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This paper analyses the effect of link current ripple on the torque pulsations of a current source inverter-fed induction motor. The torque pulsations produced by a ‘pure’ DC link current are compared with those produced by a link current containing both DC and a superimposed ripple. It shows that if the average values of link current in the two cases are the same, the magnitudes of the torque pulsations with and without ripple are approximately equal in the time domain, although the magnitudes of the individual torque harmonics are affected. It also investigates the effects of different inverter frequencies on the torque pulsations. 相似文献
With the application of an energy rebound circuit for the pulsewidth modulation (PWM)-controlled rectifier, an improved current source gate turn-off thyristor (GTO) inverter system capable of producing sinusoidal inputs and outputs is presented. The energy rebound circuit in the inverter is used to turn off the thyristors in the rectifier for applying PWM control techniques and also to clamp the spike voltage produced in the inverter circuit. The principles and circuit operations of this system are described in detail, and requirements for PWM control of the rectifier are investigated. The conditions for satisfying the requirements of the energy rebound circuit are analyzed by experimental and theoretical methods. The PWM-controlled current source GTO inverter system is used to drive an eight-pole 400 Hz 5.5 kW induction motor. Analytical and experimental results, as well as the characteristics of the motor drives, are given 相似文献
《Electric Power Systems Research》2007,77(5-6):619-629
Sensorless control is considered to be a lower cost alternative than the position or speed encoder-based control of induction motors. Two popular sensorless control methods, namely, the model reference adaptive system (MRAS) and the Luenberger observer (LO) methods are compared for speed and torque control characteristics. They are also compared against the well-known vector control principle. For the drive system simulated, the torque and speed obtained from sensorless control are almost identical to those obtained from the vector control method. However, the torque ripple for the sensorless methods is observed to be higher than vector control-based method. The MRAS method introduces higher torque ripple when compared to the Luenberger observer. In addition, speed estimation methods employed in sensorless control are more sensitive to motor parameter variations. 相似文献
A quasi-resonant inverter-fed induction motor operated under direct torque control (DTC) scheme is modeled and analyzed with SABER simulator. The dc link voltage is clamped to source voltage. All the devices in the resonant link and inverter except auxiliary switch in the resonant link are operated soft under zero-voltage switching (ZVS). The auxiliary switch is turned on under zero-current switching (ZCS), but turned off hard. This scheme has been implemented on a laboratory-sized experimental setup. A comparison of simulation and experimental results under identical operating conditions were presented. 相似文献
Five-level GTO inverters for large induction motor drives 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Menzies R.W. Steimer P. Steinke J.K. 《Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on》1994,30(4):938-944
The development of large induction motor drives with low torque ripple and fast dynamic response for new or retrofit applications has been limited by the device ratings and problems of series connections. This paper investigates the use of a five-level GTO voltage-sourced inverter for large induction motor drives. The advantages of such a drive are that single GTO thyristors may be used at each level, thereby avoiding the need for series connection of the thyristors. The thyristors are well protected from overvoltages by the clamping action of the DC supply capacitors. The disadvantages are that each DC level requires a separate supply, four in the case of the five-level inverter, and that the devices are not equally loaded. This paper reviews the basic operation of the five-level inverter and possible PWM voltage/frequency control techniques for the specific application of induction motor drives. The simulation results clearly show the unequal loading of the devices and the need for independent voltage supplies for the five levels. It is shown that a combination of several PWM techniques offers the best solution for the drives application. The conclusions indicate that large induction motors with ratings up to 22 MVA, 7.46 kV may be supplied by the five-level inverter using available 4.5 kV, 3.0 kA GTO thyristors. The recommended supply for such an inverter with full regenerative operation over the complete speed range is four, four-quadrant converters in a quasi-24-pulse configuration 相似文献
A new direct torque and stator flux control method is presented for pulsewidth modulation (PWM) inverter-fed induction motors. This new strategy, called decoupled direct control (DDC), is based on a decoupling matrix that allows for the separate control of the stator flux and the torque. This method is compared to the well-known direct field-oriented control (FOC) and stator flux vector control (SFVC) methods. Two DDC-based methods are presented. The first determines the stator voltage vector such that the torque and the flux track their respective reference trajectories in one sampling time. The second sets separately the dynamic behavior of the torque and stator flux errors by the use of proportional-plus integral (PI)-type controllers. These methods take into account the full motor dynamics without the need of a coordinate transformation and reduce significantly computation requirements compared to FOC and SFVC. The two proposed strategies have been implemented experimentally and comparisons with FOC and SFVC were carried out. The obtained results show the effectiveness of the proposed PI-DDC strategy. 相似文献
Dr. Vedam D. Subrahmanyam V. Subrahmanyam M. V. C. Rao 《Electrical Engineering (Archiv fur Elektrotechnik)》1977,59(6):337-343
Contents The analysis of the induction motor based on the signal flow graphs is carried out. It is shown that the state transition matrix can be determined in a systematic and straightforward way using Mason's gain formula. This method is found computationally very much superior to other methods available in the literature. There is a considerable reduction in the CPU time. The presence of an input signal also does not pose any problems, as inherently the transition signal flow graph includes its effect also.
