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电磁测量是托卡马克装置中最基本的诊断方法,通常利用磁感应原理来测量HT-7装置内部磁场和磁通,因此需要用积分器对磁测量的输出信号进行积分。讨论了单运放模拟积分器的特点,提出了利用实时积分漂移补偿的方法设计新型积分器,解决了积分过程中积分器本身的等效输入偏移量、温度漂移及地噪声等带来的积分误差。给出了系统原理和设计框图,并在HT-7超导托卡马克的实验中,验证了该积分器能够满足等离子体长时间放电对积分器在积分精度和噪声精度上的要求。  相似文献   

本文通过讨论积分器实现的形式和积分误差抑制的措施,介绍了一种先由模拟积分电路对输入信号进行交替积分,再用数字信号处理方式实现积分误差修正和积分结果拼接的长时间、低漂移积分器的设计方法,并给出了相关实验结果.  相似文献   

EAST积分器系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在核聚变实验中,积分器是还原微分信号的基本手段。长时间低漂移积分器系统的研制是托卡马克实验中的重要环节。以差分式积分器为核心,结合线性隔离技术、程控放大器技术和嵌入式以太网通信技术,设计实现了EAST(ExperimentAdvanceSuperconductorTokamak)积分器系统。提出的系统整体标定方法进一步提高了该积分器系统的精度。性能测试表明,在增益为1时,该积分器在100s内的积分漂移小于10mV,满足了当前EAST实验的需求。该积分器系统已投入EAST的实验中,并取得了良好的运行效果。  相似文献   

为满足J-TEXT托卡马克装置电磁诊断的需求,研制了程控积分器系统。积分器系统采用模块化方式设计,由积分器板卡、控制器板卡、线性电源板卡和BNC接口板卡组成,并由上位机控制程序进行网络化控制。一套积分器系统可提供32路积分器通道,所有积分器通道均具有4种可供程控选择的积分时间常数,同时提供3种积分器运行控制方式。实验室和J-TEXT现场测试结果为:每路积分器通道的输出电压范围为-10~10 V;输出噪声≤5 mV;在4种积分时间常数条件下,积分器累计积分100 s的输出漂移均小于5 mV。  相似文献   

在核聚变实验中,积分器是还原磁探针微分信号的基本手段。传统的模拟积分器为单端输入积分器,无共模抑制能力。本文设计了一种差分积分器,采用与标准差分放大器类似的结构,实现了差分输入积分;进而分析了差分积分器对差分信号积分和对共模信号抑制的工作原理,设计了调节积分漂移的电路,有效抑制了差分积分器的积分漂移。测试结果表明,该差分积分器积分正确,积分漂移稳定且易于调节,在共模电压为1.5 V时,100 s积分漂移为80 μWb,共模抑制比高达125 dB,效果明显优于单端积分器。该差分积分器已成功应用于2012年EAST实验中单匝环信号的相对测量。  相似文献   

长时间无零漂积分器中的单元积分电路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐四九  苏弘  李勇  李素琴  千奕  吴鸣  彭宇 《核技术》2006,29(6):463-465
本文论述了应用在长时间无零漂积分器中的单元积分电路的原理与设计.该电路结合了零点补偿和基于斩波思想的分段积分两项技术,主要解决传统模拟积分器存在的积分零漂问题,使积分零漂减小到极低的水平,积分1000s绝对积分零漂典型值为16.7mV,同时也改善了由于积分泄漏引起的非线性误差.该电路的研制完成为进一步设计用于托卡马克装置上电磁测量的长时间积分器系统奠定了基础.  相似文献   

为了满足EAST托卡马克的实验需求,提升积分器系统的可维护性和可测试性,研制了新型积分器系统控制器。该控制器采用ARM微控制器和轻量级IP协议栈,实现了积分器系统的网络化控制。所提供的参数设置指令可远程设置和读取积分器板卡上放大器的放大倍数,而控制指令则提供了初始化、标准信号积分、脉冲积分、积分保持、标定和探针测试功能。经实验和EAST现场测试,该积分器系统控制器可满足EAST装置的实验要求。  相似文献   

