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水润滑赛龙轴承综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赛龙以其抗冲击、耐泥砂、耐磨损、承载力高而逐渐成为一种新兴的水润滑轴承材料。文中简单介绍了水润滑赛龙轴承材料的分类,论述了水润滑赛龙轴承的发展现状以及其结构、特性和优点,并阐述了水润滑赛龙轴承的推广应用前景和研究现状。  相似文献   

水润滑赛龙轴承   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
指出了传统水润滑轴承材料的不足,详细介绍了水润滑赛龙轴承的材料分类、轴承结构、特性和优点以及设计使用原则,并指出水润滑赛龙轴承具有广阔的应用发展前景。  相似文献   

八纵向沟水润滑橡胶轴承润滑性能研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
水润滑橡胶轴承是水下最适宜的轴承之一,笔对潜水泵上常用的八纵向沟水润滑橡胶轴承,在水润滑条件下的润滑机理进行了实验研究,根据实验结果剖析了影响摩擦系数的主要因素及其影响规律,并据此提出了一组实用设计参数。  相似文献   

海水润滑赛龙陶瓷轴承的摩擦学性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析海水润滑轴承的主要磨损形式,建立海水润滑赛龙陶瓷轴承的弹流润滑模型,通过数值计算发现在赛龙陶瓷/钢摩擦副间可以形成海水弹流润滑膜,轴承间水膜厚度分布有明显颈缩现象,但压力分布图中第二压力峰不明显;随着转速的增加,海水润滑膜膜厚及最小膜厚都变薄;相同条件下,赛龙陶瓷轴承用海水润滑比用纯水和油润滑时更不容易形成弹流润滑薄膜。  相似文献   

利用Reynolds方程,对海水润滑条件下赛龙轴承在考虑热效应时的弹流润滑问题进行数值模拟,讨论载荷、转速和轴承轴径大小对海水润滑膜压力及膜厚的影响。结果表明:热效应对于水膜压力影响很小,而考虑热效应时的膜厚会有所减小;随载荷的增大,压力峰值有所增大,膜厚随载荷的增大有明显的减小;随转速的增大压力峰值减小,而膜厚随转速的增大而有明显的增大;轴径的大小对于水膜压力和膜厚的大小影响不明显。  相似文献   

利用考虑热效应的Reynolds方程,对水润滑条件下的飞龙轴承进行考虑热效应时的弹流润滑理论分析。通过数值模拟讨论载荷、转速和轴径对水润滑膜压力及膜厚的影响。结果表明:热效应对水润滑膜压力的影响几乎可以不计,而膜厚减小;随载荷增大,压力峰值有所增大,膜厚随载荷的增大而减小;随转速的增大压力峰值减小,而膜厚随转速的增大而增大;轴径的大小对压力的影响不明显,但随轴径的增大膜厚减小。  相似文献   

用边界元法分析水润滑扇形瓦推力轴承的润滑性能,将雷诺方程转化为类似泊松方程的形式,采用边界元法求解该方程,研制了一套C++计算程序,得到多组轴瓦参数下的水膜厚度、压力分布和相关润滑性能,可以显著降低代数方程组的阶数,从而减少计算所需时间,并可提高计算精度。研究表明瓦块张角和瓦块倾角对最小水膜厚度、最大水膜压力、摩擦功耗、压力中心位置和进水口流量有不同程度的影响,该研究将有助于合理的设计水润滑扇形瓦推力轴承的轴瓦参数。  相似文献   

分析在海水润滑条件下,赛龙径向轴承流体动力润滑情况;比较海水润滑和矿物油润滑时赛龙轴承偏位角和偏心率的变化;分析在海水润滑时钢轴承和赛龙轴承的偏心率和偏位角变化。结果表明:与矿物油润滑相比,海水润滑时赛龙轴承偏位角小很多,且轴承偏心率趋于1;转速固定为600r/min时,在载荷5000N以下矿物油润滑赛龙轴承偏位角、偏心率随载荷变化剧烈;海水润滑时,与钢轴承相比,赛龙轴承的偏位角较大,且随着转速的变化偏位角变化较快,随着载荷的增加,2种材料轴承的偏位角变化率接近。  相似文献   

采用无限短近似简化Reynolds方程,对飞龙、赛龙及聚四氟乙烯3种新型水润滑径向轴承进行流体润滑的数值分析,探讨载荷和转速对3种轴承的偏心率和偏位角的影响。结果表明:水润滑条件下,不同材料的润滑性能是不同的,其中PTFE材料润滑膜压力及中心膜厚最大,飞龙材料最小;随着转速的增大,3种材料轴承的偏心率均减小,偏位角均增大;随着载荷的增大,3种材料轴承的偏心率增大,偏位角减小;偏心率太大则润滑膜太薄,必然导致过高的轴承温度,对轴承的工作不利。  相似文献   

水润滑轴承研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在船舶的推进系统中,以水替代矿物油作为工作介质的水润滑轴承具有节能环保、结构简单、维修方便等优点,已成为各国竞相研究的热点.概述水润滑轴承的研究现状,包括理论研究、结构设计、材料研究等,并总结各种水润滑轴承材料的性能特点;介绍赛龙、飞龙、尼龙和超高分子量聚乙烯几种新型水润滑轴承材料的优缺点;分析水润滑轴承目前存在的主要问题以及需要进一步研究的重点和目标.  相似文献   

