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《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(3):2180-2189
The objective of this study was to compare the application of iterative linear programming (iteLP), sequential quadratic programming (SQP), and mixed-integer nonlinear programming-based deterministic global optimization (MINLP_DGO) on ration formulation for dairy cattle based on Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle (NRC, 2001). Least-cost diets were formulated for lactating cows, dry cows, and heifers. Nutrient requirements including energy, protein, and minerals, along with other limitations on dry matter intake, neutral detergent fiber, and fat were considered as constraints. Five hundred simulations were conducted, with each simulation randomly selecting 3 roughages and 5 concentrates from the feed table in NRC (2001) as the feed resource for each of 3 animal groups. Among the 500 simulations for lactating cows, 57, 45, and 21 simulations did not yield a feasible solution when using iteLP, SQP, and MINLP_DGO, respectively. All the simulations for dry cows and heifers were feasible when using SQP and MINLP_DGO, but 49 and 11 infeasible simulations occurred when using iteLP for dry cows and heifers, respectively. The average ration costs per animal per day of the feasible solutions obtained by iteLP, SQP, and MINLP_DGO were $4.78 (±0.71), $4.45 (±0.65), and $4.44 (±0.65) for lactating cows; $2.39 (±0.52), $1.48 (±0.26), and $1.48 (±0.26) for dry cows; and $0.98 (±0.72), $0.97 (±0.15), and $0.91 (±0.14) for heifers, respectively. The average computation time of iteLP, SQP, and MINLP_DGO were 0.59 (±1.87) s, 1.15 (±0.62) s, and 58.69 (±68.45) s for lactating cows; 0.041 (±0.070) s, 0.76 (±0.37) s, and 14.84 (±39.09) s for dry cows; and 1.60 (±2.90) s, 0.51 (±0.19) s, and 16.45 (±45.56) s for heifers, respectively. In conclusion, iteLP had limited capability of formulating least-cost diets when nonlinearity existed in the constraints. Both SQP and MINLP_DGO handled the nonlinear constraints well, with SQP being faster, whereas MINLP_DGO was able to return a feasible solution under some situations where SQP could not.  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty Holstein cows were assigned to a randomized complete block design to determine effects of selenium, vitamins, and ration fiber on incidence of placental retention and other health and reproductive problems. The selenium treatment (50 mg selenium, 680 IU vitamin E) was administered as a single injection approximately 3 to 4 wk prepartum. The vitamin treatment (3 million IU vitamin A, 450,000 IU vitamin D3, 300 IU vitamin E) consisted of two injections, one administered at 3 to 4 wk prepartum and another at 2 to 3 wk postpartum. Fiber treatments were: control, 15.7% crude fiber; beet pulp, 19.3% crude fiber; and soyhull, 19.0% crude fiber. Feeding of experimental rations was begun 1 day postpartum, and the ration effect on placental retention was examined only at subsequent parturition. The overall placental retention rate of 28% was not affected by either selenium, vitamin, or combined treatments. Ration treatments did not affect the placental retention rate of 42% at subsequent parturition. Cows receiving the soyhull ration required fewer services per conception. Incidence of foot problems tended to be higher in the cows that received the combined selenium and vitamin A, D, E treatments. Supplemental selenium, vitamins A, D, and E, and ration fiber treatments did not reduce incidence of placental retention or improve most other health and reproductive measures.  相似文献   

A feeding regimen that allows a smooth transition from milk to solid feed is vital for successful heifer-rearing programs. In the past, research efforts have focused on the development of feeding methods that allow early weaning, perhaps because the risk of disease is highest during the milk feeding stage. To encourage early intake of calf starter, conventional feeding programs have limited the supply of milk (often to 10% of BW at birth). However, dairy calves provided free access to milk will typically consume more than twice this amount. We critically review the available literature examining the relationship between milk feeding method, solid feed consumption, and rumen development in young dairy calves and identify areas where new work is required. We conclude that milk-fed dairy calves can safely ingest milk at approximately 20% of body weight (BW)/d, and greater milk consumption supports greater BW gain, improved feed efficiency, reduced incidence of disease, and greater opportunity to express natural behaviors, which in combination suggest improved welfare. Method of weaning greatly influences feed consumption, rumen development, and growth check in calves provided higher amounts of milk. Gradual weaning encourages starter intake during the preweaning period, and both weaning age and duration of weaning influence this consumption. Increased solid feed consumption during the weaning process contributes to rumen development, permitting higher starter intake and BW gain after weaning. Growth factors in milk may also enhance the growth and maturation of the gastrointestinal tract, but more research is required to understand the role of these factors. Greater nutrient supply through increased amount of milk appears to improve immune function and long-term performance of heifer calves; for example, reducing the age at first breeding and increasing first-lactation milk yield, but more research is needed to confirm these effects.  相似文献   

