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The multi-input multi-output (MIMO) communication framework is adopted for wireless sensor networks by having multiple sensors equipped with single-element antennas cooperate in transmission. A power method-based iterative algorithm is developed that computes the optimal transmit and receive eigen-filters distributively among the sensors while transferring most of the computational burden to the central collector node. Since the proposed algorithm implicitly exploits the channel state information (CSI) both at the receiver and the transmitter, it is expected that the resulting spectral efficiency is higher than what can be achieved by receive CSI-only space-time coding. This intuition is confirmed by employing a variable-rate adaptive modulation scheme for the eigen-transmission and comparing its spectral efficiency with that of orthogonal space time block codes (OSTBCs) at specific target bit error rates. The performance is also evaluated using realistic channel estimation as well as the least mean square (LMS) and recursive least square (RLS) algorithms for iterative eigencoding. This material is based upon work supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under Award No. FA9550-04-C-0074 and Toyon Research Corporation Subcontract No. SC6431-1. Seung-Jun Kim received B.S. and M.S. from Seoul National University in 1996 and 1998, respectively, and Ph.D. from University of California, Santa Barbara in 2005, all in electrical engineering. From 1998 to 2000, he served as a Korea Overseas Volunteer at Chiang Rai Teachers College in Chiang Rai, Thailand. Since 2005, he has been with NEC Laboratories America in Princeton, NJ. His research interests lie in detection/estimation theory, spread-spectrum communications, multiple antenna techniques and cross-layer design. Richard E. Cagley received the B.S. degree in engineering from Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA in 1997 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 1999 and 2003 respectively. Dr. Cagley currently holds a position with Toyon Research Corporation, Goleta, CA. Prior to joining Toyon, he held positions with Fujant Incorporated, Jet Propulsion Laboratories, and Qualcomm Corporation. His general research interests are in the areas of physical and MAC layer design for wireless communication. This includes multiuser detection, interference cancellation, space-time processing, spectrum management, and digital receiver design. Ronald A. Iltis received the B.A. (Biophysics) from The Johns Hopkins University in 1978, the M.Sc in Engineering from Brown University in 1980, and the Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of California, San Diego in 1984. Since 1984, he has been with the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he is currently a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His current research interests are in CDMA, software radio, radiolocation, and nonlinear estimation. He has also served as a consultant to government and private industry in the areas of adaptive arrays, neural networks and spread-spectrum communications. Dr. Iltis was previously an Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Communications. In 1990 he received the Fred W. Ellersick award for best paper at the IEEE MILCOM conference.  相似文献   

In wireless sensor networks, efficiently disseminating data from a dynamic source to multiple mobile sinks is important for the applications such as mobile target detection and tracking. The tree-based multicasting scheme can be used. However, because of the short communication range of each sensor node and the frequent movement of sources and sinks, a sink may fail to receive data due to broken paths, and the tree should be frequently reconfigured to reconnect sources and sinks. To address the problem, we propose a dynamic proxy tree-based framework in this paper. A big challenge in implementing the framework is how to efficiently reconfigure the proxy tree as sources and sinks change. We model the problem as on-line constructing a minimum Steiner tree in an Euclidean plane, and propose centralized schemes to solve it. Considering the strict energy constraints in wireless sensor networks, we further propose two distributed on-line schemes, the shortest path-based (SP) scheme and the spanning range-based (SR) scheme. Extensive simulations are conducted to evaluate the schemes. The results show that the distributed schemes have similar performance as the centralized ones, and among the distributed schemes, the SR scheme outperforms the SP scheme.  相似文献   

A novel Automatic repeat ReQuest (ARQ) protocol called cooperative ARQ is presented in this letter, where a relay terminal is requested to retransmit an erroneously received packet, instead of the source terminal. The data link layer Packet Error Rate (PER) performance of cooperative ARQ is derived in correlated wireless channel. The results show that even though the relay-destination channel is worse than the sourcedestination channel, the new protocol outperforms the traditional one as long as the average SNR of the relaydestination channel is better than a certain threshold. It is also demonstrated that a second order diversity gain can be achieved with the cooperative ARQ protocol.  相似文献   

