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Major structural components in freshwater dissolved organic matter   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) contains a complex array of chemical components that are intimately linked to many environmental processes, including the global carbon cycle, and the fate and transport of chemical pollutants. Despite its importance, fundamental aspects, such as the structural components in DOM remain elusive, due in part to the molecular complexity of the material. Here, we utilize multidimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to demonstrate the major structural components in Lake Ontario DOM. These include carboxyl-rich alicyclic molecules (CRAM), heteropolysaccharides, and aromatic compounds, which are consistent with components recently identified in marine dissolved organic matter. In addition, long-range proton-carbon correlations are obtained for DOM, which support the existence of material derived from linear terpenoids (MDLT). It is tentatively suggested that the bulk of freshwater dissolved organic matter is aliphatic in nature, with CRAM derived from cyclic terpenoids, and MDLT derived from linear terpenoids. This is in agreement with previous reports which indicate terpenoids as major precursors of DOM. At this time it is not clear in Lake Ontario whether these precursors are of terrestrial or aquatic origin or whether transformations proceed via biological and/ or photochemical processes.  相似文献   

This article presents research targeted toward the isolation and detection of unique molecular structures from what is believed to be the world's most complex organic mixture: dissolved organic matter (DOM). Hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) was used to separate Suwannee River DOM (SRDOM) into 80 fractions, simplified to the extent that detection with nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) results in many sharp signals that are indicative of individual compounds, some of which are identifiable with multidimensional NMR. Parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) of fluorescence excitation-emission matrices (EEMs) was additionally employed on HILIC-simplified fractions to further confirm the effectiveness of the HILIC separations as well as draw insight into how structural characteristics relate to DOM fluorescence signals. Findings suggest that material believed to be derived from both cyclic and linear terpenoids was dominant in the most hydrophobic fractions as were the majority of the fluorescence signals, whereas hydrophilic material was highly correlated with carbohydrate-type structures as well as high contributions from amino acid fluorescence. NMR spectra of DOM, typically featureless mounds, are substantially more detailed with HILIC-simplified fractions to the point where hundreds of signals are present and 2D NMR correlations permit significant structural identifications.  相似文献   

Ten isolates of aquatic dissolved organic matter (DOM) were evaluated to determine the effect that chemical properties of the DOM, such as charge density, aromaticity, and molecular weight, have on DOM removal by anion exchange. The DOM isolateswere characterized as terrestrial, microbial, or intermediate humic substances or transphilic acids. All anion exchange experiments were conducted using a magnetic ion exchange (MIEX) resin. The charge density of the DOM isolates, determined by direct potentiometric titration, was fundamental to quantifying the stoichiometry of the anion exchange mechanism. The results clearly show that all DOM isolates were removed by anion exchange; however, differences among the DOM isolates did influence their removal by MIEX resin. In particular, MIEX resin had the greatest affinity for DOM with high charge density and the least affinity for DOM with low charge density and low aromaticity. This work illustrates that the chemical characteristics of DOM and solution conditions must be considered when evaluating anion exchange treatment for the removal of DOM.  相似文献   

Under UV irradiation, an important primary photochemical reaction of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) is electron ejection to produce hydrated electrons (e-aq). The efficiency of this process has been studied in both fresh water and seawater samples with both steady-state scavenger (S-SS) and time-resolved laser flash photolysis (LFP) methods. However, the apparent quantum yields (AQYs) of e-aq for the same samples using the two methods differ by as much as a factor of 100, necessitating a closer re-examination of how the process is measured. We developed a highly sensitive multipass LFP apparatus that allows detection of transient species at very low and variable UV irradiation intensities. Under single-photon conditions, we measured the AQY of e-aq from Laurentian fulvic acid as 1.3 x 10(-4), and set the upper limit for other CDOM samples at 6 x 10(-5), bringing the LFP results into agreement with those from S-SS methods. We also examined the ionization at elevated irradiation intensities and clearly demonstrated that multiphoton ionization occurs at intensities well below those usually used in LFP experiments, but well above those likely to occur at the earth's surface. This multiphoton ionization is probably the cause of the high AQYs reported by earlier LFP work. In addition, we also observed in real time other photochemical reactions, such as triplet quenching and bleaching, in the single photon regime.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter from natural waters is a complex mixture of various chemical components, which play vital roles in many environmental processes such as the global carbon cycle and the fate of many key anthropogenic pollutants. Despite its environmental significance, dissolved organic matter in natural form has never been studied using nuclear magnetic resonance based hydrodynamic radius measurements due to its extremely low concentration (e.g., a few mg/L) in natural waters. In this study, NMR-based hydrodynamic radius measurements were performed directly on unconcentrated pond, river, and sea waters. The key chemical components of the dissolved organic matters from different sources were identified as carbohydrates, carboxyl-rich alicyclic molecules, and aliphatic molecules. By using the Stokes-Einstein-Sutherland equation, the average hydrodynamic radii of the three key components were calculated.  相似文献   

