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针对一类具有未建模动态和输出约束的输出反馈非线性系统, 提出一种自适应输出反馈动态面控制方案. 利用神经网络逼近未知连续函数, 分别设计K滤波器和动态信号估计不可测量的状态, 并处理动态不确定性. 引入障碍李雅普诺夫函数并设计自适应控制器以保证BLF有界, 从而实现输出约束. 理论分析表明, 闭环控制系统是半全局一致终结有界的, 且满足输出约束, 仿真结果验证了所提出方案的有效性.  相似文献   


针对一类具有输入及状态未建模动态的非线性系统, 设计K滤波器来估计系统不可量测状态, 基于动态面控制技术并利用径向基函数神经网络的逼近能力, 提出一种输出反馈自适应跟踪控制方案. 利用Nussbaum 函数性质, 有效地解决了高频增益符号未知问题. 在控制器设计中引入规范化信号来约束输入未建模动态, 从而有效地抑制其产生的扰动. 通过理论分析证明了闭环控制系统是半全局一致终结有界的.


针对一类具有全状态约束、未建模动态和动态扰动的严格反馈非线性系统,通过构造非线性滤波器,并利用Young’s不等式,提出一种新的有限时间自适应动态面控制方法.引入非线性映射处理全状态约束,将有约束系统变成无约束系统,利用径向基函数逼近未知光滑函数,利用辅助系统产生的动态信号处理未建模动态.对于变换后的系统,利用改进的动态面控制和有限时间方法设计的控制器结构简单,移去现有有限时间控制中出现的“奇异性”问题,可加快系统的收敛速度.理论分析表明,闭环系统中的所有信号在有限时间内有界,全状态不违背约束条件.数值算例的仿真结果表明,所提出的自适应动态面控制方案是有效的.  相似文献   

夏晓南  张天平 《控制与决策》2014,29(12):2129-2136
针对一类具有未建模动态和动态扰动且状态不可量测的非线性系统,利用神经网络逼近未知函数设计K-滤波器重构系统状态,提出一种自适应输出反馈控制策略。通过对未建模动态的新刻画,避免动态信号的引入。采用动态面设计方法,取消理论分析中产生的未知连续函数的估计,降低设计的复杂性。利用Lyapunov方法证明了闭环系统的所有信号是半全局一致终结有界的,并通过仿真结果验证了所提出方案的有效性。  相似文献   

夏晓南  张天平  方宇  戴明生 《控制与决策》2022,37(11):2907-2916
全桥逆变器是一类典型的开关型非线性系统,系统中存在很多非线性和不确定因素,易导致系统性能下降,甚至造成不稳定.对于具有未建模动态和时变输出约束的单相全桥逆变器系统,利用动态信号处理未建模动态,设计辅助动态系统补偿控制信号,提出一种事件触发的自适应动态面跟踪控制策略;引入跟踪误差变换,解决输出约束问题;对控制输入进行约束,使用模糊系统调节参数向量的欧氏范数作为自适应参数,设计事件触发控制,这些技术的采用可有效降低控制器计算量,保证实际系统的可实现性,完善了具有输入约束条件下动态面控制方法的稳定性分析和证明.逆变器精确模型无需已知,实际控制系统具有较好的稳定性和鲁棒性.理论分析表明,闭环系统的所有信号半全局一致终结有界,所提出方案的有效性通过仿真实验得到进一步验证.  相似文献   

对一类具有未建模动态的严格反馈非线性系统,提出一种自适应神经网络动态面控制方案.该方案将动态面控制方法扩展到具有未建模动态的严格反馈非线性系统的控制器设计中,拓展了动态面控制方法的应用范围.利用动态面控制方法引入的紧集来处理未建模动态对于系统的影响.利用Young's不等式,提出两种自适应参数调节方案.与现有研究结果相比,有效地减少了可调参数的数目,放宽了动态不确定性的假设,无需虚拟控制增益系数导数的信息.通过理论分析,证明了闭环控制系统是半全局一致终结有界的,且跟踪误差收敛到原点的一个小邻域内.  相似文献   

