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The main purposes of this study were to investigate the best parameter for describing gallbladder emptying and whether gallbladder bile emptying should be induced with a bolus injection or continuous infusion of cholecystokinin-octapeptide (CCK-8). METHODS: Gallbladder emptying was measured by dynamic cholescintigraphy. Twelve healthy subjects and six patients with gallstones were examined twice with CCK-8 infusion cholescintigraphy, 0.3 ng CCK-8 kg per min for 60 min under identical circumstances. Another six healthy subjects randomly received bolus injection (0.04 microgram/kg) and infusion of CCK-8 (0.3 ng/kg per min for 60 min), respectively, during cholescintigraphy on two separate occasions. The choice of bolus dose was based on recommendations from the CCK-8 manufacturer. The infusion dose was chosen to produce plasma CCK concentrations similar to postprandial plasma CCK levels. RESULTS: A parameter of gallbladder emptying, mean ejection fraction (EF), was defined as 100% minus the area under the time-activity curve normalized to 100% and divided by the time interval from maximum to minimum counts per minute. This parameter proved superior to the well known parameters, EFmax. and EF30, in regard to reproducibility in healthy subjects. The slope of the regression line for the mean EF was 0.998 and the intercept value approximately 0% (p = 0.0001). The mean coefficient of variation was 4%. Apart from a higher mean coefficient of variation, similar reproducibility results were seen in the six patients. The measurements of EF30 in healthy subjects scattered more widely around the mean compared to the mean EF and EFmax, which indicates poorer ability to separate normal from abnormal gallbladder emptying. Intravenous bolus injection of CCK-8 resulted in incomplete gallbladder emptying with a mean EF value of 16% (s.d. 9%; range 7%-32%) compared to 49% (s.d. 7%; range 37%-57%) following CCK-8 infusion (p = 0.004). Abdominal discomfort was observed in all subjects after administration of the bolus injection, whereas no complaints were reported during infusion. CONCLUSION: Mean EF is the best parameter for describing gallbladder emptying. Moreover, slow infusion of a physiological dose of CCK-8 is preferable to induce gallbladder emptying because it results in more complete emptying and has no side effects.  相似文献   

We have recently reported that the nuclei of B16 melanoma cells are intensely stained with anti-rat vitronectin (Vn) antibody, which reacts with both mouse and rat Vn. In the present study, we characterized the protein immunoreactive with the antibody using NIH3T3 cells, whose nuclei were also stained with the antibody. Western blot analysis showed that a protein with an approximate molecular weight of 75 kDa (p75), which was distinct from Vn, existed in the nuclear fraction, and, more specifically, in the nuclear matrix fraction, of NIH3T3 cells. Screening of an NIH3T3 cDNA library resulted in the isolation of a nearly full-length cDNA clone encoding p75. A database search revealed that the cDNA represents a novel gene. The deduced amino acid sequence showed that the protein is 580 amino acids long and contains two C2H2-type zinc finger motifs and glutamic acid-rich domains in the C-terminal region. When a fusion protein of green fluorescence protein and p75 was expressed in NIH3T3 cells, fluorescence was preferentially observed in the nuclei, demonstrating that the protein has a nuclear localization signal. The p75 protein, termed ZAN75, exhibited DNA-binding activity in a zinc-dependent manner. Southern blot analysis demonstrated that the ZAN75 gene exists in a single copy in the mouse genome and that a closely related gene is also present in chicken, rat, and human. Northern blot analysis showed that the ZAN75 gene is ubiquitously expressed in adult mouse tissues. In the cell cycle of NIH3T3 cells, expression was low in the G0/G1 phase, increased during the G1 phase, and persisted during the S and G2/M phases, suggesting that ZAN75 plays a role in regulating cell growth.  相似文献   

A careful evaluation of local tumoral extension is mandatory in patient selected for radical surgery for prostate cancer. Nevertheless, prostatic imaging, achieved with transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) and CT scan, is often unable to stage accurately the disease. The Authors report a retrospective analysis of 43 patients treated with radical retropublic prostatectomy: their findings support the idea that both TRUS and CT scan are unable to define the extent of the tumor, reaching respectively accuracies of 38 and 46%. From these data they conclude that CT can be excluded from the preoperatory workup of prostate cancer, except in selected patients, at high risk of nodal metastasis on the basis of PSA. TRUS is the mainstay of prostate cancer diagnosis and staging because it guides transrectal biopsies, but any conclusion made exclusively on the base of its imaging seems not reliable.  相似文献   

