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采用层削法对2A12铝合金淬火厚板在预拉伸前后的残余应力进行了测定,厚板的淬火采用阵列喷淋及水浴两种方式。结果表明:两种淬火方式在厚板内部都形成了"内拉外压"的典型分布规律;喷淋方式的淬火强度相对较低,只在厚板靠近表层的地方形成了较大的残余应力,内部靠近中面的位置残余应力水平接近于0;水浴方式淬火强度更大,在厚板整个厚度上形成了单调连续分布的残余应力;预拉伸使喷淋和水浴两种淬火板内的残余应力都大幅度消减;强度更高的淬火工艺加大了板内金属力学性能的不均匀性,减弱了残余应力消减的效果。  相似文献   

预拉伸对铝合金焊接残余应力和变形的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
在预拉伸应力作用下,进行了厚度为4mm的5A05铝合金试板的焊接,焊后残余应力及变形的测定结果表明.预拉伸焊接法可有效减小铝合金薄板焊后的纵向残余应力、纵向挠曲变形和平面变形。在弹性应力范由内,随着预应力的增大,试板的残余应力峰值、纵向挠曲变形及平面变形均逐渐减小。分析认为,预拉伸应力部分抵消了焊接区热膨胀产生的压缩应力,从而减小了压缩塑性变形,进而减小了冷却时焊接区域的拉伸应力水平,相应地远离焊缝区域的压缩应力也随之减小。  相似文献   

分析了影响LY12合金预拉伸厚板残余应力的因素,并找出其中的主要影响因素,针对主要影响因素采用相应生产工艺参数,使LY12合金预拉伸厚板残余应力降低到最小值,使这种板材在进行机械加工表面时不产生翘曲变形。  相似文献   

7075铝合金预拉伸板淬火后残余应力的有限元模拟   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
运用有限元软件MSC.MARC对7075铝合金板材淬火过程进行模拟.在获得淬火残余应力的基础上,假设钳口夹持区域为理想刚端,根据材料力学、金属塑性变形等基本原理,利用有限元数值模拟计算方法,建立起该状态下的预拉伸模型.模拟了不同预拉伸量和不同拉伸速度对削减毛坯淬火残余应力的影响以及计算了钳口夹持区域的锯切量.结果表明:拉伸量为3%时,残余应力消除量约为96%,锯切量为21.6%,完全符合航空铝合金厚板生产工艺的规定.  相似文献   

黄艳斐  汪勇  周新远  张伟 《热加工工艺》2012,41(18):180-183
采用水蒸气等离子焊接技术对2A12铝合金材料进行焊接,采用4种缓冷工艺对其进行缓冷处理,并利用电子万能试验机、奥林巴斯金相显微镜、X-350A型应力测定仪以及HVS-1000型数显显微硬度计对不同缓冷工艺处理后焊接试样的组织和性能进行分析和测定.结果表明:2A12铝合金焊接接头的最大抗拉强度为250MPa.焊接接头包括基体、热影响区、熔合区及焊缝四个区,不同区域的焊缝组织和性能各不相同,其中热影响区由于受焊接热输入的影响出现了晶粒长大、显微硬度降低的现象.此外,经过固溶强化和人工时效处理后,焊接接头的残余应力值大大降低,抗拉强度和显微硬度都有一定的增加.  相似文献   

利用MSC.Marc非线性有限元软件建立了一个淬火-预拉伸模型,并利用该模型对7075铝合金厚板进行了仿真研究。仿真结果表明,对于7075铝合金的最佳拉伸量为2.0%~2.5%,预拉伸后板内残余应力降低幅度可达90%以上,且残余应力分布形式由淬火态的"M"型演变为预拉伸后的"W"型;随着拉伸量的增加铝板内塑性变形合格的区域逐渐增加,可利用预拉伸中的等效应力分布状态确定锯切区。若提供适当的残余应力测试结果,利用有限元仿真模型可有效地揭示铝合金厚板淬火-预拉伸内部残余应力的演变规律。  相似文献   

预拉伸对7075铝合金厚板残余应力分布的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
运用有限元法对7075铝合金厚板预拉伸过程进行了数值模拟,获得了预拉伸板内部的残余应力分布,研究了预拉伸量对残余应力演变的影响.采用裂纹柔度法对淬火板和预拉伸板(拉伸量分别为1.8%、2.2%和2.5%)进行了残余应力检测,计算得到了不同工艺下铝厚板内部的残余应力分布.结果表明:预拉伸能够大幅消减淬火残余应力,当拉伸量为2.2%左右时,残余应力减少至±20MPa,能够满足后续加工的要求.  相似文献   