Multi-radio diversity in wireless networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes the Multi-Radio Diversity (MRD) wireless system, which uses path diversity to improve loss resilience in wireless local area networks (WLANs). MRD coordinates wireless receptions among multiple radios to improve loss resilience in the face of path-dependent frame corruption over the radio. MRD incorporates two techniques to recover from bit errors and lower the loss rates observed by higher layers, without consuming much extra bandwidth. The first technique is frame combining, in which multiple, possibly erroneous, copies of a given frame are combined together in an attempt to recover the frame without retransmission. The second technique is a low-overhead retransmission scheme called request-for-acknowledgment (RFA), which operates above the link layer and below the network layer to attempt to recover from frame combining failures. We present an analysis that determines how the parameters for these algorithms should be chosen. We have designed and implemented MRD as a fully functional WLAN infrastructure based on 802.11a. We evaluate the MRD system under several different physical configurations, using both UDP and TCP, and measured throughput gains up to 3× over single radio communication schemes employing 802.11’s autorate adaptation scheme. Computer and Communication Sciences, EPFL, Switzerland. Allen Miu received his Ph.D. degree at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2006 and is currently a wireless systems architect at Ruckus Wireless, Inc. He received his S.M. in Computer Science from MIT and a B.Sc. with highest honors in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of California at Berkeley. He previously worked on the Cricket Indoor Location System and was a research intern at Microsoft Research, Redmond in 2000 and Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto in 2002. His research interests include wireless networks, location systems, mobile computing, and embedded systems. Hari Balakrishnan is an Associate Professor in the EECS Department and a member of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) at MIT. His research interests is in the area of networked computer systems. In addition to many widely cited papers, several systems developed as part of his research are available in the public domain. He received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of California at Berkeley in 1998 and a B.Tech. from the Indian Institute of Technology (Madras) in 1993. His honors include an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship (2002), an NSF CAREER Award (2000), the ACM doctoral dissertation award for his work on reliable data transport over wireless networks (1998), and seven award-winning papers at various top conferences and journals, including the IEEE Communication Society’s William R. Bennett Prize (2004). He has also received awards for excellence in teaching and research at MIT (Spira, Junior Bose, and Harold Edgerton faculty achievement awards). C. Emre Koksal received his B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Middle East Technical University, Ankara in 1996. He received his S.M. and Ph.D. degrees from MIT in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in 1998 and 2002 respectively. He was a postdoctoral fellow in the Networks and Mobile Systems Group in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT until 2003. Since then he has been a senior researcher jointly in the Laboratory for Computer Communications and the Laboratory for Information Theory at EPFL, Switzerland. His general areas of interest are wireless communications, computer networks, information theory, stochastic processes and financial economics. He also has a certificate on Financial Technology from the Sloan School of Management at MIT.  相似文献   

