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OBJECTIVE: To examine (1) the 1-year and lifetime prevalence of suicidal thoughts and behavior among adolescents with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), (2) the relationship between suicidal thoughts and serious noncompliance with the medical regimen, and (3) factors including psychiatric disorder, self-efficacy expectations, and hopelessness that might mediate the relationship between suicidal thoughts and noncompliance. METHOD: Semistructured and structured interview instruments and self-report questionnaires were used to determine history of suicidal thoughts and behavior, serious noncompliance with the medical regimen, current psychiatric disorder, hopelessness, and self-efficacy expectations among 91 adolescents attending outpatient clinic appointments. RESULTS: The rate of suicidal ideation among the diabetic adolescents was higher than expected, but the rate of suicide attempts was comparable with that reported for the general population. Suicidal thoughts were strongly associated with serious noncompliance with the medical regimen. Duration of IDDM and psychiatric diagnosis were related to both suicidal ideation within the previous year and lifetime suicidal ideation. Diagnosable psychiatric disorder and not living in a two-parent home were related to noncompliance with medical treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Suicidal thoughts and serious noncompliance with the medical regimen are strongly associated among diabetic teenagers, and psychiatric disorder is a common correlate of both.  相似文献   

The relationship between childhood onychophagia (fingernail biting) and the suicidal and nonsuicidal mean age among 150 hospitalized psychotic veterans was investigated. The results show that the suicidal mean age is significantly younger than the nonsuicidal mean age and that the childhood onychophagia variable "focal suicide" significantly lowers the mean age of suicidal veterans, but does not significantly lower the mean age of nonsuicidal veterans.  相似文献   

Administered the Suicidal Incidence Survey developed by the authors to a total of 352 music, psychology, engineering, and medical college students, and 128 Air Force basic trainees. Median age was 21 for students and 19 for military trainees. 18% of the Ss reported suicidal gestures or attempts, or serious suicidal ideation at some time in their lives, while 59% reported experience with suicidal behavior in others. Ss reporting serious suicidal behavior in the self reported significantly more suicidal behavior in others, including relatives. Significant subgroup differences suggest the possibility of a repression-sensitization continuum. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The interpersonal-psychological theory of suicidal behavior (T. E. Joiner, 2005) proposes that an individual will not die by suicide unless he or she has both the desire to die by suicide and the ability to do so. Three studies test the theory's hypotheses. In Study 1, the interaction of thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness predicted current suicidal ideation. In Study 2, greater levels of acquired capability were found among individuals with greater numbers of past attempts. Results also indicated that painful and provocative experiences significantly predicted acquired capability scores. In Study 3, the interaction of acquired capability and perceived burdensomeness predicted clinician-rated risk for suicidal behavior. Implications for the etiology, assessment, and treatment of suicidal behavior are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to investigate the prevalence and demographic correlates of suicidal ideation and behaviours among university students in Australia and the utilisation of mental health services by this population. METHOD: Suicidal ideation and behaviours and demographic variables were assessed in a population of 1,678 undergraduate students by use of a modified Suicide Ideation Scale (SIS) and questionnaire. RESULTS: Sixty two percent of students surveyed showed some suicidal ideation and 6.6% reported one or more suicide attempts. Over half of the group who reported suicide attempts did not use any type of mental health services. Suicidal ideation was found to be highly correlated with previous use of mental health services. In examining the relationship between suicidal ideation (SI) and demographic variables, SI was not significantly different for gender or parental marital status but was related to living arrangements, racial groups, religious affiliation and father's education. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that a higher proportion of students reported suicidal ideation and behaviours than that documented in related studies undertaken in the USA. While these findings draw attention to a higher level of suicidal ideation in students who utilise mental health assistance, more than half of those who reported suicide attempts did not use any kind of mental health service. The study has particular implications for detecting and assisting young people with a high suicide risk within the university environment.  相似文献   

