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高等职业教育必须坚持能力本位原则   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高职教育是培养适应生产、建设、管理、服务第一线需要的,德、智、体、美等方面全面发展的高等技术应用性专门人才。能力本位是社会对高等职业教育的本质要求;坚持“能力本位”要实现学生和教师角色的转变;坚持“能力本位”必须以市场为导向设计职业课程。  相似文献   

高等职业教育课程模式改革的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等职业教育应当汲取“知识本位”、“能力本位”课程观的长处,根据高职教育人才培养目标,以满足社会行业、企业职业岗位(群)能力和学生个性发展要求为依据,确立“以综合职业能力和全面素质为中心的多元整合”课程观.在高职教育教学实践中,大胆实验综合式课程和模块式课程是高职课程改革的方向.  相似文献   

人才培养目标的定位,在高职高专办学中有十分重要的意义,本文从高等职业教育的发展方向,高等职业教育的终级目标追求,高等职业教育的根本价值取向等几个方面,对办学的就业导向、素质为本位、能力为核心几个方面进行分析和探讨。  相似文献   

国际高等职业教育发展趋势的综述及其对我国的启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
国际高等职业教育经过初创、发展,表现出三大发展趋势:完成从“学科本位”向“能力本位”转变之后,努力拓展职业“能力”的时代内涵;强调职业能力职业素质的培养,重视实践教学;高职院校与企业界形成质量契约关系。它们共同的基点是:如何使高等职业教育培养的人才满足企业界对职业人才的需求。同时表明:高等职业教育与企业界不仅仅是合作,而是有机的融合,这也是国外高等职业教育高度发达的生命力所在。  相似文献   

高等职业技术教育是以市场需求为导向,以就业和职业能力培养为本位,以服务地方经济发展为宗旨,以培养生产、建设、管理、服务一线所需的高技能人才为目标的高等教育。只有不断深化教育教学改革,实现人才培养目标、教学内容、教学方法、教学模式的创新,才能构建实用性人才培养模式,培养出适应社会经济发展的有用之才。  相似文献   

如何评价和保证高职教育质量是高等职业教育发展的关键所在 ,是高等教育大众化的必然要求。相对的、多元化的、能力本位的人才质量观才是高职教育质量评价的价值取向  相似文献   

加强素质能力培养,提高学生核心竞争力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等职业教育既要遵循普通高等教育的一般规律,也要充分体现职业教育的特殊要求,高素质高技能型人才培养应以能力培养为本位,以综合素质培养为基点,专业能力培养为中心,既要重视高素质教育,也要注重职业技能培养,才能真正实现培养“双高”人才的目标。  相似文献   

突出高职特色 深化自动化专业教学改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等职业教育自动化专业应以市场需求为导向,以高新技术为依托,突出“高职”特色,深化教学改革,以能力为本位,重新构建专业教学体系,加强实践教学环节,充分利用学生社团活动,开展科研和创新。  相似文献   

基于能力本位的职业教育思想,遵循“以就业为导向,以技术应用能力为主线”的高等职业教育理念,结合浙江水利和本校水工专业建设的实际,按照“实用为先、够用为度”的原则,整合开发专业课程。整合后的高职水工专业课程体系教学目标明确、实用性和针对性强,凸显高职教育的不可替代性。  相似文献   

应用性本科教育是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,它是由知识本位向能力本位转变的实现方式。应用性本科从层次上看,属于高等教育;从类型上看,属于职业导向的应用性教育。本文就应用性本科教育的内涵、需求导向理论、人才培养等方面的问题进行了探讨,并介绍重庆工商大学应用技术学院在需求导向应用性本科人才培养的实践成果。  相似文献   

