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吴谦 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2011,28(9)
在电工和电子技术中经常会遇到很多复杂的电路,但不管多么复杂,都是由节点和回路组成,其节点电流和回路电压都遵循基尔霍夫定律。该定律是解决复杂电路的重要工具,用其列方程计算电路中未知的电流和电压可使复杂的问题简单化。因此,深入理解和掌握基尔霍夫定律及运用其列方程求解未知量对解决复杂电路中的问题具有重要的意义。 相似文献
教育实验的科学性课目成为教育理论界的一个热门的课堂研究项目.准确熟悉教育实验的特点,规范实施教育实验,是进步教育实验科学性和实际效果的关键. 相似文献
塑性加工系统工程的特点及部分内容的决策方法陶常印,刘洪斌(鞍钢职工工学院)1系统工程的意义系统工程早期已在军事。宇航等尖端科学领域取得显著的应用成果。随着计算机技术的普及,现在已被推广到许多工程系统,如能源系统工程、交通系统工程、城建系统工程、企管系... 相似文献
Borel通过研究Bernoulli试验,首先给出了其强大数定律,已有文献给出了一个推广的Borel强大数定律.作者改进了这个结果,将其中的条件dn=O(1/n)减弱为dn=O(1/nα),α>0.另外,将此结果推广到有界的随机变量序列的情形,给出其Borel强大数定律. 相似文献
陈文军 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2011,26(3)
通过研究有关企业战略管理学说中主张伦理因素只是作为战略管理中防止道德风险的"外生变量",以及认为伦理信念是企业长期持续发展的"内在动力"的两派观点,认为在企业战略决策中,伦理因素是外在约束和内在动力的统一,应该在企业战略管理的信念假设、决策选择、评估程序上,利用企业伦理中的宏观契约论逻辑层次和"演绎性论证程序"方法,建立企业战略规划--伦理决策模型,把企业经营的伦理边界务件和内在道德驱动力明确纳入企业战略管理的整体进程,让企业在战略管理中确保伦理决策更加清晰化、流程化,避免企业决策的长期道德风险. 相似文献
李科 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2011,(1)
实践是理论的根基和土壤.从实践视角审视科学发展观的科学内涵,可以提升科学发展观的学科地位.科学发展观是中国共产党在漫长实践中孕育出来的理论成果;是在实践背景下理论不断演绎提升的精华;其科学性为未来实践提供了理论支持. 相似文献
根据价格=成本 利润公式,一般订货价格必须大于成本才愿意成交。但在市场需求不足,生产能力有富余的情况下,订货价格也可低于成本仍然有利润可赚。本举例详细计算比较,从而分析得出结论,说明了如此“亏本生意”也是可做的,这对现在许多生产计划达不到生产能力,开工不足的企业具有参考价值。 相似文献
投资决策与企业竞争力 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在严峻的市场经济竞争面前,很自然要求企业十分重视投资决策。企业投资产生效益是企业发展的动力之一。如果投资回报率高则企业发展竞争力就强,若回报率低则不但没有竞争力,严重者会丧失生存力。投资决策包括投资要素分析、投资原则掌握及对投资全过程控制。正确了解这些,是企业获得新生力量的重要源泉。 相似文献
No authorship indicated 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1979,34(6):535
Discusses the recent activities of the Association for the Advancement of Psychology. Founded in 1974 under the auspices of the Council of Representatives of the American Psychological Association, the Association for the Advancement of Psychology (AAP) is a nonprofit corporation that interacts with all branches of the federal government in the interest of psychology and the public. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
The frequently assumed relationship between factor analysis results and primary dimensions of objects is seriously questioned. Demonstration analyses are contrived to show that simple structure factors may be quite complex with regard to the conceptually primary dimensions of objects from which measurements were obtained and to indicate that there is no necessary correspondence between the number of factors obtained and the number of primary dimensions of the objects. Recommendations are made for a more realistic view of this valuable methodologic tool. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Legal and policy questions relevant to the lives of lesbian and gay parents and their children have recently been subjects of vigorous debate. Among the issues for which psychological research has been seen as particularly relevant are questions regarding child custody after divorce, same-sex marriage, adoption, and foster care. This article provides an overview of the current legal terrain for lesbian and gay parents and their children in the United States today, an overview of relevant social science research, and some commentary on the interface between the two. It is concluded that research findings on lesbian and gay parents and their children provide no warrant for legal discrimination against these families. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Although support for corporal punishment of children remains widespread in the United States, there is a substantial body of research from psychology and its allied disciplines indicating corporal punishment is ineffective as a disciplinary practice and can have unintended negative effects on children. At the same time, there is a growing momentum among other countries to enact legal bans on all forms of corporal punishment, bolstered by the fact that the practice has come to be regarded as a violation of international human rights law. The authors summarize these developments in research and law as well as the current legal status of corporal punishment of children in the United States. The authors conclude with 4 proposed program and policy strategies to reduce the use of corporal punishment in the United States by both parents and school personnel. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
2additional studies were reported which suggest that IQ mediates the expression of psychopathy, as measured by the Insolence Scale. Prior work has suggested that the scale was most valid among individuals with IQs of 100 or more. The 1st study tested the hypothesis that there would be a stronger relationship between failure to complete high school and the Insolence Scale among more intelligent than less intelligent Ss. Using Navy recruits as Ss, this hypothesis was supported (p 相似文献
"Communist authorities view as the primary objective of education not the learning of subject matter but the development of what they call 'socialist morality.' " The popularity and influence of Anton Semyonovich Makarenko "are roughly comparable to those of Dr. Spock in the United States, but his primary concern is not with the child's physical health but with his moral upbringing." Makarenko's theories and techniques became widely adopted throughout the USSR and now constitute the central core of Soviet educational practice. Major sections are: The Work and Ideas of A. S. Makarenko, Socialization in the School Collective, Guiding Principles of the Soviet Approach to Character Training, The Family versus the Collective, Group Incentives, and Group Criticism and Self-Criticism. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
通过开展各种矿粉烧结性能研究工作,使烧结工作者对各种矿粉的烧结性能有了更深的认识,在实际生产中,更能把握和正确调整操作参数,缩短确定最佳操作参数的调整时间。另外,通过对烧结所采用的各项技术改进措施,促进了烧结生产向均匀低温方向发展,使烧结矿各项指标有明显的进步,为高炉稳定顺行提供了坚实的物料基础。 相似文献