以含沙量不同的自来水为润滑介质,用MPV-200型摩擦磨损试验机分别研究了载荷、速度、运行时间等对水润滑橡胶轴承的摩擦系数和磨损率的影响,得出橡胶轴承在不同水质,不同工况下的摩擦学特性,并对作用机理进行了系统的分析,为水润滑橡胶轴承的实际应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

水润滑橡胶轴承的磨粒磨损特性及机理研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
以含沙量不同的自来水为润滑介质,用MPV-200型摩擦磨损试验机分别研究了含沙量对水润滑丁腈橡胶轴承的摩擦系数和磨损率的影响,得出了丁腈橡胶轴承在不同水质下的磨擦学特征,并对作用机理进行了系统的分析,为水润滑橡胶轴承的实际应用提供理论指导。  相似文献   

低速重载等极端工况下摩擦诱导异常振动会极大地影响舰船推进轴系中水润滑轴承的稳定运转。针对水润滑轴承开展考虑横向振动的摩擦动力学性能研究,建立受横向振动效应影响的水润滑轴承混合润滑和流体动压润滑模型,分析2种状态下轴承的振动特性;通过将轴颈平衡位置下的坐标代入轴承横向振动模型中,得到轴颈的扰动量,研究不同激励幅值对轴承摩擦力的影响规律,探明弹性变形条件下水润滑轴承的摩擦诱导振动机制。结果表明:当轴承出现接触,横向振动对轴承的摩擦力影响较显著,将导致轴承摩擦力呈现非线性变化。研究结果为评估横向振动对摩擦力的影响程度、揭示轴承摩擦振动机制提供支撑。  相似文献   

The performance of a finite length porous journal bearing fed by externally pressurized air is numerically analyzed in the present study. A quasi-linear numerical scheme associated with an underrelaxation factor is used to solve the pressure solutions of the nonlinear coupled partial differential equation (PDE). Two characteristic parameters, i.e., the feeding parameter Λp and a conventional bearing number Λ, are involved in the analysis. The results show that the aerodynamic lubricating effect is dominant for the porous bearing having a small Λp number, whereas the aerostatic effect prevails inside the bearing space as the Λp number is large. When the permeability parameter Λp is small, the aerodynamic effect is further promoted for the bearing operating at heavy load; herein the minimum film thickness becomes relatively small. It is found that a bearing with a small Λp will have a higher risk for the journal shaft to touch the bearing wall than a bearing with large Λp. Therefore, as far as the bearing safety and loading capacity are concerned, a porous journal bearing with Λp ranging between 0.5 and 1 is recommended in practical use.  相似文献   

为了研究沟槽结构对船用水润滑轴承润滑特性的影响机制,采用有限元法,通过对简化后的椭圆形沟槽的二维模型进行流体动力学CFD分析,从迹线以及涡流等方面分析沟槽结构参数对沟槽内部流体特征的影响,得到不同状态下沟槽内部的压力轮廓,并分析沟槽结构参数对水润滑轴承摩擦因数的影响和轴承的润滑机制。结果表明:沟槽的大小影响轴承间隙内流体的流通面积,沟槽的结构特征影响沟槽内的流体黏度。研究结果可为水润滑轴承优化设计提供参考。  相似文献   

Gas-lubricated foil journal bearings are simple, in construction, lightweight and well suited for high-temperature applications in turbomachinery. Hearing stiffness is governed primarily by the foil flexural stiffness. The bearing consists essentially of thin overlapping circular metal foils, one end of which is cantilevered to the bearing housing and. the other end rests on an adjacent foil.

An analysis of gas-lubricated foil bearings is presented with a specific type of backing spring used under the foils to control bearing preload, and stiffness. The backing spring acts like, an elastic foundation tinder the foil and radically changes the hydrodynamic pressure distribution generated in the gas film. The pressure distribution is obtained by simultaneously solving the compressible Reynolds equation and. the elasticity equations governing the compliant bearing surface, consisting of foils and backing springs. An iterative scheme is used, to obtain pressure distributions for heavily loaded cases, involving extensive computation, because of the sensitivity of pressure solution to small changes in film thickness distributions attributable to the compliant bearing surface. Pressure distribution, film thickness, bearing load capacity, iterative solution convergence characteristics and bearing power dissipation are presented as a function of journal eccentricity.  相似文献   

Longitudinal microgrooves were assumed on the circular journal bearings and static and dynamic characteristics were investigated by solving the modified Reynolds equation for a rough bearing surface. It was found that the dynamic characteristics of the journal bearings were improved by longitudinal microgrooves or truncated micro-grooves on the bearing surface while the static characteristics, such as load-carrying capacity and friction coefficients, were not changed by the microgrooves. Calculations regarding the linear stability of a symmetrical rotor supported by two journal bearings were also carried out and it was found that the stable region was expanded on the stability chart by microgrooves.  相似文献   

Tests were run to compare the fatigue life of two-row tapered roller bearings to that of spherical roller bearings. Both bearing types had an outer diameter of 110 mm with the spherical roller bearing having a 22 percent larger dynamic radial load rating than the tapered roller bearings. All tests were run at 165 percent of the respective two-row dynamic radial load ratings. The results show that both the indirect mounting (double cup or outer ring) and the direct mounting (double cone or inner ring) tapered roller bearings gave significantly better fatigue lives than the spherical roller bearings. These results appear to contradict the present ISO 281 standard which assigns a 1.15 bm rating factor to spherical roller bearings compared to a bm rating factor of 1.10 for that of tapered roller bearings.  相似文献   

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