城市地铁车站基坑施工对周围环境产生较大影响,往往造成严重后果。本文采用数值计算和监测数据分析的方法对合肥地铁明光路基坑开挖过程中的地下连续墙墙体深层水平位移的进行分析,并将两种方法获得的结果进行对比分析,得出结论表明:在基坑开挖过程中地连墙水平位移呈现中间大、两头小的弓肚形态,最而大位移点随基坑开挖深度加大而逐渐下降,大致位于基坑深度三分之一到三分之二范围处;地连墙水平位移增量与开挖深度程正比,与土层的性质也直接影响到支护体的变形。该结果将对合肥市地铁车站基坑支护结构设计提供重要的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to determine the consolidation behaviour of clay slurries.A finegrained clay with high consistency limits(W_L = 180%,w_P= 120%) was investigated using conventional oedometer and bench-top centrifuge tests.Results indicated that the slurry had an apparent preconsolidation(due to initial conditions,electrochemical interactions,tortuous drainage,and thixotropic strength) from e = 5.7 to e = 5.5 followed by virgin compression.Likewise,the low hydraulic conductivity(10~(-10)-10~(-12) m/s) was due to low porosity(small pore throats) and high tortuosity(long flow paths).Unlike consolidation of soils,the c_v and m_v decreased with increasing σ' but increased with increasing e and k.The data from the two tests correlated well in the range of σ' = 10-65 kPa,e = 5.5-3.86,k= 1.7 × 10~(-10)-5×10~(-11) m/s,F_c = 1-40 MN.New equations were developed to correlate the consolidation parameters(e,σ',k) with F_c.The deviation of k beyond 40 MN(e = 4.65) was due to deviation from the initial straight line portion of the settlement curve in the centrifuge test.  相似文献   

The permeability and sorptivity properties of the two prestressed concrete containment buildings(PCCBs) of a nuclear power plant in South China,which had been under operation for 5 years,were measured by using the autoclam permeability system.The air permeability,sorptivity and water permeability indexes of No.1 PCCB are smaller than or equal to 0.11 ln(102 Pa)/min,0.98×10-7 m3/min1/2 and 1.93×10-7 m3/min1/2,respectively,and the air permeability,sorptivity and water permeability indexes of No.2 PCCB are sma...  相似文献   

级配对粗颗粒土休止角影响试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究级配对粗颗粒土休止角的影响,人工设计了不同级配土料,计算出级配参数最大粒径dmax、不均匀系数cu和曲率系数cc,并由试验测定各个级配土料对应的休止角,研究了级配参数对休止角的影响。结果表明:随着最大粒径dmax、不均匀系数cu、曲率系数cc的增大,休止角整体有增大的趋势,其中最大粒径dmax对休止角的影响更为显著。在此基础上,提出了一种将休止角与级配之间归一化的方法,拟合了休止角与级配参数dmax、cu和cc之间的关系公式,并通过室内试验验证了公式的合理性。  相似文献   

Surface roughness of quartz particles was determined by measuring the specific surface area of particles. The wettability characteristics of particles were determined by measuring the flotation rate using a laboratory flotation cell. Experimental results show that the rod mill product has higher roughness than the ball mill product. For the particles with larger surface roughness, the flotation kinetics constant is also higher. Finally, empirical relationships between surface roughness (r) and the flotation kinetics constant (k) of quartz particles as k=A+Br+Cr 0.5lnr+D/lnr+E/r and k=A+Br are presented, in which A, B, C, D and E are constants related to experimental conditions and mineralogical properties of mineral.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionTheapplicationsofthequasicrystals (QCs)haveal waysbeenemphasized ,astheyhaveaseriesofunusualphysicalandchemicalproperties (forexample ,highhard ness ,lowsurfaceenergyandfrictionalcoefficient) ,result ingfromitsaperiodicalstructure .Manystudies[1-3 ] indi catedthatmostQCsareverybrittleatroomtemperatureandveryeasilytobefracturedevenifhavingverysmalldeformation .Athightemperature ,Al Cu TMQCs (TM =Fe B ,Cr ,Si)showahighplasticityaftercompressiontesting .ForAl Cu FeQCs ,asm…  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to determine the desiccation behavior of clay slurries. A clay slurry with high water adsorption capacity(W_L = 180%,W_P 60%,W_s = 20) was used to determine the soil water characteristic curve(SWCC), shrinkage curve, and hydraulic conductivity. The last parameter was determined similar to the Instantaneous Profile Method using evaporation tests. Results indicated that the clay slurry had an air entry value(AEV) of 1000 kPa and a residual suction of 5000 kPa that occurred at the plastic limit and the shrinkage limit, respectively. The discrepancy between theoretical and measured shrinkage limit was due to the gradual increase in clay particle contact. Unlike soils, the saturated hydraulic conductivity varied by two orders of magnitude(4×10 ~10 m/s at 20 kPa to 3 x 10 ~12 m/s at AEV). The unsaturated k further decreased to 10 ~14 m/s at 6 x 10~4 kPa beyond which vapor flow took place.  相似文献   