The objective of this analysis was to compare the rumen submodel predictions of 4 commonly used dairy ration programs to observed values of duodenal flows of crude protein (CP), protein fractions, and essential AA (EAA). The literature was searched and 40 studies, including 154 diets, were used to compare observed values with those predicted by AminoCow (AC), Agricultural Modeling and Training Systems (AMTS), Cornell-Penn-Miner (CPM), and National Research Council 2001 (NRC) models. The models were evaluated based on their ability to predict the mean, their root mean square prediction error (RMSPE), error bias, and adequacy of regression equations for each protein fraction. The models predicted the mean duodenal CP flow within 5%, with more than 90% of the variation due to random disturbance. The models also predicted within 5% the mean microbial CP flow except CPM, which overestimated it by 27%. Only NRC, however, predicted mean rumen-undegraded protein (RUP) flows within 5%, whereas AC and AMTS underpredicted it by 8 to 9% and CPM by 24%. Regarding duodenal flows of individual AA, across all diets, CPM predicted substantially greater (>10%) mean flows of Arg, His, Ile, Met, and Lys; AMTS predicted greater flow for Arg and Met, whereas AC and NRC estimations were, on average, within 10% of observed values. Overpredictions by the CPM model were mainly related to mean bias, whereas the NRC model had the highest proportion of bias in random disturbance for flows of EAA. Models tended to predict mean flows of EAA more accurately on corn silage and alfalfa diets than on grass-based diets, more accurately on corn grain-based diets than on non-corn-based diets, and finally more accurately in the mid range of diet types. The 4 models were accurate at predicting mean dry matter intake. The AC, AMTS, and NRC models were all sufficiently accurate to be used for balancing EAA in dairy rations under field conditions.  相似文献   

Forty Finnish Ayrshire cows, 16 primiparous and 24 multiparous, were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatments (FF1 or FF5). Total mixed ration (TMR) was fed once a day on the FF1 treatment and 5 times a day on the FF5 treatment. The experiment began at calving and continued to wk 28 of lactation. The TMR consisted of a grass silage and concentrate mix. The amount of concentrate in the TMR was 51% on a DM basis. The feeding frequency had no effect on milk or energy-corrected milk yields or on milk composition. The average energy-corrected milk yield was 32.8 kg/d on the FF1 treatment and 32.5 kg/d on the FF5 treatment. The less frequent feeding increased the dry matter intake (DMI) of cows. The average DMI during the experiment was 20.9 kg/d on the FF1 treatment and 19.9 kg/d on the FF5 treatment. The difference in DMI was due to the differences in DMI of the mature cows. Energy and protein conversion tended to be lower with feeding once a day compared with feeding 5 times a day. The cows’ feeding behavior was also observed. Cows fed 5 times a day tended to eat quite evenly after each delivery, whereas on the FF1 treatment there were 2 clear feeding peaks in the evening after the feed delivery. The time spent eating during the observation period was longer on FF5 than on FF1. The cows fed once a day spent more time lying than the cows fed 5 times a day. Based on the observations of feeding behavior, feeding a TMR 5 times a day seemed to be too frequent based on the increased restlessness and decreased lying time of the cows.  相似文献   