Controlled sink mobility for prolonging wireless sensor networks lifetime   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper demonstrates the advantages of using controlled mobility in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) for increasing their lifetime, i.e., the period of time the network is able to provide its intended functionalities. More specifically, for WSNs that comprise a large number of statically placed sensor nodes transmitting data to a collection point (the sink), we show that by controlling the sink movements we can obtain remarkable lifetime improvements. In order to determine sink movements, we first define a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) analytical model whose solution determines those sink routes that maximize network lifetime. Our contribution expands further by defining the first heuristics for controlled sink movements that are fully distributed and localized. Our Greedy Maximum Residual Energy (GMRE) heuristic moves the sink from its current location to a new site as if drawn toward the area where nodes have the highest residual energy. We also introduce a simple distributed mobility scheme (Random Movement or RM) according to which the sink moves uncontrolled and randomly throughout the network. The different mobility schemes are compared through extensive ns2-based simulations in networks with different nodes deployment, data routing protocols, and constraints on the sink movements. In all considered scenarios, we observe that moving the sink always increases network lifetime. In particular, our experiments show that controlling the mobility of the sink leads to remarkable improvements, which are as high as sixfold compared to having the sink statically (and optimally) placed, and as high as twofold compared to uncontrolled mobility. Stefano Basagni holds a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Texas at Dallas (December 2001) and a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Milano, Italy (May 1998). He received his B.Sc. degree in computer science from the University of Pisa, Italy, in 1991. Since Winter 2002 he is on faculty at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Northeastern University, in Boston, MA. From August 2000 to January 2002 he was professor of computer science at the Department of Computer Science of the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science, The University of Texas at Dallas. Dr. Basagni’s current research interests concern research and implementation aspects of mobile networks and wireless communications systems, Bluetooth and sensor networking, definition and performance evaluation of network protocols and theoretical and practical aspects of distributed algorithms. Dr. Basagni has published over four dozens of referred technical papers and book chapters. He is also co-editor of two books. Dr. Basagni served as a guest editor of the special issue of the Journal on Special Topics in Mobile Networking and Applications (MONET) on Multipoint Communication in Wireless Mobile Networks, of the special issue on mobile ad hoc networks of the Wiley’s Interscience’s Wireless Communications & Mobile Networks journal, and of the Elsevier’s journal Algorithmica on algorithmic aspects of mobile computing and communications. Dr. Basagni serves as a member of the editorial board and of the technical program committee of ACM and IEEE journals and international conferences. He is a senior member of the ACM (including the ACM SIGMOBILE), senior member of the IEEE (Computer and Communication societies), and member of ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education). Alessio Carosi received the M.S. degree “summa cum laude” in Computer Science in 2004 from Rome University “La Sapienza.” He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at Rome University “La Sapienza.” His research interests include protocols for ad hoc and sensor networks, underwater systems and delay tolerant networking. Emanuel Melachrinoudis received the Ph.D. degree in industrial engineering and operations research from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. He is currently the Director of Industrial Engineering and Associate Chairman of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at Northeastern University, Boston, MA. His research interests are in the areas of network optimization and multiple criteria optimization with applications to telecommunication networks, distribution networks, location and routing. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Operational Research. He has published in journals such as Management Science, Transportation Science, Networks, European Journal of Operational Research, Naval Research Logistics and IIE Transactions. Chiara Petrioli received the Laurea degree “summa cum laude” in computer science in 1993, and the Ph.D. degree in computer engineering in 1998, both from Rome University “La Sapienza,” Italy. She is currently Associate Professor with the Computer Science Department at Rome University “La Sapienza.” Her current work focuses on ad hoc and sensor networks, Delay Tolerant Networks, Personal Area Networks, Energy-conserving protocols, QoS in IP networks and Content Delivery Networks where she contributed around sixty papers published in prominent international journals and conferences. Prior to Rome University she was research associate at Politecnico di Milano and was working with the Italian Space agency (ASI) and Alenia Spazio. Dr. Petrioli was guest editor of the special issue on “Energy-conserving protocols in wireless Networks” of the ACM/Kluwer Journal on Special Topics in Mobile Networking and Applications (ACM MONET) and is associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, the ACM/Kluwer Wireless Networks journal, the Wiley InterScience Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing journal and the Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks journal. She has served in the organizing committee and technical program committee of several leading conferences in the area of networking and mobile computing including ACM Mobicom, ACM Mobihoc, IEEE ICC,IEEE Globecom. She is member of the steering committee of ACM Sensys and of the international conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networking and Services (Mobiquitous) and serves as member of the ACM SIGMOBILE executive committee. Dr. Petrioli was a Fulbright scholar. She is a senior member of IEEE and a member of ACM. Z. Maria Wang received her Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering with the highest honor from Beijing Institute of Light Industry in China, her M.S. degree in Industrial Engineering/Operations Research from Dalhousie University, Canada and her Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering/Operations Research from Northeastern University, Boston. She served as a R&D Analyst for General Dynamics. Currently MS. Wang serves as an Optimization Analyst with Nomis Solutions, Inc.  相似文献   