Compartmentalization of cAMP-dependent protein kinase is achieved in part by interaction with A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs). All of the anchoring proteins identified previously target the kinase by tethering the type II regulatory subunit. Here we report the cloning and characterization of a novel anchoring protein, D-AKAP1, that interacts with the N terminus of both type I and type II regulatory subunits. A novel cDNA encoding a 125-amino acid fragment of D-AKAP1 was isolated from a two-hybrid screen and shown to interact specifically with the type I regulatory subunit. Although a single message of 3.8 kilobase pairs was detected for D-AKAP1 in all embryonic stages and in most adult tissues, cDNA cloning revealed the possibility of at least four splice variants. All four isoforms contain a core of 526 amino acids, which includes the R binding fragment, and may be expressed in a tissue-specific manner. This core sequence was homologous to S-AKAP84, including a mitochondrial signal sequence near the amino terminus (Lin, R. Y., Moss, S. B., and Rubin, C. S. (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 27804-27811). D-AKAP1 and the type I regulatory subunit appeared to have overlapping expression patterns in muscle and olfactory epithelium by in situ hybridization. These results raise a novel possibility that the type I regulatory subunit may be anchored via anchoring proteins.  相似文献   

MCM3 is essential for the initiation of DNA replication and also participates in controls that ensure DNA replication is initiated once per cell cycle. In a two-hybrid screen for proteins that interact with human MCM3, we identified and cloned a novel protein of which the calculated molecular weight is 80,291. A specific antibody against the protein identified a 80-kDa protein in HeLa cell extract, indicating the protein actually expressed in cells. The interaction of these proteins was confirmed by immunoprecipitation assay. Moreover, we clarified a nuclear localization signal of human MCM3, and we find that mutagenesis on the nuclear localization signal of MCM3 affected the binding of newly isolated MCM3-assosiated protein, Map80. Map80 was expressed in Escherichia coli as a fusion with His6 tag and purified with sequential column chromatographies. The addition of recombinant Map80 stimulated the amount of nuclear localized MCM3. These results suggest that Map80 is involved in the nuclear localization pathway of MCM3.  相似文献   

We have identified and characterized a 9S protein complex from a Xenopus ovary cytosolic subfraction (fraction A) that constitutes this fraction's activity in recognizing a model nuclear import substrate and docking it at the nuclear pore complex. Because of its function, the complex is termed karyopherin. The 54- and 56-kDa subunits of the complex are termed alpha 1 and alpha 2, respectively, and the 97-kDa subunit is termed beta. In an alternative approach we have identified karyopherin beta from a rat liver cytosolic subfraction A by using immobilized rat nucleoporin Nup98 in a single, affinity-based enrichment step. We have molecularly cloned and sequenced rat karyopherin beta. Comparison with protein sequence data banks showed no significant similarity to other known proteins. Using nitrocellulose-immobilized rat liver nuclear envelope proteins and nuclear import substrate as a ligand, we found Xenopus fraction A-dependent binding to at least three bona fide nucleoporins (Nup214, Nup153, and Nup98) and to a candidate nucleoporin with an estimated molecular mass of 270 kDa. We propose that these nucleoporins function as docking proteins for karyopherin-mediated binding of substrate in a nuclear import/export pathway across the nuclear pore complex.  相似文献   

We have identified the first putative integral membrane pentraxin and named it neuronal pentraxin receptor (NPR). NPR is enriched by affinity chromatography on columns of a snake venom toxin, taipoxin, and columns of the taipoxin-binding proteins neuronal pentraxin 1 (NP1), neuronal pentraxin 2 (NP2), and taipoxin-associated calcium-binding protein 49 (TCBP49). The predominant form of NPR contains an putative NH2-terminal transmembrane domain and all forms of NPR are glycosylated. NPR has 49 and 48% amino acid identity to NP1 and NP2, respectively, and NPR message is expressed in neuronal regions that express NP1 and NP2. We suggest that NPR, NP1, NP2, and TCBP49 are involved in a pathway responsible for the transport of taipoxin into synapses and that this may represent a novel neuronal uptake pathway involved in the clearance of synaptic debris.  相似文献   

Daxx, a novel Fas-binding protein that activates JNK and apoptosis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We examined 33 primary gastric carcinomas using comparative genomic hybridization to detect changes in the DNA copy number and the chromosomal location of these changes. Ninety-four percent (31 of 33) showed 1 or more DNA copy number changes, such as increases at 2p23-p25 (observed in 21% of the total cases), 3q26.3-q27 (24%), 7p15 (24%), 9p22-pter (18%), and 13q22-q34 (21%) and decreases at 1p34.2-p36.2 (18%) and Y (52%). Histological examination indicated that increases at 3q26.1-q26.3 and 7p15 and decreases at 1p36.1-p36. 2 and Y were commonly observed in both differentiated and undifferentiated types. Increases at 3q27, 6q23-q25, and 7cen-p14 and decreases at 1p34.2-p35 and 17p12 were predominantly observed in the differentiated type, and increases at 2p23-pter, 9p22-pter, and 13q31-qter and a decrease at 6p21.3 were predominantly observed in the undifferentiated type. In addition, clinical staging of tumors showed that increases at 2p23-p25, 7p14-p21, 7q31-q32, and 9p22-pter and a decrease at Y were observed in early-stage tumors, whereas increases at 9q32-q33 and 15q26 were observed only in late-stage tumors. Many of the abnormalities detected in this study were not previously reported in gastric carcinomas. Our comparative genomic hybridization results indicate the presence of genetic alterations that may play some important role in the development and progression of gastric carcinomas.  相似文献   

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