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以Fe+Fe2O3+Li2CO3+Zn O为主反应体系、聚乙二醇为表面活性剂,Bi2O3为助熔剂,KCl O4为营养剂,运用将火焰喷射技术与自蔓延高温合成技术及快速冷却凝固技术相结合的自反应淬熄法,制备了Li Zn铁氧体空心复相微珠。通过粒度分析、SEM、EDS、XRD和矢量网络分析仪等手段,分别分析了该空心微珠的粒径、结构、形貌、相组成和吸波性能。研究表明,该Li Zn铁氧体空心微珠粒径分布均匀,集中在60μm左右,包含实心、单孔和多孔型多种结构,以及部分不规则颗粒。空心微珠外表面出现了晶化程度不高的多边形片状晶,内表面为微纳米晶粒,相组成为Fe3O4、Fe2O3、Li0.435Zn0.195Fe2.37O4和Li0.5Fe2.5O4;该空心微珠吸波材料最佳匹配厚度为4 mm,在此厚度下低频吸波性能良好:最低反射率为-14.5 d B,对应的吸收频率为5.8 GHz,低于-10 d B的吸收频带为4.8~6.8 GHz,带宽达2 GHz。  相似文献   

采用火焰喷射自反应淬熄技术制备了含Mn铁氧体与氧化铁复合空心微珠,分析了空心微珠的形态、组成和结构,研究了空心微珠的合成机理。获得的空心微珠产物,球化率和空心率较高,但壁厚不均匀,粒径在几十微米范围,排水法测试平均密度为1.58 g/cm3。吸波测试显示,空心微珠与石蜡混合涂层的吸波反射率最小值为–31.4 d B,最佳匹配厚度为4 mm,对应的吸收频率为5.2 GHz,并且随着厚度1~5 mm变化,吸波频段呈现出可调性。  相似文献   

利用自反应淬熄法制备了Zn-Ti钡铁氧体空心陶瓷微珠吸波材料,这种材料具有核/壳结构,比一般的铁氧体密度小,是一种新型的吸波材料;通过SEM、EDS和XRD分析表明,该材料具有中空结构,成球规则,粒径分布均匀,经过热处理之后,由非晶相物质转变为了晶相物质,主要物相为Ba Zn Ti Fe10O19和Ba Fe12O19;通过吸波性能测试,该材料具有一定的吸波性能,经过热处理之后吸波性能提高了,其吸波最低反射率为–21.98 d B,反射率小于–10 d B的带宽大于2 GH Z。  相似文献   

以Al、Fe2O3、BaO2微粉为原材料,氧乙炔火焰喷枪为主要设备,采用火焰喷射自反应淬熄技术制备出了铁、钡铁氧体多相复合空心微珠。采用扫描电镜、能谱仪、X射线分析仪等技术分析了微粒的形态、组成和结构,采用高速摄影研究了粒子在火焰中的飞行反应状态,认为在喷枪火焰的作用下,喷射入氧乙炔火焰内的自蔓延团聚微粒迅速受热并引发自蔓延反应,颗粒温度快速升高并熔融为液态,同时由于发泡剂受热放出一定量的气体,使熔融的液滴形成空心液泡,熔滴落入冷却液中,迅速凝固形成中空球形微珠。将制备的空心微珠粉体与石蜡混合后,用网络分析仪同轴空气线法测试其电磁性能,其在特定波段有较好的磁吸收性能。  相似文献   

采用简单水热法合成了一系列C3N4/CuGaO2复合材料。采用XRD、SEM、TEM和XPS对制备的样品进行了表征。研究了一系列C3N4/CuGaO2复合材料的气敏性能。结果表明,基于C3N4/CuGaO2-0.3复合材料(C3N4与CuGaO2的摩尔比为0.3:1)的气体传感器对甲苯的传感性能优于CuGaO2传感器。相比较于CuGaO2传感器的工作温度(140 ℃),C3N4/CuGaO2-0.3复合材料传感器的最佳工作温度仅为25 ℃,对100 μL/L甲苯气体的响应达到28,检出限低至0.01 μL/L。对100 μL/L甲苯气体的响应时间和恢复时间分别为114.2和27.4 s。此外,用于检测甲苯的C3N4/CuGaO2-0.3复合材料传感器还具有优异的长期稳定性、良好的重复性和优异的抗湿性能。  相似文献   