This study analyzed data from the 1995 National College Health Risk Behavior Survey (NCHRBS) to assess the prevalence of suicidal ideation among college students in the United States and to examine the association between suicidal ideation and substance use in this population. The NCHRBS used a mail questionnaire to assess health-risk behaviors in a nationally representative sample of undergraduate students. During the 12 months preceding the survey, 10% of the students had seriously considered attempting suicide. When controlling for demographic characteristics, the analysis showed that students who had considered suicide were at increased odds of using tobacco, alcohol, and illegal drugs. These results suggest that colleges and universities should establish suicide prevention programs that also address the related problem of substance use. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The way in which breeding families of laboratory-born marmosets used the space provided by their cages, and a small protruding 'veranda', was assessed in order to determine the popularity of the veranda as a form of environmental enrichment, and the extent to which the marmosets confined themselves to only part of the cage. The veranda was found to be of enduring interest to the marmosets whose occupancy of this space was an order of magnitude greater than the rest of the cage. The upper part of the cage was preferred to the bottom half. This preference was greater in larger cages and decreased when larger cages were temporarily reduced in size. It is unlikely, however, that the distribution of the occupancy of different parts of the cage resulted primarily from a fear of people in the holding room. The veranda, which was the most preferred place in the cage, was the nearest part of the cage to people in the room. Occupancy of the lower part of the cage increased when human observers sat on the floor, suggesting that some of the marmosets' behaviour comprised approaching, rather than avoiding, the observers, possibly for reasons of curiosity and social interaction.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the risk of suicidal plans and ideation, depression, and other factors (low self-esteem, loneliness, fatalism, pessimism) among adolescents with a lifetime history of attempted suicide. METHOD: A self-administered questionnaire was used in a school-based survey of five middle schools (grades 6 through 8) enrolling 6,400 students. Usable questionnaires were obtained from 5,423 (85.3%). Data were obtained on a wide range of constructs including recent and lifetime suicide attempts, recent and lifetime suicide plans, recent ideation, symptoms of DSM-IV major depression, self-esteem, pessimism, loneliness, and fatalism. RESULTS: Data on crude prevalence showed thoughts about death, wishing to be dead, thoughts of suicide, and suicide plans were all significantly higher among youths with a history of attempts. Suicidal thinking was related to being more lonely, more fatalistic, and more pessimistic, and to less self-esteem, in addition to depression and a history of attempts. Multivariate analyses revealed the strongest factors associated with current suicidal thinking were history of attempts (odds ratio [OR] = 3.50), depression (OR = 5.34), and recent life stress (OR = 2.64). Compared with youths with none of the factors examined, those with six or more were at extreme risk (OR = 67.87). CONCLUSIONS: The strong association between history of suicide attempts, current ideation, and depression indicates that past suicide attempts occur in the context of other signs of psychosocial dysfunction. Given the paucity of epidemiological data on the natural history of suicidal behaviors among youths, more epidemiological studies of the antecedents and consequences of the range of suicidal behaviors among children and adolescents are needed. Given the high risk of subsequent suicidal behaviors by youths who have attempted but not completed suicide, this constitutes a high-risk population on which future research should focus.  相似文献   

Manual ventilation (MAV) or handbagging is a frequent and often life-saving procedure for neonates; however, few studies allow for an objective evaluation of techniques or possible risks. We compared parameters of ventilation and pulmonary mechanics obtained during routine pressure-limited MAV to those obtained during spontaneous breathing (SPB) in the same infant at approximately the same time. We selected 20 preterm neonates in the recovery phase of respiratory distress syndrome who received periodic MAV and were capable of optimum spontaneous minute ventilation (> 300 mL/kg/min). During MAV compared to SPB we measured higher tidal volume (8.1 +/- 0.5 SE vs. 5.4 +/- 0.4 SE mL/kg, P < 0.001), lower total pulmonary compliance (0.65 +/- 0.05 vs. 1.16 +/- 0.11 SE mL/cmH2O, P < 0.001), end-inspiratory compliance, higher pulmonary resistance (121 +/- 11 vs. 61 +/- 7 SE cmH2O/L/s, P < 0.001) and higher peak inspiratory airflow (2.8 +/- 0.2 vs. 1.6 +/- 0.1 L/s, P < 0.001). Inspiratory time (Ti) was consistently longer during MAV (0.49 +/- 0.02 vs. 0.36 +/- 0.02 SE, P < 0.001) such that during MAV the difference between actual Ti and minimal effective Ti (fivefold inspiratory time constant) was larger (0.29 +/- 0.03 vs. 0.13 +/- 0.03 s, P < 0.05). Our study suggests that operator-dependent ventilatory variables such as tidal volume, inspiratory time, frequency, and airflow need to be further evaluated in order to develop standardized guidelines for the safe administration of MAV. Until then the ventilator used for brief or augmented ventilatory support is a reasonable alternative to administering MAV by inconsistent standards.  相似文献   

