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彭敏 《软件世界》2006,(17):10-10
“中国参与开源,应该不仅仅是一个市场,而且也是参与其中的竞争者。”8月25日,在北京举办的“2006开源中国开源世界—开放标准、开放架构、开源生态系统和应用解决方案高峰论坛”上,SUN首席开源技术官SimonPhipps发出了对中国开源参与世界的呼声。8月15~17日,在美国旧金山LinuxWorld大会现场,新华LINUX(北京)CEO刘明宝告诉记者:“我参加这次大会的目的,就是为了与全球开源软件企业、社区及相关机构多交流,多沟通,以了解全球Linux发展的最新动态和发展趋势,寻找与国际厂商的合作机会。”包括新华LINUX在内的5家中国Linux企业的代表…  相似文献   

卢敏 《软件世界》2007,(12):30-30
如何让国内的开源企业全面融入到国际社区中,已经是我国开源界在积极解决的一个课题。5月15日,以“开源与创新交流与奉献”为主题的“首届OpenOffice.org高峰论坛”对中国开源业界影响很大。在中国开  相似文献   

舒克  朱海燕 《程序员》2007,(12):78-79
高盛咨询公司最近出台的一份研究报告中,揭示了未来5至10年内会影响软件交付模型的七种趋势,最后两种分别是“对开源持续增长的兴趣”和“中国软件公司的崛起”,而且这些趋势在不断加速。反观国内,虽然与开源运动相关的声音此起彼伏,但是中国的开发人员由于现实生活压力等种种原因,真正投身于开源运动的人并不多。不过近年来这种现状变更的迹象越来越明显,本文所采访的两个开源项目及其创始人,就是其中的佼佼者。希望有志于开源项目的程序员们,可以从他们的实践中有所领悟,对中国的开源项目和社区有更进一步的认识,并投入到中国开源软件大潮中来。  相似文献   

邵炜 《软件世界》2007,(19):86-87
中国早期开源的发展离不开众多民间开源社区的大力支持,正是这些民间开源社区在第一时间宣传了开源精神.并且为开源的普及教育做出了突出贡献。然而随着开源形式的日趋向好.这些活跃在早期的开源社区却日渐没落,是什么原因促使这些社区走向衰退甚至消亡呢?本文作者作为LUPA社区的负责人,向大家讲述了国内民间开源社区的困惑与无奈。  相似文献   

2012年6月29日-30日,第七届"开源中国开源世界"高峰论坛在北京召开。每年6月由中国开源软件推进联盟主办的"开源中国开源世界"高峰论坛(简称"论坛")是中国乃至全球开源界专家、大师、企业、用户、社区团体、个人交流的重要平台。本届"论坛"主题为"开源融合创新移动互联未来"。"论坛"聚焦开源与移动互联网、云计算、物联网等技术和产业发展,探讨了在移动互联网时代,开源软件商业模式创新、开源软件人才培养、开源社区建设、开源软件与中国软件产业发展、以及基于开源模式形成新的产业生态系统等话题。在大会组委会精心安排下,本届"论坛"上Linux基金会执行董事  相似文献   

高昂 《程序员》2009,(12):28-29
开源地理信息大会FOSS4G于2009年10月20日至23日在澳大利亚悉尼举行。众多开源GIS社区的开发者、捐助者、使用者,以及相关研究机构和教育组织的开源GIS用户在FOSS4G大会齐聚一堂,聆听FOSS4G大会近百 场开源GIS相关主题讲座的同时,还相互交流并分享了开源GIS社区年度最新的成果和进展。  相似文献   

10月18日~19日,全球知名开源技术社区openSUSE在北京召开了首届亚洲峰会,openSUSE董事会主席Richard Brown亲自来了,同时作为openSUSE社区发起企业的SUSE公司工程技术副总裁Ralf Flaxa也专门来到了现场,和亚洲各地的技术开发者们一起"亲密接触"。一直以来,提到开源软件人们都会自然想到Linux,却很少了解这一技术背后的某些数据。  相似文献   