为了分析深浅冷处理对2A12铝合金厚板表面残余应力的影响,采用无损检测法测试了2A12铝合金厚板表面的残余应力,并对比深冷处理和浅冷处理两种工艺对2A12铝合金厚板表面残余应力的改善效果,采用透射电镜分析了冷处理降低表面残余应力的微观影响机理。结果表明:经浅冷处理(-80℃×12 h)铝合金试样表面残余应力比未经冷处理铝合金试样降低了51.6%,经深冷处理(-196℃×12 h)铝合金试样表面残余应力比未经冷处理试样降低了20.3%。探索出在相同的深冷时间内,浅冷处理(-80℃×12 h)比深冷处理(-196℃×12 h)降低2A12铝合金表面残余应力效果更显著。  相似文献   

X射线法测定预拉伸铝合金板材表面残余应力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙建中 《轻金属》1998,(6):51-53
X射线法测定淬火预拉伸铝合金板材表面残余应力时,应力随拉伸变形量的变化,出现了与理论规律相反的变化。本文通过实验对某产生的原因进行了分析和探讨,认为这一现象是由于在拉伸过程中产生的“微观应力”造成的,提出在测定铝合金板材宏观残余应力时一定要消除“微观应力”的影响。  相似文献   

铝合金板淬火残余应力的拉伸消除方法   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
铝合金板材在淬火后产生很大的残余应力,使其在机械加工过程中发生变形。对淬火应力产生的原因及消除方法进行了探讨,从理论上对给定条件下的拉伸后残余应力进行分析、确认,消除残余应力的关键在于位伸过程。  相似文献   

Critical issues in machining of difficult-to-cut materials are often associated with short tool-life and poor surface integrity, where the resulting tensile residual stresses on the machined surface significantly affect the component's fatigue life. This study presents the influence of cutting process parameters on machining performance and surface integrity generated during dry turning of Inconel 718 and austenitic stainless steel AISI 316L with coated and uncoated carbide tools. A three-dimensional Finite Element Model was also developed and the predicted results were compared with those measured.  相似文献   


The formation of large residual stresses continues to be a problematic side effect of all common welding processes. In this work, localised high pressure rolling of gas metal arc welds to relieve these residual stresses has been investigated using strain gauging and neutron diffraction. Rolling was found to remove undesirable tensile stresses and even induce large compressive ones, though only when applied after rather than during welding. Strain measurements taken during combined welding and rolling operations show that this is because material at the weld line continues to yield as it cools. This erases any beneficial effect on the stress distribution of rolling at high temperature. A method of rolling using an oscillating force is also presented and found to be just as effective as the equivalent static force process.  相似文献   

As-cast stresses in the foot of the ingot corresponding to the transient start-up phase of the direct chill casting have been determined in aluminum alloy AA7050 rectangular ingots. This high strength alloy is usually cast with a wiper that is placed below the mold and ejects the falling water from its surface thus reducing the cooling intensity. The ingot being hotter, internal stresses are relaxed. The efficiency of a wiper has been evaluated using both neutron diffraction measurements on ingots cast with and without a wiper and a 3D numerical model simulating the stress generation during casting. The stress level is reduced by 33% when a wiper is used during casting and the stored elastic energy by 50%.  相似文献   

Experiments are described in which the R-line luminescence spectra from the thermally grown oxide formed by high temperature oxidation are recorded as a function of uniaxial strain and under different polarization conditions. The data obtained are used to calibrate both the piezospectroscopic effect and the effect of polarization when an external strain is superimposed upon a residual stress field. Although the incident polarization of the light used to excite the luminescence affects the total emission intensity, it does not affect the polarization of the luminescence signal. However, the ratio of the areas of the R2 and R1 luminescence peaks is dependent on both the stress and the orientation of the polarization of the optics used to collect the spectra relative to the applied stress direction. This provides the basis for determining the principal stress directions in a polycrystalline film. No effect of polarization was observed on the frequencies of the R2 and R1 lines.  相似文献   