In order to establish a model between the grain size and the process parameters, the hot deformation behaviors of Ti-49.5Al alloy was investigated by isothermal compressive tests at temperatures ranging from 800 to 1 100 ℃ with strain rates of 10^-3-10^-1 s^-1. Within this range, the deformation behavior obeys the power law relationship, which can be described using the kinetic rate equation. The stress exponent, n, has a value of about 5.0, and the apparent activation energy is about 320 J/mol, which fits well with the value estimated in previous investigations. The results show that, the dependence of flow stress on the recrystallized grain size can be expressed by the equation: σ = K1 drex^-0.56. The relationship between the deformed microstructure and the process control parameter can be expressed by the formula: lgdrex= -0.281 1gZ 3.908 1.  相似文献   

The microstructure of composite diffusion layer of the nitrided and chromized 0.2% carbon steel is investigated using TEM and EDS. It is found that laths of austenite with high nitrogen (λN) precipitate from α-ferrite matrix in the deeper zone of the diffusion layer. These λN laths are all twins, with their {111} twinning planes parallel to the lath axis, thus forming a characteristic "back-to-back" morphology. There are two types of λN lath. The first is a genuinely {111} twin, and λN and α keep the accurate K-S relationship, and each λN and α form a sharp and smooth λN/α interface of {335}λN//{341}a, namely habit plane {335}fcc. The second is a pseudo-twin, with micro-twins {111} or faults formed within the two twin components. Localized lattice deformation (relaxation) seems to have occurred at the interfaces of the second type of λN due to the formation of micro-twins or faults within the twin components. These micro-twins or faults make the orientation relationship (OR) between each of the λN and the (-matrix deviate from the accurate K-S OR, and the OR between two λN twin components deviate from the genuine {111} twin relationship. In addition, the λN/α interface of the second type of λN is not as sharp or smooth as that of the first one.  相似文献   

A theoretical study has been conducted to investigate the effects of mass transfer on heat transfer in moisture exchange across a membrane and a mathematical model describing the heat transfer process with consideration of the heat of sorption was established. A dimensionless variable, Ψ =JLλ /δ (T 10T 20), which controls the effect of the heat of sorption on the heat transfer in membrane process, was obtained through theoretical analysis, and the effects of Ψ on the heat transfer process were analyzed. Results showed that in the case that the temperature gradient and mass transfer are in the same direction, the effective heat flux changes the direction at Ψ=1. For Ψ<1, the heat transfers from high to low temperature sides through the membrane, and the total thermal resistance increases with increasing the moisture flux across membrane or reducing the temperature difference between the bulk flows on the two sides of membrane. For Ψ>1, the overall effect of the heat and mass transfer is that the effective heat flux points from low to high temperature sides and the total thermal resistance decreases with increasing the mass flux or reducing the temperature difference. In the case that the temperature gradient and mass transfer are in the opposite directions, the existence of the heat of sorption acts to enhance the heat transfer from high to low temperature sides, causing a reduced total thermal resistance, and the greater the mass flux or the smaller the temperature difference, the smaller the total thermal resistance. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 50576040)  相似文献   

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