We have investigated the kinetics of Fe(II) oxygenation in seawater in the presence of a variety of natural organic materials obtained from vegetation near Moreton Bay, Queensland. Natural organic matter (NOM) was observed mostly to accelerate Fe(II) oxygenation, but in some cases oxidation was retarded. We fitted a previously developed kinetic model to the experimental data to determine the critical rate constants, kf for the formation of Fe(II)--NOM complexes and kox for the oxygenation of the Fe(II)--NOM complexes, when assumed to be first order with respect to both the concentration of Fe(II) and the dissolved O2. Analysis of the critical model reactions indicated that the process is in general non-pseudo-first-order but approaches pseudo-first-order under certain conditions. These limiting conditions are rapidly approached, which makes it difficult to determine unique values of kf and kox from oxidation data alone. Both parameters varied considerably between the different samples of NOM, with the value of kox ranging from about 2 up to 1000 M(-1) s(-1) as compared with 13 M(-1) s(-1) for inorganic Fe(II) in seawater. Despite large assumptions, the values of kox calculated were consistent with a linear free energy relation.  相似文献   

A brownwater sample with a high content of humic substances (HS) was fractionated by multistage ultrafiltration (mst-UF) into five fractions with nominal molecular weights ranging from >30 to <1 kDa. Fractions were characterized with respect to molecular size distribution and structure. Size exclusion chromatography with online DOC detection revealed that mst-UF yielded fractions with decreasing Mp (molecular weight at peak maximum) and polydispersities from nominally large to small mst-UF fractions. 13C MAS NMR analysis showed that the content of carbohydrate structures decreased from the original sample toward smaller molecular weight (MW) fractions, which in turn contained more carboxylic groups and branched aliphatic structures. Specific UV absorbances (SUVA254) were highest in the >30 kDa fraction and decreased with decreasing MW. To evaluate whether separation mechanisms other than size exclusion were of importance during the fractionation, the behavior of low molecular weight model compounds (MC) with a range of polarities was studied. Recoveries decreased with increasing hydrophobicity of the MC. For selected nonylphenol ethoxylates and 4-nonylphenol the recovery correlated well with the hydrophile-lipophile balance value. The presence of dissolved organic matter (DOM) caused an additional loss of hydrophobic MC, possibly because of sorption of the compounds onto DOM fouling layers. The hydrophilic MC caffeine was recovered almost completely (85-86%) regardless of the DOM content of the model solution. It was concluded that size exclusion was the dominant fractionation mechanism for caffeine, whereas hydrophobic interactions played a major role during the mst-UF fractionation of nonpolar contaminants. For a better understanding of the behavior of polyfunctional molecules such as HS, the effect of other physicochemical properties needs to be investigated in further studies.  相似文献   

Glaciers and ice sheets are the second largest freshwater reservoir in the global hydrologic cycle, and the onset of global climate warming has necessitated an assessment of their contributions to sea-level rise and the potential release of nutrients to nearby aquatic environments. In particular, the release of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from glacier melt could stimulate microbial activity in both glacial ecosystems and adjacent watersheds, but this would largely depend on the composition of the material released. Using fluorescence and (1)H NMR spectroscopy, we characterize DOM at its natural abundance in unaltered samples from a number of glaciers that differ in geographic location, thermal regime, and sample depth. Parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) modeling of DOM fluorophores identifies components in the ice that are predominantly proteinaceous in character, while (1)H NMR spectroscopy reveals a mixture of small molecules that likely originate from native microbes. Spectrofluorescence also reveals a terrestrial contribution that was below the detection limits of NMR; however, (1)H nuclei from levoglucosan was identified in Arctic glacier ice samples. This study suggests that the bulk of the DOM from these glaciers is a mixture of biologically labile molecules derived from microbes.  相似文献   