Di  Nicolas D. 《Ad hoc Networks》2004,2(1):65-85
In wireless sensor networks that consist of a large number of low-power, short-lived, unreliable sensors, one of the main design challenges is to obtain long system lifetime without sacrificing system original performance (sensing coverage and sensing reliability). To solve this problem, one of the potential approaches is to identify redundant nodes at the sensing interface and then assign them an off-duty operation mode that has lower energy consumption than the normal on-duty mode. In our previous work [J. Wireless Commun. Mobile Comput. 3 (2003) 271; Processing of ACM Wireless Sensor Network and Application Workshop 2002, September 2002], we proposed a node-scheduling scheme, which can provide a 100% sensing coverage preservation capability. This, however, requires each node to be aware of its own and its neighbors’ location information. Also, in that scheme, each node has to do accurate geometrical calculation to determine whether to take an off-duty status. In this paper, we propose and study several alternative node-scheduling schemes, which cannot completely preserve the original system coverage, but are nonetheless light-weighted and flexible compared with the previous one. Our simulation results compare these schemes with the previous one and demonstrate their effectiveness.  相似文献   

Cooperative communication is a promising technique for future wireless networks. It can be used in improving communication reliability and enhancing spectrum efficiency by using the broadcast nature of radio communication and exploiting cooperative diversity. However, its performance gain degrades in the presence of co‐channel interference, which makes it essential to propose interference mitigation schemes. In this paper, we introduce three cooperative communication schemes with interference management for multi‐user cooperative wireless networks. The first scheme (best relay selection) is used as a performance benchmark because it completely avoids the interference problem by using the Frequency‐Division Multiple Access technique. The second scheme (best available relay selection) maximizes the received signal‐to‐noise ratio while keeping the interference levels below a certain threshold, and the third scheme (General Order Relay and User Selection) is based on iterative resource allocation algorithm. We derive exact closed‐form expressions of average bit error probability, outage probability, and average consumed power for the proposed schemes. Simulations are used to validate the analytical results. The results confirm the advantage of the proposed cooperation schemes in enhancing the system performance and improving the interference management. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Relay sensor placement in wireless sensor networks   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper addresses the following relay sensor placement problem: given the set of duty sensors in the plane and the upper bound of the transmission range, compute the minimum number of relay sensors such that the induced topology by all sensors is globally connected. This problem is motivated by practically considering the tradeoff among performance, lifetime, and cost when designing sensor networks. In our study, this problem is modelled by a NP-hard network optimization problem named Steiner Minimum Tree with Minimum number of Steiner Points and bounded edge length (SMT-MSP). In this paper, we propose two approximate algorithms, and conduct detailed performance analysis. The first algorithm has a performance ratio of 3 and the second has a performance ratio of 2.5. Xiuzhen Cheng is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the George Washington University. She received her MS and PhD degrees in Computer Science from the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities in 2000 and 2002, respectively. Her current research interests include Wireless and Mobile Computing, Sensor Networks, Wireless Security, Statistical Pattern Recognition, Approximation Algorithm Design and Analysis, and Computational Medicine. She is an editor for the International Journal on Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing and the International Journal of Sensor Networks. Dr. Cheng is a member of IEEE and ACM. She received the National Science Foundation CAREER Award in 2004. Ding-Zhu Du received his M.S. degree in 1982 from Institute of Applied Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and his Ph.D. degree in 1985 from the University of California at Santa Barbara. He worked at Mathematical Sciences Research Institutea, Berkeley in 1985-86, at MIT in 1986-87, and at Princeton University in 1990-91. He was an associate-professor/professor at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota in 1991-2005, a professor at City University of Hong Kong in 1998-1999, a research professor at Institute of Applied Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1987-2002, and a Program Director at National Science Foundation of USA in 2002-2005. Currently, he is a professor at Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas and the Dean of Science at Xi’an Jiaotong University. His research interests include design and analysis of algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems in communication networks and bioinformatics. He has published more than 140 journal papers and 10 written books. He is the editor-in-chief of Journal of Combinatorial Optimization and book series on Network Theory and Applications. He is also in editorial boards of more than 15 journals. Lusheng Wang received his PhD degree from McMaster University in 1995. He is an associate professor at City University of Hong Kong. His research interests include networks, algorithms and Bioinformatics. He is a member of IEEE and IEEE Computer Society. Baogang Xu received his PhD degree from Shandong University in 1997. He is a professor at Nanjing Normal University. His research interests include graph theory and algorithms on graphs.  相似文献   

