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Automated left ventricular segmentation in cardiac MRI   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present an automated left ventricular (LV) myocardial boundary extraction method. Automatic localization of the LV is achieved using a motion map and an expectation maximization algorithm. The myocardial region is then segmented using an intensity-based fuzzy affinity map and the myocardial contours are extracted by cost minimization through a dynamic programming approach. The results from the automated algorithm compared against the experienced radiologists using Bland and Altman analysis were found to have consistent mean bias of 7% and limits of agreement comparable to the inter-observer variability inherent in the manual method.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance (MR) has been accepted as the reference image study in the clinical environment. The development of new sequences has allowed obtaining diverse images with high clinical importance and whose interpretation requires their joint analysis (multispectral MRI). Recent approaches to segment MRI point toward the definition of hybrid models, where the advantages of region and contour-based methods can be exploited to look for the integration or fusion of information, thus enhancing the performance of the individual approaches. Following this perspective, a hybrid model for multispectral brain MRI segmentation is presented. The model couples a segmenter, based on a radial basis network (RBFNNcc), and an active contour model, based on a cubic spline active contour (CSAC) interpolation. Both static and dynamic coupling of RBFNNcc and CSAC are proposed; the RBFNNcc stage provides an initial contour to the CSAC; the initial contour is optimally sampled with respect to its curvature variations; multispectral information and a restriction term are included into the CSAC energy equation. Segmentations were compared to a reference stack, indicating high-quality performance as measured by Tanimoto indexes of 0.74 +/- 0.08.  相似文献   

Inhaled hyperpolarized helium-3 (3He) gas is a new magnetic resonance (MR) contrast agent that is being used to study lung functionality. To evaluate the total lung ventilation from the hyperpolarized 3He MR images, it is necessary to segment the lung cavities. This is difficult to accomplish using only the hyperpolarized 3He MR images, so traditional proton (1H) MR images are frequently obtained concurrent with the hyperpolarized 3He MR examination. Segmentation of the lung cavities from traditional proton (1H) MRI is a necessary first step in the analysis of hyperpolarized 3He MR images. In this paper, we develop an active contour model that provides a smooth boundary and accurately captures the high curvature features of the lung cavities from the 1H MR images. This segmentation method is the first parametric active contour model that facilitates straightforward merging of multiple contours. The proposed method of merging computes an external force field that is based on the solution of partial differential equations with boundary condition defined by the initial positions of the evolving contours. A theoretical connection with fluid flow in porous media and the proposed force field is established. Then by using the properties of fluid flow we prove that the proposed method indeed achieves merging and the contours stop at the object boundary as well. Experimental results involving merging in synthetic images are provided. The segmentation technique has been employed in lung 1H MR imaging for segmenting the total lung air space. This technology plays a key role in computing the functional air space from MR images that use hyperpolarized 3He gas as a contrast agent.  相似文献   

The paper presents a novel stochastic active contour scheme (STACS) for automatic image segmentation designed to overcome some of the unique challenges in cardiac MR images such as problems with low contrast, papillary muscles, and turbulent blood flow. STACS minimizes an energy functional that combines stochastic region-based and edge-based information with shape priors of the heart and local properties of the contour. The minimization algorithm solves, by the level set method, the Euler-Lagrange equation that describes the contour evolution. STACS includes an annealing schedule that balances dynamically the weight of the different terms in the energy functional. Three particularly attractive features of STACS are: 1) ability to segment images with low texture contrast by modeling stochastically the image textures; 2) robustness to initial contour and noise because of the utilization of both edge and region-based information; 3) ability to segment the heart from the chest wall and the undesired papillary muscles due to inclusion of heart shape priors. Application of STACS to a set of 48 real cardiac MR images shows that it can successfully segment the heart from its surroundings such as the chest wall and the heart structures (the left and right ventricles and the epicardium.) We compare STACS' automatically generated contours with manually-traced contours, or the "gold standard," using both area and edge similarity measures. This assessment demonstrates very good and consistent segmentation performance of STACS.  相似文献   