利用高温固相法制备了蓝色长余辉材料β-Ga2O3: B3+. β-Ga2O3: B3+在 260 nm紫外光辐照5分钟后,撤去紫外光,在380-600nm光谱范围内呈现宽带的蓝色余辉,余辉时间超过0.5小时。通过激发光谱,发射光谱,余辉衰减曲线,热释光谱等实验手段对样品进行表征。实验结果表明,B3+的掺入能够提高β-Ga2O3的发光性质。β-Ga2O3: 80% B3+的热释光谱表明B3+的掺入能够增加陷阱数目及陷阱深度。  相似文献   

超级电容器具有比电容高、循环寿命长和绿色无污染的特点,其优异的电化学性能备受关注。本文水热合成了NiMoO4/g-C3N4复合粉体,并将粉体涂覆在泡沫镍上制备了NiMoO4/g-C3N4电极材料。结果表明,NiMoO4/g-C3N4粉体形貌主要为NiMoO4纳米棒和团状g-C3N4,且NiMoO4纳米棒生长在g-C3N4纳米片上。在NiMoO4中加入30at%的g-C3N4能降低电容体系的等效串联电阻和扩散阻抗,有利于氧化还原反应的进行。相比于其他g-C3N4含量的电极材料,g-C3N4含量为30at%的NiMoO4/g-C3N4电极材料具有更高的比电容(584.3F/g)和更好的倍率特性。  相似文献   

以La(NO3)2、MnC4H6O2、柠檬酸和乙二醇(EG)为主要原料,NH4VO3为掺杂试剂,采用溶胶凝胶法制备LaMnO3和LaMn1-XVXO3粉体。采用XRD进行晶体结构表征;采用甲基橙(MO)模拟污水,进行光催化降解实验。研究了煅烧温度、催化剂用量和掺杂量对光催化氧化降解率的影响,讨论MO降解的动力学规律。结果表明700-900 ℃煅烧温度不影响LaMnO3晶体结构和光催化氧化降解率;掺杂量影响LaMn1-XVXO3晶体结构,光催化氧化降解率随着掺杂量增加而呈下降趋势;光催化氧化实验中,LaMn1-XVXO3粉体效果高于LaMnO3,两者均符合一级动力学方程。  相似文献   

钨酸铋(Bi2WO6),结构最简单的Aurivillius相化合物,是近期受到研究者关注的新型光催化材料。然而,光催化剂粉末在反应介质中难被回收,工业化应用成本较高。本文用三步方法合成了可回收的Fe3O4/SiO2/Bi2WO6磁性复合光催化剂,通过溶剂热法合成具有磁性的Fe3O4,用溶胶凝胶法在Fe3O4表面覆盖SiO2层,后将磁性颗粒与Bi2WO6纳米片相结合。光催化剂的形貌结构及性能通过XRD、SEM、PL、UV-vis进行表征测试。结果表明,直径约500 nm的Fe3O4微球附着在边长约500 nm的Bi2WO6纳米片的表面,SiO2在两者之间起到了粘连作用。光催化剂Fe3O4/SiO2/Bi2WO6对于罗丹明B的光降解活性较好,且有一定磁性,可以通过外加磁场将其从溶液中分离,有较大的应用潜力。  相似文献   

由于LiFePO_4和Li_3V_2(PO_4)_3材料的特征相近,制备方法类似,提供了一种从废旧LiFePO_4和Li_3V_2(PO_4)_3混合电池中回收Li、Fe和V,再制备xLiFePO_4-yLi_3V_2(PO_4)_3的方法。在空气气氛中600℃热处理1h后,去除粘结剂PVDF使活性物质与集流体分离。调节Li、Fe、V和P摩尔比,球磨、锻烧,配制不同比例的xLiFePO_4-yLi_3V_2(PO_4)_3(x:y=5:1,7:1,9:1)复合电极材料。表征了其形貌、结构和电化学性能,结果表明,回收制备的复合材料将同时具备LiFePO_4和Li_3V_2(PO_4)_3两种材料的电化学性能,能显著改善LiFePO_4的倍率性能。  相似文献   

This study investigated the potential applications of microwave dielectric properties of Mg2SnO4 ceramics in mobile communication. Mg2SnO4 ceramics were prepared using a conventional solid-state method. The X-ray diffraction patterns of the Mg2SnO4 ceramics revealed no significant variation of phase with sintering temperature. A maximum density of 4.62 g/cm3, a dielectric constant (?r) of 8.41, a quality factor (Q × f) of 55,100 GHz, and a temperature coefficient of resonant frequency (τf) of −62 ppm/ °C were obtained when Mg2SnO4 ceramics were sintered at 1550 °C for 4 h.  相似文献   

