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对TA1钛合金单搭自冲铆接头进行疲劳实验研究接头失效形式;用扫描电子显微镜和X射线能谱线扫描研究铆钉各部位微动磨损程度的差异和接头微动磨损机理;采用威布尔分布验证数据有效性。结果表明:接头疲劳失效形式主要为上板断裂,高周疲劳均为上板断裂,低周疲劳为上下板混合断裂;微动磨屑包含氧、钛、锌和锡元素,铆钉头部微动磨损程度高于铆钉腿部。微动磨损区出现严重脱层、微动磨屑堆积和微裂纹萌生等现象,随着微动磨损及剪切力共同作用导致接头断口部位出现大量微裂纹并逐步沿深度和宽度方向扩展为宏观裂纹,最终导致接头疲劳失效。 相似文献
对TA1钛合金单搭自冲铆接头进行疲劳实验研究接头失效形式;用扫描电子显微镜和X射线能谱线扫描研究铆钉各部位微动磨损程度的差异和接头微动磨损机理;采用威布尔分布验证数据有效性.结果表明:接头疲劳失效形式主要为上板断裂,高周疲劳均为上板断裂,低周疲劳为上下板混合断裂;微动磨屑包含氧、钛、锌和锡元素,铆钉头部微动磨损程度高于铆钉腿部.微动磨损区出现严重脱层、微动磨屑堆积和微裂纹萌生等现象,随着微动磨损及剪切力共同作用导致接头断口部位出现大量微裂纹并逐步沿深度和宽度方向扩展为宏观裂纹,最终导致接头疲劳失效. 相似文献
通过自冲铆接对比试验获得接头最优铆接参数,并以此制备TA1钛合金板分别与Al5052铝合金板和H62铜合金板的异质自冲铆接头。通过静力学实验和疲劳实验研究异质接头的力学性能,并运用疲劳三参数经验公式拟合S-N曲线,最后利用扫描电镜和能谱仪进行断口分析和能谱分析进而研究接头的疲劳失效机理。结果表明,TA1-H62(STH)接头静失效载荷优于TA1-Al5052(STA)接头;且前者在低载荷下疲劳寿命优于后者,STA接头则在高载荷下优势明显。STA接头疲劳失效模式为下板断裂,STH接头则出现了两种失效模式;两板间及铆钉与上下板之间接触区域发生的剧烈微震磨损是导致疲劳裂纹萌生的主要原因。 相似文献
选择两组不同厚度铝合金板制成SA15和SA25自冲铆接头并进行疲劳实验,用威布尔分布验证实验数据有效性,用疲劳三参数经验公式拟合接头S-N曲线并对比分析接头疲劳性能,用扫描电子显微镜研究接头微动行为以探索疲劳失效与微动磨损的关系。实验数据服从威布尔分布,表明数据可靠。三参数经验公式较好地拟合接头S-N曲线,SA25接头疲劳性能优于SA15接头,且在中低疲劳寿命区域SA25接头疲劳性能的优越性更为突出。SA15接头失效于上板靠铆钉头,而SA25接头失效于下板沿纽扣。SA15接头在铆接区两板间微动磨损较严重,SA25接头在下板与铆钉腿部微动磨损较严重。疲劳失效部位与微动磨损剧烈部位重合,表明微动磨损是导致接头疲劳失效的重要因素之一。 相似文献
由于近年来车身轻量化的需求,全铝车身结构及混合材料车身结构是车身设计制造的发展趋势,其结构连接问题也面临巨大的挑战。自冲铆接作为一种冷成型技术,通过铆钉和板料形成机械内锁结构进行板材连接,可以用来连接两层和多层金属及非金属板材。相对于传统连接技术,自冲铆接具有无需预先打孔、连接过程环境友好、可以连接异质板材及非金属板材等优点,同时所得到的接头具有较好的密封性及力学性能。自冲铆接作为轻量化结构的一种新型连接手段,近年来因具有独特的优势得到迅速发展。疲劳性能是接头工程应用的关键性能指标,自冲铆接头的疲劳性能研究主要针对铝合金及高强钢等车身材料展开,近年来研究者们对钛合金和纤维增强复合材料等新型材料自冲铆接头的疲劳性能进行了相关探索性研究。影响自冲铆接头疲劳性能的因素众多,提高自冲铆接头疲劳性能的方法及探究接头的疲劳失效机理一直是研究者们所关注的热点。影响自冲铆接头疲劳性能的因素主要包括铆接工艺、基板参数、铆钉分布形式、接头搭接形式、疲劳加载参数、试验温度和添加粘接剂等,其中大量研究主要针对铆接工艺、基板参数和铆钉分布形式展开。研究表明,采用高强度的板材作下板、增加板厚及使用硬度较高的圆头铆钉进行连接能够提高单搭自冲铆接头的疲劳性能;铆钉个数的增加可以显著提高接头的疲劳性能,采用不同铆钉分布形式及铆钉边距影响接头的疲劳性能。自冲铆接头存在残余应力,同时微动磨损是导致机械连接疲劳失效的主要原因,通过去应力退火可以提高接头在高疲劳载荷下的疲劳寿命,对基板添加润滑剂镀层也可以改善接头的疲劳性能。此外,粘铆复合接头目前在车身连接中得到广泛应用,粘接剂可以减弱接头的应力集中,从而改善其疲劳性能。疲劳试验耗时较多,试验成本较高。研究自冲铆接头疲劳性能的影响因素可以为后续研究及其工程应用提供相关参考。本文归纳了自冲铆接头疲劳性能影响因素的研究进展并总结了改善接头疲劳性能的方法,同时对自冲铆接的研究方向进行分析和展望。 相似文献
该文采用Landmark试验机对5052铝合金自冲铆接头进行力学性能测试来研究铆钉分布形式对自冲铆接头力学性能的影响。获得了单铆钉自冲铆(简称SR)接头、横向分布双铆钉自冲铆(DRT)接头和纵向分布双铆钉自冲铆(DRL)接头的静力学和疲劳性能,采用正态分布和威布尔分布对试验数据进行分析检验其有效性。结果表明:DRT接头静强度约为SR接头的2倍;DRL接头静强度约为SR接头的1.9倍。DRL接头比DRT接头具有更好的能量吸收能力。双铆钉自冲铆接头的疲劳性能优于SR接头。铆钉分布形式对接头疲劳变形量影响较小,但是对寿命影响较大。当疲劳载荷较高时,DRL接头可提高疲劳寿命。随着疲劳载荷降低,DRT接头可显著增加疲劳寿命。 相似文献
为研究传统自冲铆(SPR)工艺连接碳纤维增强树脂复合材料(CFRP)和铝合金的损伤问题,制备三种典型铺层结构的自冲铆接头,研究铺层结构对接头表面宏观损伤形貌的影响。在不同测试温度下对CFRP进行力学试验,研究温度对CFRP力学性能及失效的影响。基于CFRP的温热力学性能,以减小接头损伤为目的,创新性提出了CFRP和铝合金的温热自冲铆接(WSPR)工艺,对比了两种铆接工艺获得接头中CFRP的损伤差异。制备CFRP和铝合金的WSPR接头,研究铺层角度对接头力学性能和失效过程的影响。研究表明:常温下铆接时,钉头附近区域易出现宏观裂纹缺陷,主要以平行于纤维方向的基体裂纹和垂直于纤维方向的纤维裂纹形式存在。在树脂基体的玻璃化转变温度下,CFRP在横向和剪切方向的延展性大幅度提高,导致WSPR接头的CFRP表面无宏观裂纹,同时减小了分层损伤面积。铺层角度影响接头的拉剪力学性能及失效过程,[0/90/0]s铺层接头的力学性能最优。 相似文献
基于自冲铆接技术研究TA1工业纯钛(TA1)与1420铝锂合金(AL1420)异质薄板组合的可铆性,并采用硬度≥44HRC和≥46HRC的铆钉分别制备TA1/AL1420 (TAF),AL1420/TA1(ATF)和TA1/AL1420(TAS) 3组接头。在拉伸-剪切实验的基础上进行了高周疲劳实验,拟合出各组接头的F-N曲线,进一步利用电子扫描显微镜和能谱仪分析了各组接头的微动磨损机理。结果表明:ATF接头的疲劳强度相对较优,TAS接头则在中高载荷水平下优于TAF接头;各组接头的疲劳失效均始于微动磨损区域,微动磨损导致疲劳裂纹的萌生;微动磨屑现象的剧烈程度是影响疲劳强度的重要因素。在不同疲劳载荷水平下,发生剧烈微动磨损的区域不同,使得疲劳裂纹的萌生区域存在差异,最终导致同种接头出现不同的失效模式。 相似文献
