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Perchlorate has been considered by some a potential threat to human health, especially to developing infants and children because it may inhibit iodide uptake by the sodium iodide symporter (NIS) of the thyroid. In the United States, during the last several decades, environmental perchlorate has had three recognized sources stemming from (a) its use as an oxidizer (including in rocket propellants), (b) its presence in Chilean nitrate fertilizer (CNF), and (c) natural production. An analysis of the relative source strengths and how they may influence entry into the food chain has not been conducted. Averaged over the last --60 years, we estimate that the source strengths have been (a) 10.6, (b) 0.75, and (c) 0.13-0.64 Gg/y for the United States as a whole. Of this, while (b) and (c) represent actual dispersed amounts, the figure in (a) is the amount of perchlorate produced and only a fraction (f) of it has been dispersed and often in a more localized fashion. In addition, dispersal of (b) has taken place only over agricultural land. Considering that the total land area in the United States is 5.5 x the arable land area, in terms of incorporation into the food chain,the figure cited in (b) has a proportionately greater impact. Most estimates of fwill thus suggest that over the considered period, the contribution of CNF to incorporation of perchlorate in the food chain has likely been comparable to oxidizer perchlorate, with natural production being a lesser source. Fireworks presently constitute a potentially important source of increasing importance but a quantitative impact cannotyet be assessed.  相似文献   

<正> 有的美国人以往认为,中国食品打入美国市场很难,因为美国对口食品规定的卫生检验标准特别严格。中国食品由于缺乏专业设备和工艺技术落后,有的甚至是纯手工制品,无法生产出符合美国卫生标准的食品。多少年来,美国这个世界巨大的食品消费市场,中国食品一直也没有机会占领一席之地,白白浪费了市场资源,也损失了两国的共同利益,影响了两国食品贸易的发展和扩大。 然而,中美食品贸易的僵局,却被广州健力宝集团公司打破了。他们通过到美国设厂开店办公司、直接进入超市和开通网上销售,运用巧妙的市场运作甩掉中间商,走出了一条中国食品热销美国的捷径。现在,在美国有了中国健力宝美国有限公司,无论你身居美国的  相似文献   

近年来,食品安全事件频发,食品安全问题开始受到人们越来越多的重视,成为了公众关注的焦点。纵观世界范围,各国政府都在保障本国食品安全方面做着巨大努力。本文以英国、美国和加拿大等发达国家为例,对其食品监管法律法规及监督检查情况进行梳理和总结,分析了英、美、加3国食品安全监管模式以及值得借鉴的经验与成果,结合我国食品安全监管实际情况提出了意见与建议,为我国下一步食品安全相关法律法规的制修订及食品安全监管工作的开展提供参考。  相似文献   

美国保健食品又称为膳食补充剂,是指以维生素、矿物质、氨基酸、草药(或其他草本植物)或以上成分经浓缩、配方、提取或混合形成的产品,主要由美国食品和药物管理局(Food and Drug Administration, FDA)负责监管。美国保健食品与我国的保健食品在产品类别、原料及形态等方面具有一定的相似性,因此美国保健食品目前的监管和标准现状对于我国保健食品有相当的借鉴意义。本文以美国保健食品(膳食补充剂)相关监管法规、产品标准作为研究对象,重点分析了美国保健食品在范畴、产品、原料、功能声称、标签、生产经营等方面的规定。同时介绍和分析美国膳食补充剂药典(dietary supplement compendium, DSC)的主要内容,为完善我国保健食品的监管体系、理顺监管职责、提升标准水平提供了技术依据。  相似文献   

美国的食物过敏原标签管理走向   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
食物过敏是一种至今除了严防接触外尚无有效预防方法的免疫症状。在美国,食物过敏的敏感人群达总人口的4%。美国的食物过敏症90%以上由花生、坚果类、鱼类、甲壳类、乳类、小麦、大豆和蛋类引起。这八种过敏原合称“八大类”,是食品过敏原标记的重点。在过去10年内,美国因过敏原未标明造成的食品召回事件节节上升。本文回顾了美国FDA对食品过敏原标识管理所作的努力和美国食品过敏原标识的现状,简单介绍了去年通过的食品过敏原标签和消费者保护法,以及该法对食品酶制剂标签可能产生的影响。  相似文献   

包装正面(Front of Package, FOP)标签是帮助消费者快速选择健康食品的新型营养标签。虽然美国的FOP标签起步早,种类多,对世界影响力大,但并非都是成功案例。在我国FOP标签启动阶段,分析美国明智选择计划标签失败原因具有警示意义。通过梳理相关文献发现,美国明智选择计划标签清晰直观且认证标准公开透明,因对非健康食品认证而被美国食品和药物管理局(Food and Drug Administration, FDA)停止使用。该标签失败的原因主要是认证标准偏低、政府监管存在漏洞、行业自律缺失和营养事实标签宣教不足等。因此,在我国开放FOP标签认证的前提是政府制定高标准的认证要求,健全市场监管机制,确立认证退出机制,发挥行业协会协调监督作用,创新营养成分表科普方式以提高居民使用意识。  相似文献   

