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BACKGROUND: Because of serious adverse effects of centrally acting antitussive agents, is necessary to find new drugs with cough-suppressing activity. Medicinal herbs are a potential source of polysaccharides with high antitussive efficiency and on the other with minimal side effects. AIM: The study was to assess the antitussive action of mixture of a polysaccharides (RL) and polysaccharide-xylan (XY), both isolated from above-ground parts of Rudbeckie fulgida var. sullivantii. The observed activity was compared to those of narcotic and nonnarcotic antitussive substances used in clinical practice. METHODS: Cough was evoked by mechanical irritation of the airways in nonanaesthetized cats with chronic tracheal cannuly. The plant substances were administered perorally in the dose of 50 mg per kg body weight. RESULTS: Results indicate, that administration of RL induced a suppression of the followed cough parameters from both areas of airways (total fall in cough parameters by 46.6%). Administration of xylan induced the fall in the followed cough parameters with more significant influence on the laryngopharyngeal area of the airways (total fall in cough parameters 48.2%). CONCLUSION: Administration of RL and xylan did not achieve the effect of codeine, but had a more intensive antitussive effect than the peripherally acting droprozine and prenoxdiazine. (Fig. 3, Ref. 11.)  相似文献   

During the past few years, Ralstonia (Pseudomonas) solanacearum race 3, biovar 2, was repeatedly found in potatoes in Western Europe. To detect this bacterium in potato tissue samples, we developed a method based on fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). The nearly complete genes encoding 23S rRNA of five R. solanacearum strains and one Ralstonia pickettii strain were PCR amplified, sequenced, and analyzed by sequence alignment. This resulted in the construction of an unrooted tree and supported previous conclusions based on 16S rRNA sequence comparison in which R. solanacearum strains are subdivided into two clusters. Based on the alignments, two specific probes, RSOLA and RSOLB, were designed for R. solanacearum and the closely related Ralstonia syzygii and blood disease bacterium. The specificity of the probes was demonstrated by dot blot hybridization with RNA extracted from 88 bacterial strains. Probe RSOLB was successfully applied in FISH detection with pure cultures and potato tissue samples, showing a strong fluorescent signal. Unexpectedly, probe RSOLA gave a less intense signal with target cells. Potato samples are currently screened by indirect immunofluorescence (IIF). By simultaneously applying IIF and the developed specific FISH, two independent targets for identification of R. solanacearum are combined, resulting in a rapid (1-day), accurate identification of the undesired pathogen. The significance of the method was validated by detecting the pathogen in soil and water samples and root tissue of the weed host Solanum dulcamara (bittersweet) in contaminated areas.  相似文献   

The function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis as related to the degree of severity of a septic process was assessed by measuring plasma levels of beta-endorphin, ACTH and cortisol. Sixty-one cases of postoperative patients treated at the intensive care unit were classified into four groups according to the severity of infection: Group 1 (control) included patients who did not show any sign of infection, group 2 patients with sepsis, group 3 patients with septic syndrome and group 4 patients with septic shock. Compared to G1 patients' ACTH values (4.16+/-2.6pg/ml), a statistically significant increase in ACTH values in various stages of septicemia (p < 0.005) with a noticeable difference also between G3 (7.11 +/-3.7pg/ml) and G4 (11.5+/-6.6pg/ml) (p<0.05) was found. Differences were also observed in beta-endorphin (with a level of significance between the several groups of p = 0.0001). Also, beta-endorphin values in G4 (40.6+/-30.3 pg/ml) differed significantly from each of G1 (17.5 +/-6.6 pg/ml), G2 (21.1+/-11.3 pg/ml) and G3 (23.5+/-12 pg/ ml) (p<0.05). A progressive hypercortisolemia was obvious, with values of G4 (37.2+/-15.6 microg/dl) differing significantly from those of G1 (18+/-4.6microg/dl) and G2 (24-/+8.4microg/dl) (p<0.05) and of G3 (28.5+/-12.3 microg/dl) from that of G1 (p < 0.05). Interestingly, a dissociation of ACTH, beta-endorphin and cortisol was observed, in that the increased values of beta-endorphin and cortisol, detected in the G3 were not associated with a parallel increase in ACTH. These findings might be interpreted in the sense of an impairment of the stress stimulation of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis. Provided that such a situation can be lethal, our results further confirm the idea that a low-dose, steroid replacement might be beneficial to critical illness.  相似文献   

