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从中学到大学是每一个人的一生中一次重大的飞跃。基于中学教育与大学教育的差异,本文从大学自主学习的概念和特点出发,对大学学习适应问题、学习策略及情感策略培养等三个方面开展研究,探讨大学与中学教育的区别与差异,帮助大学新生培养自主学习的能力,以更好地开展大学学业学习。  相似文献   

本文从教育教学目标入手,提出了教育以培养学生的自主学习能力为目标的观点,以及通过策略训练的渠道培养学生自主学习能力的方法。研究采用任意的方式确定实验班和控制班,经过一学年的实证研究,发现策略训练在丰富学生元认知知识、提高学生自主学习能力方面是有效的,学生自主能力的提高与学业成绩的进步也基本上呈正相关。  相似文献   

美国高校工程图学教育特色分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
现代设计与制造技术、计算机技术的发展,给传统的工程图学教育提出了新的要求和挑战.美国各大学的工程图学教育注重图学内容与设计思维的结合,强调多种视觉表达方式的综合应用,强调学生表达技能的训练,强调实践性教学和学生的自主学习.从教学内容、教学方式、教学手段、教学组织及教材等方面,分析了当前美国工程图学教育的特色以及对我国工程图学教育的借鉴.  相似文献   

如何培养学生自主学习能力是大学英语教学的重要目标之一,学生自主学习能力的发展体现了学生元认知调节水平。在对本校学生的现况进行了调查和分析后,发现学生自主学习能力令人担忧,提出运用元认知策略为指导,能帮助学生制定学习计划、监控和评估自己的学习,以培养学生自主学习能力。  相似文献   

在语言学习中,培养学生运用学习策略是提高学生自主学习能力的关键环节.从语言学习策略的研究历史与语言学习策略定义着手,探索二外俄语学爿策略的培养方案,以及探讨学习策略与外语教学关系.  相似文献   

姚建军 《硅谷》2010,(4):149-149
随着自主学习理论在英语教学中的不断渗透,如何培养高职学生自主学习的理念与自主学习能力,达到终身学习的目的,已成为教学工作的重点之一。因此,通过问卷调查,注重数据驱动与归纳,综合运用多种有效方法,就高职学生英语学习的动机、学习策略、课外学习和自我评价等涉及自主学习理念与能力的诸方面进行分析,在提出问题的同时,也探讨培养学生自主学习的有效培养策略。  相似文献   

本文从高等职业教育的定位出发,阐述了目前PLC谭程教学中存在的问题,从PLC教学课程内容的整合、教学方法、形式和目的等方面,对PLC课程教学的改革进行了探讨,强调教学理念的改变.学生专业技术能力,创新能力的培养.  相似文献   

周凡 《中国科技博览》2012,(36):497-497
所谓“案例教学法”,是根据教学目的要求,在教师的引导下,组织学生对教学案例进行思考、分析,促使学生对概念和操作理解的教学方法。运用“案例教学法”可以激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生自主学习的能力,顺利实现教学目标。本文以建构主义学习理论为基础,阐述了“案例教学法”在《大学计算机基础》课教学中提出的背景、概念、教学案例的设计以及教学实施中应注意的问题等。  相似文献   

探究发现式教学模式在计算机教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周化祥 《硅谷》2008,(18):156-157
开放性的教学方法,重在激励学生自主学习,培养学生的创新意识和创造能力,开发学生的创造思维.在辅导学生创新活动中,借鉴发现式教学法,不仅能使学生掌握学科的摹本概念、基本理论,还能够发展学生对学习的探索态度,有利于培养学生的创新精神和实践能力.结合现行教材、教育状况和本人的教学体验,阐述发现式教学模式运用的特点、程序和几点体会,希望能起到抛砖引玉的作用.  相似文献   

陈善富  陈能仑 《硅谷》2012,(17):43-44
针对传统的大学教育在某些方面存在着一些弊端的教学实际,特别是对于理工科的学生而言,例如老师灌输式的教学模式和学生按部就班的理论学习所导致自主学习、创新和实践动手等能力的缺乏,不利于学生对相关知识深层次的理解。在这篇论文中,我们依托计算机组成原理这门课程,介绍课程中一个简单CPU模型设计过程,来探讨一种创新型课程设计模式的特点及优势,通过培养学生兴趣和提高学生的探究能力,来促进大学相关课程教育的改革。  相似文献   

