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The aim of this paper is the trial of explanation of anaemia in certain immunological disorders. This approach consists measure of the Epo serum level and clot culture of bone marrow CFU-E cells. In the plasmocytoma patients inversely proportional dependence between number of CFU-E colonies and percentage of plasmocytes in bone marrow was observed. In low grade lymphoma patients the number of CFU-E colonies in vitro was greater than the standard value. Non proportional increase of Epo serum concentration to the level of anaemia in patients with acute leukemia was observed.  相似文献   

The effect of X-irradiation on growth of T-lymphocyte colony forming units (TL-CFU) from human peripheral blood was investigated. The results indicate that not the number of activated TL-CFU but the number of cell cycles of colony forming cells was reduced by X-irradiation. Therefore we presume that TL-CFU belong to a relatively radio-resistant cell population within the PHA-responsive lymphocytes. Kinetic studies revealed that colony growth following irradiation was delayed mainly during the phase of the first cell cycle. Preculture of the cells for 24 hours after irradiation with 1,200 R in the absence of PHA caused total inhibition of colony growth in the subsequent agar culture. In the presence of PHA no inhibition was observed. This finding appears to reflect a repair mechanism from radiation damage of lymphocytes stimulated by PHA.  相似文献   

Ly-6C+ cells constitute 13 +/- 3% of freshly isolated (CBA x C57BL/6)F1 mouse spleen leukocytes. Three distinct populations were identified: CD3 epsilon +NK-1.1- conventional T cells (6%), CD3 epsilon -NK-1.1- granulocytes (5%) and CD3 epsilon +NK-1.1+ T cells (approximately 2%). The CD3 epsilon +NK-1.1+ cells displayed a predominantly large granular leukocyte morphology and were the only Ly-6C+ cell subset identified by MAb 2B6-F2 to spontaneously lyse the NK-sensitive YAC-1 tumour in vitro. On further phenotypic analysis, these cells co-expressed high levels of TCRV beta 8.1/8.2 and CD11b, moderate levels of CD90 and low levels of CD4 or CD8. The removal of CD4+ and CD8+ cells prior to Ly-6C+ cell sorting showed that it was the CD4-CD8- double-negative (DN) CD3 epsilon +NK-1.1+ T-cell subset which was responsible for killing YAC-1. These results indicate that we have identified a DN Ly-6C+ subset of the recently designated NK-1.1+TCR alpha beta low natural T (NT) cells, which are capable of natural cell-mediated cytotoxicity (NCMC) against the NK-sensitive YAC-I tumour in vitro. Additionally, these cells mediated the in vitro killing of 2 further NK-sensitive tumours, murine B16 melanoma and human Jurkat T lymphoma. YAC-1 and Jurkat expressed Fas and were susceptible to anti-Fas MAb or rhuman Fas ligand (rhFasL)-induced lysis. Furthermore, anti-human Fas MAb M3 was shown to block sorted Ly-6C+ splenocyte in vitro killing of Jurkat. In contrast, B16 did not express cell-surface Fas and was resistant to anti-Fas MAb-induced lysis. Taken together, these results show that not only do Ly-6C+ NT cells kill NK-sensitive tumours in vitro but they mediate this activity via multiple cytotoxic mechanisms including Fas.  相似文献   

Two closely related, histocompatible mouse strains that have marked differences in both in vitro and in vivo responses to endotoxin were used to evaluate the contribution of lymphoid cells to the lethal effect of endotoxin. C3H/HeJ mice are endotoxin resistant, whereas C3H/HeN mice are endotoxin sensitive. In vitro spleen cell mitogenic responses to endotoxin were similar in untreated mice and in mice that received sublethal irradiation (450 R) followed by reconstitution with autologous spleen cells. Reconstitution with spleen cells from the related strain produced chimeric animals with spleen cell mitogenic activity like that of the donor strain. When chimeric animals were subjected to a lethal challenge of endotoxin, their response was markedly altered by the transferred lymphoid cells. C3H/HeJ animals reconstituted with C3H/HeN cells became more endotoxin sensitive, whereas C3H/HeJ cells became more endotoxin resistant. These results indicate that spleen cells play a significant, detrimental role in endotoxin-induced lethality.  相似文献   

