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庄厚川  陈铮  伍林 《热加工工艺》2012,41(14):174-177
利用微观相场法模拟了新型Ni3Al(L12)-Ni3V(D022)双级复相金属间化合物合金的时效过程。结果表明:高温(1370 K)时效阶段形成上级结构L12+A1(Ni基固溶体),尺度为微米级;共析温度以下(1200 K)时效阶段形成下级结构L12+D022,尺度为亚微米级,两级时效处理后形成L12+(L12+D022)双级复相微观结构。低温时效阶段,在D022相析出所产生的弹性势作用下,D022/L12相界面由{001}转向{011},{011/2}型界面在时效末期数量占优,最终下级复相组织中的D022相与L12相呈层状相间分布。  相似文献   

采用三元微观相场动力学模型研究Ni75MnxAl25-x合金早期沉淀相的形成过程。对合金微观组织演化图像、有序相体积分数曲线、序参数曲线及占位几率的分析表明:该合金首先析出L10结构,随后L10结构向L12结构转变,L12结构在L10结构的内部析出。随着Al浓度的增大,等成分有序化阶段缩短;且L10结构体积分数增大,发生结构转变的时间提前。Al和Mn原子在(001)和(002)面几乎同时有序排列,但是一定时间后(002)面原子开始贫化,发生结构转变,Al原子主要占据β位,Mn原子主要占据αⅡ位。合金最终析出单一的L12伪二元结构。  相似文献   

基于微观相场模型和微观弹性理论,对Ni75Al15Mn10合金γ′相沉淀过程以及原子占位进行了原子层面的计算机模拟。结果表明:合金在1273K进行时效,沉淀早期先析出L10结构,之后随着有序度的增加,逐渐转变为L12结构;原子的有序化早于成分簇聚,γ′相的沉淀机制为等成分有序化+失稳分解的混合机制;γ′有序相的体积分数比γ无序相小,且γ′和γ相的体积分数比值约为60%;Al原子主要占据β格点(γ′相顶角位置),αⅡ和αⅠ格点主要由Mn原子占据,且在αⅡ格点占位几率高于αⅠ格点,Mn原子主要占据Ni位,形成的γ′相为单一的(Ni,Mn)3Al相。  相似文献   

基于微观相场模型和微观弹性理论,对Ni75Al15Mn10合金γ’相沉淀过程以及原子占位进行了原子层面的计算机模拟.结果表明:合金在1273K进行时效,沉淀早期先析出L10结构,之后随着有序度的增加,逐渐转变为L12结构;原子的有序化早于成分簇聚,γ’相的沉淀机制为等成分有序化+失稳分解的混合机制;γ'有序相的体积分数比γ无序相小,且γ’和γ相的体积分数比值约为60%; Al原子主要占据β格点(γ’相顶角位置),αⅡ和αⅠ格点主要由Mn原子占据,且在aⅡ格点占位几率高于αⅠ格点,Mn原子主要占据Ni位,形成的γ’相为单一的(Ni,Mn)3Al相.  相似文献   

采用微观相场方法,模拟了Ni75Al10Cr15合金分级时效中预时效温度的影响.结果表明:预时效温度较低时,L12相以非经典形核长大机制形成,DO22 相以失稳分解机制形成,获得比较弥散均匀的沉淀相组织,两相尺度差异不大.随着预时效温度升高,L12相首先以失稳分解机制形成,随后DO22相在L12相的相界处以形核长大机制形成,两相尺度差异较大,L12相比DO22相粗大.预时效温度升高,L12相和DO22沉淀孕育期变长,颗粒密度减小.  相似文献   

采用微观相场方法,模拟了Ni75Al10Crl5合金分级时效中预时效温度的影响。结果表明:预时效温度较低时,L12相以非经典形核长大机制形成,DO22相以失稳分解机制形成,获得比较弥散均匀的沉淀相组织,两相尺度差异不大。随着预时效温度升高,L12相首先以失稳分解机制形成,随后DO22相在L12相的相界处以形核长大机制形成,两相尺度差异较大,L12相比D022相粗大。预时效温度升高,L12相和D022沉淀孕育期变长,颗粒密度减小。  相似文献   

利用微观相场动力学模型研究Ni64Al21V15合金1150K下的L12相、DO22相转变的过程,详细分析合金元素在两相中不同原子面和各个格点上的占位几率及其演化过程,探讨原子迁移机制。研究发现Ni64Al21V15合金沉淀过程L12相向DO22相结构转变存在两种晶体学位向关系类型:(001)L12→(001)DO22和(001)L12→(100)DO22。Al、V和Ni原子首先在原子面间跃迁,由均匀、无序的状态分别向各原子面富集,同时发生有序化反应。Al和V原子优先占据β和β1位(以Al原子为主),Ni原子优先占据α1和β2位。随后Al、V和Ni原子在面内迁移,Al原子占据β1和α1位,V原子占据β和β2位,Ni原子主要占据α1位,从而实现L12相转变成DO22相。  相似文献   