The beta-amyloid (A beta 1-40) peptide has previously been shown to enhance phenylephrine contraction of aortic rings in vitro. We have employed a novel observation, that A beta peptides enhance endothelin-1 (ET-1) contraction, to examine the relationship between vasoactivity and potential amyloidogenicity of A beta peptides, the role played by free radicals and calcium in the vasoactive mechanism, and the requirement of an intact endothelial layer for enhancement of vasoactivity. Rings of rat aortae were constricted with ET-1 before and after addition of amyloid peptide and/or other compounds, and a comparison was made between post- and pre-treatment contractions. In this system, vessel constriction is consistently dramatically enhanced by A beta 1-40, is enhanced less so by A beta 1-42, and is not enhanced by A beta 25-35. The endothelium is not required for A beta vasoactivity, and calcium channel blockers have a greater effect than antioxidants in blocking enhancement of vasoconstriction by A beta peptides. In contrast to A beta-induced cytotoxicity, A beta-induced vasoactivity is immediate, occurs in response to low doses of freshly solubilized peptide, and appears to be inversely related to the amyloidogenic potential of the A beta peptides. We conclude that the mechanism of A beta vasoactivity is distinct from that of A beta cytotoxicity. Although free radicals appear to modulate the vasoactive effects, the lack of requirement for endothelium suggests that loss of the free radical balance (between NO and O2-) may be a secondary influence on A beta enhancement of vasoconstriction. These effects of A beta on isolated vessels, and reported effects of A beta in cells of the vasculature, suggest that A beta-induced disruption of vascular tone may be a factor in the pathogenesis of cerebral amyloid angiopathy and Alzheimer's disease. Although the mechanism of enhanced vasoconstriction is unknown, it is reasonable to propose that in vivo contact of A beta peptides with small cerebral vessels may increase their tendency to constrict and oppose their tendency to relax. The subclinical ischemia resulting from this would be expected to up-regulate beta APP production in and around the vasculature with further increase in A beta formation and deposition. The disruptive and degenerative effects of such a cycle would lead to the complete destruction of cerebral vessels and consequently neuronal degeneration in the affected areas.  相似文献   

Six 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes were designed, validated, and used to quantify predominant groups of anaerobic bacteria in human fecal samples. A set of two probes was specific for species of the Bacteroides fragilis group and the species Bacteroides distasonis. Two others were designed to detect species of the Clostridium histolyticum and the Clostridium lituseburense groups. Another probe was designed for the genera Streptococcus and Lactococcus, and the final probe was designed for the species of the Clostridium coccoides-Eubacterium rectale group. The temperature of dissociation of each of the probes was determined. The specificities of the probes for a collection of target and reference organisms were tested by dot blot hybridization and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). The new probes were used in initial FISH experiments to enumerate human fecal bacteria. The combination of the two Bacteroides-specific probes detected a mean of 5.4 x 10(10) cells per g (dry weight) of feces; the Clostridium coccoides-Eubacterium rectale group-specific probe detected a mean of 7.2 x 10(10) cells per g (dry weight) of feces. The Clostridium histolyticum, Clostridium lituseburense, and Streptococcus-Lactococcus group-specific probes detected only numbers of cells ranging from 1 x 10(7) to 7 x 10(8) per g (dry weight) of feces. Three of the newly designed probes and three additional probes were used in further FISH experiments to study the fecal flora composition of nine volunteers over a period of 8 months. The combination of probes was able to detect at least two-thirds of the fecal flora. The normal biological variations within the fecal populations of the volunteers were determined and indicated that these variations should be considered when evaluating the effects of agents modulating the flora.  相似文献   

Phosphodiesterases (PDEs) are key enzymes involved in the regulation of intracellular cyclic nucleotide metabolism. The aim of the present study was to identify and to characterize the PDE isoenzymes present in the human detrusor smooth muscle. Human detrusor PDE isoenzymes were separated by Q-Sepharose anion exchange and calmodulin-agarose affinity chromatography and characterized upon their kinetic characteristics and their sensitivity to allosteric modulators and inhibitors. All five presently known PDE isoenzyme families were identified: one high-affinity, low-Km calcium/calmodulin-stimulated PDE I with a slight preference for cGMP over cAMP, one cGMP-stimulated PDE II, one cGMP-inhibited PDE III, one cAMP-specific PDE IV and one cGMP-specific PDE IV. All five known PDE isoenzyme families exist in human detrusor smooth musculature. The kinetic characteristics, together with functional in vitro studies, suggest that the PDE I may be of importance in the intracellular regulation of the human detrusor smooth muscle tone.  相似文献   