The purpose of this experiment was to determine the effects of feeding increasing levels of fresh forage (FF) as a proportion of total dry matter intake (DMI) on nutrient intake, rumen digestion, nutrient utilization, and productive performance of total mixed ration (TMR)-fed cows. Twelve dairy cows (90 ± 22 d in milk, 523 ± 88 kg of body weight, 7,908 ± 719 kg of milk production in the previous lactation) were housed in individual tiestalls and assigned to treatments according to a 3 × 3 Latin square design replicated 4 times. Treatments were 100% TMR (T100), 75% TMR plus 25% FF (T75), and 50% TMR plus 50% FF (T50). The experiment lasted 60 d, divided into 3 periods of 20 d each; the first 12 d of each period were used for diet adaptation and the last 8 d for data collection. The TMR (18.1% crude protein, 24.6% acid detergent fiber) and FF (Lolium multiflorum; 15.1% crude protein, 24.1% acid detergent fiber) were prepared and cut daily and offered to each cow individually. The highest DMI was reached in T100 and T75, which was reflected in greater intake of the different nutrients than T50. No differences were detected in the apparent total digestibility of the nutrients, mean ruminal pH, and total volatile fatty acid concentrations among treatments. Cows in T50 resulted in the lowest ruminal N-NH3 concentration and the lowest microbial N flow to the duodenum. Milk yield was 8.5% higher from cows in T100 and T75 compared with T50, but we observed no differences for milk fat or milk protein yield among treatments. Milk fat of cows fed T50 had 8% more unsaturated fatty acids (FA) than that of cows fed T100, mostly because of a higher content of monounsaturated FA. Additionally, cows in T50 had a higher concentration of linoleic acid, vaccenic acid, and rumenic acid than T100. Meanwhile, the concentration of linoleic acid and vaccenic acid in cows fed T75 was higher than T100. The milk fat of the cows fed T50 and T75 had a lower n-6:n-3 ratio than T100. We concluded that including up to 29% of FF in the total DMI in combination with a TMR did not affect the intake or digestion of nutrients or the productive response in dairy cows and resulted in a higher concentration of desirable FA from a consumer's perspective.  相似文献   

The optimal utilization of forages is crucial in cattle production, especially in organic dairy systems that encourage forage-based feeding with limited concentrate amounts. Reduction of the particle size of forages is known to improve feed intake and thus might be a viable option to help cows cope with less nutrient-dense feeds. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of reducing forage particle size with a geometric mean of 52 mm (conventional particle size; CON) to 7 mm (reduced particle size; RED) in a high-forage diet (80% of dry matter) on dairy cows' sorting behavior, feed intake, chewing activity, and performance as well as on total-tract nutrient digestibility. Both diets (CON and RED) consisted of 43% grass hay, 37% clover-grass silage, and 20% concentrate and contained roughly 44% NDF, 15% CP, and 0.5% starch (dry matter basis). For CON, particle size was set by mixing all components for 20 min in a vertical feed mixer. The RED diet was treated the same, but before the mixer was filled, forages were chopped (theoretical length of cut = 0.5 cm) and the hay was hammer-milled (sieve size = 2 cm). Four primiparous and 16 multiparous mid-lactating dairy cows were assigned according to milk yield, body weight (BW), days in milk, and parity into 2 groups and fed 1 of the 2 diets for 34 d. The first 13 d were used for diet adaption, followed by data collection of nutrient intake, chewing activity, sorting behavior, milk production, and nutrient digestibility for the last 21 d of the experiment. Seven days before the start of the experiment, data on BW, dry matter intake (DMI), chewing activity, sorting behavior, and milk production were collected for use as covariates. Results showed that the RED diet improved DMI (+1.8 kg/d) and NDF intake (+0.46 kg/d) but decreased intake of physically effective NDF >8 (?3.25 kg/d). The RED-fed cows increased their intake of smaller particles (<19 mm), whereas CON-fed cows sorted for long particles (>19 mm). The RED cows reduced eating and ruminating time per kilogram of DMI by 4.8 and 1.9 min, respectively, suggesting lower mastication efforts. In addition, the RED diet significantly increased apparent total-tract digestibility of nutrients. As a consequence, RED cows' energy-corrected milk yield was higher (27.0 vs. 29.3 kg/d) without affecting milk solids, cow BW, or feed efficiency. In conclusion, the data support a reduction of forage particle size in high-forage diets as a measure to improve energy intake, performance, and hence forage utilization under these feeding conditions.  相似文献   