对一类具有状态和输入未建模动态且控制增益符号未知的纯反馈非线性系统,利用非线性变换、改进的动态面控制方法以及Nussbaum函数性质,提出两种自适应动态面控制方案.利用正则化信号来约束输入未建模动态,从而有效地抑制其产生的扰动.通过引入动态信号,有效地处理了由状态未建模动态引起的动态不确定性.通过在总的李雅普诺夫函数中引入非负正则化信号,并利用稳定性分析中引入的紧集,证明了闭环控制系统是半全局一致终结有界的.数值仿真验证了所提方案的有效性.  相似文献   

赵光同  曹亮  周琪  李鸿一 《自动化学报》2021,47(8):1932-1942
针对一类具有未建模动态及执行器故障的非严格反馈非线性互联大系统,提出一种基于事件触发机制的模糊分散自适应输出反馈控制算法.首先,通过设计模糊状态观测器估计系统中不可测的状态,并引入李雅普诺夫函数约束未建模动态.然后,提出一种基于事件触发机制的自适应容错控制器补偿多个执行器故障产生的影响.最后,利用障碍李雅普诺夫函数实现...  相似文献   

针对一类具有死区非线性输入和未建模动态的非线性系统,提出一种自适应神经网络控制方法。该方法将后推技术和动态面技术结合,克服了计算复杂性问题,放宽了动态不确定性的假设,取消了神经网络逼近误差有界。借助中值定理和Young’s不等式,保证整个设计只需一个自适应参数,且控制增益只需存在一个上、下界。理论分析证明闭环系统所有信号半全局一致终结有界。仿真结果验证所提方案的有效性。  相似文献   

本文考虑具有量化输入和输出约束的一类非线性互联系统的自适应分散跟踪控制设计. 分别针对量化参数已知和未知两种情况, 基于反推(Backstepping)设计法, 利用神经网络逼近特性, 设计自适应分散跟踪控制策略. 通过定义新的未知常量和非线性光滑函数, 设计自适应参数估计项来消除未知互联项对系统的影响. 进一步考虑量化参数未知的情形, 引入一个新的不等式来转化输入信号, 并构建新的自适应补偿项来处理量化影响. 同时, 障碍李雅普诺夫函数的引入, 确保了系统输出不违反约束条件. 与现有量化输入设计相比, 本文所提方法不要求未知非线性项满足李普希兹条件, 并且允许量化参数未知. 该设计方法保证了闭环系统所有信号最终一致有界, 而且跟踪误差能够收敛到原点的小邻域内, 同时保证输出不违反约束条件. 最后, 仿真算例验证了所提方法具备良好的跟踪控制性能.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of decentralized adaptive proportional-integral (PI) tracking control is investigated for a class of strong interconnected nonlinear systems in presence of unmodeled dynamics and uncertain input delays. A novel compensation mechanism is proposed to deal with the considered strong interconnection functions by applying a smooth switching function to the design algorithm, and the difficulty generated by unmodeled dynamics is dominated by using a dynamic auxiliary signal. By utilizing the suitable error transformations and selecting the appropriate Lyapunov-Krasovskii function, the effects of uncertain input delays could be surmounted. The novelty of this study is that, for the first time, a new decentralized adaptive PI tracking control scheme including a switching compensation mechanism is developed for the considered strong interconnected nonlinear systems. It is proved that all the signals in the closed-loop systems are uniformly ultimately bounded (UUB) and the tracking errors converge to a bounded compact set. Finally, a simulation example is carried out to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