C. D. Lykins S. Mall & V. Jain 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》2001,24(7):461-473
The purpose of this study was to investigate the fretting fatigue crack initiation behaviour of titanium alloy, Ti–6Al–4V. Fretting contact conditions were varied by using different geometries of the fretting pad. Applied forces were also varied to obtain fretting fatigue crack initiation lives in both the low- and high-cycle fatigue regimes. Fretting fatigue specimens were examined to determine the crack location and the crack angle orientation along the contact surface. Salient features of fretting fatigue experiments were modelled and analysed with finite element analysis. Computed results of the finite element analyses were used to formulate a shear stress-based parameter to predict the fretting fatigue crack initiation life, location and orientation. Comparison of the analytical and experimental results showed that fretting fatigue crack initiation was governed by the maximum shear stress, and therefore a parameter involving the maximum shear stress range on the critical plane with the correction factor for the local mean stress or stress ratio effect was found to be effective in characterizing the fretting fatigue crack initiation behaviour in titanium alloy, Ti–6Al–4V. 相似文献
L. HAN A. CHRYSANTHOU K. W. YOUNG J. M. O'SULLIVAN 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》2006,29(8):646-654
A study was conducted to characterize fretting fatigue in self‐piercing riveted single‐lap joints of aluminium alloy 5754 sheets. The experimental results showed that fretting occurred at three different positions in the joint. It was established that fretting led to surface work‐hardening and crack initiation as well as early stage crack propagation. Crack initiated at the surface of the riveted sheets as a result of high stress concentration and propagated oblique to the mating surface under the effect of fretting fatigue. The depth of damage due to fretting depended on the applied load and the cycle time. Microhardness measurements allowed the estimation of the depth of damage due to fretting. These results were observed to correlate well with the length of crack propagation. 相似文献
Abstract: The effects of shot‐peening on fretting fatigue crack growth behaviour in titanium alloy, Ti‐6A1‐4V were investigated. Three shot‐peening intensities: 4A, 7A and 10A were considered. The analysis involved the fracture mechanics and finite element sub‐modelling technique to estimate crack propagation lives. These computations were supplemented with the experimentally measured total fretting fatigue lives of laboratory specimens to assess the crack initiation lives. Shot‐peening has significant effect on the initiation/propagation phases of fretting fatigue cracks; however this effect depends upon the shot‐peening intensity. The ratio of crack initiation and total life increased while the ratio of the crack propagation and total life