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Many people show concerns over the prospect forChina‘s petroleum industry.They may raise the question about whether the country‘s resources are on the brink of exhaustion. Such questions should be answered only by the exploration results because petroleum production is based on the reserves.……  相似文献   

REVIEWANDOUTLOOKONPETROLEUMEXPLORATIONINJUNGGABASINZhangGuojun(ProfessorofEngineering,PetroleumGeology,XinjiangPetroleumAdmin...  相似文献   


By analsis of the plate tectonics,basinal origin and geologic ages of major reservoirs,petrolifer-ous basins in China continent can be classified as longitudinal basin zone represented by Yilan-Yitong-Bo-hai Bay-Jianghan basins and latitudinal basin zone by Junggar-Erlian-Songliao basins.The two zonesare entitled to be called“Golden Zone”respectively for their having a great advantage in China’s crude re-serves and output.This paper is devoted to features of the latitudinal oil-rich zone by research of Bohai Baybasin and Songliao basin that belong separately to the longitudinal and latitudinal zones,followed by makinga correlation between the zones and petroliferous structural of two types or three sorts.It is concludedthat northwest China will be in a dominant position of China continent petroleum development strategies inthe future,and it is possible to disclose giant oil/gas fields in hinterland of Junggar basin.  相似文献   

An analysis of multi-channel seismic reflection data integrating reflection tomography, pre-stack depth migration, AVO analysis, seismic modelling and seismic attribute analysis was used to investigate the Miocene – Quaternary stratigraphy of the Gulf of İzmir, western Anatolia. In this area, the east-west oriented Gediz graben intersects with the NE-SW oriented Bakırçay Graben. A velocity-depth model together with pre-stack depth migration allowed two seismic stratigraphic units (SSU1 and SSU2) to be distinguished. These units can be correlated with the stratigraphic succession at the offshore Foça-1 well and correspond to the Upper Miocene to Recent Bozköy, Ularca and Bayramiç Formations with a combined thickness of 1.75 km. The units rest on acoustic basement (SSU3) which has a basin-and-ridge morphology, and which corresponds to the Lower-Middle Miocene Yuntdağ Volcanics. A number of lateral velocity variations were identified. In particular, a ~90 m wide and ~500 m long lenticular-shaped low-velocity zone with an interval velocity of 1.68 km/s was identified in the Quaternary Bayramiç Formation. The structure is bounded by negative reflections whose amplitude increases with offset at the top and by strong positive reflections whose amplitude increases with offset at the base, interpreted as possible bright and flat spots respectively. These amplitude events point to the presence of gas-saturated sediments within the study area. The lenticular structure is bounded by strike-slip faults on either side, and by a Miocene – Pliocene unconformity surface below and by shales of the Bayramiç Formations above. It is therefore interpreted as a possible structural – stratigraphic trap. The strike-slip faults may allow the migration of hydrocarbons from source rocks located at greater depths. The presence of a low-velocity zone above the lenticular structure reaching up to seafloor may indicate the upward leakage of hydrocarbons from the trap. These observations will contribute to future hydrocarbon exploration activities in the study area.  相似文献   

研究了海拉尔盆地乌尔逊凹陷油藏和油藏与“源、断、势”之间空间分布关系,以及“源、断、势”对油成藏分布的控制作用及模式,得到:“源”控制油成藏范围;“势”控制油成藏部位,反向断裂翘倾隆起低势区控制着南屯组和铜钵庙组油聚集成藏,反转构造低势区控制着大磨拐河组油聚集成藏,古隆起低势区控制着基岩的油聚集成藏;“断”控制油的运聚,长期发育的断裂控制着南一段源岩生成的油向大磨拐河组中运移,早期伸展断裂控制着南屯组和铜钵庙组油的聚集.“源、断、势”3个因素空间合理匹配控制着乌尔逊凹陷油成藏与分布.但不同层位表现特征不同,南屯组和铜钵庙组主要集中表现在反向断裂翘倾隆起上,而大磨拐河组则集中表现在反转构造上,基岩集中表现在古隆起上.  相似文献   

The article includes three parts:①The development and performance of FH-DS catalyst for deep and ultra -deep distillate HDS;②The single stage HDS/HDA hydrotreating process for the production of low sulfur and low aromatics diesels from straight run and coker AGO by using highly active base metal catalyst at moderate pressure;③A two-stage aromatics saturation system utilizing noble metal catalyst in the second stage developed for production of low sulfur and low aromatics diesel from LCO.FDA catalyst developed by FRIPP has high activity for aromatics saturation together with high tolerance for sulfur and nitrogen in the feed.The process is effective in reducing density and increasing cetane number.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地多期不整合面的控油前景   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
塔里木盆地断裂及局部构造不发育,反映了盆地的稳定性与持续沉降的特点,这对生油岩的保存有利,但对油气的输导与聚集则不利。为扩大油气勘探成果,还应重视不整合面对油气的输导与控制作用。在主要的5期不整合面中,削截不整合、多期不整合叠合带及多期地层尖灭密集带、前陆盆地中因沉积作用引起的迁移渐进不整合带,是油气聚集前景的有利区带。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地不整合油气藏的成藏条件及分布规律   总被引:35,自引:6,他引:29  
塔里木盆地削截不整合油气藏和超覆不整合油气藏都很发育,且具有产量高、分布广、规律明显等特点。它的形成既受不整合类型、圈闭及其形成期与油气运聚期匹配的控制,又受生、储、盖组合及配套断裂发育状况的制约。成藏期前形成的不整合圈闭有利于捕获油气,重建封闭作用有利于晚期成藏。古隆起、古斜坡的削截不整合尖灭带及超覆不整合带内是寻找不整合油气藏的最佳地带  相似文献   