For many important classes of pesticides including phenylurea herbicides (PUHs) and triazines, photosensitized transformation may be the only relevant elimination process in surface waters. In this study, the dissolved organic matter (DOM) mediated phototransformation of PUHs has been investigated in laboratory and field experiments. The results indicate that, in surface waters, the photosensitized transformation of PUHs may be significant and occurs primarily by an initial one-electron oxidation most likely involving excited triplet states of DOM (3DOM*) constituents. Using isoproturon and diuron as model compounds, it is shown that for a given DOM, quantum yield factors determined in the laboratory at a few selected wavelengths can be used to quantify the overall DOM- mediated phototransformation of a given PUH under sunlight irradiation. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that this process can be modeled for a given surface water, by applying the program GCSOLAR and a simple algorithm for cloud cover for quantification of average daily light intensities. Finally, the model has been successfully applied to predict vertical concentration profiles of isoproturon and diuron in a small lake in Switzerland. To our knowledge, this is the first study in which DOM-mediated phototransformation of organic pollutants has been quantitatively validated in the field.  相似文献   

A model was developed, using an approach based on the Ideal Adsorbed Solution Theory (IAST), to predict trichloroethylene (TCE) adsorption by granular activated carbon (GAC) preloaded with natural dissolved organic matter (DOM) isolated from three surface water sources. The IAST model was formulated for a bi-solute system in which TCE and DOM single-solute uptakes were described by the Langmuir-Freundlich and Freundlich isotherms, respectively. The effect of DOM molecular size and polarity (as measured by XAD 8 resin fractionation) on TCE uptake by preloaded GAC was assessed to identify a reactive fraction of natural water DOM for the purpose of modeling competitive adsorption. Consistent with previous work that identified low molecular weight species as the most reactive with regard to preloading effects (i.e., reducing target compound uptake), the low molecular weight components of the polar (hydrophilic) and nonpolar (hydrophobic) DOM fractions, isolated using ultrafiltration (1 kDa molecular weight cutoff membrane), exhibited significant competitive effects. Furthermore, the effects of these fractions on TCE uptake were similar; therefore, theywere considered together to represent a single "reactive fraction" of DOM. On the basis of this finding, isotherms for the <1 kDa low molecular weight DOM fraction of the whole water were measured, and molar concentrations were computed based on an average molecular weight determined using size-exclusion chromatography. The IAST model was modified to incorporate surface area reduction due to pore blockage by DOM and to reflectthe hypothesis thatTCE molecules can access adsorption sites which humic molecules cannot, thus preventing competition on these sites. The model was calibrated with data for TCE uptake by carbon preloaded with the <1 kDa low molecular weight DOM fraction and was verified by predicting TCE uptake by carbon preloaded with whole natural waters for both constant GAC dose (hence constant DOM loading) and variable GAC dose (hence variable DOM loading) TCE isotherms. Preloading by DOM reduced volume in GAC pores having widths smaller than 1.25 nm (likely accessible only to TCE) to a greater extent than total pore volume, suggesting preferential blockage of micropores. Such preferential pore blockage may explain, in part, why increased DOM loading decreases the fraction of the total surface area on which no competition between TCE and DOM occurs.  相似文献   