Bacterial polysaccharides have a wide range of activities in mammals. We have studied the effect of LPS and poly-beta-(1-->4)-D-mannuronate (mannuronan, poly-M), an exopolysaccharide from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, on the cytotoxicity mediated by murine bone marrow cells (BMC). Addition of LPS or mannuronan to BMC induced a time- and dose-dependent cytotoxicity against Jurkat cells. The LPS- or mannuronan-induced cytotoxicity was due to increased Fas ligand (FasL) expression by BMC, since 1) Fas-transfected L1210-Fas target cells were more susceptible to lysis than the Fas(low)-expressing parent L1210 cells, 2) stimulated BMC from FasL-defective gld/gld mice were not cytolytic and, 3) the cytolytic activity of normal BMC was inhibited by a Fas-Fc fusion protein. Flow cytometry showed an increase in surface FasL in LPS-stimulated BMC. RT-PCR analysis of BMC revealed constitutive expression of FasL mRNA, which was increased after LPS stimulation. Immunomagnetic depletion of NK1.1-, CD2-, or CD32/16-expressing cells from BMC abrogated the LPS-induced BMC cytotoxicity against L1210-Fas cells, suggesting that NK cells were the cytotoxic effector cells. Depletion of CD45R/B220-, Gr-1-, or CD11b/Mac-1-expressing cells only partially decreased BMC-mediated cytotoxicity, and depletion of CD4- or CD8a-expressing cells had no effect. The results support the conclusion that LPS and mannuronan induce expression of cytotoxic FasL on bone marrow NK cells.  相似文献   

We evaluated the role of high-dose granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) in vitro, in inducing the generation of high-proliferative potential colony forming cells (HPP-CFC), from either mononuclear cells or purified CD34+ cells. Both normal controls and patients undergoing peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) mobilization and transplantation were studied. In serum-driven agar cultures, G-CSF stimulated the proliferation of HPP-CFC in a dose dependent manner (r = 0.92). The number of HPP-CFC was four-fold greater in mobilized patients than in normal controls. Purified CD34+ cells yielded 11-fold more colonies than mononuclear cells. HPP-CFC from mobilized patients showed replating capacity, giving rise to secondary colonies of more mature appearance. In serum-free cultures, the effect of G-CSF appeared to be mediated by synergistic interaction with stem cell factor. Our results suggest that G-CSF stimulates primitive hematopoietic cells that are detectable in increased amounts in patients receiving mobilization therapy. Therefore, determination of G-CSF induced HPP-CFC could be a useful tool in the evaluation of mobilization strategies.  相似文献   

Insulin binding by erythroid cells of newborn and 1-, 10-, 30-days pigs was investigated. The process intensity in piglets was found to decline in the period from birth to 30 days of life. The obtained changes were determined by the reduced receptors number in high affinity site in early postnatal ontogenesis as well as by decrease of receptor affinity constants in 30-days animals. During investigated period the level of insulin binding by erythrocytes was conditioned by hormone binding ability of "young" erythroid cells, which was found to be high in newborn and decreased considerably in 10-30 days pigs. It was established that postnatal decrease of insulin binding by erythrocytes occurred simultaneously with sharp increase of insulin concentration in animal during the 10-days period after birth. So, it is supposed that insulin may be involved in regulation of its own receptor number in erythrocytes.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas endotoxin was administered to three normal subjects in order to assess possible effects on stem cell circulation. Increased numbers of granulopoietic stem cells (CFU-C) transiently appeared in the peripheral blood, reaching a maximum after the time of maximal leukopenia. There was a mean 4-fold increase in CFU-C per ml of blood following endotoxin. A high proportion of these CFU-C did not require an added source of colony-stimulating activity for growth in agar.  相似文献   

The methyl cellulose modification of the CFUe technique has been applied to 14 day fetal liver and adult bone marrow and spleen from CBA/CA mice. Optimized doses of fetal calf serum, alpha-thioglycerol, erythropoietin and cell suspensions have been obtained from dose response curves in order to standardize the technique. The slopes of the erythropoietin and cell dose response curves indicate a greater sensitivity by fetal liver to the hormone than bone marrow or spleen. The proportion of cells in the DNA synthesis phase of the cell cycle, as measured by the CFUe technique, has been estimated by administering hydroxyurea. Two hours after the drug was injected, 89% of fetal liver cells, 71% of bone marrow cells and 81% of spleen cells were found to be in the S-phase.  相似文献   

