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本文以铝酸钙水泥(Secar 71)结合刚玉质浇注料为研究对象,通过调整粒度级配(临界粒度为0.088mm和1mm)、热处理温度(分别为1500℃和1600℃)和添加糊精(分别为0、0.5%、1%和1.5%)等方法来改变浇注料试样的气孔结构参数,从而研究其对试样热导率的影响.研究结果表明:试样的显气孔率和气孔中位径均随着热处理温度的升高或糊精含量的增加而增大;当试样的临界粒度增加(0.088mm到1mm)时,因坯体密度提高,烧结更为显著,致使试样的显气孔率变小,气孔中位径增大;试样的常温热导率随显气孔率及气孔中位径的增大而减小,且此变化规律不受临界粒度的影响,临界粒度变化只改变热导率的大小,而并不会改变热导率的变化规律.  相似文献   

通过化学分析和分子结构分析相结合的方法,依据一定的推想条件,求得苹果酸的近似分子量,证实了假设条件的叮行性和分子结构判断的准确性。  相似文献   

李叶农 《福建分析测试》2001,10(2):1443-1444
<正> 翡翠是硬玉为主的多种矿物组成集合体。主要产于缅甸。它以艳丽色彩、美丽的光泽、晶莹剔透的滋润感被人们冠以“玉石之王”之美誉。由于翡翠产量少,价值高,许多不法商人常以其它玉石冒充翡翠,或以低档翡翠经过优化处理冒充高档翡翠欺诈消费者。本文介绍几种鉴别方法,以飨读者。  相似文献   

塑料包装薄膜常有好几层,有用二种或三种聚合物混合挤压制成,或者是用粘合剂将各层薄膜粘合起来。亦有这两种方法结合使用的。薄膜中间也可能有隔离层,另外还可能有其它一些加层。  相似文献   

正长春车先生:在店里看中了一条碧玺,比其他店里便宜很多,颜色鲜艳,可是这样的碧玺是真的吗?我该如何辨别碧玺的真假呢?小编解答:碧玺是仅次于钻石、祖母绿的珍贵矿石,因其颜色多彩绚丽、透明等特色深受人们喜爱。在清代官员的顶戴上都会有一颗碧玺,以象征其官阶、身份。碧玺与玻璃和水晶不同,而且价格要高于它们,所有购  相似文献   

778光电经纬仪于84年5月进行了室内检测、鉴定,同年8~11月在使用单位进行了外扬联试、校飞、检测,85年1~3月参加了一项国家重点工程靶试任务。经过复审,鉴定委员会确认室内检测和鉴定结果。鉴定委员会听取了研制单位,使用单位和总体单位关于外场联试校飞和执行任务的技术总结报告及鉴定结果报告,确认外场检测和鉴定结果。  相似文献   

科技档案的鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文探讨科技档案鉴定的意义和工作过程,对企业的科技档案鉴定工作提出一些思考。  相似文献   

在影片的拍摄及后期洗印加工过程中,会出现各种因素导致拷贝划痕、脏点、干燥斑等损伤,鉴定工作的职责就是要及时找出这些损伤,分析产生的原因并采取预防措施。本文作者根据多年工作实践,总结出多条经验,在此与电影界工作同行分享。  相似文献   

山珍海味的品质鉴定山珍海味的干货制品是新鲜的动、植物的原料经脱水加工的干制品。干货原料脱水干制,易于储存保管,便于运输,打破了季节、产地的界限,延长了使用时间,扩大了供应范围,在烹调中占有很重要的位置。因此,进行干货原料的检验,鉴别其品质的优劣,对烹...  相似文献   

古钱币鉴定,是一门细致的学科,它需要我们日常知识的积累,注重观察与思考,仔细比较。结合历代的文献资料和前人研究的成果,找出一些可循的、可借鉴的理论依据,从而归纳总结出古钱鉴定中的一般性规律。本文简单介绍几种古钱鉴定的方法。1、看铜质  相似文献   

Fracture parameters have been measured in jade samples obtained from three sources. Fracture toughness values lie between 2.9 and 5.5 MN m–3/2, whereas fracture energies are between 269 and 986 J m–2. The high resistance of jade to crack propagation is related to its fibrous microstructure. In materials from each source, the diameter of individual nephrite fibres was 1/2 m, but fibres tend to be grouped in feather like or cylindrical bundles, with the bundles arranged randomly in a woven type structure. Sub-critical crack growth can occur in jade in the presence of water but not in lapping oil. The fracture behaviour of jade is compared with that of common rocks and engineering ceramics.  相似文献   