王文汉 《程序员》2008,(8):12-12
经过多年的传播与发展,开源逐渐在中国蔓延开来,目前已经普及到企业,医疗、移动等很多领域。但是,与欧美比起来,开源在中国还不甚成熟,仍处于起步阶段,这与很多因素有关。首先,一些人对于开源存在着误解,认为开源就等于免费,且无法商业化;还有一些对开源缺乏认识、或者身在开源社区却忽视开源规则的人,仅将开源技术“拿来就用”,不懂得回馈开源社区。  相似文献   

王文汉 《Internet》2008,(8):12-12
经过多年的传播与发展,开源逐渐在中国蔓延开来,目前已经普及到企业,医疗、移动等很多领域。但是,与欧美比起来,开源在中国还不甚成熟,仍处于起步阶段,这与很多因素有关。首先,一些人对于开源存在着误解,认为开源就等于免费,且无法商业化;还有一些对开源缺乏认识、或者身在开源社区却忽视开源规则的人,仅将开源技术“拿来就用”,不懂得回馈开源社区。  相似文献   

回顾嵌入式系统发展中开源软件的作用和发展趋势,指出了移动互联网产品是开源软件的重要机缘,阐述了嵌入式系统对于开源软件多样性需求,介绍国际开源软件现状、社区文化和在嵌入式系统中的局限性。  相似文献   

《Information & Management》2005,42(5):669-681
Organisations have traditionally relied on commercial software products to support their operations. However, rising software costs and recent corporate failures have brought the provision and value of commercial software into question. Recently, open source software, as a relatively new development in the IS field, has risen in popularity as a possible panacea for these ills. If firms value low acquisition cost, ostensibly plentiful support, and source code access, why have not more firms adopted open source software? The lack of published empirical research in the area means this issue has been inadequately addressed.This paper examines why firms do not adopt open source software. This study surveyed 500 of Australia’s top firms to see why managers rejected open source software. The study found that managers rejected open source software because they could not see that it had any relevance to their operations, perceived a lack of reliable ongoing technical support of it and also appeared to see substantial learning costs or had adopted other software that they believed to be incompatible with open source software.  相似文献   

梁冠宇  武延军  吴敬征  赵琛 《软件学报》2020,31(10):3056-3073
软件可靠性是软件工程领域中的研究热点之一,故障率分析是软件可靠性的典型研究方法.然而,软件构建模式已从单体模式演进到以开源软件为代表的规模化协作模式,操作系统作为代表性产物之一,所含开源软件之间通过组合关系和依赖关系,形成了一个包含上万节点的供应关系网络.典型方法缺乏对供应关系的考量,无法准确识别和评估因此而引入的软件可靠性问题.把供应链概念体系拓展到开源软件领域,提出一种基于知识的面向开源协作模式下软件供应可靠性的管理方法:面向开源软件生态进行本体设计,构建开源软件知识图谱,实现知识的提取、存储和管理,以知识为驱动,结合传统的供应链管理方法,提出一组面向开源软件供应链的可靠性管理方法,构成一套开源软件供应链管理系统.实验以Linux操作系统发行版的构建为例,展示了开源软件供应链对操作系统可靠性的支撑能力.结果表明,开源软件供应链将有助于理清和评估大型复杂系统软件的可靠性风险.  相似文献   

Much research on open source software development concentrates on developer lists and other software repositories to investigate what motivates professional software developers to participate in open source software projects. Little attention has been paid to individuals who spend valuable time in lists helping participants on some mundane yet vital project activities. Using three Debian lists as a case study we investigate the impact of knowledge brokers and their associated activities in open source projects. Social network analysis was used to visualize how participants are affiliated with the lists. The network topology reveals substantial community participation. The consequence of collaborating in mundane activities for the success of open source software projects is discussed. The direct beneficiaries of this research are in the identification of knowledge experts in open source software projects.  相似文献   

Abstract With the rising popularity of so‐called ‘open source’ software there has been increasing interest in both its various benefits and disadvantages. In particular, despite its prominent use in providing many aspects of the Internet's basic infrastructure, many still question the suitability of such software for the commerce‐oriented Internet of the future. This paper evaluates the suitability of open source software with respect to one of the key attributes that tomorrow's Internet will require, namely security. It seeks to present a variety of arguments that have been made, both for and against open source security and analyses in relation to empirical evidence of system security from a previous study. The results represent preliminary quantitative evidence concerning the security issues surrounding the use and development of open source software, in particular relative to traditional proprietary software.  相似文献   