塔里木盆地油气勘探与油气再次运移   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
塔里木盆地的油气勘探工作所取得的成果, 无论从哪个角度看都是十分巨大的。但目前在石油地质理论指导勘探实践方面遇到了难题,曾指导我国东部油气勘探取得成功的理论, 在这里基本失效。在探索寻找和总结新理论的过程中, 发现近年来所论证的油气再次运移的理论是油气藏形成三环节(油气生成、油气运移、油气聚集)的中心环节,它反映了中国多旋回构造演化的特点, 符合油气流体矿产富集的规律, 所以, 它应该成为目前解决塔里木盆地油气勘探难题的钥匙。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地反转构造与油气聚集   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
塔里木盆地从震旦纪至今经历了多期次的构造运动,包括挤压逆冲运动和伸展运动,但以前者为主。这两种运动在盆地演化中至少有两次更替,前中生代的挤压逆冲运动在中生代变为伸运动,至新生代又被挤逆冲运动所代替。这两种运动的交替变化就产生了负反转构造和正反转构造。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地的地层不整合面与油气聚集   总被引:57,自引:3,他引:54  
何登发 《石油学报》1995,16(3):14-21
塔里木盆地经历了基底形成阶段、克拉通盆地阶段和前陆盆地阶段的长期构造演化.盆地发育了22个层序界面,其中有七个区域地层不整合面,即震旦、志留、泥盆、石炭、上二叠统-三叠、侏罗、第三系底部不整合,分别发育在克拉通盆地或其上前陆盆地或二者之间.这些不整合面为海平面相对变化与构造运动的共同产物.不整合面对油气聚集有重要意义:在不整合面上下形成大量圈闭;改造了储集条件;不整合面(及其上薄层砂岩)是油气长距离运移的有利通道.有关不整合油气藏的勘探在塔里木盆地具有较重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

塔东北地区三叠系—侏罗系沉积相及找油前景   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
依据地震、钻井资料,对塔里木盆地东北部三叠纪和侏罗纪沉积环境、相带展布、沉积演化、生储盖组合、构造活动性质及其与油气的关系进行了深入研究。结果表明,早中生代本区在断坳构造背景、高低相间的地形特征和温暖潮湿的气候条件下,形成了以长源三角洲、河流、湖沼、滨湖沼泽为特色的沉积相类型,具有湖盆小、水体浅、连通差、湖期短和多沉积中心等特点,缺少持续下沉和大量油气形成的沉积环境。作者从沉积相研究的角度认为,该区虽然见到油气显示,但不具备大中型油气田形成的沉积条件,只能形成小型油气藏。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地油气资源及勘探方向   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:10  
近年来,塔里木盆地的生油研究取得很大进展,根据塔里木盆地烃源岩分布和成熟度研究的结果,作者主要讨论了以下几个问题:①塔里木盆地总资源量可能略低于以前的估算,并且减少的可能只是原油资源量;②塔里木是一个富含天然气的盆地,富气的根本原因是三套烃源岩中两套源岩在晚近期以生气为主;③烃源岩的分布和成熟度决定了台盆区的勘探重点是中、西部地区;④侏罗系源岩是塔里木盆地成为大气区的重要物质基础,应加强在北、西、南方向环绕塔里木盆地以侏罗系为源岩的勘探  相似文献   

塔里木盆地构造特征与油气聚集规律   总被引:82,自引:16,他引:82  
塔里木盆地是一个由古生界克拉通盆地和中、新生界前陆盆地组成的大型叠合复合盆地,具有古老陆壳基底和多次沉降隆升的复杂构造演化历史。古生界油气聚集受克拉通古隆起和斜坡构造控制,中、新生界油气聚集受喜马拉雅期逆冲构造控制。此外油气分布还受油气系统、区域盖层、断裂及不整合等因素控制。盆地具有多套烃源岩、多个油气系统、多套储盖组合、油气多源多期多种类型的特点。储集层条件好、天然气资源丰富和整体勘探程度低是在盆地进行油气勘探时不可忽视的三个特点。塔里木盆地已成为我国三大天然气区之一,油气勘探前景广阔  相似文献   

塔里木盆地油气勘探若干地质问题   总被引:37,自引:5,他引:32  
从塔里木盆地演化的特殊性入手,分析了克拉通盆地的活动性和前陆盆地的再生特点;通过油源对比认为,塔里木盆地是我国唯一在下古生界找到海相成因工业性油藏(而不仅是气藏)的地区,提出了海相油藏“多期成藏,晚期保存”的观点;并对塔里木盆地油气资源气多于油作了总体估计;分析了前陆区和台盆区寻找大油气田的主要难点,指出非构造圈闭勘探和碳酸盐岩储集层预测是制约台盆区油气勘探的两大因素;强调塔里木盆地寻找大油气田的努力要坚持下去  相似文献   

塔里木盆地巴楚凸起构造特征及其对油气藏分布的控制   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
巴楚凸起是塔里木盆地西南部重要的油气勘探区。巴楚凸起经历了加里东、海西、印支-燕山和喜马拉雅等多期构造运动,其中海西和喜马拉雅运动对其油气藏形成十分重要。通过对其构造发育史、构造单元和断裂体系的详细研究,认为,巴楚凸起油气分布以复式油气藏为主体,其形成与断裂、储集岩体、不整合面三个基本因素的相互配合有关;断裂不仅控制着圈闭的形成、油气的运移,而且在一定程度上改善了储集层的物性  相似文献   

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