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The metabolic control of branches chain amino acid (BCAA) biosynthesis involves allosteric regulation of acetolactate synthase (ALS) by the end-products of the pathway, valine, leucine and isoleucine. We describe here the molecular basis of valine resistance. We cloned and sequenced an ALS gene from the tobacco mutant Valr-1 and found a single basepair substitution relative to the wild-type allele. This mutation causes a serine to leucine change in the amino acid sequence of ALS at position 214. We then mutagenized the wild-type allele of the ALS gene of Arabidopsis and found that it confers valine resistance when introduced into tobacco plants. Taken together, these results suggest that the serine to leucine change at position 214 of ALS is responsible for valine resistance in tobacco.  相似文献   

With the advent of genome sequencing projects, the amino acid sequences of thousands of proteins are determined every year. Each of these protein sequences must be identified with its function and its 3-dimensional structure for us to gain a full understanding of the molecular biology of organisms. To meet this challenge, new methods are being developed for fold recognition, the computational assignment of newly determined amino acid sequences to 3-dimensional protein structures. These methods start with a library of known 3-dimensional target protein structures. The new probe sequence is then aligned to each target protein structure in the library and the compatibility of the sequence for that structure is scored. If a target structure is found to have a significantly high compatibility score, it is assumed that the probe sequence folds in much the same way as the target structure. The fundamental assumptions of this approach are that many different sequences fold in similar ways and there is a relatively high probability that a new sequence possesses a previously observed fold. We review various approaches to fold recognition and break down the process into its main steps: creation of a library of target folds; representation of the folds; alignment of the probe sequence to a target fold using a sequence-to-structure compatibility scoring function; and assessment of significance of compatibility. We emphasize that even though this new field of fold recognition has made rapid progress, technical problems remain to be solved in most of the steps. Standard benchmarks may help identify the problem steps and find solutions to the problems.  相似文献   

A statistical method was developed for reconstructing the nucleotide or amino acid sequences of extinct ancestors, given the phylogeny and sequences of the extant species. A model of nucleotide or amino acid substitution was employed to analyze data of the present-day sequences, and maximum likelihood estimates of parameters such as branch lengths were used to compare the posterior probabilities of assignments of character states (nucleotides or amino acids) to interior nodes of the tree; the assignment having the highest probability was the best reconstruction at the site. The lysozyme c sequences of six mammals were analyzed by using the likelihood and parsimony methods. The new likelihood-based method was found to be superior to the parsimony method. The probability that the amino acids for all interior nodes at a site reconstructed by the new method are correct was calculated to be 0.91, 0.86, and 0.73 for all, variable, and parsimony-informative sites, respectively, whereas the corresponding probabilities for the parsimony method were 0.84, 0.76, and 0.51, respectively. The probability that an amino acid in an ancestral sequence is correctly reconstructed by the likelihood analysis ranged from 91.3 to 98.7% for the four ancestral sequences.  相似文献   

Partial nucleotide sequences of the gyrB genes (DNA gyrase B subunit genes) of 15 Acinetobacter strains, including the type and reference strains of genomic species 1 to 12 (A. calcoaceticus [genomic species 1], A. baumannii [genomic species 2], Acinetobacter genomic species 3, A. haemolyticus [genomic species 4], A. junii [genomic species 5], Acinetobacter genomic species 6, A. johnsonii [genomic species 7], A. lwoffii [genomic species 8], Acinetobacter genomic species 9, Acinetobacter genomic species 10, Acinetobacter genomic species 11, and A. radioresistens [genomic species 12]), were determined by sequencing the PCR-amplified fragments of gyrB. The gyrB sequence homology among these Acinetobacter strains ranged from 69.6 to 99.7%. A phylogenetic analysis, using the gyrB sequences, indicates that genomic species 1, 2, and 3 formed one cluster (87.3 to 90.3% identity), while genomic species 8 and 9 formed another cluster (99.7% identity). These results are consistent with those of DNA-DNA hybridization and of biochemical systematics. On the other hand, the topology of the published phylogenetic tree based on the 16S rRNA sequences of the Acinetobacter strains was quite different from that of the gyrB-based tree. The numbers of substitution in the 16S rRNA gene sequences were not high enough to construct a reliable phylogenetic tree. The gyrB-based analysis indicates that the genus Acinetobacter is highly diverse and that a reclassification of this genus would be required.  相似文献   