Excitation-emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence was combined with parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) to model base-extracted particulate (POM) and dissolved (DOM) organic matter quality in the Neuse River Estuary (NRE), North Carolina, before and after passage of Hurricane Irene in August 2011. Principle components analysis was used to determine that four of the PARAFAC components (C1-C3 and C6) were terrestrial sources to the NRE. One component (C4), prevalent in DOM of nutrient-impacted streams and estuaries and produced in phytoplankton cultures, was enriched in the POM and in surface sediment pore water DOM. One component (C5) was related to recent autochthonous production. Photoexposure of unfiltered Neuse River water caused an increase in slope ratio values (S(R)) which corresponded to an increase in the ratio C2:C3 for DOM, and the production of C4 fluorescence in both POM and DOM. Changes to the relative abundance of C4 in POM and DOM indicated that advection of pore water DOM from surface sediments into overlying waters could increase the autochthonous quality of DOM in shallow microtidal estuaries. Modeling POM and DOM simultaneously with PARAFAC is an informative technique that is applicable to assessments of estuarine water quality.  相似文献   

Nitrite (NO2-) formation during ultraviolet (UV) photolysis of nitrate was studied as a function of pH and natural organic matter (NOM) concentration to determine water-quality effects on quantum yields and overall formation potential during UV disinfection of drinking water with polychromatic, medium-pressure (MP) Hg lamps. Quantum yields measured at 228 nm are approximately 2 times higher than at 254 nm under all conditions studied. In the absence of NOM, NO2- quantum yields decrease with time. With addition of NOM, initial quantum yields increase, and the time-dependent decrease is eliminated. At 15 ppm dissolved organic carbon (DOC) as NOM, the quantum yield increases with time. Dissolved inorganic carbon significantly decreases NO2- yields at pH 8 but not pH 6, presumably by reaction of CO2(aq) with peroxynitrite, a major intermediate in NO2- formation. The results indicate important and previously unrecognized roles for NOM and CO2(aq) in nitrate photolysis. When photolysis was carried out using the full spectrum MPUV lamp and germicidally relevant UV doses, NO2- concentrations remained well below the U.S. maximum contaminant level of 1 ppm N, even with nitrate initially present at 10 ppm N. Under current U.S. regulations, NO2- formation should not pose a significant problem for water utilities during UV disinfection of drinking water with MP Hg lamps.  相似文献   

Adsorbent particles added to ultrafiltration (UF) systems treating drinking water can remove natural organic matter (NOM) and some other contaminants from the water, but their effect on membrane fouling is inconsistent-in some cases, fouling is reduced, and in others, it is exacerbated. This research investigated the behavior of UF systems to which powdered activated carbon (PAC), heated iron oxide particles (HIOPs), or (nonadsorbent) SiO2 particles were added. On a mass basis, the PAC removed the most NOM from solution, the HIOPs removed less, and the SiO2 removed essentially none. However, in the case of both PAC and SiO2, increasing the dose of solids led to a steady increase in fouling, whereas the opposite trend applied when HIOPs were added. In the absence of NOM, none of the solids fouled the membrane significantly. Thus, even though NOM is a causative agent for fouling, removing it from solution does not necessarily reduce fouling; the mechanism of removal can be just as important as the absolute amount removed, if the removal occurs in a cake layer near the membrane surface. Scanning electron microscopy images of the cake layers formed in the three systems suggest that the NOM binds PAC or SiO2 particles to one another and to the membrane surface, so that the particles become part of the foulant in the system. By contrast, the NOM appears to bind HIOPs to one another but not to the membrane. This process leaves enough pore space in the cake layer for water to reach the membrane with minimal resistance, and it reduces the tendency for either the NOM or the HIOPs to foul the membrane surface.  相似文献   

We determined the distribution of hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs) to fractions of natural organic matter in a soil contaminated by chlorophenol wood preservatives more than 30 years ago. The concentration of dissolved organic matter (DOM) was enhanced in soil suspensions by raising pH to 6.8-9.1. After 48 h of desorption/equilibration, the DOM fraction was separated from the particulate organic matter (POM) of the soil by filtration. In the next step, DOM was flocculated by Al-nitrate, and free concentrations of HOCs were determined in the aqueous phase. The HOCs associated with DOM and POM were extracted with toluene. No significant differences in gross carbon chemistry were detected between DOM and POM, using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Normalized to organic C, chlorophenols (CPs) showed a similar degree of partitioning between DOM and POM, whereas the partitioning of polychlorinated diphenyl ethers (PCDEs), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, and furans (PCDD/Fs) was highly shifted toward POM. The partitioning to POM, relative to DOM, increased in the order PCDE < PCDF < PCDD, reflecting the hydrophobicity of the compounds.  相似文献   