We investigate the problem of how to minimize the energy consumption in multi-hop Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), under the constraint of end-to-end reliability Quality of Seervice (QoS) requirement. Based on the investigation, we jointly consider the routing, relay selection and power allocation algorithm, and present a novel distributed cross-layer strategy using opportunistic relaying scheme for cooperative communication. The results show that under the same QoS requirement, the proposed cross-layer strategy performs better than other cross-layer cooperative communication algorithms in energy efficiency. We also investigated the impact of several parameters on the energy efficiency of the cooperative communication in WSNs, thus can be used to provide guidelines to decide when and how to apply cooperation for a given setup.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe an impulse-based ultra wideband (UWB) radio system for wireless sensor network (WSN) applications. Different architectures have been studied for base station and sensor nodes. The base station node uses coherent UWB architecture because of the high performance and good sensitivity requirements. However, to meet complexity, power and cost constraints, the sensor module uses a novel non-coherent architecture that can autonomously detect the UWB signals. The radio modules include a transceiver block, a baseband processing unit and a power management block. The transceiver block includes a Gaussian pulse generator, a multiplier, an integrator and timing circuits. For long range applications, a wideband low noise amplifier (LNA) is included in the transceiver of the sensor module, whereas in short range applications it is simply eliminated to further reduce the power consumption. In order to verify the proposed system concept, circuit level implementation is studied using 1.5 V 0.18 μm CMOS technology. Finally, the UWB radio modules have been designed for implementation in liquid-crystal-polymer (LCP) based System-on-Package (SoP) technology for low power, low cost and small size integration. A small low cost, double-slotted, Knight’s helm antenna is embedded in the LCP substrate, which shows stable characterization and a return loss better than ?10 dB over the UWB band.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an approach called PC-CORP (Power Control based Cooperative Opportunistic Routing Protocol) for WSN (Wireless Sensor Networks), providing robustness to the random variations in network connectivity while ensuring better data forwarding efficiency in an energy efficient manner. Based on the realistic radio model, we combine the region-based routing, rendezvous scheme, sleep discipline and cooperative communication together to model data forwarding by cross layer design in WSN. At the same time, a lightweight transmission power control algorithm called PC-AIMD (Power Control Additive Increase Multiplicative Decrease) is introduced to utilize the cooperation of relay nodes to improve the forwarding efficiency performance and increase the robustness of the routing protocol. In the simulation, the performance of PC-COPR is investigated in terms of the adaptation of variations in network connectivity and satisfying the QoS requirements of application.  相似文献   

We construct cooperative diversity coding schemes that mitigate the effects of symbol asynchronicity among network users. We do so by modifying, at the expense of implementation practicality, the signaling complexity of well behaved existing schemes. The modification allows the same good performance (DMT optimality) in the presence of synchronicity, and almost-surely permits full-diversity gains for any event of symbol asynchronicity. This work was in part carried out while Petros Elia was at the University of Southern California. This research is supported in part by NSF-ITR CCR-0326628.  相似文献   