Active shape models (ASMs) and active appearance models (AAMs) are popular approaches for medical image segmentation that use shape information to drive the segmentation process. Both approaches rely on image derived landmarks (specified either manually or automatically) to define the object's shape, which require accurate triangulation and alignment. An alternative approach to modeling shape is the levelset representation, defined as a set of signed distances to the object's surface. In addition, using multiple image derived attributes (IDAs) such as gradient information has previously shown to offer improved segmentation results when applied to ASMs, yet little work has been done exploring IDAs in the context of AAMs. In this work, we present a novel AAM methodology that utilizes the levelset implementation to overcome the issues relating to specifying landmarks, and locates the object of interest in a new image using a registration based scheme. Additionally, the framework allows for incorporation of multiple IDAs. Our multifeature landmark-free AAM (MFLAAM) utilizes an efficient, intuitive, and accurate algorithm for identifying those IDAs that will offer the most accurate segmentations. In this paper, we evaluate our MFLAAM scheme for the problem of prostate segmentation from T2-w MRI volumes. On a cohort of 108 studies, the levelset MFLAAM yielded a mean Dice accuracy of 88% ± 5%, and a mean surface error of 1.5 mm ±.8 mm with a segmentation time of 150/s per volume. In comparison, a state of the art AAM yielded mean Dice and surface error values of 86% ± 9% and 1.6 mm ± 1.0 mm, respectively. The differences with respect to our levelset-based MFLAAM model are statistically significant . In addition, our results were in most cases superior to several recent state of the art prostate MRI segmentation methods.  相似文献   

A model-based method for three-dimensional image segmentation was developed and its performance assessed in segmentation of volumetric cardiac magnetic resonance (MR) images and echocardiographic temporal image sequences. Comprehensive design of a three-dimensional (3-D) active appearance model (AAM) is reported for the first time as an involved extension of the AAM framework introduced by Cootes et al. The model's behavior is learned from manually traced segmentation examples during an automated training stage. Information about shape and image appearance of the cardiac structures is contained in a single model. This ensures a spatially and/or temporally consistent segmentation of three-dimensional cardiac images. The clinical potential of the 3-D AAM is demonstrated in short-axis cardiac MR images and four-chamber echocardiographic sequences. The method's performance was assessed by comparison with manually identified independent standards in 56 clinical MR and 64 clinical echo image sequences. The AAM method showed good agreement with the independent standard using quantitative indexes of border positioning errors, endo- and epicardial volumes, and left ventricular mass. In MR, the endocardial volumes, epicardial volumes, and left ventricular wall mass correlation coefficients between manual and AAM were R2 = 0.94, 0.97, 0.82, respectively. For echocardiographic analysis, the area correlation was R2 = 0.79. The AAM method shows high promise for successful application to MR and echocardiographic image analysis in a clinical setting.  相似文献   

An unsupervised classification technique conceptualized in terms of neural and fuzzy disciplines for the segmentation of remotely sensed images is presented. The process consists of three major steps: 1) pattern transformation; 2) neural classification; 3) fuzzy grouping. In the first step, the multispectral patterns of image pixels are transformed into what we call coarse patterns. In the second step, a delicate classification of pixels is attained by applying an ART neural classifier to the transformed pixel patterns. Since the resultant clusters of pixels are usually too keen to be of practical significance, in the third step, a fuzzy clustering algorithm is invoked to integrate pixel clusters. A function for measuring clustering validity is defined with which the optimal number of classes can be automatically determined by the clustering algorithm. The proposed technique is applied to both synthetic and real images. High classification rates have been achieved for synthetic images. We also feel comfortable with the results of the real images because their spectral variances are even smaller than the spectral variances of the synthetic images examined  相似文献   

Segmentation of the left and right ventricles in cardiac MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a prerequisite step for evaluating global and regional cardiac function. This work presents a novel and robust schema for MRI segmentation by combining the advantages of deep learning localization and 3D-ASM (3D Active Shape Model) restriction without any user interaction. Three fundamental techniques are exploited: (1) manual 2D contours are used to build distance maps to get 3D ground truth shape, (2) derived right ventricle points are employed to rotate the coarse initial shape for a refined bi-ventricle initial estimation, (3) segmentation results from deep learning are utilised to build distance maps for the 3D-ASM matching process to help image intensity modelling. The datasets used for experimenting the cine MRI data are 1000 cases from UK Biobank, 500 subjects are selected to train CNN (Convolution Neural Network) parameters, and the remaining 500 cases are adopted for validation. Specifically, cases are used to rebuild point distribution and image intensity models, and also utilized to train CNN. In addition, the left 500 cases are used to perform the validation experiments. For the segmentation of the RV (Right Ventricle) endocardial contour, LV (Left Ventricle) endo- and epicardial contours, overlap, Jaccard similarity index, Point-to-surface errors and cardiac functional parameters are calculated. Experimental results show that the proposed method has advantages over the previous approaches.  相似文献   

