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Ribosome biogenesis in eucaryotes involves many small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein particles (snoRNP), a few of which are essential for processing pre-rRNA. Previously, U8 snoRNA was shown to play a critical role in pre-rRNA processing, being essential for accumulation of mature 28S and 5.8S rRNAs. Here, evidence which identifies a functional site of interaction on the U8 RNA is presented. RNAs with mutations, insertions, or deletions within the 5'-most 15 nucleotides of U8 do not function in pre-rRNA processing. In vivo competitions in Xenopus oocytes with 2'O-methyl oligoribonucleotides have confirmed this region as a functional site of a base-pairing interaction. Cross-species hybrid molecules of U8 RNA show that this region of the U8 snoRNP is necessary for processing of pre-rRNA but not sufficient to direct efficient cleavage of the pre-rRNA substrate; the structure or proteins comprising, or recruited by, the U8 snoRNP modulate the efficiency of cleavage. Intriguingly, these 15 nucleotides have the potential to base pair with the 5' end of 28S rRNA in a region where, in the mature ribosome, the 5' end of 28S interacts with the 3' end of 5.8S. The 28S-5.8S interaction is evolutionarily conserved and critical for pre-rRNA processing in Xenopus laevis. Taken together these data strongly suggest that the 5' end of U8 RNA has the potential to bind pre-rRNA and in so doing, may regulate or alter the pre-rRNA folding pathway. The rest of the U8 particle may then facilitate cleavage or recruitment of other factors which are essential for pre-rRNA processing.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of U1, U2, U4 and U5 spliceosomal small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs) involves the nuclear export of precursor molecules extended at their 3' ends, followed by a cytoplasmic phase during which the pre-snRNAs assemble into ribonucleoprotein particles and undergo hypermethylation of their 5' caps and 3' end processing prior to nuclear import. Previous studies have demonstrated that the assembly of pre-snRNAs into ribonucleoprotein particles containing the Sm core proteins is essential for nuclear import in mammalian cells but that 5' cap hypermethylation is not. In the present investigation we have asked whether or not 3' end processing is required for nuclear import of U2 RNA. We designed human pre-U2 RNAs that carried modified 3' tails, and identified one that was stalled (or greatly slowed) in 3' end processing, leading to its accumulation in the cytoplasm of human cells. Nonetheless, this 3' processing arrested pre-U2 RNA molecule was found to undergo cytoplasmic assembly into Sm protein-containing complexes to the same extent as normal pre-U2 RNA. The Sm protein-associated, unprocessed mutant pre-U2 RNA was not observed in the nuclear fraction. Using an assay based on suppression of a genetically blocked SV40 pre-mRNA splicing pathway, we found that the 3' processing deficient U2 RNA was significantly reduced in its ability to rescue splicing, consistent with its impaired nuclear import.  相似文献   

The 2 f1-f2 distortion product otoacoustic emission (DP) was measured in 20 normal hearing subjects and 15 patients with moderate cochlear hearing loss and compared to the pure-tone hearing threshold, measured with the same probe system at the f2 frequencies. DPs were elicited over a wide primary tone level range between L2 = 20 and 65 dB SPL. With decreasing L2, the L1-L2 primary tone level difference was continuously increased according to L1 = 0.4L2 + 39 dB, to account for differences of the primary tone responses at the f2 place. Above 1.5 kHz, DPs were measurable with that paradigm on average within 10 dB of the average hearing threshold in both subject groups. The growth of the DP was compressive in normal hearing subjects, with strong saturation at moderate primary tone levels. In cases of cochlear impairment, reductions of the DP level were greatest at lowest, but smallest at highest stimulus levels, such that the growth of the DP became linearized. The correlation of the DP level to the hearing threshold was found to depend on the stimulus level. Maximal correlations were found in impaired ears at moderate primary tone levels around L2 = 45 dB SPL, but at lowest stimulus levels in normal hearing (L2 = 25 dB SPL). At these levels, 17/20 impaired ears and 14/15 normally hearing ears showed statistically significant correlations. It is concluded that for a clinical application and prediction of the hearing threshold, DPs should be measured not only at high, but also at lower primary tone levels.  相似文献   

