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This paper presents experimental and numerical studies on the fuel reforming process on an Ni/YSZ catalyst. Nickel is widely known as a catalyst material for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. Because of its prices and catalytic properties, Ni is used in both electrodes and internal reforming reactors. To optimize the reforming reactors, detailed data about the entire reforming process is required. In the present paper kinetics of methane/steam reforming on the Ni/YSZ catalyst was experimentally investigated. Measurements including different thermal boundary conditions, the fuel flow rate and the steam-to-methane ratios were performed. The reforming rate equation derived from experimental data was used in the numerical model to predict synthetic gas composition at the outlet of the reformer.  相似文献   

In the present work, mathematical models of indirect internal reforming solid oxide fuel cells (IIR-SOFC) fueled by methane were developed to analyze the thermal coupling of an internal endothermic reforming with exothermic electrochemical reactions and determine the system performance. The models are based on steady-state, heterogeneous, two-dimensional reformer and annular design SOFC models. Two types of internal reformer i.e. conventional packed-bed and catalytic coated-wall reformers were considered here. The simulations indicated that IIR-SOFC with packed-bed internal reformer leads to the rapid methane consumption and undesirable local cooling at the entrance of internal reformer due to the mismatch between thermal load associated with rapid reforming rate and local amount of heat available from electrochemical reactions. The simulation then revealed that IIR-SOFC with coated-wall internal reformer provides smoother methane conversion with significant lower local cooling at the entrance of internal reformer.  相似文献   

An experimentally validated, two-dimensional, axisymmetric, numerical model of micro-tubular, single-chamber solid oxide fuel cell (MT-SC-SOFC) has been developed. The model incorporates methane full combustion, steam reforming, dry reforming and water-gas shift reaction followed by electrochemical oxidation of produced hydrogen within the anode. On the cathode side, parasitic combustion of methane along with the electrochemical oxygen reduction is implemented. The results show that the poor performance of single-chamber SOFC as compared to the conventional (dual-chamber) SOFC (in case of micro-tubes) is due to the mass transport limitation on the anode side. The gas velocity inside the micro-tube is far too low when compared to the gas-chamber inlet velocity. The electronic current density is also non-uniform over the cell length, mainly due to the short length of the anode current collector located at the cell outlet. Furthermore, the higher temperature near the cell edges is due to the methane combustion (very close to the cell inlet) and current collection point (at the cell outlet). Both of these locations could be sensitive to the silver current collecting wire as silver may rupture due to cell overheating.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional isothermal mechanistic model of an anode-supported solid oxide fuel cell was developed based on button-cell geometry. The model coupled the intricate interdependency among the ionic conduction, electronic conduction, gas transport, and the electrochemical reaction processes. All forms of polarizations were included. The molecular diffusion, Knudsen diffusion, as well as the simplified competitive adsorption and surface diffusion were also considered. An electric analogue circuit was used to determine the effective hydrogen diffusivity. The model results showed good agreement with the published experimental data in different H2–H2O mixtures without any other calibrations after the parameter estimation according to the experimental data in baseline operating condition. The distributions of species concentration and current density were predicted and the effects of cathode area, gas components, and anode thickness on the cell performance were studied.  相似文献   

This study presents a 3D CFD model of a planar SOFC with internal reforming for anode flow field design. The developed model reflects the influence of various factors on fuel cell performance including flow field design and kinetics of chemical and electrochemical reactions. The case study illustrates applications of the CFD model for planar SOFC with different anode flow field designs. Simulation results indicate the importance of the anode flow field design for planar SOFCs. The model is useful for optimization of fuel cell design and operating conditions.  相似文献   

Four models of convective and radiative heat transfer inside tubular solid oxide fuel cells are presented in this paper, all of them applicable to multidimensional simulations. The work is aimed at assessing if it is necessary to use a very detailed and complicated model to simulate heat transfer inside this kind of device and, for those cases when simple models can be used, the errors are estimated and compared to those of the more complex models.  相似文献   

The current state of the art in fuel cell system development will be reviewed with an emphasis of the critical issues on heat transfer.

The heat transfer issues for both PEM based systems and SOFC based fuel cell systems will be addressed.

For systems that are based on hydrocarbon fuels a reforming step is needed and critical heat transfer issues are also present in this fuel processing part of the system where the primary feedstock is converted to reformate. Also, in both the PEM and SOFC fuel cell itself, heat transfer is a critical issue. It will be shown what are the implications of the fuel cell heat transfer to the total system architecture for the various fuel cell applications (stationary power, transport).