以La2O3粉、Al粉、CuO粉为反应物原料、纯铜为基体,采用原位合成技术和近熔点铸造法制备颗粒增强Cu基复合材料,研究La2O3对Al-CuO体系制备的Cu基复合材料组织及性能的影响。结果表明:添加La2O3可获得纳米Al2O3颗粒,且弥散分布于Cu基体中,制备的材料组织更加细小、均匀,其材料的电导率及摩擦磨损性能明显提高。当添加0.6%wtLa2O3,复合材料的电导率达到90.2%IACS,磨损量达到最小,相比未添加La2O3,其导电率提高10.1%,磨损量减小36.6%。  相似文献   

Fe3O4/polypyrrole (PPy) core/shell nanocomposite, with Fe3O4 nanoparticle as core and PPy as shell, could be facilely synthesized via in situ chemical oxidative polymerization of pyrrole monomers on the surface of Fe3O4 nanoparticles. The results indicate that core/shell nanocomposite consists of Fe3O4 core with the mean diameter of 100 nm and adjacent PPy shell with a thickness of about 70 nm. The as-prepared Fe3O4/PPy core/shell nanocomposite exhibits a saturated magnetization of 20.1 emu/g and coercivity value of 368.3 Oe, respectively. The electromagnetic characteristics of Fe3O4/PPy core/shell nanocomposite were also investigated with a vector network analyzer in the 2-18 GHz range. The absorbing peak position moves to lower frequency with increasing the thicknesses of samples. The value of the minimum reflection loss is −22.4 dB at 12.9 GHz for Fe3O4/PPy core/shell nanocomposite with a thickness of 2.3 mm, and a broad peak with a bandwidth lower than −10 dB is about 5 GHz. Such strong absorption is attributed to better electromagnetic matching due to the existence of PPy and the special core/shell structure.  相似文献   

铝合金表面减摩涂层设计和制备是改善铝合金构件摩擦性能的关键技术之一。对于目前铝合金结构件易磨损的问题,本研究采用微弧氧化一步法在6063铝合金表面原位合成纳米MoS2,制备具有减摩作用的MoS2/Al2O3复合陶瓷涂层;讨论了硫盐浓度对涂层成分、形貌及摩擦性能的影响,分析了涂层减摩机理。结果表明:通过微弧氧化在6063铝合金表面成功制备出了含有MoS2的自润滑复合陶瓷涂层;涂层的摩擦系数随着硫盐浓度的升高呈现先下降后上升的趋势,当电解液中硫盐浓度为15g/L时涂层的摩擦系数为0.15,较常规微弧氧化涂层降低了76%。涂层中的MoS2分布在涂层的表面和内部,在与摩擦副接触与挤压的作用下形成均匀分布的MoS2润滑膜,表现出良好的减摩性能。  相似文献   

为了确定高钛型钒钛磁铁矿烧结过程中铁酸钙的生成是受TiO2还是TiO2和CaO形成的CaTiO3影响,首先利用Fe2O3和CaO的纯试剂合成了铁酸钙,并研究了TiO2和CaTiO3对钛铁酸钙 (FCT) 形成的影响。在Factsage 7.0软件进行热力学计算的基础上,通过在空气气氛下进行烧结,获得了在1023~1423 K温度范围内、不同烧结时间的不同样品。通过X射线衍射和扫描电镜-能谱分析等表征手段,对烧结样品的物相转变和微观结构变化进行了表征。发现FCT的形成过程主要分为2个阶段:前一阶段为1023~1223 K温度范围内Fe2O3与CaO之间的反应,合成产物为Ca2Fe2O5,反应方程式为“Fe2O3(s)+ 2CaO(s)= Ca2Fe2O5(s)”;后一阶段为1223~1423 K温度范围内Ca2Fe2O5和Fe2O3的反应,主要产物为CaFe2O4,反应为“Ca2Fe2O5(s)+ Fe2O3(s)= 2CaFe2O4(s)”,该阶段尤其是温度为1423 K时,反应速率显著加快,随温度的升高CaTiO3显著增加。然而,Ti元素在铁酸钙中的固溶很难实现,TiO2与铁酸钙之间的反应不是形成FCT的有效途径。随着保温时间的延长,CaTiO3和FCT相界中Fe元素含量增加。FCT主要是通过Fe组分在CaTiO3中固溶形成的,主要反应是“Fe2O3+CaTiO3(s)=FCT(s)”。  相似文献   