This study evaluated whether three nutrition-oriented programs in Central America and Mexico have been successful in targeting those households most vulnerable to undernutrition and poverty. For each country, nationally representative data sets were used to estimate cutoff points dividing the population into 10 equal-sized groups according to child anthropometric measurements (age-standardized height) and household income (per capita household expenditures). Households meeting eligibility criteria were then assessed using special baseline surveys or national data obtained before implementation of the program. Children in these households were classified according to national deciles of height-for-age, and households were classified according to expenditure deciles. In spite of markedly differing targeting strategies, each of the programs was well targeted, with 45% (Honduras and Mexico) and 52% (Nicaragua) of children in eligible households coming from the lowest two deciles of the national distributions, and virtually none from the upper two deciles. Similar results pertained to household income. These experiences demonstrate that vulnerable households can be targeted relatively straightforwardly, and that the need to do this does not in every case imply household-level income screening.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the effects of organic acid (OA; Mold-Zap, Alltech, Nicholasville, KY) inclusion in the total mixed ration (TMR) and feeding frequency of TMR for lactating dairy cows on intake, total-tract apparent digestibility, sorting index, feeding behavior, ruminal fermentation, milk yield and composition, nitrogen balance, and serum metabolites. Twenty-four lactating Holstein cows, 4 with rumen cannulas, with (mean ± standard error) 247 ± 22.2 d in milk, 672 ± 14.6 kg of body weight, and 31.1 ± 1.09 kg of milk yield at the beginning of the experiment were used. The cows were distributed in a balanced and contemporary 4 × 4 Latin square experimental design and randomly assigned in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement to evaluate OA [0 (OA?) or 0.5 (OA+) L of Mold-Zap/tonne of TMR on a natural matter basis] and feeding frequency of TMR offered once a day (1×) or twice a day (2×). Each experimental period lasted 21 d, with 14 d for acclimation and 7 d for data collection. The treatments were tested for TMR, in which its temperature was recorded every 2 h through a 24-h period in each experimental period. Organic acid-treated TMR showed a lower temperature during the 24-h period compared with nontreated TMR. The OA and feeding frequency had no effect on intake and total-tract apparent digestibility of dry matter and nutrients, aside from a tendency to increase neutral detergent fiber digestibility in cows fed 2×. Also, cows fed 1× tended to select more particles between 19 and 8 mm and refused particles smaller than 4 mm, whereas cows fed OA tended to select more particles smaller than 4 mm. Cows fed OA had greater milk yield and milk protein and lactose yields, but tended to have higher 3.5% fat-corrected milk yield. Neither treatment influenced ruminal and serum variables nor milk fat yield and milk production efficiency. Cows fed OA spent less time idling and tended to have lower rumination time, and tended to have higher time spent drinking water and eating, whereas animals fed 1× spent more time drinking water. Under the conditions of this experiment, we conclude that it was possible to reduce the feeding frequency of TMR, without negative effects on dairy cow performance. However, the use of OA resulted in higher milk yield and mitigated TMR temperature rise regardless of feeding frequency. The effect of external factors such as collective stimulation of intake and stage of lactation on feeding frequency effect must be surveyed in further research.  相似文献   