The heat transfer issues in fuel cell system development will be clarified with several examples.  相似文献   

The Artificial Neural Network (ANN) can be applied to simulate an object's behaviour without an algorithmic solution merely by utilizing available experimental data. The ANN is used for modelling singular cell behaviour. The optimal network architecture is shown and commented. The error backpropagation algorithm was used for an ANN training procedure.  相似文献   

A solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC)–polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) combined system was investigated by numerical simulation. Here, the effect of the current densities in the SOFC and the PEFC stacks on the system's performance is evaluated under a constant fuel utilization condition. It is shown that the SOFC–PEFC system has an optimal combination of current densities, for which the electrical efficiency is highest. The optimal combination exists because the cell voltage in one stack increases and that of the other stack decreases when the current densities are changed. It is clarified that there is an optimal size of the PEFC stack in the parallel-fuel-feeding-type SOFC–PEFC system from the viewpoint of efficiency, although a larger PEFC stack always leads to higher electrical efficiency in the series-fuel-feeding-type SOFC–PEFC system. The 40 kW-class PEFC stack is suitable for the 110 kW-class SOFC stack in the parallel-fuel-feeding type SOFC–PEFC system.  相似文献   

In this study, a 2-D numerical model is investigated to predict and evaluate the performance of an anode-supported SOFC button cell. The flow field is calculated using 2D Navier–Stokes equations. Heat and mass transfer equations are solved to calculate species and temperature distribution in the cell body and in fuel and air channels. The electrical and electrochemical processes are simulated coupled with the heat and mass transfer model. A discretized network circuit is adopted to the cell geometry for considering the ohmic losses and joule heating of the current that passes through the cell body. The model predicts the cell output voltage, the local EMF and the state variables pressure, temperature and species concentrations. The local electrical parameters are calculated based on the local pressure, temperature and concentration of the species. The numerical results are compared with the experimental data and good agreement is observed. The simulation is carried out for different input fuel flow rates and humidification. The results show how the input fuel mass flow rate and humidification level affects the button cell SOFC performance. In addition, influences of the anode thickness on cell performance through the ohmic over potential are investigated.  相似文献   

This work proposes a power generation system consisting of steam reformer and SOFC–H+ fuelled by different types of fuel, i.e., ethanol, glycerol and biogas. The performance analysis of integrated system is performed based on thermodynamic calculation through Aspen Plus simulator. The total of the Gibbs free energy minimization is used to determine product composition at equilibrium. The electrochemical model not only considers all voltage losses but also includes the effect of current leakage as a result from the electrolyte used. Considering the operating condition of steam reformer, it is found that the gas product contains the highest amount of hydrogen without the carbon formation when reformer is operated at 973 K with steam to carbon ratio of 1. In addition, the simulation results show that the SOFC–H+ operated at 973 K and 1 A/cm2 can provide a suitable compromise between system performances and exhaust gas composition. The use of glycerol reformate has the highest cell and system efficiencies and fuel utilization compared to the others. In addition, the integrated system fuelled by glycerol can release low CO amount whereas there is more heat provided to the surrounding. Therefore, it can be concluded that glycerol is suitable renewable fuel for SOFC–H+ integrated system.  相似文献   

The present work investigates the effects of the temperature and thermal stress distributions in a planar solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) unit cell. A computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis of a planar anode-supported SOFC that considers electrochemical reactions is performed, and the thermal stresses are calculated. The static friction coefficients are assumed to range from 0.05 to 0.3, and conservatively, a perfectly bonded condition is assumed. The results show that the electrolyte is the weakest component and has the maximum stress because the electrolyte is the thinnest and the Young modulus is the highest. Thus, the contact between the anode electrode and the electrolyte, and between the cathode electrode and the electrolyte, would be the perfectly bonded condition. As a result, this research showed that the stresses induced by constraint forces with various contact conditions were dominant for the structural stability in a SOFC. Therefore, static friction coefficients on operative high temperature conditions are important to predict the structural integrity in a SOFC, and they will be investigated in future works in order to improve the structural stability in a stack design as well as in a SOFC.  相似文献   

The performance analysis of an integrated system of glycerol supercritical water reforming and pressurized SOFC was presented. The use of different CO2 adsorption processes that include in situ and ex situ processes was compared to determine the suitable process for hydrogen and power generations. The influence of operating condition, e.g., temperature and pressure of reformer, supercritical water to glycerol (S/G) molar ratio, and calcium oxide to glycerol (CaO/G) molar ratio was examined. Then, the electrical performance of each integrated process was considered with respect to the SOFC conditions comprising temperature, pressure, and current density. The simulation results revealed that both processes have same favourable conditions for temperature and pressure operated at 800 °C and 240 atm, respectively. The suitable S/G and CaO/G molar ratios for in situ process are 10 and 2 whereas those for ex situ process are 20 and 1. Under these conditions, maximum hydrogen can be achieved as 87% and 75% for in situ and ex situ processes, respectively. When both integrated processes are operated at the optimal SOFC conditions as 900 °C, 4 atm, and current density of 10,000 A/m2, the SOFC efficiency of 71.56% and 62.12% can provide for in situ and ex situ processes, respectively.  相似文献   

