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应用粒子群优化的非线性系统辨识 总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12
提出了一种应用粒子群优化的非线性系统辨识方法。首先将非线性系统的辨识问题转化为参数空间上的优化问题,然后利用粒子群优化算法对整个参数空间进行高效并行搜索以获得系统参数的最优估计。以Hammerstein模型的辨识为例说明了本方法的可行性。 相似文献
An approach is proposed for producing compressed sensing (CS) matrices via multidimensional pseudo-random sequences. The columns of these matrices are binary Gold code vectors where zeros are replaced by ?1. This technique is mainly applied to restore sub-Nyquist-sampled sparse signals, especially image reconstruction using block CS. First, for the specific requirements of message length and compression ratio, a set Λ which includes all preferred pairs of m-sequences is obtained by a searching algorithm. Then a sensing matrix A M×N is produced by using structured hardware circuits. In order to better characterize the correlation between any two columns of A, the average coherence is defined and the restricted isometry property (RIP) condition is described accordingly. This RIP condition has strong adaptability to different sparse signals. The experimental results show that with constant values of N and M, the sparsity bound of A is higher than that of a random matrix. Also, the recovery probability may have a maximum increase of 20 % in a noisy environment. 相似文献
映射序列扩频通信方式及其特性 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
同时传送多路数据一直是通信的基本课题,本文提出用3个被调制的扩频序列处理成映射序列进行扩频通信,能同时传送3路信息数据,理论分析表明,在不改变常规扩频接收机的情况下,能可靠解出同时传送来的任何一路信息数据,它比8PSK、8QAM调制方式具有更好的通信特性。 相似文献
本文提出用确定性的有限自动机(DFA)进行图像压缩编码的方法。对一幅输入的数字化灰度图像,检测其中的自相似性,该图像可被表示成一个确定的有限自动机(DPA)。DFA的尺寸小于原图像。解码算法可以非常高效地由DFA复原图像。 相似文献
This paper deals with parameter identification methods for an additive nonlinear system with a preload nonlinearity and a piece-wise nonlinearity. By using a switching function, we transfer the model of the additive nonlinear system into an identification model, and propose a recursive least squares algorithm and two modified stochastic gradient (SG) algorithms to estimate the parameters of the identification model. The simulation results indicate that the proposed methods converge faster than the SG algorithm. 相似文献
This paper introduces a blind channel estimation method for a block transmission system using fractional sampling at a receiver. In most digital communication systems, low-pass filters are placed at a transmitter to confine the transmitting waveform to an allocated bandwidth and at a receiver to improve the signal-to-noise (SNR) power ratio. Consequently, if the received waveform is sampled with sufficiently fast rate, the resulting discrete-time signal is band-limited and exhibits a smooth waveform. The method exploits this property for estimating the channel impulse response, via an interpolation formula. The method does not require knowledge of input statistics or the autocorrelation of the received signal. It is free of channel order estimation and thus robust against its overestimation. Moreover, the algorithm is quite efficient because it does not need to compute eigenvalues of a matrix. 相似文献
In this paper, we introduce an adaptive algorithm for nonlinear system identification in the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) domain. The adaptive scheme consists of a parallel combination of a linear component, represented by crossband filters between subbands, and a quadratic component, which is modeled by multiplicative cross-terms. We adaptively update the model parameters using the least-mean-square (LMS) algorithm, and derive explicit expressions for the transient and steady-state mean-square error (MSE) in frequency bins for white Gaussian inputs. We show that estimation of the nonlinear component improves the MSE performance only when the power ratio of nonlinear to linear components is relatively high. Furthermore, as the number of crossband filters increases, a lower steady-state MSE may be obtained at the expense of slower convergence. Experimental results support the theoretical derivations. 相似文献