A semi-supervised convolutional neural network segmentation method of medical images based on contrastive learning is proposed. The cardiac magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) images to be segmented are preprocessed to obtain positive and negative samples by labels. The U-Net shrinks network is applied to extract features of the positive samples, negative samples, and input samples. In addition, an unbalanced contrastive loss function is proposed, which is weighted with the binary cross-entropy loss...  相似文献   

We present a new approach for semantic image analysis that combines knowledge of human perception with an understanding of signal characteristics to segment natural scenes into perceptually uniform regions, and then uses the region statistics to extract semantic information. Applications include content-based image retrieval and region of interest extraction for efficient compression/transmission over heterogeneous networks  相似文献   

We develop a new class of hierarchical stochastic image models called spatial random trees (SRTs) which admit polynomial-complexity exact inference algorithms. Our framework of multitree dictionaries is the starting point for this construction. SRTs are stochastic hidden tree models whose leaves are associated with image data. The states at the tree nodes are random variables, and, in addition, the structure of the tree is random and is generated by a probabilistic grammar. We describe an efficient recursive algorithm for obtaining the maximum a posteriori estimate of both the tree structure and the tree states given an image. We also develop an efficient procedure for performing one iteration of the expectation-maximization algorithm and use it to estimate the model parameters from a set of training images. We address other inference problems arising in applications such as maximization of posterior marginals and hypothesis testing. Our models and algorithms are illustrated through several image classification and segmentation experiments, ranging from the segmentation of synthetic images to the classification of natural photographs and the segmentation of scanned documents. In each case, we show that our method substantially improves accuracy over a variety of existing methods.  相似文献   

Adaptive segmentation of MRI data   总被引:48,自引:0,他引:48  
Intensity-based classification of MR images has proven problematic, even when advanced techniques are used. Intrascan and interscan intensity inhomogeneities are a common source of difficulty. While reported methods have had some success in correcting intrascan inhomogeneities, such methods require supervision for the individual scan. This paper describes a new method called adaptive segmentation that uses knowledge of tissue intensity properties and intensity inhomogeneities to correct and segment MR images. Use of the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm leads to a method that allows for more accurate segmentation of tissue types as well as better visualization of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data, that has proven to be effective in a study that includes more than 1000 brain scans. Implementation and results are described for segmenting the brain in the following types of images: axial (dual-echo spin-echo), coronal [three dimensional Fourier transform (3-DFT) gradient-echo T1-weighted] all using a conventional head coil, and a sagittal section acquired using a surface coil. The accuracy of adaptive segmentation was found to be comparable with manual segmentation, and closer to manual segmentation than supervised multivariant classification while segmenting gray and white matter.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel active contour model is proposed for vessel tree segmentation. First, we introduce a region competition-based active contour model exploiting the gaussian mixture model, which mainly segments thick vessels. Second, we define a vascular vector field to evolve the active contour along its center line into the thin and weak vessels. The vector field is derived from the eigenanalysis of the Hessian matrix of the image intensity in a multiscale framework. Finally, a dual curvature strategy, which uses a vesselness measure-dependent function selecting between a minimal principal curvature and a mean curvature criterion, is added to smoothen the surface of the vessel without changing its shape. The developed model is used to extract the liver and lung vessel tree as well as the coronary artery from high-resolution volumetric computed tomography images. Comparisons are made with several classical active contour models and manual extraction. The experiments show that our model is more accurate and robust than these classical models and is, therefore, more suited for automatic vessel tree extraction.  相似文献   

Integrated active contours for texture segmentation.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We address the issue of textured image segmentation in the context of the Gabor feature space of images. Gabor filters tuned to a set of orientations, scales and frequencies are applied to the images to create the Gabor feature space. A two-dimensional Riemannian manifold of local features is extracted via the Beltrami framework. The metric of this surface provides a good indicator of texture changes and is used, therefore, in a Beltrami-based diffusion mechanism and in a geodesic active contours algorithm for texture segmentation. The performance of the proposed algorithm is compared with that of the edgeless active contours algorithm applied for texture segmentation. Moreover, an integrated approach, extending the geodesic and edgeless active contours approaches to texture segmentation, is presented. We show that combining boundary and region information yields more robust and accurate texture segmentation results.  相似文献   