Mauro  Roberto  Luigi V.   《Ad hoc Networks》2007,5(1):49-62
This paper presents the ECCE protocol, a new distributed, probabilistic, cooperative protocol to establish a secure pair-wise communication channel between any pair of sensors in a wireless sensor network (WSN). The main contributions of the ECCE protocol are: to allow the set-up of a secure channel between two sensors (principals) that do not share any pre-deployed key. This feature is obtained involving a set of sensors (cooperators) in the channel establishment protocol; to provide probabilistic authentication of the principals as well as the cooperators. In particular, the probability for the attacker to break authentication check decreases exponentially with the number of cooperators involved; to trade off the memory space required to store the pre-deployed encryption keys with the number of cooperators involved in the protocol. Hence, memory storage can be used to store keys built with the ECCE protocol, which helps amortizing the (limited) overhead incurred in the ECCE key set-up; to be adaptive to the level of threat the WSN is subject to. We provide analytical analysis and extensive simulations of ECCE, which show that the proposed solution increases both the probability of a secure channel set-up and the probability of channel resilience with respect to other protocols.  相似文献   

For the redundancy coverage of nodes leads to the phenomenon of low energy efficiency,Non-cooperative game theory was used to solve it.A revenue function was proposed,which considering the coverage of nodes and the residual energy.The lifetime of the node and network path gain were applied to revenue function.The network topology was built by nodes with the appropriate work strategy.Control algorithm coverage in wireless sensor network was proposed based on Non-cooperative game theory.A Nash equilibrium between the coverage rate and the residual energy was proved,and the return function converged to the Pareto optimal.Experiments show that the algorithm can provide reasonable coverage of network nodes and ensure energy efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper aims at synchronisation between the sensor nodes. Indeed, in the context of wireless sensor networks, it is necessary to take into consideration the energy cost induced by the synchronisation, which can represent the majority of the energy consumed. On communication, an already identified hard point consists in imagining a fine synchronisation protocol which must be sufficiently robust to the intermittent energy in the sensors. Hence, this paper worked on aspects of performance and energy saving, in particular on the optimisation of the synchronisation protocol using cross-layer design method such as synchronisation between layers. Our approach consists in balancing the energy consumption between the sensors and choosing the cluster head with the highest residual energy in order to guarantee the reliability, integrity and continuity of communication (i.e. maximising the network lifetime).  相似文献   

无线传感器网中,能量效率是系统设计首要考虑的因素.基于提高无线传感器网能量效率的目的,本文提出了一种简单的协作接收方案并分析了其能量效率,理论分析及仿真结果表明,当通信距离大于某一门限值时采用该接收方案可以有效提高无线传感器网的能量效率.  相似文献   

Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are formed by network-enabled sensors spatially randomly distributed over an area. Because the number of nodes in the WSNs is usually large, channel reuse must be applied, keeping co-channel nodes sufficiently separated geographically to achieve satisfactory SIR level. The most efficient channel reuse configuration for WSN has been determined and the worst-interference scenario has been identified. For this channel reuse pattern and worst-case scenario, the minimum co-channel separation distance consistent with an SIR level constraint is derived. Our results show that the two-hop co-channel separations often assumed for sensor and ad hoc networks are not sufficient to guarantee communications. Minimum co-channel separation curves given various parameters are also presented. The results in this paper provide theoretical basis for channel spatial reuse and medium access control for WSN s and also serve as a guideline for how channel assignment algorithms should allocate channels. Furthermore, because the derived co-channel separation is a function of the sensor transmission radius, it also provides a connection between network data transport capacity planning and network topology control which is administered by varying transmission powers. Xiaofei Wang is born on July 31st, 1974, in Jilin, People’s Republic of China. He received the M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands in 1992, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Cornell University, Ithaca, New York in 2005. From 1997 to 1998, he was selected as one of the twenty best master graduate candidates in all fields to participate in the Japan Prizewinners Programme, an international leadership exchange program established by the Dutch Ministry of Culture, Science and Education. From 1998 to 1999, he worked as a researcher at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Mathematics of Delft University of Technology in the areas of Secondary Surveillance Radar and Ground Penetrating Radar. His research interests include wireless sensor networks, wireless mesh networks, wireless networking, error control coding, communication theory and information theory. He is currently working at Qualcomm Incorporated in San Diego, CA. Toby Berger was born in New York, NY on September 4, 1940. He received the B.E. degree in electrical engineering from Yale University, New Haven, CT in 1962, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in applied mathematics from Harvard University, Cambridge, MA in 1964 and 1966, respectively. From 1962 to 1968 he was a Senior Scientist at Raytheon Company, Wayland, MA. From 1968 through 2005 he he held the position of Irwin and Joan Jacobs Professor of Engineering at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY where in 2006 he became a professor in the ECE Deportment of the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Professor Berger’s research interests include information theory, random fields, communication networks, wireless communications, video compression, voice and signature compression and verification, neuroinformation theory, quantum information theory, and coherent signal processing. Berger has served as editor-in-chief of the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory and as president of the IEEE Information Theory Group. He has been a Fellow of the Guggenheim Foundation, the Japan Society for Promotion of Science, the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China and the Fulbright Foundation. In 1982 he received the Frederick E. Terman Award of the American Society for Engineering Education, he received the 2002 Shannon Award from the IEEE Information Theory Society and has been designated the recipient of the IEEE 2006 Leon K. Kirchmayer Graduate Teaching Award. Berger is a Fellow and Life Member of the IEEE, a life member of Tau Beta Pi, and an avid blues harmonica player.  相似文献   