采用三元微观离散格点形式的相场模型,对Ni75Al25-xFex合金γ′相的原子占位、浓度和长程序参数等进行了模拟计算。结果表明:γ′相沉淀析出为等成分有序化兼失稳分解机制;在γ′相内,随Fe含量的增加,Fe原子在β位的占位呈明显的上升趋势,Al原子反之,且发现有少量Ni原子占据β位。另一方面,在α格点,Fe原子的占位只呈现略微的增长,Al原子几乎不变,而Ni原子则略微下降;β位主要由Al,Fe原子共同占据,形成的γ′相是Ni3(AlFe)单相。  相似文献   

用微观相场法结合自由能和原子间作用势研究了Ni0.75Al0.05Fe0.2合金在1000K时效中沉淀前期的预析出相的形成和转变过程;分析了沉淀前期预析出相和平衡相的自由能、微结构、成分和相体积分数随时间的变化。研究表明:由于结构接近,原子有序化首先形成非化学计量比预析出相L10,随着时间的延长,预析出相L10逐渐向L12相转变,并逐渐达到化学计量比平衡相L12。且发现此转变过程与自由能和原子间作用势有关,预析出相L10比平衡相L12的自由能高且原子间作用势小,故L10相不稳定且转变为稳定的L12相。  相似文献   

基于微观相场动力学模型,以Ni<,75>Al<,25-x>V<,x>合金为对象,研究时效温度变化对沉淀相竞争生长机制及筏状组织形成的影响.结果表明:相的生长和粗化存在各向异性和竞争机制;当具有生长各相异性的DO<,22>相数量较少、尺寸较大时,易形成单一方向排布的组织,从而促使具有生长各向同性的L12相也沿着特定的方向生长,最终形成具有高度择向生长的"筏状"组织,且随着时效温度的降低,沉淀相提前析出;若L12相先析出,时效温度越低,DO<,22>相越多,组织筏化越不明显;若DO<,22>先析出,时效温度越低,DO<,22>相越少,组织筏状越显著.  相似文献   

Based on the microscopic phase-field model, the pre-aging temperature effects on the precipitation mechanism and microstructure evolution during two-step aging for Ni75A19Cr16 alloy were simulated. The results show that the early precipitation mechanism of Ll2 phase is the mixed mechanism of spinodal decomposition and non-classical nucleation growth, whereas the early precipitation mechanism of DOzz phase is spinodal decomposition when the pre-aging temperature is 873 K. The early precipitation mechanism of LIz phase is non-classical nucleation growth, whereas the early precipitation mechanism of DOzz phase is spinodal decomposition when the pre-aging temperature is 973 K. Under the effects of elastic strain energy, the cubic particles exhibit directional alignment along [ 100] and [010] directions during the late precipitation, which is more obvious at lower pre-temperature. DOzz phases appear earlier than Llz phases under these two kinds of precipitation processes; and the nucleation incubation time becomes long with the increase of pre-temperature.  相似文献   

基于微观相场模型和第一性原理方法模拟了Ni75Al14Mo11合金在不同弹性畸变能常数下的相变过程。当弹性畸变能从无到有时,沉淀相形貌由椭圆状变为块状,分布由不规则随机排列变为沿弹性"软"方向规则排列,具有一定方向性;弹性畸变能对短程DO22有序相的析出有抑制作用,并且对沉淀粗化过程的影响要大于对析出过程的影响;弹性畸变能对沉淀相的有序化及原子簇聚的影响并不是随着其增加而简单的起抑制或促进作用,而是与其取值范围有关。在相同的外界条件下,Ni、Al元素形成Ni3Al要比Ni、Mo元素形成Ni3Mo容易,导致Ni75Al14Mo11合金在1073 K时效下较易析出Ni3Al。  相似文献   

The process of γ(fcc)→γ(fcc)+γ'(L12) phase transformation was simulated by using microscopic phase-field method for the low supersaturation NiAl9Fe6 alloy. It is found that in the γ' phase, the ordering degree of Al atoms is obviously higher than that of Fe atoms, and the ordering of Al atoms precedes their clustering, while the case of Fe atoms is opposite. The a site is mainly occupied by Ni atoms, while the β site is occupied in common by Al, Fe and Ni atoms. At order-disorder interphase boundary, the ordering degree of Al atoms is higher than that of Fe atoms, and at the β site, the Fe atomic site occupation probabilities vary from high to low during ordering; the Al atomic site occupation probabilities are similar to those of Fe atoms, but their values are much higher than those of Fe atoms; Ni atoms are opposite to both of them. Meanwhile, during the ordering transformation, γ' phase is always a complex Ni3(AlFeNi) single-phase, and it is precipitated by the non-classical nucleation and growth style. Finally, in the alloy system, the volume of γ' ordered phase is less than that of γ phase, and the volume ratio of order to disorder is about 77%.  相似文献   