The dependence of Barkhausen noise on elastic and plastic deformations, achieved in tension and in compression, has been investigated both in Armco iron and a low carbon steel. These materials exhibit quite different behaviours, especially with regard to the effect of plastic deformation: a tensile plastic deformation (>1%) induces a marked increase in Barkhausen noise for Armco iron while it induces a steep decrease in the low carbon steel. The comparison between the tensile and compressive behaviours, as well as between the elastic and plastic regimes of deformation enables us to attribute these effects to two underlying mechanisms, i.e. effect of residual internal stresses through magneto-elastic coupling and dislocation–domain wall interaction. In Armco iron, the latter mechanism seems to have the strongest influence on the Barkhausen noise, while in the low carbon steel the influence of residual internal stresses prevails.  相似文献   

A 2-D finite element model is developed based on fully coupled electrical-thermal and incrementally coupled thermal-mechanical analysis. The growth rate of the weld nugget as a function of welding time and current is studied. Comparison of the predicted results with the experimental data shows good agreement. Contact area variations and pressure distribution between the sheets’ faying surface and electrode-sheet interfaces during the welding process are studied. Compressive radial residual stress on the surface of the specimen obtained in the center region of the nugget while it becomes tensile and rises toward the nugget edge. The maximum tensile residual stress occurs outside of the nugget, near the edge region. The effects of welding time and current on distribution and magnitude of welding residual stresses are also investigated. The magnitudes of radial residual stresses in the inner and outer areas of the weld nugget grow with increasing the welding time and current while they decrease slightly in the edge regions of the weld nugget. The growth rate of the maximum residual stress reduces with increase in the welding time and current. This fact is more tangible for welding time.  相似文献   

The present investigation has been conducted in order to determine the residual stresses of an as-ground WC-12Co coating of two different thicknesses, by means of two different methods. Firstly, X-ray diffraction techniques, which allowed the determination of the surface residual stresses of the coating by means of the method called “sin2ψ” method. Secondly, an incremental hole drilling technique together with the integral method, which allowed the analysis of the non-uniform through-thickness residual stresses present in the coatings. It has been determined that the surface residual stresses are of a compressive nature, which could be due to the grinding that was applied to the coatings in order to achieve the desired thicknesses. On the contrary, the results of the incremental hole drilling tests indicated that the through-thickness residual stress distributions are not uniform and are characterized by the presence of tensile peak stresses, at depths in the range of ~ 50-125 μm. Such stresses were observed to decrease towards the coating-substrate interface where the compressive component of the stress state becomes greater than the tensile component. It has been found that the mean residual von Mises stress is higher in the thinner coating than in the thicker one, of approximately 180 and 107 MPa, respectively.  相似文献   

The effects of die heating and stress-relief temperatures in reducing residual stresses of squeeze-cast aluminum alloy rods are experimentally determined by the longitudinal slitting method, and their reduction effects on the mechanical properties of the squeeze-cast alloy rods are investigated. Stress relief is much more effective than die heating in reducing residual stresses of the squeeze-cast alloy. Stress relief is substantially completed at 350 ° in 1 h, but at the expense of reduction in strength and hardness. Appreciable reduction in strength and hardness is avoided by using a stress-relief temperature of 250 ° for residual stress reduction of squeeze-cast aluminum alloy. Die heating to a maximum of 200 ° is considered adequate to substantially reduce the chilling effect of the metal mold on the solidifying molten metal and to avoid appreciable reduction of strength and hardness resulting from die heating effects.  相似文献   

In this work, based on the updated Lagrangian formulation and the commercial available software, Marc2001, a coupled thermo-mechanical plane-strain large deformation orthogonal cutting FE model is presented to simulate the diamond turning process and predict the residual stresses on the machined surface of workpiece. In order to consider the interactive influences of cutting edge radius, cutting velocity, rake angle and clearance angle on residual stresses, all simulations are programmed by an orthogonal design method, i.e. the combination design of general rotary method. As expected, two regression equations of tensile and compressive residual stresses are deduced according to the simulated results. The measured results in diamond turning show that the predicted results have a good consistency with the experimental ones. Therefore, some related analyses are carried out for the influencing factors based on the regression equations. Finally, the optimal analyses indicate that a rake angle of 15° and a clearance angle of 10° are the optimum geometry of a diamond tool in turning of ductile materials when this tool has a cutting edge radius of 100–300 nm.  相似文献   

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