The U16 small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA) is encoded by the third intron of the L1 (L4, according to the novel nomenclature) ribosomal protein gene of Xenopus laevis and originates from processing of the pre-mRNA in which it resides. The U16 snoRNA belongs to the box C/D snoRNA family, whose members are known to assemble in ribonucleoprotein particles (snoRNPs) containing the protein fibrillarin. We have utilized U16 snoRNA in order to characterize the factors that interact with the conserved elements common to the other members of the box C/D class. In this study, we have analyzed the in vivo assembly of U16 snoRNP particles in X. laevis oocytes and identified the proteins which interact with the RNA by label transfer after UV cross-linking. This analysis revealed two proteins, of 40- and 68-kDa apparent molecular size, which require intact boxes C and D together with the conserved 5',3'-terminal stem for binding. Immunoprecipitation experiments showed that the p40 protein corresponds to fibrillarin, indicating that this protein is intimately associated with the RNA. We propose that fibrillarin and p68 represent the RNA-binding factors common to box C/D snoRNPs and that both proteins are essential for the assembly of snoRNP particles and the stabilization of the snoRNA.  相似文献   

We have studied the requirements for efficient histone-specific RNA 3' processing in nuclear extract from mammalian tissue culture cells. Processing is strongly impaired by mutations in the pre-mRNA spacer element that reduce the base-pairing potential with U7 RNA. Moreover, by exchanging the hairpin and spacer elements of two differently processed H4 genes, we find that this difference is exclusively due to the spacer element. Finally, processing is inhibited by the addition of competitor RNAs, if these contain a wild-type spacer sequence, but not if their spacer element is mutated. Conversely, the importance of the hairpin for histone RNA 3' processing is highly variable: A hairpin mutant of the H4-12 gene is processed with almost wild-type efficiency in extract from K21 mouse mastocytoma cells but is strongly affected in HeLa cell extract, whereas an identical hairpin mutant of the H4-1 gene is affected in both extracts. The hairpin defect of H4-12-specific RNA in HeLa cells can be overcome by a compensatory mutation that increases the base complementarity to U7 snRNA. Very similar results were also obtained in RNA competition experiments: processing of H4-12-specific RNA can be competed by RNA carrying a wild-type hairpin element in extract from HeLa, but not K21 cells, whereas processing of H4-1-specific RNA can be competed in both extracts. With two additional histone genes we obtained results that were in one case intermediate and in the other similar to those obtained with H4-1. These results suggest that hairpin binding factor(s) can cooperatively support the ability of U7 snRNPs to form an active processing complex, but is(are) not directly involved in the processing mechanism.  相似文献   

RNA viruses which do not have a poly(A) tail or a tRNA-like structure for the protection of their vulnerable 3' termini may have developed a different strategy to maintain their genome integrity. We provide evidence that deletions of up to 7 nucleotides from the 3' terminus of cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV) satellite RNA (satRNA) were repaired in planta in the presence of the helper virus (HV) CMV. Sequence comparison of 3'-end-repaired satRNA progenies, and of satRNA and HV RNA, suggested that the repair was not dependent on a viral template. The 3' end of CMV satRNA lacking the last three cytosines was not repaired in planta in the presence of tomato aspermy cucumovirus (TAV), although TAV is an efficient helper for the replication of CMV satRNA. With use of pseudorecombinants constructed by the interchange of RNAs 1 and 2 of TAV and CMV, evidence was provided that the 3'-end repair was controlled by RNAs 1 and 2 of CMV, which encode subunits of the viral RNA replicase. These results, and the observation of short repeated sequences close to the 3' terminus of repaired molecules, suggest that the HV replicase maintains the integrity of the satRNA genome, playing a role analogous to that of cellular telomerases.  相似文献   

Assembly of spliceosomes involves a number of sequential steps in which small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs) and some non-snRNP proteins recognize the splice site sequences and undergo various conformational rearrangements. A number of important intermolecular RNA-RNA duplexes are formed transiently during the process of splice site recognition. Various steps in the assembly pathway are dependent upon ATP hydrolysis, either for protein phosphorylation or for the activity of helicases, which may modulate the RNA structures. Major efforts have been made to identify proteins that interact with specific regions of the pre-mRNA during the stages of spliceosome assembly and catalysis by site-specific UV cross-linking. However, UV cross-linking is often inefficient for the detection of proteins that interact with base-paired RNA. Here we have used the complementary approach of methylene blue-mediated photo-cross-linking to detect specifically proteins that interact with the duplexes formed between pre-mRNA and small nuclear RNA (snRNA). We have detected a novel cross-link between a 65-kDa protein (p65) and the 5' splice site. A range of data suggest that p65 cross-links to the transient duplex formed by U1 snRNA and the 5' splice site. Moreover, although p65 cross-linking requires only a 5' splice site within the pre-mRNA, it also requires ATP hydrolysis, suggesting that its detection reflects a very early ATP-dependent event during splicing.  相似文献   

