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研究了A357铸造铝合金在T5/T6热处理条件下室温及150℃时的疲劳特性。结果表明,在两种热处理下室温及150℃时A357铸造铝合金的疲劳极限随应力比的增加而增加。室温时A357(T5)的疲劳强度高于150℃时的疲劳强度;而A357(T6)在室温时的疲劳强度低于150℃时疲劳强度。在室温相同应力比条件下A357(T5)的疲劳强度高于A357(T6)的疲劳强度;而在150℃相同应力比条件下A357(T5)的疲劳强度略低于A357(T6)的疲劳强度。疲劳裂纹源于试样次表面的铸造缺陷,疲劳裂纹沿着枝晶边界扩展。  相似文献   

A356铸造铝合金的单轴疲劳特性及断口分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在不同的应力幅值下,测试了A356铸造铝合金的单轴疲劳寿命,对该合金的高周疲劳区、低周疲劳区以及过渡区进行了划分.分析了合金在循环加载过程中,应变变化的特点.对疲劳试样的断口进行了扫描电镜观察,阐述了疲劳断裂的特点.EDX能谱分析发现断口中的夹杂物主要为铁的氧化物和高硅颗粒,并在疲劳过程中被剥离.  相似文献   

通过场发射扫描电镜装载原位拉伸台,对不同凝固条件下工业铸造A357铝合金进行原位拉伸试验。结果表明,裂纹微裂纹首先萌生于组织中破裂的共晶硅处,近邻的微裂纹连接形成小裂纹;多处形成的小裂纹彼此连接并形成较长裂纹,沿共晶区深化和扩展,逐渐发展为主裂纹;当主裂纹遇到铝基体时,扩展受阻,裂纹发生钝化并在其前沿区域形成剪切带;剪切带深化并开裂,主裂纹沿着深化的剪切带穿过基体继续扩展,最终导致试样断裂。A357铝合金的断裂方式为兼具韧性断裂和解理断裂的混合断裂。反重力铸造有效地改善合金微观组织形态,提高了合金的力学性能。  相似文献   

A357合金是一种应用很广泛的铸造铝合金,该合金经过热处理则能达到所需要的使用性能,美国金属学会所编写的手册中给出的热处理工艺(T6状态的工艺为:在540%固溶处理8h,然后在油中淬火,接着在175%时效处理6h)被铝工业界视为最权威的。然而澳大利亚Pacifica公司的研究表明,按下列规范进行热处理不但具有更好的力学性能,而且可显著缩短处理时间,  相似文献   

吴恺威  雍学超  周细应  王付鑫  李绍伟 《铸造技术》2020,(12):1113-1116+1133
利用光学显微镜(OM)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)等手段研究了固溶、时效工艺对A357铸造铝合金组织与性能的影响。结果表明,A357铸造铝合金的显微组织由α-Al基体、共晶硅及Mg2Si相组成。在540℃×4 h固溶和145℃×4 h时效处理后,共晶硅更加圆整和均匀,共晶硅、Mg2Si相均匀分散在α-Al基体晶界处,拉伸性能大幅度提高,使A357铝合金铸件性能达到预期要求。A357铸造铝合金的最佳热处理工艺为,固溶处理:(540±3)℃×4 h;时效处理:(145±5)℃×4 h。  相似文献   

热处理工艺对 A357合金性能的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
朱兆军  王宏伟  曾松岩 《铸造》2005,54(10):978-980
研究了热处理工艺参数对A357合金力学性能的影响,并对合金的强化机理进行了分析.研究结果表明A357合金最优化的热处理工艺为:固溶温度(548±3)℃,时间12 h;淬火水温度40℃;时效处理温度160℃,时间6 h.优化热处理工艺得到合金的性能:抗拉强度为383 MPa,伸长率为9.2%.  相似文献   

采用挤压铸造试验模具,研究了挤压铸造工艺对A357合金组织及力学性能的影响.研究表明,当挤压比达到50 MPa时,可有效消除铸件铸造缺陷;达到90 MPa时,A357合金铸件密度显著提高.当挤压比压达到150MPa时,α晶显著细化,二次枝晶间距也明显缩短,合金综合力学性能显著提高,在该工艺条件下,A357合金铸态性能可达到:Rm≥266 MPa,A≥7.5%,HB≥88;经T6处理后性能可达到:Rm≥373MPa,A≥10.5%,HB≥121.本项目研究结果可为我国开展汽车底盘安保铝合金铸件研制提供借鉴.  相似文献   