HT-7积分器系统的定时触发模块设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文设计一种积分器系统中的定时触发模块,详细介绍用单片机和晶体管设计定时触发模块的设计思路、硬件结构和软件设计等方面的内容.该模块为积分器系统提供精确的可词积分定时时间,且触发准确、驱动能力强.定时触发模块提高了积分器系统的可靠性和适用范围,满足HT-7实验要求.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种简易的、用单管液体闪烁计数器测定~(14)C、~(35)S 的衰变率的方法。改变透光率,测得一组不同斜率和外推值的积分偏压曲线,再将这些积分偏压曲线的载距对其斜率作图,并外推到斜率为零,相应的计数率即为所求的衰变率。  相似文献   

在γ能谱测量系统中,基线的估计与扣除一直是脉冲幅度测量处理过程中的一个重要环节。随着γ能谱测量系统的数字化,基线的估计与扣除方法也需要作相应的改进。目前相对复杂的算法只能是先对输入射线脉冲经数字化采样后,再在计算机上编程实现,不适用于以现场可编程门阵列(Field Programmable Gate Array,FPGA)等为核心的数字化系统。部分可以在FPGA上实现的算法,在估计基线时没有充分考虑正常核脉冲信号对基线的影响,精度和实时性相对不足。为解决这一问题,本文提出了一种可在FPGA上实现的脉冲基线估计与扣除方法。该方法通过对采样得到的原始脉冲信号进行去异常滑动平均滤波法,进而求得原始输入脉冲的直流基线,并对该基线进行扣除。而脉冲基线的扣除,必将降低仪器后续处理的复杂度。经实验验证:此方法算法简单、精度好、灵敏度高、可在FPGA上编程实现、可以抑制低频干扰和温度漂移等因素对基线的影响,能够在一定程度上提高能量分辨率,抑制谱线漂移。该方法不仅可以用于数字化γ能谱测量系统,也可以应用于测量其他类型射线(如X射线)的数字化谱仪。  相似文献   

高压气体电离室中离子漂移速度的实验测量   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出了一种在高气压下电离室离子漂移速度的测量方法,进行了理论分析,搭建了实验测量系统。利用DDC112电流积分放大器对充有4MPa氙气的高压气体电离室输出电流脉冲信号分别进行等间隔积分时间和步进积分时间采集测量,根据理论分析对测量数据分别进行二次和三次曲线拟合。通过拟合曲线系数间的比例关系计算出离子漂移时间,根据电离室结构和工作条件计算出4MPa氙气中氙离子迁移率为0.0181~0.0196cm2•V-1•s-1,并外推计算出0.1MPa氙气中氙离子迁移率为0.72~0.78cm2•V-1•s-1,与文献资料中的测量结果一致。  相似文献   

The readout electronics for a prototype soft X-ray spectrometer based on silicon drift detector (SDD),for precisely measuring the energy and arrival time of X-ray photons is presented in this paper.The system mainly consists of two parts,i.e.,an analog electronics section (including a pre-amplifier,a signal shaper and filter,a constant fraction timing circuit,and a peak hold circuit) and a digital electronics section (including an ADC and a TDC).Test results with X-ray sources show that an energy dynamic range of 1-10 keV with an integral nonlinearity of less than 0.1% can be achieved,and the energy resolution is better than 160 eV@5.9 keV FWHM.Using a waveform generator,test results also indicate that time resolution of the electronics system is about 3.7 ns,which is much less than the transit time spread of SDD (<100 ns) and satisfies the requirements of future applications.  相似文献   

Rogowski coil is used to measure the current of the thyristor in ITER poloidal field converter, the output of the Rogowski coil is the differential of current over time, so the result should be synchronized with input signal by using the integrator. In the process of measuring, the integral drift is caused by the input offset current, input offset voltage and the input bias current, which produces errors which will be larger after a long time, so something should be taken to decrease the errors. Then a real-time way of compensation was proposed in this paper based on the foregoing analysis. According to the method, the high-performance integrator was designed and tested to fulfill the demand of decreasing the errors by simulation analysis and experimental test.  相似文献   

A digital integrator has been developed to be compatible with the long pulse plasma discharges on the Experimental Advanced Superconductor Tokamak (EAST), in which the induced signal is modulated by a chopper, and a field programmable gate array (FPGA) in the 16-bit digitizer is used to realize the digital integration in real time. After rectification and integration, the drift is almost linear and stable in controlled temperature, so a period of 50 s is used to determine the linear drift rate for drift compensation. The integration data can be directly transferred to the reflective memory (RFM) card, which is installed in the same PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation (PXI) chassis, so the data transmission can be also done in real time. The test results show that the real time data transmission rate is up to 10 kHz, the integration drift is typically less than 0.4 uVs/s and drift performance is a little worse in real long pulse discharge, which can be reduced further by using more precise data acquisition.  相似文献   

