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 Based on a moving mask deep X-ray lithography concept, a new deep X-ray exposure system with multi stage has been built up, which can fabricate 3 dimensional microstructures with controllable free shaped wall such as inclined, curved and vertical wall. The system has 6 stages, an X-stage and a Y-stage for substrate scanning, a substrate tilt stage and a substrate rotation stage for controlling an incident X-ray angle to a substrate, an X–Y stage for mask movement and X–Y stage for substrate and mask alignment. The system performance has been confirmed by fabricating microstructures such as gratings, micro grid and micro prism. Received: 10 August 2001/Accepted: 24 September 2001  相似文献   

Deep X-ray lithography masks require good transparency and mechanical resistance to the intense synchrotron X-ray beam, large active areas (cm)2 and compatibility with the standard fabrication processes (optical lithography and gold electroforming). Moreover higher resolution can be achieved with low roughness flat membrane. Furthermore multiple aligned exposures require an optically transparent material. Diamond like Carbon membranes fulfill those requirements but have a prohibitive cost. Our approach consists in using an SU-8 epoxy resin layer as membrane material. In this communication the different steps of the fabrication process will be presented, as well as the results obtained using the mask for particular applications.  相似文献   

 One major process step in deep X-ray lithography is the exposure of the resist with synchrotron radiation. High energy photons are absorbed in mask, resist and substrate. About 95% of this energy is deposited as thermal heat [Schweizer (1997)]. This may lead to a temperature rise in the system and result in thermal distortions during the patterning process. A sample layout is used to determine the distortions during irradiation. Typical radiation parameters of the ELSA storage ring at Bonn University (2.7 GeV, 35 mA) and material properties are applied to simulate the heat effects. Mask membranes made of titanium or beryllium are modeled to irradiate PMMA layers of 200 and 2500 μm thickness. Copper is used as substrate material. Mask support and the bottom of the substrate are cooled to 21 °C as the system is scanned through the synchrotron beam. In the case of 200 μm PMMA and titanium mask membranes, mask temperatures increase to 40.1 °C, whereas only 22.3 °C are reached if beryllium masks are simulated. Maximum distortions are 0.74 μm for Ti-masks and 0.03 μm for Be-masks. With increasing resist thickness, the incident synchrotron radiation power as well as the temperature rise are reduced. In the case of 2500 μm thick PMMA, temperatures of 21.45 °C are simulated. Received: 10 August 2001/Accepted: 24 September 2001 This paper was presented at the Fourth International Workshop on High Aspect Ratio Microstructure Technology HARMST 2001 in June 2001.  相似文献   

 This paper presents the fabrication of intermediate x-ray mask for deep x-ray lithography. In order to have working mask with absorbers thickness larger than 10 μm, the intermediate mask should have absorbers of 0.7 μm in thickness. To demonstrate intermediate mask fabrication, x-ray zone plates are fabricated on the 1.2 μm low-stress silicon-rich silicon nitride (SiNx) membrane with the tri-layer Chromium-Tungsten-Chromium (Cr–W–Cr) as the x-ray absorbers. The chromium layers both 200 angstroms are used as adhesion and for stress relief. The SiNx film is deposited with low pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) and the free standing membrane are formed by KOH silicon backside etching. With the e-beam lithography and reactive ion etching, width of 0.8 μm of outmost zone of the x-ray zone plates has been achieved on the membrane. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of the x-ray zone plates and pictures of intermediate masks are demonstrated. Received: 25 August 1997/Accepted: 3 September 1997  相似文献   

Hard x-ray masks for ultradeep x-ray lithography (UDXRL) at synchrotron radiation sources, such as the Advanced Photon Source, require a gold absorber thickness of 20–100 m on a low-Z substrate, such as silicon, graphite, or beryllium. Graphite sheets of 0.5 mm were used for the fabrication of x-ray masks by standard optical lithography using a SU-8 photoresist. The conductivity of graphite is sufficient to perform electroplating directly without the need for a metal-plating base layer. Gold electroforming was used to deposit a 85-m-thick patterned absorber layer. The masks were used for UDXRL using hard x-rays at the Advanced Photon Source.This work has been supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, under Contract No. W-31–109-ENG-38, by AFOSR Grant 49620–00–1-0088, and by DUSD (S&T) under the Innovative Microwave Vacuum Electronics MURI program managed by the AFOSR under grant F49620–99–1-0297.  相似文献   

