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Previous research has shown that electrolytic hippocampal lesions do not affect the acquisition of a place response if a special training procedure is used. However, 24 days later, the hippocampal rats manifest a profound deficit in the retention of the spatial information (J. A. J. Ramos, 2000). The goal of the present study was, therefore, to investigate how long the hippocampal rats can retain a place response. Results showed that, 3 days after the end of the training, lesioned rats remembered as well as the control rats, but this was no longer true 6 or 12 days after the training. This retention deficit was not observed when the spatial information was acquired by means of a guidance strategy. These results suggest that, when a special training procedure is used, the hippocampus is not necessary for the learning of a place task but is required for the formation of long-term spatial memory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Control rats and rats with fimbria-fornix (FF) lesions were tested in a foraging task that required that they emerge from either a visible or hidden home base onto an open field to hunt for food pellets, which they then carry back to the home base to eat. Once they were proficient at returning to a location, they and the home base were moved so that they emerged to forage from a new starting position. When the location of a visible home base was moved, both groups of rats learned to make accurate returns. When the location of a hidden home base was moved, control rats first carried the food to the old location and then accurately returned to the new location as their second choice. Thus, as early as a first 'reversal' trial, they displayed spatial memory for both locations while the FF rats perseverated in returning to the old location. In returning to familiar start points, the rats may use distal visual (allothetic) cues and piloting, while when returning to new start points they may use self-movement (ideothetic) cues and dead reckoning. That FF lesions dissociated the two kinds of navigation suggests a role for the hippocampus in navigation based on ideothetic cues.  相似文献   

Rats with aspirative lesions of the ventrolateral frontal cortex were tested on acquisition and postsurgical retention of an associative learning task that required that they learn a tactile–olfactory configural discrimination. The task required that they pull up a string to obtain attached food and that they identify the correct string using a compound of string size and odor. The rats were not impaired in initial learning or reversal of the olfactory elements of the discrimination. They were impaired in acquisition and retention of the compound, and their deficit was proportional to lesion size. The results confirm that the ventrolateral frontal cortex is involved in processing of olfactory information and imply that the prefrontal cortex is involved in at least certain types of cross-modal configural associative learning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Configural theories of hippocampal function predict that hippocampal dysfunction should impair acquisition of the transverse patterning task, which involves the concurrent solution of three discrimination problems: A+ versus B-; B+ versus C-; and C+ versus A-. The present study tested this prediction in rats using computer-graphic stimuli presented on a touchscreen. Experiment 1 assessed the effects of fornix lesions when the three problems were introduced sequentially (phase 1: A+ vs B-; phase 2: A+ vs B-, B+ vs C-; phase 3: A+ vs B-, B+ vs C-, C+ vs A-). Fornix lesions significantly facilitated acquisition of the complete transverse patterning task (phase 3) but had no effect on the number of sessions or errors required to attain criterion during phase 1 or phase 2. In experiment 2, in which all three problems were presented concurrently from the outset of training, fornix-lesioned animals outperformed control animals during the seventh block of acquisition trials and were not impaired during any stage of acquisition. Importantly, these same animals were significantly impaired on two allocentric spatial tasks: T-maze alternation (experiments 1 and 2) and the Morris Swim Task (experiment 1). These results contradict the predictions of configural theories of hippocampal function and cast doubt on the popular notion that spatial learning is a special case of configural learning.  相似文献   