Fire fighters are exposed to substances which are recognized or suspected causal agents in cancer or heart disease. The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not fire fighters experience increased risk for any specific cause of death. A retrospective cohort study was conducted, with 5,995 subjects recruited from all six fire departments within Metropolitan Toronto. The mortality experience of the cohort was ascertained through computerized record linkage and compared to that of the male Ontario population specific to cause, age, and calendar period from 1950 through 1989. Average duration of follow-up was 21 years, and there were 777 deaths among the 5,414 males included in the analysis, giving an all-cause standardized mortality ratio of 95 (95% confidence interval: 88-102). Three specific causes of death exhibit statistically significant excesses (brain tumors, "other" malignant neoplasms, and aortic aneurysms). There are also slight increases in risk for some other sites of cancer, and for various diseases of the respiratory, circulatory, and digestive systems. This study is consistent with others in demonstrating that fire fighters experience increased risk of death from cancer of the brain, and in suggesting increased risk for various other causes of death.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the expressed number of CR1 on erythrocytes (E) in relationship of the CR1 density genotype from 46 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and 47 healthy volunteers. The CR1 genotype was determined by a method based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of the genomic DNA fragment of 1.8 kb separated by HindIII endonuclease digestion and agarose gel electrophoresis. Our data supported the earlier results that the number of binding sites/E for monoclonal anti-CR1 decreased among SLE patients compared with normal individuals having the same alleles for the CR1/E density. At the same time the novelty of our recent results was that the decreased expression of CR1 on E correlated significantly with kidney involvement in patients homozygous for the CR1/E high density allele (HH). These data suggest that the deficiency of the detectable number of CR1 on erythrocytes is acquired in this SLE population.  相似文献   

This three-wave 35-year prospective study used the Job Demands-Resources model and life course epidemiology to examine how life conditions in adolescence (1961–1963) through achieved educational level and working conditions in early adulthood (1985) may be indirectly related to job burnout 35 years later (1998). We used data (N = 511) from the Finnish Healthy Child study (1961–1963) to investigate the hypothesized relationships by employing structural equation modeling analyses. The results supported the hypothesized model in which both socioeconomic status and cognitive ability in adolescence (1961–1963) were positively associated with educational level (measured in 1985), which in turn was related to working conditions in early adulthood (1985). Furthermore, working conditions (1985) were associated with job burnout (1998) 13 years later. Moreover, adult education (1985) and skill variety (1985) mediated the associations between original socioeconomic status and cognitive ability, and burnout over a 35-year time period. The results suggest that socioeconomic, individual, and work-related resources may accumulate over the life course and may protect employees from job burnout. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Suicide is currently the second leading cause of death for ages 15-24 years; reports indicate that 6-8% of American teens have attempted suicide. Rates of suicide and suicide attempts are at least as high, if not higher, for American Indian adolescents and young adults. The Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire (Junior High School Version) (SIQ-JR) could be used to identify young people who may be at risk for attempting suicide, since this questionnaire focuses on suicidal ideation, a major risk factor for suicide attempt. However, little is known about the predictive validity of the SIQ-JR, particularly in American Indian adolescent populations. A suicide attempt cluster at an American Indian boarding school provided the unique opportunity to examine the performance of the SIQ-JR in a group of American Indian high school students who had taken the SIQ-JR approximately 2 months prior to the outbreak of attempts. The SIQ-JR proved to be an excellent predictor of future suicide attempts when compared to other measures of distress: anxiety, depression, and alcohol use. The SIQ-JR is an effective screener for suicide risk in this American Indian adolescent population.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to discover if members of an essentially primitive, contemporary society do function at a concrete level of behavior, using the W-B version of the Kohs Block Design test as the criterion. The results do not appear to support the notion that primitive societies function at a concrete level of behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate dietary habits and nutrient intake of Finnish pregnant women, to relate these to the use of dietary supplements, and to explore possible dietary variations according to age and education. DESIGN: A random dietary survey using two five day estimated food records. SETTING: Pregnant women from 13 maternity clinics in the city of Oulu, Finland. SUBJECTS: One hundred and eighteen pregnant women in their third trimester. MAIN RESULTS: The main sources of energy were cereal products and milk products. The consumption of fish and poultry was low. Women with a higher educational level consumed more vegetables, fruit, fruit juices, and tea and less sausages, inner organs and coffee than women with a lower educational level. Younger women (< 25 y) consumed more sugar and pork and less berries, butter and inner organs than older women. On average 15% of the total energy was supplied by protein, 33% by fats, 52% by carbohydrates, and 12% by sucrose. Compared to the Nordic nutrition recommendations, the proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids and the intake of dietary fibre were low and the intake of sugar high. The intakes of vitamins and minerals met or exceeded the recommended allowances, except for vitamin D, folate, and iron. Of the subjects 70% used dietary supplements. With the exception of vitamin D, folate, and iron, both the supplement users and non-users had an adequate nutrient intake from their diet. CONCLUSIONS: A balanced diet covers the increased nutrient requirements during pregnancy, with the exception for vitamin D, folate, and iron. The use of dietary supplements during pregnancy is excessive and partly focused on the wrong nutrients. Young and less educated, and smoking pregnant women need more nutritional guidance.  相似文献   

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