The increasing N concentrations in surface and groundwater in north Florida emphasize the need to identify sources of N loss and ways to reduce them. The amount of N excretion produced by dairy farms and deposited into the Suwannee River agro-ecosystem is being heavily scrutinized by regulatory agencies because it is believed to contribute significantly to the high N concentrations in water. Models developed by Van Horn and the USDA-Natural Resource and Conservation Service are used to estimate N balances on dairy farms. This study explores ways to improve these estimates by using dynamic simulation of N excretion over time. The Livestock Dynamic North Florida Dairy Farm model (LiDyNoFlo), which was created for this purpose, is described. The amount of N excretion on a dairy farm depends on crude protein in the diet, milk production, the presence of mature bulls and heifers, and seasonality of production. The LiDyNoFlo considered more variables than earlier models, and estimates of N excretion differed from those of other models. Comparisons consistently showed the LiDyNoFlo predictions of N excretion were between those predicted by the Van Horn model (upper end) and the Natural Resource and Conservation Service model (lower end). The LiDyNoFlo predicted that a 1,000-cow operation produced 324 kg of N excretion/d in February and 307 kg of N excretion/d in August because of seasonal milk production and herd dynamics. Seasonal differences in N excretion are important because they determine the opportunity for N recycling in the crop fields such that total N losses into the Suwannee River agro-ecosystem may be minimized.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of feeding ground (G) versus pelleted (P) total mixed ration (PTMR) on digestibility and milk production performance of mid‐lactation dairy cows over a 42‐days period. Results showed that, compared to GTMR, feeding PTMR increased dry matter intake and digestibility, ruminal propionate proportions and milk protein percentage, but decreased acetate‐to‐propionate ratio, milk fat percentage and aldehydes, acids, alcohols, and aromatic hydrocarbon proportions in milk. The PTMR did not improve milk yield but accelerated live weight recovery of cows and led to acidosis risk in lactating cows due to negative effects on rumen fermentation.  相似文献   