A357铝合金复杂薄壁铸件的反重力铸造研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
陈忠伟  郝启堂  介万奇 《铸造》2004,53(12):988-991
研制了一种反重力铸造设备,采用模糊智能控制,具有优越的充型条件和凝固条件.利用自制的反重力设备铸造了A357铝合金复杂薄壁铸件.结果表明,智能控制下的反重力铸造设备运行良好,控制可靠;铸造的铝合金复杂薄壁铸件充型完整,晶粒细小,组织致密,实现了精确成形和组织控制的一体化.  相似文献   

研究了A356-T6铸造铝合金的缺口疲劳裂纹萌生与早期扩展行为及机制.结果表明,热等静压试样的疲劳抗力优于非热等静压试样.对于钝缺口试样,疲劳裂纹萌生于缺口根部附近的多个平面,最终哪个裂纹源扩展成主裂纹取决于局部微观组织.对于缺口几何形状不同的热等静压和非热等静压疲劳试样,在疲劳过程中,不管是在高应力状态下,还是在低应力状态下,都出现了铝基体的循环塑性变形和共晶硅粒子断裂导致疲劳裂纹萌生.对于非热等静压试样,铸造缩孔在构件的疲劳过程中起着重要作用,但即使缺口根部存在较大尺度的铸造缩孔,导致了疲劳裂纹萌生,但也同时观察到疲劳裂纹从共晶硅粒子、金属间化合物、铝基体的滑移带和铁基金属间化合物等处萌生.对于脆性的A356铸造铝合金可采用修正的断裂力学参量ΔKn、局部应力范围Δσ或局部应变幅Δε/2作为控制参量来表征疲劳裂纹萌生行为,而缺口有效应力强度因子范围ΔKneff和ΔJs参量可用来表征缺口场中短裂纹扩展行为.  相似文献   

高强韧A357合金凝固组织及热处理工艺的研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
采用新砂型改善了合金的凝固组织,通过正交试验及单项热处理试验,考察了固溶处理参数及时效处理参数对合金力学性能的影响,提出了合金的最佳热处理工艺方案,使合金达到了高强高韧的目的  相似文献   

The influence of filling parameters including pouring temperature, filling speed, boost pressure and synchronous pressure on the fatigue of A357 alloy produced by counter pressure plaster casting was studied. The Taguchi method was used to investigate the relationship between the fatigue performance and filling parameters. The results show that filling speed is the most significant factor among the four parameters. Synchronous pressures is less influential on the fatigue life when the value of synchronous pressure is from 400 kPa to 600 kPa.  相似文献   


The fatigue behaviour of A356 cast aluminium alloy under 104 cycles was investigated by a servo-hydraulic machine at the temperature of 150°C. The specimens for the fully reversible tension compression tests were cut from cylinder head castings of automobile engines. The testing data were treated by S–N curve and the staircase method and the mean values of fatigue property coincided with each other by these two methods, though the data scattered with different casting defects. The fracture surfaces of fatigue specimens were examined by OM, SEM and EDS. It was found that in most of the specimens two or more fatigue crack initiations appeared at a fracture surface. Compared with casting defects such as oxide film, inclusion and blowhole, shrinkage porosity is more detrimental to the fatigue behaviour of aluminium alloy castings.  相似文献   


The semisolid compression deformation behaviour of YL112 die casting aluminium alloy with the non-dendritic and dendritic structures has been compared in tests using a Gleeble-1500 thermomechanical simulator. The non-dendritic structure was obtained by isothermal treatment at 570°C for 120 min. In tests up to compressive strains of 0·8, the semisolid compression stress of the alloy with non-dendritic structure initially increases rapidly with increasing strain, then decreases, before reaching a plateau value. Under different deformation temperatures and deformation rates, the maximum compressive stresses are obtained in all cases at strain values of ~0·07. The semisolid deformation stress decreases with increasing deformation temperature and increases with increasing deformation rate. The compression behaviour of the two types of alloy differs. The semisolid compression stress of the alloy with dendritic structure is higher than that of the alloy with non-dendritic structure; and for strains >0·07, the semisolid compression stress increases and decreases with increasing strain for alloys with dendritic and non-dendritic structures respectively.  相似文献   

To investigate the influence of Centrifugal Counter-gravity Casting(C3) process on the solidification microstructure and mechanical properties of the casting, A357 aluminum alloy samples were produced by different process conditions under C3. The results show that C3 has better feeding capacity compared with the vacuum suction casting; and that the mechanical vibration and the convection of melts formed at the centrifugal rotation stage suppress the growth of dendrites, subsequently resulting in the refinement of grains and the improvement of mechanical properties, density and hardness. A finer grain and higher strength can be obtained in the A357 alloy by increasing centrifugal radius and rotational speed. However, casting defects will appear near the rotational axis and the mechanical properties will decrease once the rotational speed exceeds 150 r·min-1.  相似文献   

