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三河尖煤矿选煤厂利用动力煤洗选工艺生产炼焦精煤,在增加了一套粗煤泥处理系统后,降低了末精煤灰分,满足了用户要求  相似文献   

禾草沟选煤厂因粗精煤产品灰分偏高,导致重介主选精煤背灰,降低了总精煤产率;通过分析粗煤泥分选设备、工艺环节存在的问题,采取了一系列措施,有效降低了粗精煤灰分,提高了企业经济效益。  相似文献   

介绍了NGAM-2008无源灰分仪的工作原理、结构特征、技术特点及日常管理注意事项,分析了该设备在高阳选煤厂精煤灰分检测中的应用情况;生产实践表明,该设备满足高阳选煤厂精煤灰分测定需求,检测结果误差小,维修、维护方便,可有效指导洗选生产,确保产品指标稳定;该设备不用放射源,安全可靠,提升了选煤厂职工的健康管理水平。  相似文献   

鲁杰 《洁净煤技术》1997,3(4):20-22
分析讨论了跳汰机精煤灰分在线回控系统工作效果及试验研究结果,探索了继续开发研究该技术的途径,指明应用前景。  相似文献   

西曲矿选煤厂建厂已有30 a,生产工艺和设备智能化程度较低,煤泥水回收系统负荷较大,尾煤泥灰分偏低,发热量偏高,不符合现代选煤厂的标准;通过对浮选系统入料组成进行相应的技术改造,降低了煤泥水回收系统的负荷,提高了精煤产率,降低了尾煤泥的发热量。  相似文献   

经技术检查和试验检测,屯兰选煤厂原煤泥水系统工艺设计中因主厂房扫地水、中矸磁选尾矿、浮选尾矿等煤泥水直接流入浓缩池,导致尾煤泥灰分偏低;为解决这一问题,采取主厂房扫地水就近回收利用、提高磁选机回收效率等措施,有效提高了全厂精煤产率和尾煤泥灰分,降低了尾煤泥发热量,实现了企业经济效益最大化。  相似文献   

本文采用数学模型法,对精煤产率最高情况下的主再洗精煤灰分的最佳取值进行了研究。结果表明,该方法具有一定的实用价值,可用于指导选煤厂生产及技术管理工作。  相似文献   

针对神宁煤基均聚聚丙烯1102K灰分偏高问题,论述了通过改变催化剂配制方法、加装丙烯精制系统来提高丙烯质量,降低三乙基铝的用量并使催化剂活性充分释放,使用硬脂酸钙替代DHT-4A作卤素吸收剂等措施,最终实现产品灰分的降低。  相似文献   

降低浮选精煤灰分的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验研究了降低某矿煤泥灰分的基本方法,采取降低矿浆浓度、延长捕收剂接触时间及分次加药等措施,实现了在保证较高精煤产率的前提下,浮选精煤灰分降低约3百分点。  相似文献   

<正>0前言我公司煤粉制备系统采用一台Φ2.9m×4.7m风扫式煤磨,出磨煤粉质量由中心化验室生产控制组检验;并根据入窑煤粉灰分的实际检验结果,调整原煤的搭配  相似文献   

针对协庄选煤厂粗煤泥分选系统分选效率低、配套设备多等问题,基于原煤煤泥试验分析结果,对粗煤泥分选系统进行了技术改造,利用三锥角水介质旋流器替代原来的螺旋分选机及TBS粗煤泥分选设备;改造后分选效率提高,精煤产率提高约0.5个百分点,配套设备减少,电耗降低,同时浮选入料性质得到改善,有效减少了浮选跑粗现象,改善了脱介效果,减少了产品带介损失。  相似文献   

Froth properties and their relation to the concentrate grade play an important role in monitoring flotation running conditions and predicting flotation concentrate quality. In this paper, the correlation between the froth properties and clean coal ash content was investigated under complicated conditions where the frother dosage, gas velocity, and froth height were changed together. For the froth properties under study, their degree of correlation with clean coal ash content decreased in the order of homogeneity, water recovery, gray value, and froth velocity. The coefficient of determination (R2) of the fitting relationship between homogeneity and clean coal ash content was as high as 0.9028, because homogeneity has a close correlation with the foam structure and foam destabilization behaviors.  相似文献   

A procedure has been developed for determining the chemical composition and relative abundance of the amorphous or glassy material, as well as crystalline phases, present in coarse coal gasification ash, in order to assist in predicting the behaviour of the material in cement/brick/concrete applications. The procedure is based on a combination of quantitative X-ray diffraction (XRD), chemical analysis and electron microprobe studies.XRD analysis indicates that the clinker samples contain a number of crystalline high temperature phases, including anorthite, mullite, cristobalite, quartz and diopside. Quantitative evaluation using Rietveld-based techniques has been used to determine the percentages of both the individual crystalline phases and the glass component. These data were then combined with the chemistry of the crystalline phases and the overall chemical composition of the ash to estimate the chemical composition of the glass phase, which is typically the most abundant component present in the different materials.Although there is some degree of scatter, comparison between the inferred glass composition from XRD and bulk chemistry and actual data on the glass composition using electron microprobe techniques suggest that the two approaches are broadly consistent. The microprobe further indicates that a range of compositions are present in the glassy and crystalline components of the ashes, including Si-Al-rich glass, metakaolin and Fe-Ca-Mg-Ti phases, as well as quartz, anorthite and an aluminophosphate material. Electron microprobe and XRD studies also show that pyrrhotite (FeS), representing a high temperature transformation product of pyrite, is present in some clinker and partially burnt carbonaceous shale samples.  相似文献   

铁东选煤厂综合精煤水分未干燥前高达 1 8%~ 2 0 % ,不能满足用户需要。针对旋流筛跑粗、过滤机真空度低、矸石泥化严重等原因 ,采取将旋流筛筛缝由 0 75mm改为 0 5mm ,控制入浮粒度 ,减少入浮煤泥量 ;对过滤机进行技术改造 ;严格工艺管理等措施 ,取得了精煤产率提高 0 5% ,精煤水分 1 3 9% ,并可在春、夏、秋三季停开干燥系统等显著效果  相似文献   

发展洁净煤技术是高效利用煤炭的途径,是改善环境状况的必然选择。然而,我国洁净煤技术进展迟缓,其原因在于推动力不足。建议由制订并严格实施商品煤质量标准切入,推动煤炭洗选和洁净煤技术发展。  相似文献   

Empirical and analytical relations are established between the content of mineral inclusions Ml determined by petrographic analysis of the coal according to State Standard GOST 94.14–93 and the ash content A d of dry coal according to State Standard GOST 11022-95. In the empirical approach, statistical methods yield relations between Ml and A d in the form of regression equations for coals of a particular region and a system of beds with a complex set of minerals. In the more general analytical approach, Ml is divided into microcomponents (sulfides, carbonates, clay materials, quartz, etc.). Taking account of the densities of the components and their transformation on combustion, a quantitative relation between Ml and A d may be established for specific coals or their fractions in enrichment.  相似文献   

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