思考。经过申报前后对遗产价值标准的对比研究及对保护管理的重新思考,认识到文化景观必须将自然、文化作为一个整体加以认知和保护,尤其要研究人与自然之间的作用机制,重视其中活态遗产的保护和展示。  相似文献   

杜爽  韩锋  马蕊 《风景园林》2019,26(12):85-90
自然圣境(sacred natural sites,简称SNS)是自然保护地体系的重要构成,也是典型的文化景观。它们作为人与自然互动的历史记录,所蕴藏的文化价值是其赖以存在的根基。从单纯的自然保护到融合文化价值的整体性保护,反观国外SNS保护工作的方向性转变,有助于在全球发展主义时代背景下从"术"的层面重新审视中国SNS保护工作中面临的诸多挑战,对于推进中国生态文明建设具有重大意义。从世界遗产角度,在阐述SNS概念的基础上,全面梳理不同国际组织机构参与下的SNS保护实践进展;总结目前在其保护中涉及的景观方法和生物文化多样性方法等主流保护方法;最后指出在国家公园体制背景下,充分开展本土SNS基础调研,完善相关规划并确立保护条例,在遗产地可持续发展的基础上协调SNS中的人际间及人与其他物种的公平关系是中国SNS保护成功的关键。  相似文献   

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