List of Symbols i ds,i qs direct and quadrature axis currents of stator - i dr,i qr direct and quadrature axis currents of rotor - i dr(0),i qs(0) initial values of d-q currents of stator - i dr(0),i qr(0) initial values of d-q currents of rotor - I ds(s),I qs(s) Laplace transforms of d-q currents of stator - I dr(s),I qr(s) Laplace transforms of d-q currents of rotor - L s,L r Self inductances of stator and rotor - M Mutual inductance between stator and rotor - R s,R r Resistance per phase of stator and rotor windings - R 1,R 2,R 3,R 4 Roots of characteristic equation - V ds V qs Direct and quadrature components of stator voltage - ds, qs Direct and quadrature components of stator flux linkages - dr, qr Direct and quadrature components of rotor flux linkages - s Synchronous angular velocity - r Rotor angular velocity - T d Torque developed 相似文献
Das stationäre Verhalten der stromrichter-gespeisten Asynchronmaschine
Übersicht Es wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit das stationäre Verhalten der stromrichter-gespeisten Asynchronmaschine auf Grund des Signalflußdiagramms untersucht. Die Anwendung der Masonschen Regel liefert unmittelbar die, State Transition Matrix' mit einem CPU-Zeitaufwand, der geringer ist, als der der in der Literatur bekannten Methoden. Beliebige Eingangssignale lassen sich in einfacher Weise behandeln, da diese im Signalflußdiagramm repräsentiert werden können.
List of Symbols i ds,i qs direct and quadrature axis currents of stator - i dr,i qr direct and quadrature axis currents of rotor - i dr(0),i qs(0) initial values of d-q currents of stator - i dr(0),i qr(0) initial values of d-q currents of rotor - I ds(s),I qs(s) Laplace transforms of d-q currents of stator - I dr(s),I qr(s) Laplace transforms of d-q currents of rotor - L s,L r Self inductances of stator and rotor - M Mutual inductance between stator and rotor - R s,R r Resistance per phase of stator and rotor windings - R 1,R 2,R 3,R 4 Roots of characteristic equation - V ds V qs Direct and quadrature components of stator voltage - ds, qs Direct and quadrature components of stator flux linkages - dr, qr Direct and quadrature components of rotor flux linkages - s Synchronous angular velocity - r Rotor angular velocity - T d Torque developed 相似文献
Chandorkar M.C. Divan D.M. Lasseter R.H. 《Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on》1995,31(1):134-140
This paper presents the control techniques for a multiple current source GTO power converter in a high-power environment. The output current space vector diagram for the multiple power converter is presented. The important issue of DC current sharing between the two bridges is discussed, and a novel current sharing control scheme based on the use of redundant switch combinations is presented. Harmonic issues are discussed. The ranges of independent control of real and reactive power for different DC power sources are presented 相似文献
Matsuse K. Hayashida T. Kubota H. Yoshida T. 《Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on》1994,30(3):628-635
The purpose of this work is to analyze the steady state performance of an inverter-fed high-speed induction motor with trapezoidal rotor bars taking into account crosspath resistance between adjacent rotor bars. The performance of the induction motor drives for various crosspath resistances of two kinds of rotor slot shapes, a rectangular bar and a trapezoidal bar, is discussed on the basis of theoretical and experimental results of a 2.2 kW 500 Hz 15000 rev/min three-phase induction motor. It is also shown that the equivalent rotor resistance and leakage reactance change with crosspath resistance between adjacent rotor bars for various values of the fundamental supply frequency, the rotor slip, and the harmonics. The results of this research will be applied for design consideration of a high-speed induction motor with uninsulated rotor bars 相似文献
A new dual power converter, comprised of two three-phase AC-DC pulse width modulated (PWM) gate turn-off thyristor (GTO) converters, is proposed. The gating pulse pattern of the converters is chosen such that no circulating current flows between the converters when they are operated simultaneously. In addition, a good input power factor is obtained with less ripple in the output current. A symmetrical type of gating is worked out in which all the GTOs in the converter are switched an equal number of times during each cycle of the source voltage. The motor current is free to reverse naturally at any moment, and hence, the possibility of discontinuous conduction of the motor current does not arise. A four quadrant, closed loop, speed controlled DC motor drive fed from the proposed dual converter is designed, constructed, and tested. The experimental results obtained are shown to be in good agreement with theory 相似文献
Matsuse K. Hayashida T. Miki I. Kubota H. Yoshida T. 《Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on》1994,30(3):621-627
The effects of crosspath resistance between adjacent rotor bars on steady state performance of inverter-fed high-speed cage induction motors are discussed. It is shown that the equivalent rotor resistance and leakage reactance change with crosspath resistance between adjacent rotor bars for various values of the fundamental supply frequency and the slip. The steady state characteristics of the high-speed induction motor drives for various crosspath resistance are discussed on the basis of theoretical and experimental results. The results of this research are applied in the design of a high-speed induction motor with uninsulated rotor bars 相似文献