测量放大器的时间响应速度直接影响电离室时间响应速度的测量研究。本文介绍了选用电荷积分放大器设计测量电路的原因,分析了用稳定辐射源照射电离室单元产生阶跃电流信号的机理,提出了通过测量电流信号变化的过程来研究放大器时间响应速度的方法。通过实验研究了放大器的时间响应速度与探测器单元极间电容、放大器输入端保护电阻以及反馈积分电容大小的关系,得出放大器的时间响应速度与电离室极间电容和保护电阻的时间常数有关,而与反馈积分电容大小无关。这为电离室和测量电路的设计提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

The drift time measurement and the charge division can be performed simultaneously on the same electrode (resistive anode) without affecting the accuracy of either measurement. It is shown that for the shortest measurement time there is an optimum value for the anode wire resistance. The signal requirement for a position uncertainty ? ? 0.5% of the anode wire length is only 2.7 x 106 electron charges. The drift chamber can be operated in the linear mode and with negligible space charge effects, so that it can also be used for ?E/?X measurements. A simple preamplifier optimized for both the time and charge measurements using a monolithic transistor array is described.  相似文献   

A unique power spectral analysis for a subcritical reactor system driven by a pulsed 14 MeV neutron source was carried out at the Kyoto University Critical Assembly (KUCA). In this analysis, a complex cross-power spectral density between time-sequence signal data from an accelerator beam ammeter and a neutron detector was measured to determine the prompt-neutron decay constant of an accelerator-driven system (ADS) from the phase data of the spectral density. Assuming the one-point kinetics model, in theory, the decay constant can be arithmetically derived from the phase at the integral multiples of the pulse repetition frequency. However, the actual derivation from the phase at a pulse repetition frequency of 20 Hz considerably underestimated the prompt-neutron decay constant, compared with that obtained by a previous pulsed neutron experiment, and the derived decay constant apparently decreased with an increase in the multiple of the pulsed repetition frequency. Considering a lag time in detector response, the above underestimation and the above apparent decrease were solved to obtain the consistent decay constant. While both previous power spectral analysis and Feynman-α analysis for pulsed neutron source require non-linear least-squares fits of the respective complicated formulae, the present analysis makes the fitting unnecessary except at regular calibration of the lag time. This feature is advantageous for a robust online monitoring of subcritical reactivity of an actual ADS.  相似文献   

In this paper we present the working principle and the design criteria of the Controlled-Drift Detector, a novel device suitable for the simultaneous measurement of energy and two-dimensional position of X-rays. In the Controlled-Drift Detector the pixel structure typical of a charge-coupled device and the fast readout typical of a silicon drift detector are joined. When the radiation is to be detected, suitable potential barriers are generated to prevent the drift of the signal electrons that are confined within a matrix of integration wells. The potential barrier which prevents the drift is selectively removable to allow the fast transport of the confined signal electrons to the readout electrodes by means of a static drift field. In principle such a device can achieve excellent energy resolution and readout times of some tens of microseconds. Three different confining mechanisms that allow control of the drift of the stored electrons are studied, and their advantages and drawbacks are discussed. First prototypes of the Controlled-Drift Detector are currently in production  相似文献   

以5MW核供热堆试验回路(HRTL-5)为物理原型,从理论上推导了加热段欠热沸腾,上升段入口附近的冷凝,上升段闪蒸以及气空间压力平衡等关系式,并考虑了热力不平衡等因素的影响,建立了一个完整的四方程漂移流模型,该模型适用于分析低压低干度自然循环系统的流动问题,通过引入凝边界层,首次解决了两相流动过程中汽泡在过冷水中的冷凝问题,对汽空间则推导了压力及液位的约束方程,方程组可采用积分方法求解,并利用Rung-Kutta-Verner方法求解所得的微分方程组。  相似文献   

Circuitry has been designed and constructed which is able to analyze and reproduce accurately the slope and pulse height at various points along a rapidly changing signal which occurs only once. The signal is analyzed at 10-nanosecond intervals. This circuitry is also able to sense a zero slope per unit time and in this mode it can be used as a multichannel pulse height analyzer with a dead-time which is dependent only on the rise time of the pulses it is analyzing (pulse pair resolution of 10-7 seconds for random pulses with a 0.1-?sec rise time is possible). The model under discussion has a maximum storage capacity of 160 channels with 28 bits of information per channel.  相似文献   

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