Hippocampal-lesioned rats (HPC) and sham controls (SH) learned constant-negative visual discriminations among scenes in a Y-maze. Any arm could be start arm for a trial. Two choice scenes ("constant" and "variable") were shown in the other arms. In Experiment 1, each problem had 2 constants. One or the other constant appeared on every trial, and the variable changed every trial; choosing the variable was rewarded. There were 4 problem types. Each constant might be always in a given direction from the start arm (added egocentric [Ego] cue), always in a given maze arm (added allocentric [Allo] cue), both, or neither. SH rats' visual learning was enhanced by Ego and by Allo cues. HPC rats' visual learning was enhanced by Ego cues, and by Allo cues, but only if there was no Ego cue. Experiment 2 confirmed that Allo cues helped HPC rats as much as SH, in the absence of Ego cues. Rats with HPC lesions can learn about allocentric place cues when navigation and idiothetic cue control are not required. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Animals can locate their present position in relation to a starting point and return to that starting point using cues generated by self-movement, a navigation strategy called dead-reckoning. Because contemporary research on spatial navigation suggests that some aspects of spatial navigation depend on the integrity of the hippocampal formation, whereas others do not, the present study examined whether dead-reckoning is hippocampally dependent. The task capitalized on the proclivity of foraging rats to carry large food pellets to a shelter for eating. Control rats and rats with fimbria-fornix (FF) lesions left a hidden burrow to search for one piece of food located somewhere on a circular table. The accuracy with which they returned to the burrow with the food was measured. In three experiments, rats received probe trials in which they (1) started from novel locations, (2) wore blindfolds to obscure visual cues, and (3) foraged under a condition in which surface cues, e.g., odors left by their outward searches, were displaced. Both sighted control and FF rats preferentially used visual cues for guidance when foraging from a familiar location. Control rats were accurate and FF rats were impaired in returning to novel starting locations (1) when sighted, (2) when blindfolded, and (3) when blindfolded in tests in which surface cues were displaced. These results, as well as detailed observations on the behavior of the animals, are consistent with the hypothesis that rats can use dead-reckoning to solve spatial problems, and this ability depends on the integrity of the hippocampal formation.  相似文献   

Groups of rats were rewarded with food for traveling from a start point to 2 different locations while their alternations in choice between those locations on 2 daily trials were recorded. In one experimental condition, the rats swam and received food once they climbed upon a platform that was hidden just below the surface of the water at the food location. In the other condition, the rats walked to reach the food. It was found that the rats did not alternate their choices between target locations when swimming but that they did alternate target choices when walking. Even experience in alternating when walking did not produce reliable alternation when swimming. It is proposed that rats treat escape (swimming) and search (walking) tasks in different ways, and this difference is discussed with respect to the possibility that different central processes may be used in the task solutions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The monosialoganglioside GM1 is a compound with neurotrophic properties found to foster functional recovery in various paradigms of brain damage. The present experiment examined whether systemic treatment with GM1 may facilitate behavioral recovery in rats with fimbria-fornix lesions and intrahippocampal grafts rich in cholinergic neurons. Among 68 Long-Evans female rats, 46 sustained a bilateral electrolytic lesion of the fimbria and the dorsal fornix and 22 were sham-operated. Fourteen days later, half the lesioned rats were subjected to intrahippocampal grafts of a fetal septal cell suspension. Starting a few hours after lesion surgery and over a 2-month period, half the rats of each surgical treatment group received a daily injection of GM1 (30 mg/kg i.p.), the other half being injected with saline as a control. All rats were subsequently tested for locomotor activity and radial maze learning. The lesions induced locomotor hyperactivity and impaired learning performances in both an uninterrupted and an interrupted radial maze testing procedure. In all rats with surviving grafts, the grafts had provided the hippocampus with a new and dense organotypic acetylcholinesterase-positive innervation pattern which did not differ between saline- and GM1-treated subjects. The scores/performances of the rats that had received only the grafts or only the GM1 treatment did not differ significantly from those of their respective lesion-only counterparts. However, in the radial-arm maze task, the grafted rats given GM1 showed improved learning performances as compared with their saline-treated counterparts: they used more efficient visit patterns under the uninterrupted testing conditions and made fewer errors under the interrupted ones. The results suggest that GM1 treatment or intrahippocampal grafts used separately do not attenuate the lesion-induced behavioral deficits measured in this experiment. However, when GM1 treatment and grafts are used conjointly, both may interact in a manner allowing part of these deficits to be attenuated.  相似文献   

Rats received 2 daily sessions in a large clear chamber. A lever was mounted on each of the 4 chamber walls. For each rat, a different level provided food during 0930 and 1530 sessions. The rats learned which lever would provide food at 0930 and 1530. Probe tests suggested that the rats learned to press 1 lever during their 1st session of each day and then to press a 2nd lever during their 2nd session of each day. We propose that this knowledge of the order of a set of events within a period of time constitutes ordinal timing. We contrast the temporal information provided by ordinal, phase, and interval timing and consider why multiple timing systems have evolved in animals. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