The objective was to compare the costs of natural service (NS) and timed artificial insemination (TAI) as breeding programs for dairy cows. Both programs were directly compared in a field study from November 2006 to March 2008. Reproductive results in that study were similar and served as inputs for this study. A herd budget accounting for all costs and revenues was created. Net cost during the field study for the NS program was $100.49/cow per year and for the TAI program was $67.80/cow per year, unadjusted for differences in voluntary waiting period for first insemination (VWP) and pregnancy rates (PR). After inclusion of the differences in VWP and PR, the economic advantage of the TAI program was $9.73/cow per year. Costs per day a cow was eligible for insemination were estimated at $1.45 for the NS program and $1.06 for the TAI program. Sensitivity analysis revealed that if the marginal feed cost increased to $5/hundredweight (cwt; 1 cwt = 45.36 kg), the advantage of TAI increased to $48.32/cow per year. In addition, higher milk prices and greater genetic progress increased the advantage of TAI. When semen price increased from $6 to $22, the NS program had an economic advantage of $33.29/cow per year. If each NS bull was replaced by an additional cow, the advantage of the TAI program was $60.81/cow per year. Setting the PR for both programs at 18% and the VWP at 80 d resulted in an advantage of $37.87/cow per year for the TAI program. In conclusion, any advantage of TAI depended greatly on cost to feed bulls, semen price, and genetic merit of semen.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(7):4545-4558
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the inclusion of whole-plant corn silage (WPCS) in a starter or total mixed ration (TMR) on growth, blood metabolites, ruminal fermentation, and microbial community in preweaning dairy calves. A total of 45 healthy dairy calves were blocked by date of birth and randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatments: 100% calf starter (CONS), a mix of 85% calf starter and 15% WPCS [dry matter (DM) basis; CSCS], or 100% WPCS-based lactation TMR (CTMR). Pasteurized normal milk was fed to all the animals under the same regimen. The experiment ran from when the calves were 2 d old to weaning at 63 d. Milk and feed intakes were recorded daily. Growth performance data and blood samples were collected on wk 3, 5, 7, and 9 of the experiment. Rumen fluid was sampled at 40 and 60 d. The 3 treatments had different particle size fractions. The CSCS group had greater medium fraction (<19 mm, >8 mm) and particles retained on 8-mm sieves than the other 2 groups, whereas the CTMR group had the greatest long (>19 mm) and fine (<4 mm) fractions and physically effective neutral detergent fiber (NDF) on 8- and 4-mm sieves, but had the smallest short fraction (<8 mm, >4 mm) and particles retained on 4-mm sieves. The 24-h in vitro digestibility of DM, crude protein (CP), NDF, and acid detergent fiber (ADF) were decreased in order by the CONS, CSCS, and CTMR groups. Compared with the CONS group, the digestibility of ether extract (EE) was lower in the CSCS and CTMR groups, whereas the digestibility of starch was similar among treatments. During the experimental period, the DM, CP, and metabolizable energy intakes from milk, solid feed, and total feed were not affected by treatments. The NDF, ADF, and EE intakes and potentially digestible intakes were greater in the CTMR group than in the other 2 groups. With the exception that body barrel was greater for calves fed CSCS, growth parameters and blood metabolites were similar among treatments. Compared with the CSCS group, the CTMR group had greater rumen pH and total volatile fatty acids, propionate, and isovalerate concentrations, but a lower acetate:propionate ratio. The CTMR group had greater relative abundances of some cellulolytic bacteria (Rikenellaceae RC9 gut group, Christensenellaceae R7, Ruminococcaceae NK4A214, Ruminococcaceae UCG, Ruminococcus, and Erysipelotrichaceae UCG) in the rumen, which may be beneficial for the early acquisition of specific adult-associated microorganisms. In summary, a WPCS-based lactation TMR, but not the WPCS-included starter, had the potential to be an alternative starter in preweaning calves without having significant adverse effects. These findings provide theoretical and practical implications for the rational application of TMR in the early life of dairy calves.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: High aerobic stability can be expected when wet brewers' grains are stored as a total mixed ration (TMR) silage. To understand the factors affecting the stability, the effects of ration formulation, air infiltration and storage period were studied. RESULTS: A TMR containing wet brewers' grains, hay, maize, wheat bran, beet pulp and molasses was ensiled in laboratory silos for 14 and 56 days. The effects of hay species (lucerne or sudangrass) and air infiltration (Exp. 1) and of excluding one, two or three items from the six ingredients (Exp. 2) were examined. Ethanol was the main fermentation product in all TMR silages in this study. Aerobic deterioration occurred in 14 day silages prepared with sudangrass hay along with air infiltration (Exp. 1), and with the simplest recipe where three items (hay, maize and wheat bran) were excluded (Exp. 2). No deterioration occurred in 56 day silages regardless of ration formulation and air infiltration. Yeasts receded in 56 day silages, except with the simplest recipe, to the 102 cfu g?1 level and remained undetectable in the presence of air (Exp. 2). CONCLUSION: TMR silage can resist aerobic deterioration provided that a sufficient ensiling period has elapsed. Silages stored for only a few weeks may be susceptible to deterioration when air is infiltrated or where fewer ingredients are used in the TMR mixture. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to use a precision nutrition model to simulate the relationship between diet formulation frequency and dairy cattle performance across various climates. Agricultural Modeling and Training Systems (AMTS) CattlePro diet-balancing software (Cornell Research Foundation, Ithaca, NY) was used to compare 3 diet formulation frequencies (weekly, monthly, or seasonal) and 3 levels of climate variability (hot, cold, or variable). Predicted daily milk yield (MY), metabolizable energy (ME) balance, and dry matter intake (DMI) were recorded for each frequency-variability combination. Economic analysis was conducted to calculate the predicted revenue over feed and labor costs. Diet formulation frequency affected ME balance and MY but did not affect DMI. Climate variability affected ME balance and DMI but not MY. The interaction between climate variability and formulation frequency did not affect ME balance, MY, or DMI. Formulating diets more frequently increased MY, DMI, and ME balance. Economic analysis showed that formulating diets weekly rather than seasonally could improve returns over variable costs by $25,000 per year for a moderate-sized (300-cow) operation. To achieve this increase in returns, an entire feeding system margin of error of <1% was required. Formulating monthly, rather than seasonally, may be a more feasible alternative as this requires a margin of error of only 2.5% for the entire feeding system. Feeding systems with a low margin of error must be developed to better take advantage of the benefits of precision nutrition.  相似文献   