Absorption of X-rays in deep X-ray lithography masks can significantly increase exposure time, harden the X-ray spectrum and lead to heating and distortion of the mask. To reduce the impact of such absorption, we have evaluated low atomic mass (low-z) materials that allow the utilization of thick substrates (>100 μm) for reliable mask fabrication. Various forms of graphite, vitreous carbon (VC), boron nitride and beryllium were chosen for testing. Transmission tests were conducted to evaluate resulting surface roughness in the X-ray resist sidewalls. We found that VC, beryllium and pyrolytic graphite all have minimal effect on the resist sidewall surface roughness; however, graphite and boron nitride both significantly increase the roughness to about 300 nm RMS. We could show that this increase in surface roughness is directly related to the crystal structure of these materials. From the tests conducted, VC proves a promising mask substrate, superior to the more expensive and hazardous beryllium that is commonly used for thick high precision masks. VC has been successfully employed as a mask substrate and corresponding resist structures are introduced.  相似文献   

The reflectivity of grazing angle X-ray mirrors, used for X-ray deep lithography, is tested by means of a calorimetric method. A deviation in the reflectivity of a used mirror compared with the reflectivity of a clean surface is observed. This deviation is caused by an oxide layer on the mirrors surfaces. The density, thickness and roughness of the assumed oxide layers are determined experimentally.  相似文献   

 The precision of transferred patterns are highly dependent on the quality of the mask in deep x-ray lithography. Many parameters, such as the critical energy of the synchrotron light, beamline optics and even the microstructure to be exposed should be considered in mask design. In this paper, the design rules and the boundary conditions for deep x-ray mask are discussed in general. The method of making a precision, multilayer mask using UV lithography technique is also described. Received: 25 August 1997/Accepted: 3 September 1997  相似文献   

 From our research and development in hard x-ray lithography, we have found that our conventional leadscrew driven scanner stages do not provide adequate scan speed or travel. These considerations have led us to develop a scanning system based on a long stroke hydraulic drive with 635 mm of travel and closed loop feedback to position the stage to better than 100 micrometers. The control of the device is through a PC with a custom LabView interface coupled to simple x-ray beam diagnostics. This configuration allows us to set a variety of scan parameters, including target dose, scan range, scan rates, and dose rate. Results from our prototype system at beamline X-27B are described as well as progress on a production version for the X-14B beamline. Received: 25 August 1997/Accepted: 3 September 1997  相似文献   

We present a deep X-ray mask with integrated bent-beam electrothermal actuator for the fabrication of 3D microstructures with curved surface. The mask absorber is electroplated on the shuttle mass, which is supported by a pair of 20-m-thick single crystal silicon bent-beam electrothermal actuators and oscillated in a rectilinear direction due to the thermal expansion of the bent-beams. The width of each bent-beam is 10 m or 20 m and the length and bending angle are 1 mm and 0.1 rad, respectively, and the shuttle mass size is 1 mm × 1 mm. For 10-m-wide bent-beams, the shuttle mass displacement is around 15 m at 180 mW (3.6 V) dc input power. For 20-m-wide bent-beams, the shuttle mass displacement is around 19 m at 336 mW (4.2 V) dc input power. Sinusoidal cross-sectional PMMA microstructures with a pitch of 40 m and a height of 20 m are fabricated by 0.5 Hz, 20-m-amplitude sinusoidal shuttle mass oscillation.This research, under the contract project code MS-02-338-01, has been supported by the Intelligent Microsystem Center, which carries out one of the 21st centurys Frontier R & D Projects sponsored by the Korea Ministry of Science & Technology. Experiments at PLS were supported in part by MOST and POSCO.  相似文献   

SU-8 as resist material for deep X-ray lithography   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 A new negative tone resist for deep X-ray lithography is presented. This resist is a nine parts to one mixture of the EPON SU-8 resin with 2,2-bis-(3,5-dichloro-4-hydroxyphenyl)propane (Tetrachlorobisphenol A, TCBA), the latter acting as the photoinitiator. The resist was irradiated at the synchrotron source of DCI at LURE. It was dried for 7 to 20 days beforehand over silica gel while under a light vacuum (20 mbar). Best results for a 150 μm high resist were obtained with a X-ray bottom dose of 3 kJ cm−3 and a post exposure bake at 33 °C. Differential Scanning Calorimetry measurements (DSC) determined the glass transition temperature of the resist. The glass transition for the undried, loose resist was 34.7 °C, and it was 28.7 °C when the resist was pressed on a silicon substrate. For a sample of the dried resist, the glass transition was 33.4 °C for the loose resist and 29.8 °C when it was pressed on a Silicon substrate. CD measurements were made on top surface of a set of 100 μm long columns structures, which were produced in 150 μm of this resist. These structures have a constant 100 μm pitch, and the structures themselves varied in width from 20 to 17 μm. For these structures, the CD was calculated to be 0.15 ± 0.03 μm. Received: 8 February 2000/Accepted: 3 March 2000  相似文献   

