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Let H be a separable Hilbert space. We consider the manifold M consisting of density operators on H such that p is of trace class for some p (0, 1). We say M is nearby if there exists C > 1 such that C –1C. We show that the space of nearby points to can be furnished with the two flat connections known as the (±)-affine structures, which are dual relative to the BKM metric. We furnish M with a norm making it into a Banach manifold.  相似文献   

Our starting point is a definition of conditional event EH which differs from many seemingly similar ones adopted in the relevant literature since 1935, starting with de Finetti. In fact, if we do not assign the same third value u (undetermined) to all conditional events, but make it depend on EH, it turns out that this function t(EH) can be taken as a general conditional uncertainty measure, and we get (through a suitable – in a sense, compulsory – choice of the relevant operations among conditional events) the natural axioms for many different (besides probability) conditional measures.  相似文献   

Some recognition problems are either too complex or too ambiguous to be expressed as a simple pattern matching problem using a sequence or regular expression pattern. In these cases, a richer environment is needed to describe the patterns and recognition techniques used to perform the recognition. Some researchers have turned to artificial-intelligence techniques and multistep matching approaches for the problems of gene recognition [5], [7], [18], protein structure recognition [13], and on-line character recognition [6]. This paper presents a class of problems which involve finding matches to patterns of patterns, orsuper- patterns, given solutions to the lower-level patterns. The expressiveness of this problem class rivals that of traditional artificial-intelligence characterizations, and yet polynomial-time algorithms are described for each problem in the class.This work was supported in part by the National Institute of Health under Grant ROI LM04960 and by the Aspen Center for Physics.  相似文献   

A central component of the analysis of panel clustering techniques for the approximation of integral operators is the so-called -admissibility condition min {diam(),diam()} 2dist(,) that ensures that the kernel function is approximated only on those parts of the domain that are far from the singularity. Typical techniques based on a Taylor expansion of the kernel function require a subdomain to be far enough from the singularity such that the parameter has to be smaller than a given constant depending on properties of the kernel function. In this paper, we demonstrate that any is sufficient if interpolation instead of Taylor expansionisused for the kernel approximation, which paves the way for grey-box panel clustering algorithms.  相似文献   

Let (G) denote the independence number of a graphG, that is the maximum number of pairwise independent vertices inG. We present a parallel algorithm that computes in a planar graphG = (V, E), an independent set such that ¦I¦ (G)/2. The algorithm runs in timeOlog2 n) and requires a linear number of processors. This is achieved by denning a new set of reductions that can be executed locally and simultaneously; furthermore, it is shown that a constant fraction of the vertices in the graph are reducible. This is the best known approximation scheme when the number of processors available is linear; parallel implementation of known sequential algorithms requires many more processors.Joseph Naor was supported by Contract ONR N00014-88-K-0166. Most of this work was done while he was a post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Computer Science, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0782, USA.  相似文献   

Given a finite setE R n, the problem is to find clusters (or subsets of similar points inE) and at the same time to find the most typical elements of this set. An original mathematical formulation is given to the problem. The proposed algorithm operates on groups of points, called samplings (samplings may be called multiple centers or cores); these samplings adapt and evolve into interesting clusters. Compared with other clustering algorithms, this algorithm requires less machine time and storage. We provide some propositions about nonprobabilistic convergence and a sufficient condition which ensures the decrease of the criterion. Some computational experiments are presented.  相似文献   

We develop a theory of communication within branching programs that provides exponential lower bounds on the size of branching programs that are bounded alternating. Our theory is based on the algebraic concept of -branching programs, : , a semiring homomorphism, that generalizes ordinary branching programs, -branching programs [M2] andMOD p-branching programs [DKMW].Due to certain exponential lower and polynomial upper bounds on the size of bounded alternating -branching programs we are able to separate the corresponding complexity classesN ba ,co-N ba ba , andMOD p - ba ,p prime, from each other, and from that classes corresponding to oblivious linear length-bounded branching programs investigated in the past.  相似文献   