We study a counter-flow solid oxide fuel cell system and consider the challenges faced in minimizing thermal variations from the nominal operating conditions for a reasonable range of power tracking. Blower dynamics, reformer transport delays, spatial distribution of the heat generated and the resulting thermal response are among the issues considered. A novel approach, relying on partial internal reformation of the feedstock is proposed as a remedy to maintain a strong level of power tracking with minimal thermal stress to the fuel cell.  相似文献   

We have developed a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) stack with an internal manifold structure. The stack, which is composed of 25 anode-supported 100-mm-diameter SOFCs, provided an electrical conversion efficiency of 56% (based on the lower heating value of methane, which was used as a fuel) and an output of 350 W when the fuel utilization, current density, and operating temperature were 75%, 0.3 A cm−2, and 1073 K, respectively. The electrical efficiency and the output were maintained for 1100 h. The cell voltage fluctuation was ±2% for 25 cells. The relationship between average cell voltage and current density in the 25-cell stack was as almost the same as that in the 1- and 10-cell stacks, which suggests that our stack provides almost the same cell performance regardless the number of the cells.  相似文献   

This paper presents a dynamic model for studying the cold start dynamics and observer design of an auxiliary power unit (APU) for automotive applications. The APU is embedded with a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) stack which is a quiet and pollutant-free electric generator; however, it suffers from slow start problem from ambient conditions. The SOFC APU system equips with an after-burner to accelerate the start-up transient in this research. The combustion chamber burns the residual fuel (and air) left from the SOFC to raise the exhaust temperature to preheat the SOFC stack through an energy recovery unit. Since thermal effect is the dominant factor that influences the SOFC transient and steady performance, a nonlinear real-time sliding observer for stack temperature was implemented into the system dynamics to monitor the temperature variation for future controller design. The simulation results show that a 100 W APU system in this research takes about 2 min (in theory) for start-up without considering the thermal limitation of the cell fracture.  相似文献   

Faults of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) systems can affect the characteristics of the stack and inhibit SOFC system commercialization. It has been found that the temperature fluctuation of the burner caused by fluctuation of steam flow rate would greatly affect the temperature of SOFC system and even exceed the safe operation range. Firstly, this paper introduces a mathematical model for the process of steam and natural gas reforming in a real SOFC system. Secondly, the cause of the burner temperature fluctuation is analyzed, and the model to simulate this faulty situation is established. Then, the Bayesian regularization neural network is used for fault diagnosis and good test results are obtained. Finally, fuzzy fault-tolerant control strategy is designed for the thermal safety problem of SOFC system. The simulation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed fault-tolerant control strategy.  相似文献   

The development of sealants for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) is a significant challenge as they must meet very restrictive requirements; they must withstand the severe environment of the SOFC (i.e., be resistant to oxidative and reducing gas environments) and be thermo-chemically and thermo-mechanically compatible with the materials to which they are in contact with. This work discusses the design and the operation of two SOFC short stacks (based on planar anode-supported cells) along with the performance of a glass ceramic sealant inside the stack.  相似文献   

The heat and mass transfer characteristics of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) need to be considered when designing SOFCs because they heavily influence the performance and durability of the cells. The physical property models, the governing equations (mass, momentum, energy and species balance equations) and the electrochemical reaction models were calculated simultaneously in a 3-dimensional SOFC simulation. The current density-voltage (I-V) curves measured experimentally from a single SOFC were compared with the simulation data for code validation purposes. The error between the experimental data and the numerical results was less than 5% at operating temperatures from 700 °C to 850 °C. The current density and the mass transfer rate of an anode-supported SOFC were compared with those of a metal-supported SOFC. The metal-supported SOFC had a 17% lower average current density than the anode-supported SOFC because of the bonding layer, but it showed better thermal stability than the anode-supported SOFC because of its more uniform current density distribution. The current density, temperature and pressure drop of the metal-supported SOFC were investigated for several channel designs. A high current density was observed near the hydrogen inlet and at the intersection of the hydrogen and air channels. However, there was a low current density under the rib and at the cell edge because of an insufficient reactant diffusion flux. When the proper channel design was applied to the metal-supported SOFC, the average current density was increased by 45%.  相似文献   

In this paper a theoretical model of the heat-transfer processes in a solid adsorbent packed bed is established. Based on discretized energy control equations of the fluid in the heat-transfer coil and transient heat conduction equations of the adsorbent in the bed with unsteady boundary conditions, a numerical analysis is made. Through numerical computation, a coupling temperature distribution in the adsorbent and the heat-transfer coil is obtained. This will make for an optimal design of the solid adsorbent packed bed.  相似文献   

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