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应用MSC.ADMAS软件建立二自由度九杆机构的虚拟样机模型,研究了滑块在全行程负载条件下双曲柄上的扭矩分配情况。在分析三角肘杆在机构放大特性中的作用后,通过改变三角肘杆尺寸参数提高机构放大性能,并且使在公称压力行程内双曲柄上的最大扭矩趋于均衡,避免单个曲柄所需扭矩过大从而导致单台电机功率过大的问题。  相似文献   

采用矢量多边形法建立了对称直动肘杆机构中的滑块位移、速度的表达式,并优化设计数学模型,采用模拟退火算法和罚函数法相结合来处理目标函数,并对直动肘杆机构进行优化设计。优化结果表明,混合遗传算法可更有效率地获得符合实际生产要求的最优解。  相似文献   

为了实现伺服压力机低速锻冲和快速空程及回程功能,同时使其满足柔性加工要求,在详细分析伺服压力机需要解决的核心问题的基础上,提出曲柄肘杆伺服压力机驱动系统的设计方案,给出了系统曲柄肘杆机构优化设计结果和驱动电机参数,同时确定了系统控制策略。然后对驱动系统的工作特性进行了详细研究,分析校核了系统的力矩和功率特性。结果表明所设计的曲柄肘杆伺服压力机驱动系统能够对不同加工工艺进行很好地控制,满足伺服压力机的工作要求。  相似文献   

三角肘杆式伺服压力机传动机构的仿真与优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种新型的三角肘杆式伺服压力机传动机构.运用MSC.ADAMS建立三角肘杆机构的虚拟样机,进行运动学仿真并按设计需求进行性能优化.在建立的虚拟样机模型中,考虑实际工况中的多种影响因素,引入滑块和模具重力、板材成形力、平衡缸作用力等综合分析计算,使优化设计后的三角肘杆机构在满足滑块快速合模、下死点保压和快速回程等工艺...  相似文献   

两自由度五杆机构的最优化综合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据新型板坯大侧压机同步机构这一两自由度五杆机构,建立了其最优化综合的数学模型,获得了能满足同步要求,有近似等速直线段运动出现的最佳机构尺寸  相似文献   

双电机同步驱动是目前伺服机械式压力机的一种常用驱动形式,因此双电机的同步控制问题也就成为伺服机械式压力机运动控制的关键.本文针对双电机驱动伺服机械压力机系统提出了一种带有全闭环误差补偿的两电机主从控制方法,采用主从控制保证电机出力的同步性,误差主动补偿提高系统整体运动精度.通过仿真和实验证明该方法在双电机驱动的机械式伺...  相似文献   

对矫直机液压系统多缸同步伺服控制方法进行了研究,提出了对系统采用PIDNN辨识,将微粒群优化和二自由度内模相结合的控制算法.通过MATLAB对算法进行仿真,仿真结果表明,该方法对输入信号的动态响应快,系统超调量和解调时间减少,并且系统的抗干扰性及跟随性同时提高,具有很好的同步控制效果.  相似文献   

二自由度双变长摆杆机构运动学分析与仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用平面运动理论和专业知识,解决了二自由度双变长摆杆机构运动分析中存在的关键与难点,基于挖掘轨迹方程,建立了运动方程,并结合实例,进行了速度分析与仿真,其结果与实测相符合。完善了挖掘轨迹为主的新的设计体系。  相似文献   

针对伺服机械压力机三角肘杆传动机构,采用矢量方程解析法与动态静力学方法建立机构运动学与动力学的数学计算模型。在优化得到的可靠实用参数的基础上,不考虑摩擦,研究了在不同曲柄转速情况下,各构件重量、质心位置对整个机构所需驱动扭矩的影响。  相似文献   

研究了1000kN伺服压力机的控制系统.为了满足伺服压力机大型化发展的需求,机械系统采用双螺杆驱动结构,并通过虚拟主轴同步控制及优化设计机械结构,解决了双电机同步控制难的问题;针对运动曲线设计柔性化、简单化的需求,提出了一种三次样条拟合的曲线规划方法,以实现伺服压力机自定义运动曲线功能;控制系统采用上位PC机与运动控制器的架构模式,通过OPC通讯协议实现PC机与西门子Simotion运动控制器之间的参数传递互联.  相似文献   

采用平面连杆机构以及推板装置 ,用可视化方法研究、设计了适于小型平板件的自动送料装置 ,可实现较大的送料行程。避免工人手部在冲压生产中进入模具工作区。  相似文献   

1100 kN伺服曲柄压力机控制系统研究   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
用交流伺服电机取代普通异步感应电机,并取消飞轮、离合器、制动器等耗能部件,开发了智能化、柔性化新型曲柄压力机.介绍了该压力机控制系统的特点:开放式应用工艺程序库,具有远程监控功能,可实现滑块下死点精度、润滑、过载、操作安全等方面的自动控制;介绍了控制系统硬件和PLC软件流程.控制软件采用了模块化的程序设计,便于维护,可移植性好.  相似文献   