We consider the half-space range-reporting problem: Given a setS ofn points in d, preprocess it into a data structure, so that, given a query half-space , allk points ofS can be reported efficiently. We extend previously known static solutions to dynamic ones, supporting insertions and deletions of points ofS. For a given parameterm,n m n d/2 and an arbitrarily small positive constant , we achieveO(m 1+) space and preprocessing time, O((n/m d/2 logn+k) query time, and O(m1+n) amortized update time (d 3). We present, among others, the following applications: an O(n1+)-time algorithm for computing convex layers in 3, and an output sensitive algorithm for computing a level in an arrangements of planes in 3, whose time complexity is O((b+n) n, whereb is the size of the level.Work by the first author has been supported by National Science Foundation Grant CCR-91-06514. A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Agarwalet al. [2], which also contains the results of [20] on dynamic bichromatic closest pair and minimum spanning trees.  相似文献   

The past decade has given rise to a number of explicit substitution calculi. An important question of explicit substitution calculi is that of the termination of the underlying calculus of substitution. Proofs of termination of substitutions fall in two categories: those that are easy because a decreasing measure can be established and those that are difficult because such a decreasing measure is not easy to establish. This paper considers two styles of explicit substitution: and s, for which different termination proof methods apply. The termination of s is guaranteed by a decreasing weight, while a decreasing weight for showing the termination of has not yet been found. These termination methods for and s are formalized in the proof checker ALF. During our process of formally checking the termination of and s we comment on what is needed to make a proof formally checkable.  相似文献   

A nonlinear stochastic integral equation of the Hammerstein type in the formx(t; ) = h(t, x(t; )) + s k(t, s; )f(s, x(s; ); )d(s) is studied wheret S, a measure space with certain properties, , the supporting set of a probability measure space (,A, P), and the integral is a Bochner integral. A random solution of the equation is defined to be an almost surely continuousm-dimensional vector-valued stochastic process onS which is bounded with probability one for eacht S and which satisfies the equation almost surely. Several theorems are proved which give conditions such that a unique random solution exists. AMS (MOS) subject classifications (1970): Primary; 60H20, 45G99. Secondary: 60G99.  相似文献   

Existence of coherent extensions of coherent conditional probabilities is one of the major merits of de Finetti's theory of probability. However, coherent extensions which meet some special property, like -additivity or disintegrability, can fail to exist. An example is given where a coherent and -additive conditional probability cannot be extended preserving both -additivity and coherence. Motivated by such example, conditions are provided in order that a coherent and -additive conditional probability admits a coherent and -additive extension. Moreover, conditions are given for the existence of disintegrations, possibly -additive, of a probability along a partition.  相似文献   

LetB be a Banach space ofR n valued continuous functions on [0, ) withfB. Consider the nonlinear Volterra integral equation (*)x(t)+ o t K(t,s,x(s))ds. We use the implicit function theorem to give sufficient conditions onB andK (t,s,x) for the existence of a unique solutionxB to (*) for eachf B with f B sufficiently small. Moreover, there is a constantM>0 independent off with MfB.Part of this work was done while the author was visiting at Wright State University.  相似文献   

The termF-cardinality of (=F-card()) is introduced whereF: n n is a partial function and is a set of partial functionsf: n n . TheF-cardinality yields a lower bound for the worst-case complexity of computingF if only functionsf can be evaluated by the underlying abstract automaton without conditional jumps. This complexity bound isindependent from the oracles available for the abstract machine. Thus it is shown that any automaton which can only apply the four basic arithmetic operations needs (n logn) worst-case time to sortn numbers; this result is even true if conditional jumps witharbitrary conditions are possible. The main result of this paper is the following: Given a total functionF: n n and a natural numberk, it is almost always possible to construct a set such that itsF-cardinality has the valuek; in addition, can be required to be closed under composition of functionsf,g . Moreover, ifF is continuous, then consists of continuous functions.  相似文献   

For the equation x(t) = x(t) (1-(1/) t-- t- x(u)du), > 0, > 0, > 0, conditions for the stability of a nonzero stationary solution under small perturbations are determined.  相似文献   

We consider the parallel time complexity of logic programs without function symbols, called logical query programs, or Datalog programs. We give a PRAM algorithm for computing the minimum model of a logical query program, and show that for programs with the polynomial fringe property, this algorithm runs in time that is logarithmic in the input size, assuming that concurrent writes are allowed if they are consistent. As a result, the linear and piecewise linear classes of logic programs are inN C. Then we examine several nonlinear classes in which the program has a single recursive rule that is an elementary chain. We show that certain nonlinear programs are related to GSM mappings of a balanced parentheses language, and that this relationship implies the polynomial fringe property; hence such programs are inN C Finally, we describe an approach for demonstrating that certain logical query programs are log space complete forP, and apply it to both elementary single rule programs and nonelementary programs.Supported by NSF Grant IST-84-12791, a grant of IBM Corporation, and ONR contract N00014-85-C-0731.  相似文献   