对中国古玉器(商-汉)的鉴定方法进行研究。一般以肉眼和10倍放大镜,主要依据纹饰、质地、雕工等特征对古玉进行无损鉴定。利用综合资料去分析和断定古玉的年代。  相似文献   

通过对商代、西-东周、春秋、战国以及汉代古玉器的研究分析以及分类汇总,归纳总结了商-汉不同时期古玉器的不同特征。此研究结果对古玉器及仿制品的鉴别具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

An outline of the data acquisition system for the JADE experiment at PETRA, DESY is presented. After describing the hardware configuration, we describe our guiding ideas for the design of the data acquisition system, which is followed by accounts of the implementation of real-time software, the data flow, the monitoring and detector control as well as the on-line event analysis and filtering. Finally we summarise our experience with the system.  相似文献   

Parallel readout and analysis of drift chamber signals with a multiprocessor system has proven an efficient way to deal with the large data flow generated by high speed (100 MHz) Flash-ADCs in real time. A network of 34 M68000 processors, placed in 3 VME crates, is used to process the 3072 Flash-ADC channels of the JADE Jet-Chamber at PETRA [1]. The properties of such a system are compared to more conventional readout schemes for drift chambers.  相似文献   

介绍了中国古代的矿物加工技术,包括早期的石器和陶瓦制作,中国先民使用矿物制作器件,古代铁矿的矿冶加工利用,古代的湿法提铜,古代重选淘洗技术的使用和记述,古代的浮选技术,古代铜、铁矿冶生产规模等;也简要阐述了近现代中国选矿工业的兴起与科技发展,总结归纳了现代矿物加工科学技术的创新成就.  相似文献   

Room temperature mechanical properties measured for natural fibrous jade materials with random fibre orientations were similar to strengths (e.g. 100 MPa) and toughnesses,K IC, (e.g. 3M Pa m1/2) in other studies. However, nearly three- and five-fold higher values were found respectively for strength and fracture toughness of jade with highly aligned fibres for crack propagation perpendicular to the fibres. Further, the results indicate significantly higher strength and toughness with decreasing fibre diameter and increasing aspect ratio, and an accompanying increase in intrafibre fracture. However, failure was predominantly catastrophic in character for all fibre orientations, indicating some material (i.e. matrix) is necessary for non-catastrophic failure as found in fibre composites.  相似文献   

The jade mineral nephrite has been examined by electron diffraction and high resolution lattice imaging. Planar defects parallel to (010) were observed. It is shown that these are Wadsley defects, consisting of multiple-chain lamellae in place of the double-chain amphibole host structure. Examples of three- and six-fold chain defects are shown.  相似文献   

Commercial transport amphoras are large ceramic vessels that were used from 1500 BC to 500 AD to ship wine and other products throughout the Mediterranean. The most large‐scale use was to serve the ancient Greek and Roman empires. Although their form is much different from our own packages, the shape and design were clearly the result of the same reasoning that we use to design successful packaging today. They were designed to be economical to produce and ship. The unusual shapes, and especially the pointed base, facilitated handling, storage, transport and use in logistical systems that were very differently shaped from those that we use today. This paper investigates amphoras as a packaging system from a functional approach. It describes their protective physical properties, manufacturing process and industry structure, logistical and marketing advantages, and illustrates the value of such packaging artifacts in documenting the history of trade. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ancient silver may become brittle and damaged owing to long-term corrosion and changes in the microstructure. Recognition and determination of corrosion-induced and microstructurally-induced embrittlement, and also their synergy, are important for restoration and conservation of ancient and historic silver. The types of embrittlement are described and illustrated, using examples of ancient and historic silver artefacts, including the famous Gundestrup Cauldron, a masterpiece of European Iron Age silverwork. In particular, the use of automated Electron BackScatter Diffraction (EBSD) enables improved analysis and assessment of corrosion-induced embrittlement. The knowledge obtained from detailed investigations is helpful not only in determining the best ways to restore and conserve embrittled silver objects, but also in defining the possible extent of the embrittlement problem. This is illustrated by a straightforward statistical analysis.  相似文献   

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