decreased with an increase of shot‐peening intensity. Effects of residual compressive stress from shot‐peening on the crack growth behaviour were also investigated. The fretting fatigue crack propagation component of the total life with relaxation increased in comparison to its counterpart without relaxation in each shot‐peened intensity case while the initiation component decreased. Improvement in the fretting fatigue life from the shot‐peening and also with an increase in the shot‐peening intensity appears to be not always due to increase in the crack initiation resistance from shot‐peened induced residual compressive stress. 相似文献
Fatigue crack growth rates (FCGR) of the inertia friction welded Ti17 alloy joint was studied at room temperature (RT) and 400 °C at a stress ratio of 0.1. Microstructural analysis and mechanical tests were also carried out. The results show that at RT, FCGR of weld metal with recrystallisation microstructure was higher compared with the base metal and the thermo‐mechanically affected zone. At 400 °C, however, the difference of the FCGR became insignificant. Fractographic observation showed that the failure of the base metal was dominated by slip band in transgranular mode at both RT and 400 °C, whereas crack in weld metal grew in intergranular mode at RT but in transgranular mode at 400 °C. The combined effects of lower yield strength and bigger yield‐ultimate tensile strength difference may be responsible for the higher fatigue crack growth (FCG) resistance of inertia friction welded Ti17 alloy at elevated temperature. 相似文献
压印连接是近年来新兴的连接方式,因其具有简单高效、低耗环保等优点,在连接应用方面越来越受到重视,而疲劳破坏是机械零件失效的主要形式。对钛合金压印接头的疲劳性能进行了实验研究,与母材的力学性能进行了对比分析,并对疲劳失效断口进行了断口分析和能谱分析。实验结果显示钛合金压印接头的平均拉伸-剪切强度约为同等尺寸材料拉伸-剪切强度的36.7%;钛合金压印接头的疲劳极限约为材料疲劳极限的46%,平均载荷约为接头最大静强度的42%。微观特征显示断口呈脆性疲劳断裂特征,由于微动磨损和氧化作用产生了成分为氧化钛的微动磨屑,且其硬度较高,因此在微动过程中起到磨粒的作用,从而加速了磨损和裂纹扩展,最终导致疲劳失效。 相似文献
Lang Zou;Dongfang Zeng;Xu Tian;Guangyao Jiang;Yihui Dong;Hai Zhao;Liantao Lu; 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》2024,47(2):473-490
In this study, fretting fatigue tests were conducted to gather information on both fretting fatigue and fretting wear. Subsequently, an evaluation methodology that combined the Modified Wöhler Curve Method (MWCM) with the theory of critical distance (TCD) was established to investigate multi-site fretting crack initiation. The results showed that the fretting fatigue damage could be reasonably evaluated using the MWCM equivalent stress σMWCM. σMWCM is greatly influenced by both bulk stress and fretting wear-induced stress concentration. The stress field close to the wear boundary increased due to the continuous fretting wear, leading to an increase in σMWCM; meanwhile, the bulk stress near the wear boundary decreased as the crack propagated, resulting in a decrease in σMWCM. The combined effect of the fretting crack propagation and wear caused σMWCM, which was located within an annular strip of the axle, to exceed the critical value, causing the multi-site fretting crack initiation. 相似文献