Fabrication techniques of microstructures with high resolution and high aspect ratio are necessary for practical microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) that have high performance and integration. In order to fabricate microstructures with sub-micron resolution and high aspect ratio, deep X-ray lithography has been investigated using the compact synchrotron radiation (SR) light source called “AURORA”. An X-ray mask for sub-micron deep X-ray lithography, which is composed of 1 μm thick Au as absorbers, 2 μm thick SiC as a membrane and 625 μm thick Si as a frame, was designed. In preliminary experiments, the following results were achieved: EB resist microstructures with an aspect ratio of 22 corresponding with 0.07 μm width and 1.3 μm height were formed; a 10 μm thick PMMA resist containing no warp was formed by direct polymerization, enabling more precise gap control.  相似文献   

The negative photoresist SU-8 has been recognised as an unique resist, equally useful for conventional UV lithography as well as deep X-ray lithography (DXRL) applications [2, 7, 12, 17, 18]. One of the major limitations in the use of SU-8 in lithographic processes is the occurrence of internal stress [15]. The processing parameters investigated for DXRL of SU-8 included resist thickness (450–850 m), soft bake time (7–11 h), exposure dose (30–70 J/cm3), post exposure bake time (20, 40, 60 min) and development time. The effect of these parameters on stress was evaluated using wafer curvature measurements. Taguchi optimisation techniques have been used to asses the contribution of these parameters on the stress of the developed structures. This study shows that softbake time contributes the most to stress in the SU-8 film at 50%, followed by the exposure dose and post exposure bake with 30% and 15% respectively. Stress varied somewhat linearly with thickness. At higher thickness, the deposition process needs to be changed for very high aspect ratio structures. The main objective of this work has been to optimise the processing conditions of thick SU-8 films for DXRL.This paper was first presented at the High Aspect Ratio Microstructurres (HARMST) conference in Montery California, June 2003.This work was supported by the Australian Synchrotron Research Program, which is funded by the Commonwealth of Australia under the Major National Research Facilities Program. Use of the Advanced Photon Source was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, under Contract No. W-31-109-Eng-38. Support received from CRC for microTechnology (Australia) is also gratefully acknowledged. We also thank Dr. Brett Sexton and Fiona Smith from CSIRO (Australia), Dr. Francesco DeCarlo , Dr. Chian Liu, and Judy Yaeger from APS, and Dr. Jason Hayes and Dr. Matthew Solomon from Swinburne University for useful discussions and their help during some experimental work.  相似文献   

In the last years the fabrication of micro components made from ceramic materials became more and more evident with respect to the pronounced chemical stability and the outstanding thermomechanical properties in comparison to plastics and metals. The aim of this work is the lithographic generation of ceramic microstructures avoiding an intermediate molding step using SU8 as pronounced sensitive resist matrix filled with fine ceramic powder in the submicron range. Focus of the research was to investigate the composite formation, patterning by x-ray lithography, developing, debinding and sintering to form stable ceramic parts. The addition of fine ceramic particles to low viscous liquids like SU8-10 leads to an increase of the viscosity. For a successful debinding and sintering a volume content of at least 40% ceramic is required resulting in a change of the viscosity from around 2 Pas up to a value of 1000 Pas at 25 °C and low shear rates. A modified casting procedure was developed for the formation of uniform resist films with a thickness around 300 m. Optimized exposure and development parameters allow the fabrication of good quality resist structures that can be further transformed into ceramic structures by sintering. Details of the work and results will be presented and discussed in this paper.At this point the authors would like to thank all people who supported this work.  相似文献   

A new method and fluid filter with micro through capillary array for high-throughput micro fluidics were proposed and fabricated. The method, utilizing liquid surface tension and directing fluid flow in vertical direction, was achieved by using the fluid filter we originally proposed. The computational fluid dynamics analysis was conducted to examine the feasibility of vertical fluid flow operation using the fluid filter. And the results indicated that the vertical fluid flow operation is useful and the good properties of the fluid filter. Fabrication of fluid filter was successfully conducted by using deep X-ray lithography. And vertical fluid flow operation and its high throughput properties were successfully demonstrated.  相似文献   