The interaction of the Fip1 subunit of polyadenylation factor I with the Saccharomyces cerevisiae poly(A) polymerase (PAP) was assayed in vivo by two-hybrid analysis and was found to involve two separate regions on PAP, located at opposite ends of the protein sequence. In vitro, Fip1 blocks access of the RNA primer to an RNA binding site (RBS) that overlaps the Fip1 carboxy-terminal interaction region and, in doing so, shifts PAP to a distributive mode of action. Partial truncation of this RBS has the same effect, indicating that this site is required for processivity. A comparison of the utilization of ribo- and deoxyribonucleotides as substrates indicates the existence on PAP of a second RBS which recognizes the last three nucleotides at the 3' end of the primer. This site discriminates against deoxyribonucleotides at the 3' end, and interactions at this site are not affected by Fip1. Further analysis revealed that the specificity of PAP for adenosine is not simply a function of the ATP binding site but also reflects interactions with bases at the 3' end of the primer and at another contact site 14 nucleotides upstream of the 3' end. These results suggest that the unique specificity of PAP for ribose and base, and thus the extent and type of activity with different substrates, depends on interactions at multiple nucleotide binding sites.  相似文献   

In the gene of the neural cell adhesion molecule, the 5' splice site of the alternate exon 18 plays an important role in establishing regulated splicing profiles. To understand how the 5' splice site of exon 18 contributes to splicing regulation, we have investigated the interaction of the U2AF65 splicing factor to pre-mRNAs that contained portions of the constitutive exon 17 or the alternate exon 18 fused to exon 19 and separated by a shortened intron. Despite sharing an identical 3' splice site, only the pre-mRNA that contained a portion of exon 17 and its associated 5' splice site displayed efficient U2AF65 cross-linking. Strikingly, a G-->U mutation at position +6 of the intron, converting the 5' splice site of exon 18 into that of exon 17, stimulated U2AF65 crosslinking. The improved cross-linking efficiency of U2AF65 to a pre-mRNA carrying the 5' splice site of exon 17 required the integrity of the 5' end of U1 but not of U2 small nuclear RNA. Our results indicate that neural cell adhesion molecule 5' splice site sequences influence U2AF65 binding through a U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein/U2AF interaction that occurs at the commitment stage of spliceosome assembly, before stable binding of the U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein. Thus, the 5' splice sites of exons 17 and 18 differentially affect U2AF65 binding to the 3' splice site of exon 19. Factors that modulate U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein binding to these 5' splice sites may play a critical role in regulating exon 18 skipping.  相似文献   

We investigated interaction of an RNA domain covering the target site of alpha-sarcin and ricin (sarcin/ricin domain) of Escherichia coli 23 S rRNA with ribosomal proteins. RNA fragments comprising residues 2630-2788 (Tox-1) and residues 2640-2774 (Tox-2) of 23 S rRNA were transcribed in vitro and used to analyze the binding proteins by gel shift and filter binding. Protein L6 bound to both Tox-1 (Kd: 0.31 microM) and Tox-2 (Kd: 0.18 microM), and L3 bound only to Tox-1 (Kd: 0.069 microM) in a solution containing 10 mM MgCl2 and 175 mM KCl at 0 degreesC. Footprinting studies were performed using the chemical probe dimethyl sulfate on full-length 23 S rRNA. Binding of L6 protected a single base, A-2757, and strongly enhanced reactivity of C-2752. A direct role of A-2757 in the L6 binding was verified by site-directed mutagenesis; replacements of A-2757 with G and C impaired the L6 binding. On the other hand, binding of L3 protected A-2632, A-2634, A-2635, A-2675, A-2726, A-2733, A-2749, and A-2750. Interestingly, binding of L6 and L3 together protected additional bases A-2657, A-2662, C-2666, and C-2667 in the sarcin/ricin loop, in addition to A-2740, A-2741, A-2748, A-2753, A-2764, A-2765, and A-2766 in the other stem-loop. This appears to be due to cooperative interaction of L3 and L6 with the RNA. The results are discussed with respect to conformational modulation of the sarcin/ricin domain by the protein binding.  相似文献   

A rotavirus strain HMG89 from Nigeria with short electrophoretic pattern was typed G3 by PCR. A cDNA clone from the PCR product which hybridised in Northern blots to RNA segment 9 of the homologous Nigerian rotavirus strain HMG89 and laboratory reference strain 69M but not to other mammalian group A rotaviruses was sequenced. The VP7 gene 9 sequence is 1060 nucleotides long with two base deletions at positions 1034-1035. Sequence analysis of the primer (aAT8) used in the previous PCR serotyping assay revealed a mutation in one of the three nucleotide bases at the 3' end of the primer binding site accounting for our inability to serotype G8 strains in our samples. These findings demonstrate that PCR analysis can, albeit infrequently, lead to error in typing of rotaviruses due to small numbers of mutations in the primer binding region.  相似文献   

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