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers contamination of United States food   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Elevated levels of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), a type of brominated flame retardant, were recently detected in U.S. nursing mothers' milk. These halogenated compounds chemically and toxicologically resemble others such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), whose route of intake is almost exclusively through food of animal origin. This study is the first to report the levels of PBDEs in U.S. foods in a market basket survey of 30 food types (total of 32 food samples) from three major supermarket chains in Dallas, TX. Food samples were almost exclusively foods of animal origin: meat, fish, and dairy products. Thirteen PBDE congeners were measured for each sample. Levels were then compared to existing PBDE food studies from other countries where available. In this study, levels of PBDEs are highest in fish, then meat, and lowest in dairy products; median levels were 1725 (range 8.5-3078), 283 (range 0.9-679), and 31.5 (0.2-1373), parts per trillion (ppt), or pg/g, wet weight, respectively. Nonfat milk did not have any detectable PBDE levels. In fish, PBDE congener 47 (2,2',4,4'-tetraBDE) contributes up to 70% of the total PBDEs, followed by congeners 100 (2,2',4,4',6) and 99 (2,2',4,4',5). In meat congener 99 predominates, followed by 47. In dairy, BDE 47 predominates followed by 99. U.S. food PBDE levels measured in this study are higher than reported in two other published market based studies from Spain and Japan. Although these findings are preliminary and will be updated with analyses of new samples, they suggest that food is a major route of intake for PBDEs.  相似文献   

食品添加剂在食品行业中占有重要地位,它的使用直接关系着食品的性能与安全,因而食品添加剂安全监管体制在整个社会法制体系中占有重要的地位。美国联邦食品、药品和化妆品法规定,只有经过美国食品药品监督管理局评价和公布的食品添加剂才能生产和在食品中使用。本文综述了美国食品添加剂的法律法规及监管体系。美国十分重视对食品添加剂的法律法规体系建设,并形成了严格、规范、有效的监管,其中有些经验对我国完善食品添加剂管理法规和监管体系具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This review summarizes (1) the U.S. status quo for aquatic food animal production and marketing; (2) major food safety and quality issues/concerns for aquatic food animals in the United States, including fish misbranding, finfish/shellfish allergies, pathogens, toxins and harmful residues, microplastics, and genetically engineered salmon; and (3) various U.S. regulations, guidances, and detection methods for the surveillance of fishery products. Overall, fish misbranding is the biggest challenge in the United States due to the relatively low inspection rate. In addition, due to the regulatory differences among countries, illegal animal drugs and/or pesticide residues might also be identified in imported aquatic food animals. Future regulatory and research directions could focus on further strengthening international cooperation, enhancing aquatic food animal inspection, and developing reliable, sensitive, and highly efficient detection methods.  相似文献   

美国进口食品安全管理机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王冉  姚舜  王铁军  陈芳 《食品工业科技》2013,34(11):294-297
美国是世界上主要的食品贸易大国,建立了完善的、系统化和立体化的进口食品安全监控体系。本文从分管机构、协调机制、进口手续及违法处理等方面系统地对美国进口食品监管机制进行分析。这些分析对切实保护我国国民的健康和生命安全、保护国家贸易利益和国内市场、促进进出口食品贸易等具有重要借鉴意义。   相似文献   

古桂琴 《食品与机械》2015,31(1):272-274
美国、欧盟等国家与地区在食品监管机构改革、食品安全信息公开透明、安全监管立法、食品身份认证等方面均积累了丰富的经验。针对他们确保食品安全的做法进行深入剖析和思考,并对中国目前的食品安全监督管理现状进行反思,提出构建加强食品安全监督和管理相关部门之间协作的网络,实施涵盖从田间到餐桌的全程监制体系,逐步推进食品安全监督和管理的相关法律,从而构建良性运行的中国食品安全监督与管理机制。  相似文献   

Quantification of climate change impacts on food safety requires food safety assessment with different past and future climate scenario data to compare current and future conditions. This study presents a tool to prepare climate and climate change data for local food safety scenario analysis and illustrates how this tool can be used with impact models, such as bacterial and mycotoxin growth and pesticide models. As an example, coarse gridded data from two global climate models (GCMs), HadGEM2-ES and CCSM4, are selected and downscaled using the “Delta method” with quantile-quantile correction for Ukkel, Belgium. Observational daily temperature and precipitation data from 1981 to 2000 are used as a reference for this downscaling. Data are provided for four future representative concentration pathways (RCPs) for the periods 2031–2050 and 2081–2100. These RCPs are radiative forcing scenarios for which future climate conditions are projected. The climate projections for these RCPs show that both temperature and precipitation will increase towards the end of the century in Ukkel. The climate change data are then used with Ratkowsky's bacterial growth model to illustrate how projected climate data can be used for projecting bacterial growth in the future. In this example, the growth rate of Lactobacillus plantarum in Ukkel is projected to increase in the future and the number of days that the bacteria are able to grow is also projected to increase. This example shows that this downscaling method can be applied to assess future food safety. However, we only used two GCMs. To obtain a more realistic uncertainty range, using many different GCM output datasets and working directly with climate modellers is recommended. Our approach helps food safety researchers to perform their own climate change scenario analysis. The actual algorithm of the downscaling method and its detailed manual is available in the supplementary material.  相似文献   