Due to increased awareness of animal welfare issues by consumers, 3 voluntary programs were developed to assess animal welfare on commercial dairies in the United States. These programs include: 1) Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC), with minimum standards and a third-party audit system; 2) Dairy Quality Assurance Center (DQAC); and 3) University of California-Davis (UCD) program with self-assessments. The objective of this article was to provide an overview of the similarities and differences in content and scope of these programs. Furthermore, to ascertain the practical application of these programs on commercial dairies, a study was designed to compare the rank order of compliance scores of each program on 10 commercial California dairies using a survey and personal interviews with dairy owners or managers. The survey combined 316 statements from the DQAC checklist, the UCD assessment, and the HFAC standards. The mean (+/-SD) percentage compliance for the DQAC, HFAC, and UCD programs was 83 +/- 8, 94 +/- 3, and 85 +/- 6%, respectively. A ranking order from 1 to 10 was assigned to each dairy using the compliance score for each assessment program. Comparisons of ranking order between programs were not significant, indicating that different indices were being measured by each program. All programs, however, identified the same 2 lowest-ranking dairies, which indicated that the programs were able to identify facilities with the weakest welfare practices. The survey results show that selection of the available assessment programs for animal welfare on the dairy is important in determining the outcomes.  相似文献   

Forty multiparous cows beyond peak production were fed forage ad libitum behind Calan doors and grain at 1 kg/2.5 kg milk through a computer controlled feeder, and 40 similar cows were fed a total mixed ration balanced for 32 kg milk behind Calan doors ad libitum. Based on mean milk production from d 16 through 21 of a preliminary period, cows were balanced into two groups within each group of 40 cows. Both groups received the originally assigned ration during d 22 through 49. During d 50 through 77, 20 cows were switched abruptly to the other ration and 20 remained on the original. Cows fed forage and grain separately had milk yields similar to those fed total mixed ration. Dry matter intake was lower for cows fed forage and grain separately from d 22 through 49 due to reduced forage intake and was also lower from d 50 through 77 due to decreased grain intake. Four percent fat-corrected milk production efficiency was higher for cows fed forage and grain separately. Abruptly changing cows from one feeding system to another did not influence milk yield, milk composition, or body weight gain. The computer controlled feeder system is an effective method to allot grain according to milk production requirements in freestall housing.  相似文献   

Total mixed rations (TMR) as we know them today did not exist in 1917. In fact, TMR are an invention of primarily the last half of the past 100 yr. Prior to that time many dairy herds were fed only forages, but dairy producers started moving toward TMR feeding as milk production per cow increased, herds became larger, freestall and large-group handling of cows became more common, and milking parlors became more prevalent. The earliest known reports in the Journal of Dairy Science of feeding “complete rations” or TMR may have appeared in the 1950s, but those studies were often reported only as abstracts at annual meetings of the American Dairy Science Association or in extension-type publications. The earliest full-length article on TMR in the journal was published in 1966. An advantage of feeding TMR as opposed to feeding forages supplemented with concentrates is the opportunity to make every bite of feed essentially a complete, nutritionally balanced diet for all cows. Nutritionally related off-feed (e.g., ingredient separation due to poor mixing, feed sorting by the animal, and so on), milk fat depression, and other digestive upsets were less likely to occur with TMR feeding. Feed mixer wagons, feed particle sizes, moisture content of diets, and other factors were not concerns before TMR feeding but are concerns today. Today, most dairy herds, especially larger herds in the United States and elsewhere, feed TMR.  相似文献   

Milk production was measured and phosphorus (P) excretion in feces was estimated in dairy cows fed three amounts of P. A basal diet was formulated to contain 0.31% P (DM basis). Sodium monophosphate replaced corn in the basal diet to give two additional diets containing 0.40 and 0.49% P. The diets were fed to eight, nine, and nine multiparous Holsteins from the beginning to the end of lactation. Milk yields for the 308-d lactation were 10,790, 11,226, and 11,134 kg for the three treatments, respectively. The lowest milk yield resulted from decreased milk production during late lactation with the 0.31% P group. Reproductive performance of the cows was not related to dietary P content. Fecal P concentration, determined in wk 2, 4, 6, 8, 23, and 40 of lactation, increased as dietary P intake was increased. Cows fed the lowest P diet conserved P by minimizing P excretion in feces and urine, whereas cows in the other two treatments excreted more P through these routes. A reduction in dietary P from 0.49 to 0.40% reduced fecal P excretion by 23%. Apparent P digestibilities of less than 40% are indicative of surplus dietary P. Feeding 0.40% P appeared sufficient to maintain P balance and the level of milk production achieved in this experiment. An example is given which illustrates the relationship between dietary and fecal P.  相似文献   

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