Micro bearing systems for Micro Electromechanical Systems (MEMS) have drawn attention for several decades as critical components for micro rotating machinery. Ideally, frictionless bearings are needed, and in practice, micro gas bearings approach the ideal. Typically, bearings function as a separate component, assembled onto sliding counterparts. However, in micro scale devices, assembly procedures are known to be very tedious and time consuming. This leads to the pursuit of single material monolithic structures. Critical issues arising from these approaches include: limitation of materials, friction, and reliability, among others. In this paper, new approaches have been pursued. Micro gas bearings were fabricated as a single component through X-ray lithography. A stainless steel gauge pin, machined to ultra precision, was used as a journal shaft. Simple and very easy assembly processes using self-aligning concepts were developed as an alternative method to conventional assembly. This article presents the design, fabrication, assembly, and testing of micro gas bearings.This project was funded from National Science Foundation (DMI-0115527) and Atoz CompuNet Ltd. The authors also acknowledge partial support from Center for Nano and Molecular Science and Technology and Welch foundation in The University of Texas at Austin.  相似文献   

Achenbach  S.  Hengsbach  S.  Schulz  J.  Mohr  J. 《Microsystem Technologies》2019,25(8):2975-2983

Deep X-ray lithography is a preferred fabrication approach for those micro devices that depend on smooth and vertical sidewalls of comparatively deep structures rather than extreme lateral resolution. The structure quality obtained depends on, and is limited by, the quality of the X-ray mask applied. A critical component of the mask is its absorber patterns. They get fabricated by electroplating into voids of a polymer template. These templates must usually be at least 3 μm deep and exhibit smooth and vertical sidewalls with a lateral resolution of micrometers and possibly below. Primary patterning of the templates is very demanding. Best results are obtained when dedicated electron beam writers with acceleration voltages of 100 kV and above are applied. This, however, limits access to patterning infrastructure and substantially drives delivery timeline and cost, making mask absorber template patterning a bottleneck of the entire process sequence. We propose, evaluate and optimize an alternative absorber patterning approach based on direct laser writing. An ultraviolet laser with 355 nm wavelength and 250 mW beam power by Heidelberg Instruments is applied to expose 2.9 μm thick, chemically amplified, high contrast, negative tone resist mrx-5. Exposure parameters analyzed include the dose and focal settings. Experiments are carried out on bare silicon wafers as well as on chrome-gold and on titanium oxide plating bases. For all cases, results with and without an additional antireflective coating of 200 nm AZ BAR-Li are studied. Aspects of the resist template structure quality analyzed include the sidewall verticality and its smoothness and defects, resist adhesion to the substrate, minimum feature size and structure accuracy, as well as irregularities due to stitching of partial layouts. In an optimized process, a dose of 14 mW on oxidized titanium and BAR-Li was used. We were able to demonstrate 1.5 μm minimum feature size of isolated structures and structural details of about 1 μm. The sidewalls are vertical and exhibit a roughness of dozens of nanometers. When an antireflective coating is used, chamfers are observed at the resist bottom. The structure accuracy occasionally deviates from the original layout by 200–300 nm, particularly at stitching singularities or towards the end of resist walls. The described absorber template patterning process delivers a resolution that much extends beyond previous UV patterning approaches. The structure accuracy, however, is inferior to electron beam written samples. Given the cost and timeline benefit, results of the study will allow users to identify which primary patterning approach is best suited for their micro devices.


Lithographie Galvanoformung Abformung (LIGA) is a promising approach for fabrication of high aspect ratio 3D microactuator for dual-stage slider in hard disk drive. However, this approach involves practically challenging X-ray lithography and structural transfer processes. In this work, electrostatic MEMS actuator is developed based on a LIGA approach with cost-effective X-ray lithography and dry-film-transfer-to-PCB process. X-ray lithography is performed with X-ray mask based on lift-off sputtered Pb film on mylar substrate and photoresist application using casting-polishing method. High quality and high aspect ratio SU8 microstructures with inverted microactuator pattern have been achieved with the interdigit spacing of ~5 μm, vertical sidewall and a high aspect ratio of 29 by X-ray lithography using the low-cost Pb based X-ray mask. A new dry-film-transfer-to-PCB is employed by using low-cost dry film photoresist to transfer electroplated nickel from surface-treated chromium-coated glass substrate to printed circuit board (PCB) substrate. The dry film is subsequently released everywhere except anchor contacts of the electrostatic actuator structure. The fabricated actuator exhibits good actuation performance with high displacement at moderate operating voltage and suitably high resonance frequency. Therefore, the proposed fabrication process is a promising alternative to realize low-cost MEMS microactuator for industrial applications.  相似文献   

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