C4Dlow cells are a population of lymphoid lineage-restricted progenitor cells representing the earliest precursors present in the adult thymus. Paradoxically, thymic progenitors with a similar phenotype in fetal mice and adult RAG-2-deficient (RAG-2-/-) mice lack this characteristic low-level expression of CD4. We now show that radiation-induced differentiation of CD4+ CD8+ double positive thymocytes in RAG-2-/- mice results in the appearance of low levels of CD4 on thymocytes that are phenotypically identical to C4Dlow progenitor cells present in the normal adult thymus. This suggests that CD4 surface expression can be passively transferred from double positive cells to early progenitor thymocytes. Analysis of mixed bone marrow chimeras, reconstituted with hematopoietic stem cells from both CD4-/- (CD45.2) and CD4wt (CD45.1) congenic mice, revealed a CD4low phenotype on cells derived from CD4-/- bone marrow cells. Furthermore, these CD4-/- -derived "C4Dlow" progenitors were capable of reconstituting lymphocyte-depleted fetal thymi, with all thymocytes displaying a CD4-/- phenotype. This directly demonstrates that genetically CD4-deficient thymic progenitor cells can passively acquire a C4Dlow phenotype. Moreover, CD4 expression on C4Dlow progenitor thymocytes is sensitive to mild acid treatment, indicating that CD4 may not exist as an integral cell surface molecule on this thymocyte population. Our findings demonstrate that low-level CD4 surface expression can be passively acquired by intrathymic progenitor cells from the surrounding thymic microenvironment, suggesting that other cell surface molecules expressed at low levels may also result from an acquired phenotype.  相似文献   

The formation of an integrated memory for a pattern of stimulation could be based on the elements of that pattern becoming directly linked to one another, or by each of the elements becoming linked to a shared separate configural representation. These 2 accounts have proven difficult to discriminate between. Here, rats received exposure to four patterns of stimulation, each consisting of an auditory stimulus, a visual context, and a time of day; and we examined whether pre-training lesions to the hippocampus influenced memory for the patterns. These lesions abolished pattern memory that required configural processes (Experiments 1A and 1B) but had no effect on pattern memory that could be supported by elemental processes (Experiment 2). This dissociation provides support for the views that elemental and configural processes ordinarily support pattern memory and that rats with lesions to the hippocampus are left reliant on elemental processes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We hypothesized that bilateral quisqualic acid lesions of the nucleus basalis magnocellularis (NBM) in rats would impair configural but not simple association learning. In experiment 1, rats were tested in a negative patterning operant discrimination where they were food-reinforced for responding to a light or a tone (L+, T+) but not for responding to the configural stimulus consisting of the light and tone presented simultaneously (LT-). Consistent with our hypothesis, NBM-lesioned rats showed a transient but significant impairment, responding normally to L+ and T+ but responding more often to LT-, in addition to responding more often during the inter-trial interval (ITI) than controls. In experiment 2, rats were tested in a simple operant discrimination where rats were food-reinforced for responding to a light (L+) but not for responding to a tone (T-). Although NBM-lesioned rats again responded normally to L+ as predicted, NBM-lesioned rats were transiently impaired, making more T- responses and more ITI responses than controls. Together, these results suggest that the NBM is involved in both configural and simple association learning but that this involvement is limited to learning to withhold responding to non-reinforced contextual or discrete stimuli. Finally, rats from experiment 2 underwent extinction trials, where results showed no difference between NBM-lesioned and control groups, suggesting that the NBM is not involved in the extinction of conditioned responding to previously reinforced stimuli.  相似文献   