目的全面分析美国近年来强化食品的发展情况,并借鉴其安全管理的成功经验措施,以期完善我国强化食品安全管理现状,促进强化食品市场健康良好地运行。方法通过研究美国近年来强化食品的发展状况,围绕政府、企业、消费者、生产技术等几个方面,分析其如何从政策、法律法规、标准的完善提高消费者接受水平,应用科学技术采取具体的措施,借鉴美国成功的经验来改善当前国内的管理现状。结果分析了美国强化食品安全管理措施,并分析了中国强化食品安全管理存在的问题和不足,给中国强化食品安全管理提供了操作性更强的建议。结论本研究对美国强化食品的现状及安全管理进行了系统地分析,并借鉴了其中有效的管理方法和经验,为今后中国强化食品安全管理的发展方向提供了有益的思路。  相似文献   

美国智慧食品安全监管方法及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2019年4月,美国食品和药物管理局提出"智慧食品安全新时代"这一倡议,旨在继续实施美国《食品安全现代化法案》(FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, FSMA)科学和基于风险的要求,同时纳入新技术、工具和方法,帮助消费者更好地免受食源性疾病侵害。智慧食品安全作为一种新的食品安全方法,促进社会和商业部门使用新技术,如区块链、传感器技术、物联网和人工智能,以建立一个更数字化、可追溯和更安全的食品体系,包括依靠技术的可追溯性和对食源性疾病暴发的响应、更智能的预防工具和方法、适应新商业模式和零售现代化、食品安全文化4个方面。本文介绍了美国智慧食品安全监管方法,并通过借鉴美国今后食品安全监管思路,提出对未来我国食品安全监管的建议。  相似文献   

Food safety research has shown that the use of a food thermometer is the best way to ensure that meat, poultry, and other foods reach an internal temperature sufficient to destroy foodborne pathogens. The 1998, 2001, 2006, and 2010 Food Safety Surveys were used to analyze changes in food thermometer ownership and usage for roasts, chicken parts, and hamburgers in the United States. A probit regression model was used to evaluate differing trends in ownership across demographic subgroups, and probit models with sample selection were used to evaluate differing trends in food thermometer usage for roasts, chicken parts, and hamburgers. The Food Safety Surveys are nationally representative telephone surveys tracking consumers' food safety attitudes and behaviors. Findings from these surveys indicate that the percentage of consumers who own food thermometers has increased from 49% in 1998 to 70% in 2010 (P < 0.05). The use of food thermometers has also increased over this time period but varies by food type. Of those who own food thermometers, a higher percentage reported using thermometers for roasts (76% in 1998 and 82% in 2010, P < 0.05) than for chicken parts (33% in 1998 and 53% in 2010, P < 0.05) and hamburgers (14% in 1998 and 23% in 2010, P < 0.05). The results also show that men, non-Hispanic whites, those with some college education or higher, those with higher incomes, and those 65 years and older were more likely to own food thermometers. After controlling for food thermometer ownership, those aged 18 to 29 years were more likely to use a food thermometer for roasts and chicken parts than those aged 65 to 101 years. The results suggest that educational programs encouraging food thermometer usage should focus first on food thermometer ownership.  相似文献   

食品接触材料及制品的质量管控和市场准入制度是该类产品质量安全基础,了解目标市场的质量管控和市场准入制度,是产品符合目标市场的前提。本文对美国食品接触材料及制品的技术法规和标准进行阐述,将美国食品接触材料及制品法规和标准与我国技术法规和标准进行对比,并阐述了我国技术食品接触材料技术法规和标准现状和问题,就如何借鉴美国法规和标准管控体系方面的经验进行阐述和分析,并对加强和完善我国食品接触材料及制品的质量管控和市场准入制度提出了建议,为我国建立与国际市场接轨的技术法规和市场准入制度提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文介绍美国食品防御的概念、形成过程、主要内容、利益各方承担的防御职责以及防御计划实施要点,概括总结了中美两国在食品防御体系方面的特点和异同,探讨中国开展食品防御所面临的问题并提出了工作建议。  相似文献   

唐晓梅 《食品与机械》2022,(5):53-55,201
通过观察和审视美国食品安全惩罚性赔偿制度,得出中国当前的食品安全惩罚性赔偿制度存在忽视对主观恶性的评价、惩罚性赔偿金额计算方式刻板僵化,以及赔偿的上限倍数过高等亟待解决的问题。对此,可以从构建以主观恶性为标准的惩罚性赔偿主体确定制度、建立基于损失补偿原则的弹性惩罚性赔偿金额计算制度和设置惩罚性赔偿的金额上限等方面,对中国的食品安全惩罚性赔偿制度进行优化与构建。  相似文献   

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