We cloned the cDNA encoding a 597-aa hamster lysyl-tRNA synthetase. This enzyme is a close homologue of the 591-aa Saccharomyces cerevisiae enzyme, with the noticeable exception of their 60-aa N-terminal regions, which differ significantly. Several particular features of this polypeptide fragment from the hamster lysyl-tRNA synthetase suggest that it is implicated in the assembly of that enzyme within the multisynthetase complex. However, we show that this protein domain is dispensable in vivo to sustain growth of CHO cells. The cross-species complementation was investigated in the lysine system. The mammalian enzyme functionally replaces a null-allele of the yeast KRS1 gene. Conversely, the yeast enzyme cannot rescue Lys-101 cells, a CHO cell line with a temperature-sensitive lysyl-tRNA synthetase. The yeast and mammalian enzymes, overexpressed in yeast, were purified to homogeneity. The hamster lysyl-tRNA synthetase efficiently aminoacylates both mammalian and yeast tRNA(Lys), whereas the yeast enzyme aminoacylates mammalian tRNA(Lys) with a catalytic efficiency 20-fold lower, as compared to its cognate tRNA. The 152-aa C-terminus extremity of the hamster enzyme provides the yeast enzyme with the capacity to complement Lys-101 cells. This hybrid protein is fairly stable and aminoacylates both yeast and mammalian tRNA(Lys) with similar catalytic efficiencies. Because this C-terminal polypeptide fragment is likely to make contacts with the acceptor stem of tRNA(Lys), we conclude that it should carry the protein determinants conferring specific recognition of the cognate tRNA acceptor stem and therefore contributes an essential role in the operational RNA code for amino acids.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequences of serine carboxypeptidase I (CPD-I) and II (CPD-II), respectively, from Aspergillus niger have been determined by conventional Edman degradation of the reduced and vinylpyridinated enzymes and peptides hereof generated by cleavage with cyanogen bromide, iodobenzoic acid, glutamic acid cleaving enzyme, AspN-endoproteinase and EndoLysC proteinase. CPD-I consists of a single peptide chain of 471 amino acid residues, three disulfide bridges and nine N-glycosylated asparaginyl residues, while CPD-II consists of a single peptide chain of 481 amino acid residues, has three disulfide bridges, one free cysteinyl residue and nine glycosylated asparaginyl residues. The enzymes are closely related to carboxypeptidase S3 from Penicillium janthinellum. Both Ca2+ and Mg2+ stabilize CPD-I as well as CPD-II, at basic pH values, Ca2+ being most effective, while the divalent ions have no effect on the activity of the two enzymes.  相似文献   

Tyrosine phenol-lyase (TPL), which catalyzes the beta-elimination reaction of L-tyrosine, and aspartate aminotransferase (AspAT), which catalyzes the reversible transfer of an amino group from dicarboxylic amino acids to oxo acids, both belong to the alpha-family of vitamin B6-dependent enzymes. To switch the substrate specificity of TPL from L-tyrosine to dicarboxylic amino acids, two amino acid residues of AspAT, thought to be important for the recognition of dicarboxylic substrates, were grafted into the active site of TPL. Homology modeling and molecular dynamics identified Val-283 in TPL to match Arg-292 in AspAT, which binds the distal carboxylate group of substrates and is conserved among all known AspATs. Arg-100 in TPL was found to correspond to Thr-109 in AspAT, which interacts with the phosphate group of the coenzyme. The double mutation R100T/V283R of TPL increased the beta-elimination activity toward dicarboxylic amino acids at least 10(4)-fold. Dicarboxylic amino acids (L-aspartate, L-glutamate, and L-2-aminoadipate) were degraded to pyruvate, ammonia, and the respective monocarboxylic acids, e.g. formate in the case of L-aspartate. The activity toward L-aspartate (kcat = 0.21 s-1) was two times higher than that toward L-tyrosine. beta-Elimination and transamination as a minor side reaction (kcat = 0.001 s-1) were the only reactions observed. Thus, TPL R100T/V283R accepts dicarboxylic amino acids as substrates without significant change in its reaction specificity. Dicarboxylic amino acid beta-lyase is an enzyme not found in nature.  相似文献   