Identification of ionic-channel types and their selectivity depends critically on the open channel current that can be resolved. In this paper, an automatic channel detection algorithm is proposed that is based on sequential minimization of an index which is usually used in cluster analysis. The algorithm consists of two stages, namely segmentation and classification. In the first stage, the signal samples are segmented based on the assumption that the samples in each segment should be sequentially connected. In the second stage, the resultant segments are classified with no regard to their connectivities. Results on synthetic and real channel currents are very encouraging and they suggest that this algorithm will substantially increase the productivity of many laboratories involved in ionic-channel research.  相似文献   

We introduce a rotational invariant feature set for texture segmentation and classification, based on an extension of fractal dimension (FD) features. The FD extracts roughness information from images considering all available scales at once. In this work, a single scale is considered at a time so that textures with scale-dependent properties are satisfactorily characterized. Single-scale features are combined with multiple-scale features for a more complete textural representation. Wavelets are employed for the computation of single- and multiple-scale roughness features because of their ability to extract information at different resolutions. Features are extracted in multiple directions using directional wavelets, and the feature vector is finally transformed to a rotational invariant feature vector that retains the texture directional information. An iterative K-means scheme is used for segmentation, and a simplified form of a Bayesian classifier is used for classification. The use of the roughness feature set results in high-quality segmentation performance. Furthermore, it is shown that the roughness feature set exhibits a higher classification rate than other feature vectors presented in this work. The feature set retains the important properties of FD-based features, namely insensitivity to absolute illumination and contrast.  相似文献   

The work addresses Bayesian unsupervised satellite image segmentation, using contextual methods. It is shown, via a simulation study, that the spatial or spectral context contribution is sensitive to image parameters such as homogeneity, means, variances, and spatial or spectral correlations of the noise. From this one may choose the best context contribution according to the estimated values of the above parameters. The parameter estimation is done by SEM, a densities mixture estimator which is a stochastic variant of the EM (expectation-maximization) algorithm. Another simulation study shows good robustness of the SEM algorithm with respect to different image parameters. Thus, modification of the behavior of the contextual methods, when the SEM-based unsupervised approaches are considered, is limited, and the conclusions of the supervised simulation study stay valid. An adaptive unsupervised method using more relevant contextual features is proposed. Different SEM-based unsupervised contextual segmentation methods, applied to two real SPOT images, give consistently better results than a classical histogram-based method  相似文献   

王兴  费耀平 《信息技术》2007,31(4):49-51
传统的测地线活动轮廓(geodesic active contour)在目标轮廓的提取中虽然能使一条初始曲线朝着目标边界逼近,但是高斯平滑的各向同性性使得图像的边缘信息模糊甚至丢失,这样,曲线的演化过程会变得不稳定而导致演化速度变慢。据此,提出一种基于总变分方法的测地线活动轮廓模型。由于总变分方法可以在去除噪声的同时,对边缘的信息进行增强,实验证明该模型不但能够使曲线精准地收敛到期望轮廓上,且运算时间短。  相似文献   

This paper presents multiview and multiframe active appearance models (AAMs) for left ventricular segmentation in triplane echocardiograms. We describe a general way of integrating local edge detector based segmentation algorithms into the AAM framework. The feasibility of this approach is evaluated by comparing an AAM constrained by a dynamic programming (DP) based snake with an unconstrained AAM, and an AAM constrained by manually defined landmarks. A leave-one-out validation scheme was used for training and testing of the methods. Evaluation was done in 36 patients suffering from various heart diseases, using manually determined volumes and ejection fractions (EF) as reference. The segmentation was initialized by manual selection of the mitral annulus and apex in three imaging planes. The differences, in volume, between manual segmentation and the best automatic method (DP-constrained AAM) were -3.1 +/- 20 ml (mean +/-SD) at end-diastole and 0.61 +/- 13 ml at end-systole. The difference in EF was -1.3 +/- 6.3%, comparable to the interobserver variability. We show that 1) constraining the model to manually defined landmarks improves volume and EF estimates compared to unconstrained AAMs, 2) further improvement is achieved using a DP-constrained AAM, and 3) segmentation in triplane echocardiograms gives higher accuracy than single plane data.  相似文献   

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