In this paper, an adaptive robust dynamic surface control is proposed for a class of uncertain nonlinear interconnected systems with time‐varying output constraints and dynamic input and output coupling. The directly coupled inputs and control inputs are both of nonlinear input unmodeled dynamics. To counteract the instable impact of the nonlinear input unmodeled dynamics, normalization signals are designed on the basis of the convergence rates of their Lyapunov functions. With new state variables and control variables being defined, the real control inputs are obtained through solving the equations of intermediate control laws. The time‐varying constraints on output signals are implemented by introducing asymmetric barrier Lyapunov functions. In addition, dynamic signals and decentralized K‐filters are used to deal with the state unmodeled dynamics and to estimate the unmeasurable states, respectively. By the theoretical analysis, the signals in the closed‐loop system are proved to be semi‐globally uniformly ultimately bounded, and the output constraints are guaranteed simultaneously. A numerical example is provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

杨强  刘玉生 《控制与决策》2015,30(6):993-999
基于自适应非线性阻尼,提出一种鲁棒自适应输出反馈控制方法。该方法适用于带有未建模动态、未知非线性、有界扰动、未知非线性参数和不确定控制系数的多输入多输出非线性系统。理论证明,在一定的假设条件下,该方法能保证闭环系统所有动态信号有界;不论有多少不确定非线性参数、多高阶的非线性系统,只需要一个自适应控制参数和观察参数;而且通过选择适当的控制器和观测器参数,能使控制误差和估计误差达到任意小。仿真结果表明了所提出方法的有效性。  相似文献   

This article devises a new adaptive fixed-time tracking control strategy for interconnected nonlinear systems containing partially unmeasurable states and time-varying output constraints. Radial basis function neural networks, as function approximators, are utilized to model the unknown functions, and the partially unmeasurable states of the systems are estimated by a reduced-order observer. By constructing a transferred function, system outputs are directly constrained in a time-varying constraint bound. Meanwhile, the first-order sliding mode differentiators are utilized to reduce the computational burden caused by the repeated differentiations of virtual controllers. Under the Lyapunov function and the fixed-time theory, the decentralized adaptive fixed-time controllers are constructed. It is proved that the closed-loop systems are fixed-time stable and the output signals are restricted in the bounded compact set. Finally, two simulation examples demonstrate the validity of the proposed control scheme.  相似文献   

F. Blanchini  S. Miani  M. Sznaier 《Automatica》1997,33(12):2183-2189
In this paper we focus our attention on the determination of upper bounds of the l norm of the output of a linear discrete-time dynamic system driven by a step input, in the presence of both persistent unknown, but, l bounded disturbances and memoryless time-varying model uncertainty. For the same type of systems we also analyze the transient behavior of the step response in terms of its overshoot. The problem is solved in a constructive way by determining appropriate invariant sets contained in a given convex region. Finally, we show how to extend these results to continuous-time systems.  相似文献   

In this paper, for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems in the presence of inverse dynamics, output unmodeled dynamics and nonlinear uncertainties, a robust adaptive output‐feedback controller design is proposed by combining small‐gain theorem, changing supply function techniques with backstepping methods. It is shown that all the signals of the closed‐loop system are uniformly bounded in biased case, and the output can be regulated to a small neighborhood of the origin in unbiased case. Furthermore, under some additional assumptions, an asymptotical result is obtained. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper studies the problem of finite-time stabilisation for a class of uncertain nonholonomic systems in chained form with output constraint. A nonlinear mapping is first introduced to transform the output-constrained system into a new unconstrained one. Then, by employing the adding a power integrator technique and switching control strategy, a state feedback controller is successfully constructed to render that the states of closed-loop system converge to zero in a finite time without violation of the constraint. As an application of the proposed theoretical results, the problem of finite-time parking a unicycle-type mobile robot is tackled. Simulation results are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

The robust global stabilization problem of a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with input unmodeled dynamics is considered using output feedback, where the uncertain nonlinear terms satisfy a far more relaxed condition than the existing triangulartype condition. Under the assumption that the input unmodeled dynamics is minimum-phase and of relative degree zero, a dynamic output compensator is explicitly constructed based on the nonseparation principle. An example illustrates the usefulness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

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