The complexation of heavy metals with dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the environment influences the solubility and mobility of these metals. In this paper, we measured the complexation of Cu, Cd, Zn, Ni, and Pb with DOM in the soil solution at pH 3.7-6.1 using a Donnan membrane technique. The results show that the DOM-complexed species is generally more significant for Cu and Pb than for Cd, Zn, and Ni. The ability of two advanced models for ion binding to humic substances, e.g., model VI and NICA-Donnan, in the simulation of metal binding to natural DOM was assessed by comparing the model predictions with the measurements. Using the default parameters of fulvic and humic acid, the predicted concentrations of free metal ions from the solution speciation calculation using the two models are mostly within 1 order of magnitude difference from the measured concentrations, except for Ni and Pb in a few samples. Furthermore, the solid-solution partitioning of the metals was simulated using a multisurface model, in which metal binding to soil organic matter, dissolved organic matter, clay, and iron hydroxides was accounted for using adsorption and cation exchange models (NICA-Donnan, Donnan, DDL, CD-MUSIC). The model estimation of the dissolved concentration of the metals is mostly within 1 order of magnitude difference from those measured except for Ni in some samples and Pb. The solubility of the metals depends mainly on the metal loading over soil sorbents, pH, and the concentration of inorganic ligands and DOM in the soil solution.  相似文献   

Dissolved natural organic matter (NOM) plays an essential role in freshwater geochemical and biochemical processes. A major property, its redox behavior, can be attributed to the chinone building blocks, which can form stable radicals. However, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) data indicating free radicals on solid NOM are sparse. Here we present EPR spectra of 23 NOM from European surface waters isolated by reverse osmosis. The organic radical concentrations of NOM ranged from 5 x 10(15) to 1.84 x 10(17) spins g(-1), and g values ranged from 2.0031 to 2.0045. Number and type of organic radicals in solid NOM are significantly influenced by the pH of raw water. EPR experiments indicate the presence of semiquinone-type radicals in coexistence with carbon-centered "aromatic" radicals, with the semiquinone-type radicals dominating at alkaline pH. Basically these processes are reversible. Organic radical concentrations in NOM adjusted to pH 6.5 before freeze-drying correlate with iron and aluminum contents. UV- and VIS-irradiation of solid NOM can lead to more than a 10-fold increase of the concentration of organic radicals. These radicals were long-lived and had the same g value as the original radical. Similar effects were not observed with isolated humic and fulvic acids, demonstrating the limited reflection of environmental properties of organic carbon by the classical isolation procedure.  相似文献   

A new method for the determination of the concentration and conditional stability constant of dissolved organic matter that binds mercury (Hg) has been developed using an in vitro assay of reducible Hg. The technique is a wet chemical analogue to electrochemical approaches now in use for ligand studies of many other trace transition metals in natural waters. Ligand characteristics are obtained from additions of ionic Hg to buffered lake, river water, and seawater and determination of the wet chemically reducible fraction following equilibration of the spike. This approach is robust, as demonstrated by (i) analysis using three reducing agents of varying strengths, (ii) replicate analyses, (iii) comparison to well-characterized complexing species (chloride and EDTA) using a competitive ion-exchange resin, and (iv) kinetic studies. Results indicate that Hg-complexing equivalents are present in the dissolved phase (<0.2 microm) ranging from <1 to >60 nN concentrations and with log conditional stability constants (log K') in the range of 21-24. Only one ligand class was found in the natural waters analyzed. There was indirect evidence for a class of organic ligands that formed reducible complexes with Hg in freshwater. Such ligand characteristics indicate that the vast majority of ionic inorganic Hg dissolved in freshwater and coastal saltwaters is associated with organic complexes. Concentrations, affinities, and kinetics implicate multidentate chelation sites as the principal complexing moieties for Hg and discourage the use of humic carboxylic acids as a proxy for the ligands/functional groups.  相似文献   

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