A globulin fraction prepared from rice embryos contained polypeptides or polypeptide groups of 49 kDa (designated REG1), 46 kDa (designated REG2), about 35 kDa, 32 kDa and 25 kDa. The amino-terminal sequences of REG1 and the major polypeptide in the 35-kDa group were identical, suggesting that the REG1 polypeptide undergoes partial proteolytic processing that removes a carboxy-terminal region. A cDNA clone, designated pcREG2, encoding REG2 was isolated, and its nucleotide sequence was determined. The deduced amino acid sequence of REG2 was found to be 68% identical to that of the maize GLB2 globulin. Reg2 mRNA was present at high levels during embryo development for up to 14 days after flowering (DAF). Lower levels were found 20 DAF when the maturation of embryos was almost completed, and at the dry mature stage. Reg2 mRNA almost disappeared upon imbibition of isolated dry mature embryos but it was re-induced at a low level by further treatment with ABA. The expression of Reg2 was not induced by ABA in suspension-cultured cells, unlike that of Osem, one of the late embryogenesis abundant protein (LEA) genes.  相似文献   

Confusion regarding proper use of the terms rate and risk persists in the literature. This has implications for the proper modeling of prognosis and transition between health states in decision analysis and related techniques. The issue is complicated by the plethora of terms related to rate and risk. Although the suggestion to use the terms force and probability as substitutes for rate and risk has some appeal, the change in terminology by itself is unlikely to solve all the confusion or misuse of terms. This paper clarifies the proper definitions and estimations of rates and risks and suggests critical factors for the decision analyst to remember when using, modeling, or interpreting transition rates and risks.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequences of tulip bulb chitinase-1 and -2 (TBC-1 and -2) were determined. The sequences of the TBC-1 and TBC-2 were solved by analysis of peptides derived by enzymatic digestions as well as by chemical cleavages with cyanogen bromide (CNBr), o-iodosobenzoic acid, and hydroxylamine. TBC-1 and TBC-2 both consisted of 275 amino acid residues and had molecular masses of 30,825 and 30,863, respectively. They shared 247 identical residues, that is 90% identity. Comparison of their sequences with that of gladiolus bulb class IIIb chitinase-a (GBC-a) showed that 63% of the residues of both TBC-1 and TBC-2 are identical to that of GBC-a. From these results, it was seen that TBC-1 and -2 are class IIIb chitinases. The characteristic difference in specific activity between TBC-1 and -2 was also discussed on the basis of their amino acid sequences.  相似文献   

An amperometric flow system combined with a glucose oxidase-mutarotase reactor was optimized and used to determine aromatic amines and phenols using peroxidase-modified graphite electrodes. An increase in currents upon injection of the analyzed substrate was shown to be approximated by a Michaelis-Menten type dependence. The detection limit was calculated as 3 times the noise, and the sensitivity was calculated as Imax/K(m)app. Commercially available horseradish peroxidase was compared with tobacco anionic and peanut cationic peroxidases for determination of aromatic amines and phenols. Detection limits of 10 nM for determination of o-aminophenol and o- and p-phenylenediamine achieved with a tobacco peroxidase-modified electrode give a promise for further improvements in sensitivities and detection limits of biosensors.  相似文献   

1. The amino acid compostion, N- and C-terminal amino acid sequences, and the subunit molecular weight of glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase from human muscle, were determined. The obtained results and the maps of tryptic peptides suggest that the enzyme is composed of four identical or very similar polypeptide chains. 2. From the tryptic digest of performic acid-oxidized enzyme, 32 peptides were isolated. The amino acid sequence analysis showed a high degree of homology with the corresponding tryptic peptides of the dehydrogenase from pig muscle, with 9 replacements and probably two additional amino acids in the examined sequences of the human muscle enzyme.  相似文献   