Showed 48 kindergarten, 48 2nd-, and 48 4th-grade Ss word-pairs (e.g., cow–horse) and asked them to generate a 1-word clue that did not rhyme with the target word (cow) so that another person could guess which was the underlined word. Each S was assigned to a good-communicator or poor-communicator group and was then assigned to a training condition or a no-training condition. Ss in the training condition were taught how to generate effective clues. The results indicate that training fosters an increase in clue generation ability and that communication ability in a word-pair task is modifiable. (6 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Adult Japanese quail display left-eye/right-hemisphere dominance in visually guided sexual tracking. In 2 experiments, the authors set out to answer if this functional cerebral asymmetry is modifiable by posthatch monocular deprivation. In Experiment 1, the left or the right eye of 2-day old quail were closed for 70 days. Quail were run in a left- or a right-turning runway to obtain access to a conspecific of the opposite sex. The performance of both left and right eye systems was equal. In Experiment 2, the deprived eyes of the quail were opened and the previously open eyes were closed. They were tested with the same runways. Overall, running speed was very low, but the quail showed a left-eye/right-hemisphere superiority. Altogether, these experiments evince 3 insights into cerebral asymmetries in quail. First, posthatch asymmetries of visual input can alter lateralized behavior to an important extent. Second, cerebral asymmetries could involve an interhemispheric inhibition that can be modified by epigenetic factors. Third, even long-term visual deprivation does not abolish a previously established cerebral asymmetry. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Self-assessments of task performance can draw on both top-down sources of information (preconceived notions about one’s ability at the task) and bottom-up cues (one’s concrete experience with the task itself). Past research has suggested that top-down self-views can mislead performance evaluations but has yet to specify the exact psychological mechanisms that produce this influence. Across 4 experiments, the authors tested the hypothesis that self-views influence performance evaluations by first shaping perceptions of bottom-up experiences with the task, which in turn inform performance evaluations. Consistent with this hypothesis, a relevant top-down belief influenced performance estimates only when learned of before, but not after, completing a task (Study 1), and measures of bottom-up experience were found to mediate the link between top-down beliefs about one’s abilities and performance evaluations (Studies 2–4). Furthermore, perception of an objectively definable bottom-up cue (i.e., time it takes to solve a problem) was better predicted by a relevant self-view than the actual passage of time. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 2 experiments, rats received preexposure to 2 compound contexts: AB and CD for the congruent group and AC and BD for the incongruent group. Subsequently, all rats received a configural discrimination in which separate placement in contexts A or B indicated that presentations of stimulus X would be followed by food and presentations of Y would not, and separate placement in contexts C and D indicated that Y would be followed by food and X would not. In both experiments, rats in the congruent group acquired the conditional discrimination more rapidly than those in the incongruent group. These results are inconsistent with conventional associative accounts of either stimulus preexposure effects or configural learning and instead provide support for a connectionist account. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

60 male Ss were tested individually for persistence at an insoluble task presented to them as very difficult. They experienced repeated failure at the task but could turn to a similar task described as intermediate in difficulty whenever they wished. Differences in persistence at the initial task were examined between Ss high in n Achievement and low in Test Anxiety (HL) and Ss low in n Achievement and high in Test Anxiety (LH). Results show that: (a) persistence is positively related to initail estimates of probability of success (Ps) at the task for HL Ss (p s for LH Ss; (b) estimates of Ps tend to rise initially and then to fall following repeated failure (p  相似文献   

[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 103(1) of Behavioral Neuroscience (see record 2008-10623-001). This article's corresponding plate appears on page 995. The information should read, "Plate A. Photomicrographs of horizontal, cresyl violet stained sections at dorsal, middle, and ventral levels of the brain for an unoperated control rat (left), an animal from the Subiculum + Entorhinal lesion group (middle), and a rat from the hippocampus group (right)."] The effects of isolating the hippocampus from its neocortical inputs and outputs by damaging the deep layers of entorhinal cortex and subiculum were compared with direct removal of the hippocampus using acquisition of a complex radial maze task. A series of eight problems (four out of eight arms being correct) were learned under either massed (45 s) or distributed (10 min) practice conditions, thus varying contextual information. Performance of rats with subiculum/entorhinal cortex lesions was similar to that of controls in all aspects of the radial maze task; whereas animals with hippocampal lesions were impaired on nearly all dependent measures. Although the effects of varying the intertrial interval were generally small, distributed practice did serve to facilitate the performance of hippocampal rats in terms of working memory. These findings are discussed as they related to recent theorizing in the area. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Domestic cats (Felis catus) were administered a progressive elimination task in which they had to visit and deplete 3 baited sites. Cats were brought back to the starting point after each visit to any site whether the visit represented a correct or an incorrect choice. The results revealed that cats organized search as a function of the least distance principle whether they had to assess starting point to target distances (Experiment 1, n=12) or adjacent bowl distances (Experiment 2, n=12). The results also revealed that the starting point to target distance factor was the most influential in determining the initial choice (Experiment 3, n=6) and in producing errors. Errors were also linked to the antero-posterior bodily axis of the cat. Results are discussed in terms of the predatory behavior of the cat. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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