This paper suggests ways in which the pattern-matching capability of the computer can be used to further our understanding of stylized ballad language. The study is based upon a computer-aided analysis of the entire 595,000- word corpus of Francis James Child'sThe English and Scottish Popular Ballads (1882–1892), a collection of 305 textual traditions, most of which are represented by a variety of texts. The paper focuses on the Mary Hamilton tradition as a means of discussing the function of phatic language in the ballad genre and the significance of textual variation.Cathy Lynn Preston is a Research Associate, Computer Research in the Humanities, at the University of Colorado, Boulder. She is interested in folklore, particularly oral narrative; popular literature of the 18th- and 19th-century, particularly broadside and chapbook; the works of John Gay, Jonathan Swift, Thomas Hardy; Middle English romance and lyric. Her major publications areA KWIC Concordance to Jonathan Swift's A Tale of a Tub, The Battle of the Books, and A Discourse Concerning the Mechanical Operation of the Spirit, A Fragment, (New York: Garland Publishing, 1984) (co-authored with Harold D. Kelling), andA KWIC Concordance to Thomas Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles, (New York: Garland Publishing, 1989).  相似文献   

This paper uses Thiele rational interpolation to derive a simple method for computing the Randles–Sevcik function 1/2(x), with relative error at most 1.9 × 10–5 for – < x < . We develop a piecewise approximation method for the numerical computation of 1/2(x) on the union (–, –10) [–10, 10] (10, ). This approximation is particularly convenient to employ in electrochemical applications where four significant digits of accuracy are usually sufficient. Although this paper is primarily concerned with the approximation of the Randles–Sevcik function, some examples are included that illustrate how Thiele rational interpolation can be employed to generate useful approximations to other functions of interest in scientific work.  相似文献   

It is shown that the translation of an open default into a modal formula x(L(x)LM 1 (x)...LM m (x)w(x)) gives rise to an embedding of open default systems into non-monotonic logics.  相似文献   

Optimal shape design problems for an elastic body made from physically nonlinear material are presented. Sensitivity analysis is done by differentiating the discrete equations of equilibrium. Numerical examples are included.Notation U ad set of admissible continuous design parameters - U h ad set of admissible discrete design parameters - function fromU h ad defining shape of body - h function fromU h ad defining approximated shape of body - vector of nodal values of h - { n} sequence of functions tending to - () domain defined by - K bulk modulus - shear modulus - penalty parameter for contact condition - V() space of virtual displacements in() - V h(h) finite element approximation ofV() - J cost functional - J h discretized cost functional - J algebraic form ofJ h - (u) stress tensor - e(u) strain tensor - K stiffness matrix - f force vector - b(q) term arising from nonlinear boundary conditions - q vector of nodal degrees of freedom - p vector of adjoint state variables - J Jacobian of isoparametric mapping - |J| determinant ofJ - N vector of shape function values on parent element - L matrix of shape function derivatives on parent element - G matrix of Cartesian derivatives of shape functions - X matrix of nodal coordinates of element - D matrix of elastic coefficients - B strain-displacement matrix - P part of boundary where tractions are prescribed - u part of boundary where displacements are prescribed - variable part of boundary - strain invariant  相似文献   

A first-order system F has theKreisel length-of-proof property if the following statement is true for all formulas(x): If there is ak1 such that for alln0 there is a proof of(¯n) in F with at mostk lines, then there is a proof of x(x) in F. We consider this property for Parikh systems, which are first-order axiomatic systems that contain a finite number of axiom schemata (including individual axioms) and a finite number of rules of inference. We prove that any usual Parikh system formulation of Peano arithmetic has the Kreisel length-of-proof property if the underlying logic of the system is formulated without a schema for universal instantiation in either one of two ways. (In one way, the formula to be instantiated is built up in steps, and in the other way, the term to be substituted is built up in steps.) Our method of proof uses techniques and ideas from unification theory.  相似文献   

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