工程制图元认知训练模式的教学构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
元认知训练的实质是对学生元认知能力的培养与开发。元认知培训模式是通过学生对于学习时遇到的困难的内省,找出问题的症结,从而采取最合适的学习策略的过程,使学生认识学习、学会学习的过程。在制图教学中,教师首先要教会学生一些通用性的制图思维策略,要训练学生的制图问题解决思维策略以提高问题解决的效率和能力,引导学生在不同问题上主动总结问题解决的策略,提高学生的学习能力和学习质量。  相似文献   

目的 为加强当代高校食品类专业大学生在食品添加剂知识的教育引导,充分激发其学习主动性,使优质教学资源得到更合理的分配.方法 在介绍我国高校开展在线课程建设必要性的基础上,阐述"食品添加剂"课程的建设背景,并以"智慧树"运营服务系统为工作平台,探索如何借助网络平台开展食品科学与工程类专业选修课"食品添加剂"的在线课程建设.结果 通过梳理章节框架布局,凝练在线专题知识点,明确师生权责分配,丰富课程授课形式,合理设置评估方法,正确评估课程学习效果等方式强化了在线课程建设,提升了学生的线上学习效果.结论 在线课程建设既弥补了网络授课过程监督管理的不足,又使优质教学资源在不同高校间得到合理分配,充分调动了学生的主观能动性,培养了其发散思维和独立思考能力,提升了专业课学习效果和综合素质.  相似文献   

This report describes how a linear scale of self-regulated learning in an ICT-rich environment was created by analysing student data using the Rasch measurement model. A person convenience sample of (N = 409) university students in Western Australia was used. The stem-item sample was initially 41, answered in two perspectives ("I aim for this" and "I actually do this"), and reduced to 16 that fitted the measurement model to form a unidimensional scale. Items for motivation (extrinsic rewards, intrinsic rewards, and social rewards), academic goals (fear of performing poorly) (but not standards), self-learning beliefs (ability and interest), task management (strategies and time management) (but not cooperative learning), Volition (action control (but not environmental control), and self-evaluation (cognitive self-evaluation and metacognition) fitted the measurement model. The proportion of observed variance considered true was 0.90. A new instrument is proposed to handle the conceptually valid but non-fitting items. Characteristics of high self-regulated learners are measured.  相似文献   

For training forestry and agricultural mechanical undergraduate students' innovation ability,the article studied seminar teaching method. It could improve the comprehensive quality of students,renew the teaching idea of education,train high quality talents for the society. The results showed,adequate preparation should be done for the first section,students should be made independent,group discussion time should be distributed reasonably,silent and active students should be controlled effectively.  相似文献   

The validation of scores from the Self-learning Scales for primary pupils is presented in this study. The sample for the study comprised 1253 pupils from 20 Year-3 and 20 Year-5 classes from ten primary schools in Hong Kong. The 10-item Usefulness Scale is designed to measure primary pupils' attitudes toward the usefulness of self-learning strategies situated in ten learning contexts. The 10-item Deployment Scale is designed to measure pupils' frequency in using the self-learning strategies. Both scales use 3-point Likert response scale. Construct validity of scores from the scales for use with primary pupils is supported by confirmatory factor analysis and Rasch measurement. Gender and year level differences were identified on the Rasch person measures. Generalizability of the scores from the two scales across gender and year level needs to be undertaken with caution.  相似文献   

During the past decade, governmental agencies, universities and programs, policymakers, and educators in China have been striving for reforming and “globalizing” the engineering ethics curriculum. Chinese scholars have proposed strategies for improving the teaching effectiveness of engineering ethics that integrate “global forms” derived from the “American-style engineering ethics” into the Chinese context. Nevertheless, limited empirical research is available that examines the alignment of these strategies and the cultures of engineering education in China (e.g., instructor perceptions of engineering ethics education). We argue that understanding how Chinese instructors perceive engineering ethics instruction is critical for designing instructional strategies sensitive to the Chinese sociocultural context. In this study, we reviewed the literature on teaching engineering ethics (primarily after the 2000s) and teased out a set of most “contested” questions concerning American educators since the emergence of engineering ethics education as an academic discipline. By using these questions as a guideline, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 12 Chinese engineering ethics instructors trained in three different fields: STS and philosophy of science and technology, engineering, and Marxist studies and ethical theories. This paper also briefly discussed how the ways Chinese instructors perceived engineering ethics education are connected to and distinct from the views held by American educators discussed in the literature review section. This paper is expected to shed light on the cultures of engineering ethics education in China and provide insights into formulating effective policies and teaching strategies sensitive to the Chinese context.  相似文献   