Wireless sensor and actor networks (WSANs) have been increasingly popular for environmental monitoring applications in the last decade. While the deployment of sensor nodes enables a fine granularity of data collection, resource-rich actor nodes provide further evaluation of the information and reaction. Quality of service (QoS) and routing solutions for WSANs are challenging compared to traditional networks because of the limited node resources. WSANs also have different QoS requirements than wireless sensor networks (WSNs) since actors and sensor nodes have distinct resource constraints.In this paper, we present, LRP-QS, a lightweight routing protocol with dynamic interests and QoS support for WSANs. LRP-QS provides QoS by differentiating the rates among different types of interests with dynamic packet tagging at sensor nodes and per flow management at actor nodes. The interests, which define the types of events to observe, are distributed in the network. The weights of the interests are determined dynamically by using a nonsensitive ranking algorithm depending on the variation in the observed values of data collected in response to interests. Our simulation studies show that the proposed protocol provides a higher packet delivery ratio and a lower memory consumption than the existing state of the art protocols.  相似文献   

In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), broadcast authentication is a crucial security mechanism that allows a multitude of legitimate users to join in and disseminate messages into the networks in a dynamic and authenticated way. During the past few years, several public-key based multi-user broadcast authentication schemes have been proposed to achieve immediate authentication and to address the security vulnerability intrinsic to μTESLA-like schemes. Unfortunately, the relatively slow signature verification in signature-based broadcast authentication has also incurred a series of problems such as high energy consumption and long verification delay. In this contribution, we propose an efficient technique to accelerate the signature verification in WSNs through the cooperation among sensor nodes. By allowing some sensor nodes to release the intermediate computation results to their neighbors during the signature verification, a large number of sensor nodes can accelerate their signature verification process significantly. When applying our faster signature verification technique to the broadcast authentication in a 4 × 4 grid-based WSN, a quantitative performance analysis shows that our scheme needs 17.7-34.5% less energy and runs about 50% faster than the traditional signature verification method. The efficiency of the proposed technique has been tested through an experimental study on a network of MICAz motes.  相似文献   

A precise localization for mobile target in wireless sensor networks is presented in this letter,where a geometrical relationship is explored to improve the location estimation for mobile target,instead of a simple centroid approach.The equations of location compensation algorithm for mobile target are derived based on linear trajectory prediction and sensor selective activation.The results based on extensive simulation experiments show that the compensation algorithm gets better performance in metrics of quality of tracking and energy efficiency with the change of sensor sensing range,the ratio of sensing range and sensor activation range,and the data sampling rate than traditional methods,which means our proposing can achieve better quality-energy tradeoff for mobile target in wireless sensor networks.  相似文献   

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