Lanthanum doped Bi3TiNbO9 thin films (LBTN-x, La3+ contents x = 5%, 15%, 25% and 35 mol.%) with layered perovskite structure were fabricated on fused silica by pulsed laser deposition method. Their linear and nonlinear optical properties were studied by transmittance measurement and Z-Scan method. All films exhibit good transmittance (>55%) in visible region. For lanthanum doping content are x = 5%, 15% and 25 mol.%, the nonlinear absorption coefficient of LBTN-x thin films increases with the La3+ content, then it drops down at x = 35 mol.% when the content of La3+ in (Bi2O2)2+ layers is high enough to aggravate the orthorhombic distortion of the octahedra. We found that, 25 mol.% is the optimal La3+ content for LBTN-x thin films to have the largest nonlinear absorption coefficient making the LBTN-x film a promising candidate for absorbing-type optical device applications.  相似文献   

The effects of BaCu(B2O5) additives on the sintering temperature and microwave dielectric properties of (Mg0.7Zn0.3)0.95Co0.05TiO3 ceramics were investigated. The (Mg0.7Zn0.3)0.95Co0.05TiO3 ceramics were not able to be sintered below 1000 °C. However, when BaCu(B2O5) were added, they were sintered below 1000 °C and had the good microwave dielectric properties. It was suggested that a liquid phase with the composition of BaCu(B2O5) was formed during the sintering and assisted the densification of the (Mg0.7Zn0.3)0.95Co0.05TiO3 ceramics at low temperature. BaCu(B2O5) powders were produced and used to reduce the sintering temperature of the (Mg0.7Zn0.3)0.95Co0.05TiO3 ceramics. Good microwave dielectric properties of Q × f = 35,000 GHz, ?r = 18.5.0 and τf = −51 ppm/°C were obtained for the (Mg0.7Zn0.3)0.95Co0.05TiO3 ceramics containing 7 wt.% mol% BaCu(B2O5) sintered at 950 °C for 4 h.  相似文献   

The conventional molybdenum alloys, lacking of hard particles enhancing wear property, have relative poor wear resistance though they are widely used in wear parts. To resolve the above question, Mo alloys reinforced by in-situ Al2O3 particles are developed using powder metallurgy method. The in-situ α-Al2O3 particles in molybdenum matrix are obtained by the decomposition of aluminum nitrate after liquid-solid incorporation of MoO2 and Al(NO3)3 aqueous solution. The α-Al2O3 particles well bonded with molybdenum distribute evenly in matrix of Mo alloys, which refine grains of alloys and increase hardness of alloys. The absolute density of alloy increases firstly and then decreases with the increase of Al2O3 content, while the relative density rises continuously. The friction coefficient of alloy, fluctuating around 0.5, is slightly influenced by Al2O3. However, the wear resistance of alloy obviously affected by the Al2O3 particles rises remarkably with the increasing of Al2O3 content. The Al2O3 particles can efficiently resist micro-cutting to protect molybdenum matrix, and therefore enhances the wear resistance of Mo alloy.  相似文献   

Sintered Mo with the addition of La2O3/MoSi2 was prepared via the process of solid–solid doping + powder metallurgy. X-ray diffraction experiment, hardness test, three-point bending test and high-temperature tensile test were carried out to characterize the samples. The XRD pattern of a typical sample shows that the sintered Mo was mainly composed of Mo, La2O3 and Mo5Si3. Mo5Si3 was probably formed through the reaction between MoSi2 and the Mo matrix. Densities and fracture toughnesses of both doped Mo and pure Mo were measured and contrasted. Sintered Mo with the addition of 0.2 wt% La2O3/MoSi2 has the highest toughness, while more addition of La2O3/MoSi2 has smaller effect on improving toughness or even embrittles Mo. The results of three-point bending test and high-temperature tensile test show that the bending strength and high-temperature tensile strength of doped Mo are both higher than those of pure Mo. The formation of Mo5Si3 improves the high-temperature strength. The La2O3/Mo5Si3 dispersed in the Mo matrix refined the grains, and thus strengthened the Mo matrix by dispersion strengthening and grain refinement.  相似文献   

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