Jos de Jess Rubio Wen Yu 《Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, IEEE Transactions on》2007,54(2):161-165
In this brief, the identification problem for time-delay nonlinear system is discussed. We use a delayed dynamic neural network to do on-line identification. This neural network has dynamic series-parallel structure. The stability conditions of on-line identification are derived by Lyapunov-Krasovskii approach, which are described by linear matrix inequality. The conditions for passivity, asymptotic stability and uniform stability are established in some senses. We conclude that the gradient algorithm for updating the weights of the delayed neural networks is stable to any bounded uncertainties 相似文献
用基函数神经网络实现多阈值图象分割 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文介绍了一种用基函数神经网络实现多阈值图象分割的新方法。它从函数逼近的角度研究基于灰度直方图的多阈值分割问题,提出了一种模糊反向传播学习算法,采用该算法的高斯基函数网络能够准确检测直方图中包含的子区域和它们的分布函数,而且速度很快。实验表明本文的方法在实际图象分割中是有效的。 相似文献
A good deal of effort has been spent, in the past few years, to devise numerical algorithms for evaluating the performance of digital communication systems over noisy linear channels, i.e., in the presence of intersymbol interference and noise. In this concise paper we present a method for computing the error probability of multilevel baseband digital modulation systems when the channel is nonlinear with memory. The algorithm is based on a Volterra series expansion of the nonlinearity; with this model, we show that the moments of the disturbance can be computed recursively, and the same techniques in use for linear channels can be applied for evaluating the error probability. This approach can be generalized to consider noise entering the nonlinear channel. The computing algorithms are described in detail, and a complete example is worked out. 相似文献
Ying-Chen Chen Chih-Yang Lin Hyojong Cho Sungjun Kim Burt Fowler Jack C. Lee 《Journal of Electronic Materials》2020,49(6):3499-3503
Bilayer selectorless resistive random-access memories (RRAM) have been demonstrated by utilizing the intrinsic nonlinear resistive switching (RS) characteristics, without additional transistor or a selector integration. The bilayer structures, i.e. high-k layer/low-k layer stacks, are highly scalable while suppressing the sneak path currents (SPC) and reading error in the crossbar RRAM array. The nonlinearity (NL) modulation is also investigated by different operating schemes, and a multilevel cell application is demonstrated with the current-sweep method. The results provide additional insights into the development and optimization of bilayer selectorless RRAMs with high nonlinearity, good memory window, and low switching energy (∼ 40 pJ/bit), which enable the high-density storage and low-power crossbar array memory applications. 相似文献
参数辨识是过程建模的基础,对于参数辨识问题提出了许多不同的方法.针对传统模型参数辩识方法和遗传算法用于模型参数辨识时的缺点,提出一种基于微粒群优化(PSO)算法的模型参数辨识方法,利用PSO算法的强大优化能力,通过对算法的改进,将过程模型的每个参数作为微粒群体中的一个微粒,利用微粒群体在参数空间进行高效并行的搜索,以获得过程模型的最佳参数值,并将其用于对非线性系统模型的参数辨识,可有效提高参数辨识的精度和效率.该方法应用到实际例子中,获得了满意的辨识精度和效率,得到较为精确的过程模型,模型输出与实际输出基本一致,仿真结果令人满意.实例仿真结果表明,微粒群算法为非线性系统模型参数辨识提供了一种有效的途径. 相似文献
MIMO非线性系统辨识:Volterra级数法 总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9
本文讨论了一般MIMO非线性系统的Volterra级数表示,给出并证明了Volterra核矩阵存在的条件。提出了两种辨识Volterra核矩阵的方法,即随机响应法与脉冲响应法。给出了利用系统的输入输出信号计算Volterra核矩阵的公式。最后,利用仿真实例验证上述方法的有效性。 相似文献
The fabrication of reliable VLSI multilevel metal interconnections using polypyromellitimide as an interlevel insulator is studied experimentally. A new process that enables one to considerably improve insulation performance is described. The improvement is achieved by optimizing the conversion of a polyamidoacid to a polyimide and by covering the wafer with a layer of functional groups that are to react with the polymer. The former reduces the water content of the polyimide, and the latter provides good adhesion to the semiconductor. 相似文献
《Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on》2009,24(5):1259-1266