Anti-rabbit 64 kDa oviductin (named Development Promoting Factor-1, DPF-1) antibody could inhibit totally the early development of mouse fertilised eggs cultured in the conditioned medium derived from the rabbit oviduct mucosa epithelial cells, revealed that DPF-1 synthesized and secreted from rabbit oviduct mucosa has a function to overcome the developmental block of early mouse embryos. It seems that DPF-1 consists of a group of polypeptide isoforms, since its isoelectric points are ranging from 7.2 to 8.1 (Fig. 3). The synthesis and secretion of DPF-1 was not dependent on either 17 beta-estradiol or progesterone (Fig. 7), it can pass through zona pellucida easily and associate tightly with the early embryonic cell membrane (Fig. 6). By using Western blotting method, we found that DPF-1 was not appeared in the tissues of liver, heart, lung, spleen, uterus, ovary, small intestine, skeleton muscle and brain, but in that of oviduct (Fig. 4): some DPF-1 homologous molecules were also revealed in the oviduct tissues of mouse and golden hamster, their apparent molecular weights were 32 kDa, 72 kDa in mouse, and 49 kDa, 68 kDa in golden hamster (Fig. 5). Results obtained from the in vivo anti-fertility experiment, namely to analyse the anti-fertility effect in adult female mice after active immunization with DPF-1, showed that the fertility decreased significantly as compared to those of controls (p < 0.01) (Table 1). DPF-1 and its in vivo "loss of function" evidence we obtained will encourage us to study the mechanism of DPF-1 in overcoming the developmental block of early embryos, and its role in transition from maternal to embryonic control of early development.  相似文献   

A possibility was investigated to use photo-crosslinking DNA probes for fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). DNA probes were modified by incorporating photonucleotides in these, containing a photoreactive group (tetrafluorobenzazid) and capable of making covalent bonds with the examined DNA, when irradiated in 300-330 nm region. The photonucleotide was incorporated into the probe either by nick-translation, or upon elongation of the hybridized probe by the Kljonow fragment. It has been shown that the DNA probe, cross-linking to a chromosome as a result of covalent bonds, is not removed from the place of hybridization under consequent denaturating washing, which makes it possible to carry out the following DNA hybridization with selective conservation of signals obtained due to previous hybridization. This peculiarity of photo-linking DNA probes makes it possible to use them for the two-step DNA hybridization. To demonstrate this, preparations of human chromosomes were investigated. On the first step, chromosomal DNA was hybridized by means of DNA probe having nucleotide sequences of centromeric regions of chromosomes 13 and 21, the probe being linked to chromosomal DNA by the photonucleotide. Following the denaturation treatment of the preparation, and after the second chromosomal DNA hybridization with cosmid DNA, containing chromosome 13 DNA nucleotide sequence, the signal in chromosome 13 centromeric region was retained to serve a marker of this chromosome, thus fascilitating its easier identification following the hybridization of its DNA with cosmic DNA. The denaturation stability of photo-crosslinking probes opens some new possibilities in technology of DNA in situ hybridization.  相似文献   

Gene amplifications of c-myc, K-sam, and c-met were examined in cancer nuclei isolated from 154 primary gastric adenocarcinomas by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using cosmid probes for 8q24 (c-myc locus) and 7q31 (c-met), as well as a DNA probe for K-sam synthesized by PCR. The results were compared with those of Southern blot analysis. Dual-color FISH using gene locus and chromosome-specific probes detected gene amplifications of c-myc in 24 tumors (15.5%), c-met in 6 tumors (3.9%), and K-sam in 3 tumors (2.9%). The six tumors with c-myc amplification had also been found to have amplified c-erbB-2 in our previous study, and coamplification of c-myc and c-met was found in two other tumors. This technique also differentiated the amplified genes on the homogeneous staining region (HSR) and on double minute chromosomes (DMs) in metaphase spreads and interphase nuclei of cell lines established from poorly differentiated adenocarcinomas, KATO III, SNU 16, and HSC 39. Examination of FISH images of these cell lines suggested that the high-level amplifications of c-myc found in primary tumors occurred mainly on DM in four tumors and on HSR in one, and those of K-sam occured on DM in two tumors and on HSR in one. No high-level amplification of c-met was found. These high-level amplifications were also detected in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues from primary gastric tumors and metastatic lymph nodes, in some of which heterogeneity of gene amplification was demonstrated within the same tumor. We conclude that FISH is an important tool for examining the proto-oncogene aberrations in intact cells in solid tumors.  相似文献   