研究了固溶处理、时效处理、固溶+时效处理对挤压变形AZ31镁合金低周疲劳性能的影响.结果表明,不同的热处理工艺可以提高挤压变形AZ31镁合金在较低外加总应变幅下的循环变形抗力;不同的热处理工艺可以提高挤压变形AZ31镁合金在较高外加总应变幅下的疲劳寿命,降低合金在较低外加总应变幅下的疲劳寿命;不同处理状态的挤压变形AZ31镁合金的塑性应变幅、弹性应变幅与疲劳断裂时的载荷反向周次之间的关系可分别用Coffin-Manson和Basquin公式来描述.此外,不同处理状态的挤压变形AZ31镁合金的循环应力幅与塑性应变幅之间呈线性关系.  相似文献   

This paper studies the pitting corrosion of a structural component of A357 aluminium alloy obtained by a semisolid metal forming process. The mechanical properties of the A357 alloy were improved by applying standard heat treatments T5 and T6. Impedance measurements were conducted at the rest potential and polarisation curves were plotted using a 3% NaCl test solution. After polarisation experiments the specimens were analysed by scanning electron microscopy. The corrosion process is favoured through the eutectic regions. The results show that T6 heat treatment improved the corrosion resistance of the A357 aluminium alloy.  相似文献   

The effect of hard anodic oxide and plasma electrolytic oxide coatings on the fatigue strength of 7475-T6 aluminium alloy has been investigated. The coated aluminium alloy was tested using constant load uniaxial tensile fatigue machine. Hard anodising led to an appreciable reduction in the fatigue strength of 7475-T6 alloy of about 75% for a 60 μm thick coating. Further, plasma electrolytic oxidation resulted in reduction of the fatigue strength of about 58% for a 65 μm thick oxide coating. The decrease in fatigue strength of the hard anodic oxide coatings was associated with the stress concentration at the microcracks in the coating. The better fatigue performance of the PEO coatings was attributed to the development of the compressive residual internal stress within the coatings. The reduction in the fatigue strength of the PEO coatings as compared to the uncoated material was associated with the development of the tensile residual internal stress within the substrate. This may cause an early crack initiation in the substrate adjacent to the coating.  相似文献   

研究了医用髋关节坯料经过不同热处理后,力学性能、疲劳性能以及疲劳断口扩展断裂特性。结果表明:医用髋关节最优的热处理工艺是560 ℃加热4 h,炉冷,抗拉强度925 MPa,伸长率达11.3%,疲劳断裂周次达12773次。在最优热处理工艺条件下,医用髋关节低周疲劳稳态扩展主要为疲劳条带扩展,瞬断区表现为微区解理断裂。  相似文献   

采用6 kW光纤激光器对预制槽损伤的ZL114A铸造铝合金进行激光沉积修复实验研究,分析了热处理前后激光修复区组织形貌及分布规律,并对试样的显微硬度和室温拉伸性能进行了测试。结果表明修复区与基材形成良好的冶金结合,沉积区底部为近似平行于熔合线法线外延生长的柱状树枝晶,一次枝晶间距约15.7 μm,二次枝晶间距约5.2 μm,共晶组织呈分叉棒状或块状连续分布于枝晶间隙,在沉积层顶层顶部出现α-Al柱状枝晶转变为等轴枝晶现象。热处理后修复区柱状枝晶的二次枝晶臂因高温原子扩散作用,连成一片,且共晶Si相粒状化明显,粒径约4.93 μm,部分颗粒均匀分散分布于一次枝晶臂的两侧。热处理后修复区硬度较基材平均提高55.5%,且修复试样的室温拉伸力学性能优于铸造基材。  相似文献   

多次补焊对A6N01铝合金焊接接头疲劳性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对多次补焊条件下A6N01铝合金焊接接头进行疲劳试验,获得了不同补焊条件下焊接接头的条件疲劳极限值以及不同区域的裂纹扩展速率,并分析其疲劳断口形貌。结果表明,随着补焊次数增加,接头疲劳极限值减小,三次补焊后其由98.8 MPa下降到89.7 MPa,仍然满足使用要求;焊缝区和热影响区裂纹扩展速率均增大,但热影响区抵抗裂纹疲劳扩展能力优于焊缝区。随补焊次数增加,焊缝区气孔缺陷增多以及热影响区过时效现象加剧是造成焊接接头疲劳性能下降的主要原因。  相似文献   

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