基于沉浸理论的儿童教育类APP交互设计   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
黄瑞 《包装工程》2018,39(10):177-181
目的分析儿童教育类APP的发展现状及交互设计现状,探寻其在交互体验上的不足之处。探讨沉浸理论对于儿童教育类APP交互设计的可行性、有效性及实用性,并针对该类APP的沉浸式交互体验设计提出一些设计策略和建议。方法通过对儿童的认知能力、视觉和听觉特征、能力限度等方面的行为特征分析,结合APP实际案例,并以沉浸理论为指导来探索虚拟学习环境系统设计的关键因素,进而探寻儿童教育类APP的交互体验优化方案。结论在儿童教育类APP的交互逻辑架构设计和系统表象设计中,应充分考虑儿童的心理认知能力和行为限度,强调以儿童体验为核心,尤其以沉浸理论为指导,进而从交互和表象两个方面去营造强烈的临场感、参与感和成就感,来提升儿童学习的主动性及学习效率。  相似文献   

Building information models (BIM) provide a way to represent buildings and communicate about them. In teaching engineering, we also need representations of buildings and are communicating knowledge about them. While teaching engineering we refer to the very same real-world objects that have an explicit conceptualization in BIM. This explicit conceptualization did not exist in the age when design communication relied on drawings and documents. The question that this paper asks is this: due to BIM, communication in the industry has changed. Should communication of engineering knowledge – teaching – change as well and how? While much has been written about teaching BIM and incorporating BIM into the curricula, this paper is exploring the general impact of BIM on engineering education. It grounds earlier work (Turk, 2018) on insights from pedagogy. Five scenarios of the interplay between BIM-influenced engineering communication and teaching are presented. The paper argues that ignoring BIM may create a cognitive dissonance between academic learning and industrial work. We are finding that the impact of BIM is twofold: vertically there is a need to establish a reference between knowledge concepts (in teaching building) and information objects (in building information models). Horizontally BIM is an integration technology that allows for a more holistic design and planning. Both the language of individual courses as well as cross references and synergies among courses should change. A “T” style structure of the courses around BIM is proposed as a basis for integrated curriculum. Pedagogical approaches based on deep learning, model based learning and project based learning are suggested.  相似文献   

新文科教育理念与当下的新时代教育环境和网络媒介信息化教育相互适应,以推进新文科教育理念实践为教学核心,以创新教学理论实践综合应用理论为教学主导,以建立教学实践综合能力为主要目的,构建创新教学模式,以期对推进我国视觉传达设计专业教学方法体系结构改革和艺术创新驱动发展做出贡献,促进我国新文科教育理念下的艺术设计类专业人才培养模式改革,为高校社会各界输送一批高质量的艺术创新型专业人才。  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the learning technologies disparity in the U.S. K-12 education system, thus broadening an already existing and troublesome digital divide. Low-income and minority students and families were particularly disadvantaged in accessing hardware and software technologies to support teaching and learning. Moreover, the homicide of George Floyd fostered a new wave of inquiry about racism and inequality, questioning often enabled with and through technology and social media. To address these issues, this article explores how parents and teachers experienced the pandemic through intersectional and digital divide-driven lenses. Data were collected from eight parents of underserved children and nine U.S. K-12 teachers to better understand challenges and best practices related to learning technologies during the pandemic. Data collection also focused on conversations about social justice, exploring specific needs and strategies for addressing technology inclusion and diversity in educational environments. Results from the study suggest that COVID-19 was a source of increased digital divide in terms of community and social support rather than economic means. At the same time, staying at home facilitated family discussions about racism and intersectionality-related themes. Implications are suggested for improving school communities and contexts in dealing with pandemic and emergency learning.  相似文献   

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