Streptomycin-treated adult mice were investigated as a possible model for studying the enteropathogenicity of Aeromonas species. C57BL mice pre-treated with streptomycin (5.0 g/L drinking water, 48 hours) received a single intragastric dose (10(10) bacteria /10.5 mL) of one of six well-characterized, toxin-producing, human diarrhoeal isolates of A. veronii biovar sobria (n = 3) or A. hydrophila (n = 3). Their faeces were examined for Aeromonas for 10 days post-challenge. All strains colonized the antibiotic-treated mice. Colonization did not occur in mice which did not receive streptomycin. Strains of A. hydrophila were recovered in greater numbers than strains of A. veronii biovar sobria, and colonized ( > or = 10(3) cfu/g of faeces) a greater proportion of mice at day 10. Strains of the latter species, however, were more adherent in cell line assays used as models of intestinal adhesion. A. hydrophila strains localized in the large intestine and appeared not to be cell associated. This study, therefore, points to species-related differences in intestinal colonization mechanisms. The streptomycin-treated adult mouse model may prove useful for further investigation of some of these mechanisms. Diarrhoeal symptoms were, however, not produced in this model.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To explore the use of 99technetiumm-hexamethyl propylene amine oxime single photon computed tomography (HMPAO-SPECT) of the brain as a means of detecting nervous tissue damage in divers and to determine if there is any correlation between brain image and a diver's history of diving or decompression illness (DCI). METHODS: 28 commercial divers with a history of DCI, 26 divers with no history of DCI, and 19 non-diving controls were examined with brain HMPAO-SPECT. Results were classified by observer assessment as normal (I) or as a pattern variants (II-V). The brain images of a subgroup of these divers (n = 44) and the controls (n = 17) were further analysed with a first order texture analysis technique based on a grey level histogram. RESULTS: 15 of 54 commercial divers (28%) were visually assessed as having HMPAO-SPECT images outside normal limits compared with 15.8% in appropriately identified non-diver control subjects. 18% of divers with a history of DCI were classified as having a pattern different from the normal image compared with 38% with no history of DCI. No association was established between the presence of a pattern variant from the normal image and history of DCI, diving, or other previous possible neurological insult. On texture analysis of the brain images, divers had a significantly lower mean grey level (MGL) than non-divers. Divers with a history of DCI (n = 22) had a significantly lower MGL when compared with divers with no history of DCI (n = 22). Divers with > 14 years professional diving or > 100 decompression days a year had a significantly lower MGL value. CONCLUSIONS: Observer assessment of HMPAO-SPECT brain images can lead to disparity in results. Texture analysis of the brain images supplies both an objective and consistent method of measurement. A significant correlation was found between a low measure of MGL and a history of DCI. There was also an indication that diving itself had an effect on texture measurement, implying that it had caused subclinical nervous tissue damage.  相似文献   

The naturally occurring steroid dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), when administered as a supplement to the diet of mice and rats, produces alterations in the relative concentrations of specific liver proteins; among these, a protein of Mr approximately 28 K is markedly induced by DHEA action. In the present study we identified the murine hepatic approximately 28 kDa protein as glutathione S-transferase subtype GT-8.7. Glutathione S-transferases belong to a gene superfamily that encode closely related proteins which are induced in liver and other tissues by various chemicals, including carcinogens and chemoprotective agents such as dietary antioxidants. Based on the above finding, we evaluated glutathione S-transferase activity in cytosols and microsomes prepared from liver tissue of mice fed either a control diet or a DHEA-containing diet (0.45%, by weight). The specific activity of hepatic cytosolic glutathione S-transferase in mice treated with DHEA up to 7 days was either unchanged or slightly decreased when compared to controls; however, treatment for 14 days or longer resulted in significant increases in activity. The specific activity of microsomal glutathione S-transferase also was increased by long-term DHEA treatment; however, its activity was approximately one-tenth of that in corresponding cytosols.  相似文献   

During dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)-stimulated differentiation of murine erythroleukemia (MEL) cells, one of the early events is the induction of the heme biosynthetic pathway. While recent reports have clearly demonstrated that GATA-1 is involved in the induction of erythroid cell-specific forms of 5-aminolevulinate synthase (ALAS-2) and porphobilinogen (PBG) deaminase and that cellular iron status plays a regulatory role for ALAS-2, little is known about regulation of the remainder of the pathway. In the current study, we have made use of a stable MEL cell mutant (MEAN-1) in which ALAS-2 enzyme activity is not induced by DMSO, hexamethylene bisacetamide (HMBA), or butyric acid. In this cell line, addition of 2% DMSO to growing cultures results in the normal induction of PBG deaminase and coproporphyrinogen oxidase but not in the induction of the terminal two enzymes, protoporphyrinogen oxidase and ferrochelatase. These DMSO-treated cells did not produce mRNA for beta-globin and do not terminally differentiate. In addition, the cellular level of ALAS activity declines rapidly after addition of DMSO, indicating that ALAS-1 must turn over rapidly at this time. Addition of 75 microM hemin alone to the cultures did not induce cells to terminally differentiate or induce any of the pathway enzymes. However, the simultaneous addition of 2% DMSO and 75 microM hemin caused the cells to carry out a normal program of terminal erythroid differentiation, including the induction of ferrochelatase and beta-globin. These data suggest that induction of the entire heme biosynthetic pathway is biphasic in nature and that induction of the terminal enzymes may be mediated by the end product of the pathway, heme. We have introduced mouse ALAS-2 cDNA into the ALAS-2 mutant cell line (MEAN-1) under the control of the mouse metallothionein promoter (MEAN-RA). When Cd and Zn are added to cultures of MEAN-RA in the absence of DMSO, ALAS-2 is induced but erythroid differentiation does not occur and cells continue to grow normally. In the presence of metallothionein inducers and DMSO, the MEAN-RA cells induce in a fashion similar to that found with the wild-type 270 MEL cells. Induction of the activities of ALAS, PBG deaminase, coproporphyrinogen oxidase, and ferrochelatase occurs. In cultures of MEAN-RA where ALAS-2 had been induced with Cd plus Zn 24 h prior to DMSO addition, onset of heme synthesis occurs more rapidly than when DMSO and Cd plus Zn are added simultaneously. This study reveals that induction of ALAS-2 alone is not sufficient to induce terminal differentiation of the MEAN-RA cells, and it does not appear that ALAS-2 alone is the rate-limiting enzyme of the heme biosynthetic pathway during MEL cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Disaggregated cell suspensions made from transplanted solid tumors, either chemically-induced fibrosarcomas, or spontaneous mammary carcinomas, can contain very high numbers of Fc receptor-bearing cells which are of host origin. Because most types of lymphoreticular cells have Fc receptors, and because T cells--most of which are Fc receptor-negative--appear to infiltrate such tumors only to a very limited degree, the possibility that Fc receptor cells could serve as a reliable and simple marker for host lymphoreticular cell infiltration of solid tumors was tested. This was accomplished by comparing the ratios of Fc rosetting cells to serologically detectable host cells in H2d or H2k haplotype tumor cell suspensions grown in (H2d X H2k)f1 hybrid mice, where host cells could be distinguished from tumor cells by treatment with the appropriate anti-H2 serum. Ratios of 0.8 to 1.08 were obtained for four different tumors including the SaD/2 fibrosarcoma, a CBA spontaneous fibrosarcoma, and the T1699 and CaD/2 mammary carcinomas. Analysis of the results showed that enumeration of Fc rosettes was a reliable host cell maker for at least three of the four tumors tested. The mean non-malignant host cell content of the various tumors, as assessed by anti-H2 cytotoxicity tests, ranged from 23% to 41%.  相似文献   

In a previous study we demonstrated a superfusion technique which allows for investigation of nerve-immune cell interaction in murine spleen. We demonstrated that under septic-like conditions in the presence of bacteria and lipopolysaccharide (LPS), electrically induced inhibition of interleukin 6 (IL-6) secretion was attenuated by the beta-adrenergic antagonist propranolol. This effect was now investigated more closely under various endotoxin conditions in order to dissect effects of bacteria and endotoxin: (A) bacteria-rich conditions (without penicillin/streptomycin [P/S] and without LPS), (B) LPS-enriched conditions (with P/S and with LPS), and (C) bacteria-free conditions (with P/S and without LPS). Under bacteria-rich conditions, norepinephrine (Emax = 10(-6) M, p = 0.012) and isoproterenol (Emax = 10(-6) M, p = 0.048) concentration-dependently inhibited IL-6 secretion from murine spleen slices in contrast to bacteria-free conditions. In a bacteria-free environment the beta-adrenergic antagonist propranolol did not attenuate the electrically induced inhibition of splenic IL-6 secretion. The insertion of bacterial filters in front of the superfusion chambers to avoid direct contact between bacteria and cells increased the electrically-induced inhibition of IL-6 secretion (p = 0.0036). Added LPS did not change the electrically-induced release of norepinephrine from presynaptic nerve terminals in murine spleen. The study demonstrates two different beta-adrenergic effects on IL-6 secretion of murine spleen slices under bacteria-rich or bacteria-free conditions.  相似文献   

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