The hypothesis was tested that peak velocity of saccadic eye movements in visual motor tasks varies with variables related to energy regulation. The hypothesis is based on the cognitive-energetical performance model of Sanders. An experimental paradigm was developed in which saccadic peak velocity of task-relevant eye movements is measured while a choice reaction task is carried out. Confounding factors of saccadic amplitude and movement direction were controlled. The task was designed in such a way that in each trial subjects performed a target saccade towards an imperative stimulus and a return saccade after the manual response back to the centre of the screen. For both types of saccades the experimental variables were foreperiod duration (short versus long), knowledge of results (with versus without), postsaccadic demand (low versus high) and time on task (five 30-min intervals). In two experiments, there are main and interaction effects of the task variables on peak saccadic velocity. Return saccades are slower than target saccades, but not in the case of high postsaccadic demand. Knowledge of results increases peak saccadic velocity, but more so for return than for target saccades. Time on task leads to a decrease in peak saccadic velocity, which is much stronger for return than for target saccades; furthermore this effect is more pronounced after short than after long foreperiods. Peak saccadic velocity is changed within seconds. The results support the hypothesis. Peak saccadic velocity of task related eye movements reflects energy regulation during task performance. The paradigm will be developed as a diagnostic tool in workload measurement.  相似文献   

Amino acid compositions (AAC) of proteins were analyzed in terms of their uniqueness and variability. Using several measures of convergence between the AACs of randomly chosen proteins versus those stored in protein data banks, it was established that certain families of proteins have unique AACs despite the mutations of their sequences which were imposed in the process of evolution. AACs may be used to establish the identities of many proteins which were sorted through various chromatographic media prior to their fractionation on two-dimensional (2D) gels. Subfractionations of proteins markedly enhance the chances for proper identification of low-abundant proteins which rest inaccessible if the total protein extract of an organ is analyzed on 2D gels. Although the amino acid composition versus protein identity (AAC-PI) method allows identification with high confidence of unique proteins resolved on monodimensional SDS-PAGE (1D) gels and arrays of protein isoforms resolved on two-dimensional (2D) gels, selective immunoblotting is still a more robust method. Thus, in principle, the AAC-PI method may allow limiting the number of "unknown" spots on 2D gels which could be further investigated by microsequencing and/or mass spectroscopy. However, to resolve certain ambiguities inherently linked with protein identities derived only from their AACs, the AAC-PI method must be sometimes aided by microsequencing and immunoblotting, especially in the construction of high-resolution 2D maps of proteins. A suite of algorithms which form the AAC-PI method are described in detail.  相似文献   

On the basis of nucleotide sequences of the coding region and their predicted amino acid sequences, 58 glycoprotein hormone subunit genes were compared, aligned and used to construct phylogenetic trees for this family. The analysis included 17 alpha-subunits, eight TSH beta-, six FSH beta-, 17 LH beta/CG beta-, four fish gonadotropin (GTH)-I beta-, five fish GTH-II beta- and one additional fish GTH beta-subunit. The reliability of the phylogenetic trees was probed with the bootstrapping test. Our results indicated that: both the alpha- and beta-subunits of the family diverged from a common ancestral gene about 927 million years ago, the initial precursor of the beta-subunit duplicated to give rise to the LH beta and a second hormone, the latter then duplicating to FSH beta and TSH beta, so that FSH beta is related more to TSH beta than to LH beta; and bony fish GTH-I beta is highly related to mammalian FSH beta, whereas the bony fish GTH-II beta is more related to mammalian LH beta. For scientific consistency and convenience, we propose that the following nomenclature be adopted, all fish gonadotropins of type I be classified as FSH and all type II be classified as LH hormones. In addition, on the basis of results from this and other studies, we propose an evolutionary history for this glycoprotein hormone family. Reconstruction of the evolutionary history of this family would not only provide clues to understanding thyrotropin and gonadotropin functions, but would also allow further revision of the present nomenclature of the gonadotropins in fish.  相似文献   

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