Microscopic phase-field study on aging behavior of Ni_(75)Al_(17)Zn_8 alloy   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The precipitating kinetics of Ni75Al17Zn8 alloy was studied at both 873K and 973K by microscopic phase-field model.The calculation results show that the order-disorder transformation experiences the matrix→lowly-ordered L10 phase→L12 phase at 973 K.And the nucleation of L12 particles belongs to the spinodal decomposition mechanism.As temperature increases,orderings of Al and Zn atoms are resisted,but coarsening of L12 particles is promoted.The value of coarsening kinetic exponents approaches to 1/2.In addition,the discussions about Ni-Al anti-site defect and Zn substitutions for Ni site and Al site exhibit that the higher the temperature,the more distinctive the Ni-Al anti-site defect,but the less the Zn substitution.  相似文献   

The evolution of ordered interphase boundary (IPB) of Ni75AlxV25-x alloys was simulated using the microscopic phase-field method. Based on the atomic occupation probability figure on 2D and order parameters, it was found that the IPB formed by different directions of θ phase has great effect on the precipitation of γ′ phase. The γ′ phase precipitated at the IPB that is formed by [100]θ direction where the (001)θ plane is opposite, and then grows up and the shape is strap at fmal. The IPB structure between γ′phase and θ phase is the same. There is no γ′ phase precipitate at the IPB where the (002)θ and (001)θ planes are opposite, the ordered IPB is dissolved into disordered area. There is γ′ phase precipitation at the IPB formed by the [001]θ and [100]θ directions, and the IPB structure is different between γ′ phase and the different directions of θ phase. The IPB where (001)γ′, and (100)θ plane opposite does not migrate during the γ′ phase growth, and γ′ phase grows along [100]θ direction.  相似文献   

基于耦合外应力及交变温度场的微观相场动力学模型,以镍基合金为对象,研究了在沉淀过程中结构相的生长取向及合金元素分配。结果表明:交变温度场不能改变合金的生长取向及结构相的析出顺序。交变温度场条件下,合金Al含量较高时,L1_2相先析出;V含量较高时,DO_(22)相先析出;拉应力作用时,L1_2及DO_(22)结构相垂直于应力方向生长。[001]方向拉应力下、L1_2相先析出时,DO_(22)相在[100]取向上的生长受到促进;当在[100]方向拉应力下、DO_(22)相先析出时,L1_2相在[001]取向上的生长受到促进。随着交变高温温度的降低,L1_2相体积分数随温度的波动幅度显著降低而DO_(22)相的变化则相对较小。  相似文献   

The precipitation process of Ni-Cr-Al alloy with low Al content was studied at atomic scale based on the microscopicphase-field kinetic model coupled with elastic strain energy.The aim is to investigate the effect of elastic strain energy onprecipitation mechanism and morphological evolution of the alloy.The simulation results show that in the early stage of precipitation,D022 phase and L12 phase present irregular shape,and they randomly distribute in the matrix.With the progress of aging,L12 phaseand D022 phase change into the quadrate shape and their orientations become more obvious.In the later stage,L12 phase and D022phase present quadrate shape with round corner and align along the[100]and[010]directions,and highly preferential selectedmicrostructure is formed.The mechanism of early precipitation of L12 phase in Ni-17%Cr-7.5%Al(mole fraction)alloy is the mixedstyle of non-classical nucleation growth and spinodal decomposition and the D022 phase is the spinodal decomposition.Themechanisms of early precipitation of L12 phase and D022 phase in Ni-12.5%Cr-7.5%Al alloy are both the non-classical nucleationand growth.The coarsening process follows the rule of preferential selected coarsening.  相似文献   

采用微观相场法研究了Ni_(75)Al_(14)Cr_(11)合金第1个近邻到第4个近邻Ni-Al原子间相互作用势对L1_0预析出相沉淀过程的影响。结果表明,当第3近邻Ni-Al原子间相互作用势增大或第4种近邻Ni-Al原子间相互作用势减少时,L1_0预析出相和L1_2平衡相均提前沉淀,且L1_0预析出相体积分数减少而L1_2相的最终体积分数几乎不变;当第3近邻Ni-Al原子间相互作用势减少或第4近邻Ni-Al原子间相互作用势的增大时,L1_0预析出相和L1_2最终相都会推迟沉淀,且L1_0预析出相和L1_2相体积分数均增大;与上述2种情况相比,改变第1近邻Ni-Al原子间相互作用势对L1_0预析出相沉淀过程的影响较小,而改变第2近邻Ni-Al原子间相互作用势对沉淀过程几乎没有影响。进一步研究表明,Ni-Al原子间相互作用势改变不影响合金的沉淀机制,将影响L1_0预析出相、L1_2平衡相的析出时间、速度和2种相的体积分数,沉淀形貌等,从而影响Ni_(75)Al_(14)Cr_(11)高温合金的结构和性能,对合金优化设计有指导意义。  相似文献   

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