As the computer industry focuses on system and network security, a growing number of users are taking a closer look at open source software in order to gauge whether its potential advantages outweigh its possible disadvantages. Although open source security has been around for years, it has never been as widely used as open source products like the Linux OS or Apache Web server have been. John Pescatore, Internet security research director at market-research firm Gartner Inc., said open source security tools now represent 3 to 5 percent of security-software usage but could comprise 10 to 15 percent by 2007. A key factor in this potential growth is the quality of numerous open source security packages. Open source software products include free tools that users can download from the Internet, packages that come with commercial vendor support, and tools bundled with closed source products. The most popular tools include Netfilter and iptables; intrusion-detection systems such as Snort, Snare, and Tripwire; vulnerability scanners like Nessus and Saint; authentication servers such as Kerberos; and firewalls like T.Rex. Some companies are even beginning to use open source security to protect mission-critical applications  相似文献   

The open source approach to software development has been used by software organizations in tandem with their existing business models, which are based on proprietary software licensing. This led to the creation of hybrid business models that merge open source and proprietary paradigms. This paper explores the practices used by software product vendors using hybrid business models and proposes strategies emerging out of these practices using interpretive, single case study research design.  相似文献   

Software productivity has always been one of the most critical metrics for measuring software development. However, with the open-source community (e.g., GitHub), new software development models are emerging. The traditional productivity metrics do not provide a comprehensive measure of the new software development models. Therefore, it is necessary to build a productivity measurement model of open source software ecosystem suitable for the open-source community’s production activities. Based on the natural ecosystem, this paper proposes concepts related to the productivity of open source software ecosystems, analyses influencing factors of open source software ecosystem productivity, and constructs a measurement model using these factors. Model validation experiments show that the model is compatible with a large portion of open source software ecosystems in GitHub. This study can provide references for participants of the open-source software ecosystem to choose proper types of ecosystems. The study also provides a basis for ecosystem health assessment for researchers interested in ecosystem quality.  相似文献   

Software reliability is one of the research hotspots in the field of software engineering, and failure rate analysis is a typical research method for software reliability. However, the software construction mode has evolved from a single mode to a large-scale collaborative model represented by open source software. As one of the representative products, the operating system includes open source software connected through combinations and dependencies to form a supply network of tens of thousands of nodes. Typical methods lack consideration of supply relationships and cannot accurately identify and evaluate the software reliability issues introduced as a result. This paper extends the concept of supply chain to the field of open source software and proposes a knowledge-based management method for software supply reliability in a collaborative model. The ontological body is designed for the open source software ecosystem firstly, and then the nowledge graph of open source software is constructed to achieve the extraction, storage and management of knowledge; driven by knowledge, combined with traditional supply chain management methods, a set of reliability management methods for open source software supply chain is proposed, which constitutes a management system of open source software supply chain. With the construction of a Linux operating system distribution as an example, the experiment demonstrates how the open source software supply chain supports the reliability of the operating system. Results show that the open source software supply chain will help to clarify and evaluate the reliability risk of large complex system software.  相似文献   

Although some challenge the value of open source software development, its popularity cannot be disputed. This overview of open source licensing and development models describes some of the movement's main principles. We also clarify some of the main principles underlying the resulting software. Because so much has already been written about open source software, we only touch on some of its major themes and provide pointers to essential information about the movement and its general licensing structures  相似文献   

随着开源概念的逐步深入,开源软件成为软件发展的潮流.同时,开源软件的使用受各类开源许可证约束.开源参与者在开发过程中该如何为自己的开源软件选择合适的许可证,确保高效合理地使用社区群体智慧劳动成果,仍是一个亟需解决的问题.为此,首先分析和解读了开放源代码促进会认证的常用开源许可证,通过对许可证条款内容和结构的研究,得到开源许可证框架及许可证兼容性推导模型,并将该模型应用于对我国自主研发的木兰宽松许可证的分析和解读.最后,基于上述工作研发了开源许可证选择工具,为开源开发者对许可证的理解和合规使用提供了参考和决策支持.  相似文献   

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