A chemiluminescent in situ hybridization assay that could combine the sensitivity of chemiluminescent substrates, the specificity of digoxigenin-labeled probes, and the spatial morphological resolution and localization of the signal of the in situ hybridization was developed for the detection of cytomegalovirus (CMV) DNA. CMV DNA in cultured CMV-infected cells and in different clinical samples (tissue sections and cellular smears) was detected using digoxigenin-labeled probes constructed in our laboratory that were immunoenzymatically visualized employing anti-digoxigenin Fab fragments labeled with alkaline phosphatase and the chemiluminescent adamantil-1,2-dioxetane phenyl phosphate substrate for alkaline phosphatase. The luminescent signal from the hybrid formation was detected, analyzed, and measured with a high performance, low light level imaging luminograph apparatus connected to an optical microscope and to a personal computer for quantitative image analysis. Increasing values of emitted photons per second per infected cell, corresponding to the presence of hybridized CMV DNA, could be found in infected cells fixed at various times after infection, following the CMV replication cycle. When the assay was performed on different clinical samples from patients with acute CMV infections, CMV DNA was detected in all positive samples tested, both in cellular samples and in frozen and paraffin-embedded tissue sections, proving specific and sensitive. The chemiluminescent in situ hybridization assay developed in this work can be a useful tool for a sensitive and specific diagnosis of viral infection and can be easily adapted to detect and study any specific gene sequence inside the cells. The assay may also be promising for an estimation and quantification of nucleic acids present in tissue samples or cellular smears and for imaging gene expression in cells.  相似文献   

An 8 year old girl with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is described. Elevated serum antibody titers suggested recent Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection. T2-weighted image of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) disclosed multiple lesions of high signal intensity in bilateral basal ganglia and thalami as well as in the white matter. Postcontrast T1-weighted image revealed an enhanced lesion in the deep white matter. She showed rapid clinical improvement in response to corticosteroid therapy. The lesions had disappeared completely on MRI performed 10 weeks after the onset. ADEM is believed to be a demyelinating disorder of probable autoimmune etiology. MRI findings in this case may support the hypothesis that the primary pathological event is vascular injury and demyelination occurs only as a secondary phenomenon.  相似文献   

Molecular cytogenetics using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) is an extremely useful adjunct technique to conventional cytogenetics via GTG-banding. The present paper illustrates the utility of FISH by describing a patient with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) who was initially studied using GTG-banding and whose bone marrow was found to be populated with hyperdiploid cells. FISH was used to delineate the numerical and structural chromosomal abnormalities. It revealed the presence of trisomy 8 and determined that the previously unidentifiable marker chromosome was of chromosome 10 origin. Although trisomy 8 is a frequent finding in MDS, the structural chromosomal abnormality of chromosome 10 as reported here is not a common finding.  相似文献   

Double fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was used to detect sex chromosomes in decondensed human sperm nuclei. Biotinylated X chromosome specific (TRX) and digoxigenin-labeled Y chromosome specific (HRY) probes were simultaneously hybridized to sperm preparations from 12 normal healthy donors. After the hybridization, the probes were detected immunocytochemically, using two different and independent affinity systems. Ninety-six percent of the 12,636 sperm showed fluorescent labeling, of which 47.4% were haploid X and 46.8% were haploid Y. A frequency of 0.46% of XX-bearing sperm (0.28% disomic, 0.18% diploid) and 0.38% YY-bearing sperm (0.21% disomic, 0.17% diploid) was found. The overall proportions of X- and Y-bearing sperm in the ejaculates were 47.9% and 47.2%, respectively, which was not significantly different from the expected 50:50 ratio. In addition 0.21% of cells appeared to be haploid XY-bearing sperm, 0.62% were diploid XY-bearing cells, and 0.05% of cells were considered to be tetraploid cells. The application of double FISH to human sperm using X-chromosome and Y-chromosome probes has allowed a more accurate assessment of the sex chromosal complements in sperm than single FISH method and quinacrine staining for Y-bodies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To document the relation between sexual abstinence and the proportion of X-bearing sperm in the ejaculate. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. SETTING: Medical college. PATIENT(S): Ten normospermic men, aged 30 to 40 years, provided two semen samples: the first sample was obtained 1.0 to 1.5 days after ejaculation; the second, 7 to 10 days after ejaculation. INTERVENTION(S): Abstinence. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Proportion of X- and Y-bearing sperm in two ejaculates. RESULT(S): Multicolor fluorescent in situ hybridization using directly labeled alpha-satellite probes specific for chromosomes 18, X and Y were used to analyze 40,273 sperm. After 1.0 to 1.5 days of abstinence, there were 47.6% +/- 1.7% (mean +/- SD) X-bearing sperm, and after 7 to 10 days of abstinence, there were 49.6% +/- 2.1% X-bearing sperm. The X:Y ratio increased marginally from 0.905 to 0.981. CONCLUSION(S): Sexual abstinence marginally increases the proportion of X-bearing sperm in the ejaculate as assessed by multicolor fluorescent in situ hybridization. This change of borderline statistical significance probably has little impact on the secondary sex ratio.  相似文献   