Concurrent analyses of heat and fluid flow within the melt puddle in planar flow casting (PFC) were carried out in order to investigate the effects of process variables on fluid dynamics and puddle formation. The free surface of the melt puddle was determined by the Volume of Fluid (VOF) method. A comparison between the puddle shape in documented experimentation and numerical simulation was performed in order to validate the present modelling. The sequences of the puddle formation were assumed to be at a steady state during ribbon formation. The effects of the process parameters, such as wheel speed, gap size, melt flow rate, and superheat of the melt on the fluid flow pattern and temperature distribution in the melt puddle were investigated. The resultant solidified ribbon thickness was predicted by the simulation, and compared to the experimentation.  相似文献   

The isothermal phase diagram of the Cu2O-Al2O3-SiO2 ternary system at 1150℃ was reported for the samples which were prepared from sol-gel method and quenched by water after being heated at 1150℃ for 12 h. Based on the conventional X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and in situ high-temporature XRD quantitative analysis, in addition to scanning electron microscopy measurement, the phase identification was achieved. Combining the deduction from the component phase diagrams of the binary systems using the phase equilibrium theorem, the primary isothermal phase diagram was plotted over the composition area Cu2O-mullite-SiO2. In this area, the approximate composition areas of two two-phase regions and one three-phase region, (L2 + Cr), (L2 + M), and (L1 + L2 + Tr), were determined. Moreover, the precise composition areas of both of the three-phase regions (L2 + Cr + M) and (L2 + M + A) were determined according to the results of conventional and in situ high-temperature XRD quantitative analysis by Rietveld method.  相似文献   

The isothermal phase diagram of the Cu2O-Al2O3-SiO2 ternary system at 1150℃ was reported for the samples which were prepared from sol-gel method and quenched by water after being heated at 1150℃ for 12 h. Based on the conventional X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and in situ high-temperature XRD quantitative analysis,in addition to scanning electron microscopy measurement,the phase identification was achieved. Combining the deduction from the component phase diagrams of the binary systems using the phase equilibrium theorem,the primary isothermal phase diagram was plotted over the composition area Cu2O-mullite-SiO2. In this area,the approximate composition areas of two two-phase regions and one three-phase region,(L2+Cr),(L2+M),and (L1+L2+Tr),were determined. Moreover,the precise composition areas of both of the three-phase regions (L2+Cr+M) and (L2+M+A) were determined according to the results of conventional and in situ high-temperature XRD quantitative analysis by Rietveld method.  相似文献   

The phase diagram of the CsBr-CaBr2 system was re-determined by using differential thermal analysis and high ternperature and room ternperature X-ray diffraction analysis. It is concluded that there are three intermediate compounds in this system: a.congruently melting compound, CsCaBr3, with a melting point of 823℃ and two incongruently melting compounds, Cs2CaBr4 and Cs3Ca2Br7, whose peritectic points being 597℃ and 635℃, respectively. X-ray diffraction analysis indicated that compound CsCaBr3 is of slightly distorted perovskite structure.  相似文献   

选用等离子喷涂技术在CuCo2Be合金表面制备Cr3C2-NiCr/NiAl复合涂层。选用DTA、XRD、SEM、EDS等分析手段探讨Cr3C2-NiCr/NiAl复合涂层的形成机理及其组成涂层的化合物、物相的形成特点及规律。结果表明:DTA分析发现镍铝打底层在热喷涂过程中由于系放热反应,可能生成Ni2Al3、NiAl3、NiAl等物相;SEM、EDS分析发现复合涂层组织呈现明显的层状,在镍铝打底层中镍铝化合物为角状;XRD分析发现涂层物相在成形的不同阶段和时间内其生成的化合物类型、数量都呈现不同的变化。利用XRD、EDS分析界面处各相的生成及元素的分布、扩散情况,表明在界面处存在一定的元素扩散,界面为微冶金结合。  相似文献   

乙醇-水体系电沉积制备Ni(OH)2超级电容器正极材料的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用电化学共沉积技术在泡沫镍基体上制备了掺杂Co的Ni(OH)2电极,研究了乙醇与水体积比为3:7,1:1和7:3及水溶液情况下,C/Ni(OH),超级电容器的容量特性。XRD分析表明,所得产物为掺杂Co的a—Ni(OH)2;电池测试表明在乙醇与水体积比为1:1时,能获得最好的电化学充放电特性,在小电流4mA/cm^2充放电下,比容量达850F/g;在大电流32mA/cm^2充放电下,比容量可达600F/g,其比容量数值随循环次数增加逐渐趋于稳定。扫描电镜观察表明,乙醇与水体积比为1:1时所得电沉积Ni(OH)2呈细小的蜂窝状三维结构,增大了活性物质与电解液接触的比表面积,使电化学反应更加充分,提高了活性物质的利用率和放电比容量。  相似文献   

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