Combined heteroduplex single-strand conformation polymorphism (HEX-SSCP) analysis of the promoter and coding region of the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) gene revealed a novel C to T mutation at nucleotide position 2056 in a Costa Rican patient with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). This nonsense mutation, Q665X, results in a termination codon in the epidermal growth factor (EGF) precursor homology domain of the mature LDLR.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The level of histamine in nasal lavage fluid has been used as an index of mast cell/basophil activation in a number of studies. Obviously, such an index can only be valid if changes in the secretory activity of nasal glands do not affect the level of histamine in lavage fluid (i.e. hypersecretion, without a simultaneous activation of mast cells/basophils in the nasal mucosa, must not increase the level of histamine). OBJECTIVES: To asses the effect of nasal hypersecretion on histamine levels in lavage fluid. METHODS: Nasal challenges were performed with methacholine and allergen in grass pollen-allergic patients and non-allergic controls. Nasal lavage fluid was collected before and repeatedly for nine hours after nasal challenge, and the level of histamine was compared with that of a specific mast cell-derived enzyme, tryptase. In addition, the effect of methacholine on basophils was examined in vitro. RESULTS: Allergen challenge of allergic patients produced sneezing and a significant increase in histamine and tryptase levels, whereas challenge of non-allergic subjects produced no such response. Interestingly, challenge with methacholine also induced a significant increase in histamine levels. This increase was seen in both allergic and non-allergic subjects and it was not associated with any sneezing or increase in tryptase levels, indicating that mast cells were not activated. Furthermore, stimulation of basophils with methacholine did not induce any histamine release in vitro. CONCLUSIONS: Apparently, there exists a pool of histamine in the human nose that can be transferred to lavage fluid during glandular hypersecretion. The source of this histamine is yet to be identified. As the level of histamine seems to be affected by the secretory activity of nasal glands, we question the use of this single mediator as an index of mast cell/basophil activation in nasal lavage studies.  相似文献   

Actinobacillus seminis is a common cause of ovine epididymitis and ram infertility. The ability to detect and identify this organism promptly is important commercially for the quality control of ram semen samples. Actinobacillus seminis is a fastidious and slow-growing bacterium and primary isolation and presumptive identification can be difficult and time-consuming. In this study, two ribosomal operons, termed rrnA and rrnB, have been characterized in the A. seminis genome, and these contain one and two tRNAs, respectively, in the spacer region between the 16S and 23S rRNA genes. Species-specific primers for A. seminis were developed from the sequence of the spacer region of rrnB for the identification and detection of A. seminis by PCR. The PCR assay was specific for A. seminis and gave no amplification products with phenotypically similar organisms such as Histophilus ovis. Storage solution used to preserve semen for long-term storage was found to inhibit the PCR. Therefore, for diagnostic purposes, the assay would best be performed after primary isolation or perhaps on fresh semen prior to storage if obvious contamination is indicated.  相似文献   

Cervical smears (n = 150) from five departments showing high-grade dyskaryosis were examined by three cytologists. All the smears came from patients with biopsy-proven CIN III. One hundred had been correctly reported (true positives) but 50 had originally been reported as negative and had been found to be positive only on review (false negatives). There were significant differences between the two sets in the characteristics of the dyskaryotic cell population. The false-negative smears tended to have fewer than 200 dyskaryotic cells. The nuclei of the dyskaryotic cells tended to have fine rather than coarse nuclear chromatin. A smear with fewer than 50 dyskaryotic cells is 26 times more likely to be reported as negative than one with more than 200 dyskaryotic cells. The results suggest that there is a type of severely dyskaryotic smear that is inherently likely to be missed on routine screening.  相似文献   

Preliminary evidence for the presence of Helicobacter-like bacteria was sought in 395 porcine gastric samples by a urease test. Of the samples, 37% (146/395) were urease-positive and 82% (82/100) of the Gram-stained urease-positive samples showed large, tightly spiralled organisms. Several methods were applied to culture the organisms but isolation was unsuccessful, contaminant organisms being considered to be one of the major problems. PCR with Helicobacter genus-specific primers for 16S rRNA and ureB genes, and primers for H. pylori vacA and cagA genes were tested with 102 ureasepositive biopsy samples. The PCR results showed some evidence for the presence of the urease and the vacA genes in porcine Helicobacter-like bacteria and raises the possibility of pathogenicity by these organisms.  相似文献   

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