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The wavelength selective switch-based reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexers is a promising switching equipment for future reconfigurable wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) mesh networks. However, its asymmetric switching property complicates the optimal routing and wavelength assignment problem. In an asymmetric switching scenario, using the classic Dijkstra’s algorithm can lead to invalid paths traversing unconnected ports of an asymmetric node. To solve this problem, we propose both link-state (LS) and distance vector (DV) schemes for dynamic lightpath provisioning in optical WDM mesh networks with asymmetric nodes. The proposed LS schemes include the asymmetric switching-aware (ASA) Dijkstra’s algorithm, the $K$ -shortest path-based algorithm, and the entire path searching (EPS) algorithm. Simulation results show that the ASA-Dijkstra’s algorithm will bring notable improvement of the blocking performance with low computational complexity, while the EPS algorithm has much higher complexity and is not suitable to be employed in large-scale networks. On the other hand, our proposed DV solution, i.e., the information diffusion-based routing (IDBR), can achieve the lowest blocking probability with the lowest computational complexity. Moreover, IDBR does not require the distribution of local asymmetric switching information like the LS schemes, thus having a high level of topology confidentiality.  相似文献   

The problem of lightpath topology design (LTD) and traffic routing over the lightpaths for wavelength-routed optical backbone networks has been investigated extensively in the past using heuristic as well as linear-programming based approaches. Sensitivity of such long-haul backbones to physical-layer impairments is required to be adequately addressed during LTD phase to improve overall performance. For optical communication using wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) over a long-haul fiber backbone, four-wave mixing (FWM) may become one of the significant transmission impairments. Intrinsically, for a WDM-based wavelength-routed network with wavelengths assigned using equally-spaced channels, the generated FWM components are found to remain more crowded at the center of the fiber transmission window. Using this observation, we propose an LTD scheme employing a unique wavelength assignment (WA) technique, wherein long lightpaths (traversing through a larger number of fiber links) are allocated wavelengths at the either edges of the fiber transmission window whereas short lightpaths (consisting of fewer fiber links) are placed in the middle of the transmission window, thereby reducing the FWM crosstalk for long lightpaths. Since long lightpaths comprise of large numbers of fiber links and intermediate nodes, they experience large amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise and switch crosstalk. Therefore, by using the proposed WA technique, long lightpaths while suffering from more ASE noise and switch crosstalk get subjected to lesser FWM crosstalk leading to a more uniform distribution of overall optical signal-to-noise ratio for all the lightpaths across the network. Analysis of our results indicates that the proposed FWM-aware LTD scheme with the novel WA technique can achieve similar congestion levels (of lightpaths) and bandwidth utilization efficiency without any need of additional network resources as compared with the existing FWM-unaware LTD schemes.  相似文献   

In wavelength-routed optical networks, the high-delay introduced by the optical switching fabric for resource reservation increases critically the lightpath setup delay. In order to minimize the setup delay, Generalized Multi-protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) introduced the concept of Suggested Label Object (SL), which allows to start reserving and configuring the hardware with a proposed wavelength from the source node to the destination node. This solution is not optimal in wavelength selective networks (WSN) (i.e., without wavelengths converters). The need of guaranteeing the wavelength continuity constraint for end-to-end optical connections, combined with the lack of global wavelength-based link information (the source node is not aware of which wavelengths are available on each link), makes that the likelihood of establishing a lightpath using the proposed suggested label may be minimum. In this article, we propose an enhancement to the current GMPLS RSVP-TE signaling protocol with offset time-based provisioning that minimizes the lightpath setup, improving the overall network performance in terms of blocking probability and setup delay. Experimental performance evaluation has been carried out in ADRENALINE testbed, a GMPLS-based intelligent all-optical transport network.  相似文献   

Resource allocation in WDM networks, under both the static and dynamic traffic models have been widely investigated. However, in recent years there has been a growing number of applications with periodic bandwidth demands. Resources for such applications can be scheduled in advance, leading to a more efficient utilization of available network capacity. The setup and teardown times of the scheduled demands may be fixed, or may be allowed to slide within a larger window. A number of optimal integer linear program (ILP) solutions for the first problem (fixed setup/teardown times) have been presented in the literature. In this paper we present two new ILP formulations for the more general sliding scheduled traffic model, where the setup and teardown times may vary within a specified range. We first consider wavelength convertible networks and then extend our model to networks without wavelength conversion. Our ILP formulations jointly optimize the problem of scheduling the demands (in time) and allocating resources for the scheduled lightpaths. The fixed window model can be treated as a special case of our formulations. Our formulations are able to generate optimal solutions for practical sized networks. For larger networks, we have proposed a fast two-step optimization process. The first step schedules the demands optimally in time, so that the amount of overlap is minimized. The second step uses a connection holding time aware heuristic to perform routing and wavelength assignment for the scheduled demands.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problem of designing virtual topologies for multihop optical WDM networks when the traffic is self-similar in nature. Studies over the last few years suggest that the network traffic is bursty and can be much better modeled using self similar process instead of Poisson process. We examine buffer sizes of a network and observe that, even with reasonably low buffer overflow probability, the maximum buffer size requirement for self-similar traffic can be very large. Therefore, a self-similar traffic model has an impact on the queuing delay which is usually much higher than that obtained with the Poisson model. We investigate the problem of constructing the virtual topology with these two types of traffic and solve it with two algorithmic approaches: Greedy (Heuristic) algorithm and Evolutionary algorithm. While the greedy algorithm performs a least-cost search on the total delay along paths for routing traffic in a multihop fashion, the evolutionary algorithm uses genetic methods to optimize the average delay in a network. We analyze and compare our proposed algorithms with an existing algorithm via different performance parameters. Interestingly, with both the proposed algorithms the difference in the queuing delays, caused by self-similar and Poisson traffic, results in different multihop virtual topologies.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new Benes-type wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) optical network with space-wavelength switching capability. Intuitively, adding wavelength switching capability to space Benes networks requires the use of additional hardware components (i.e., wavelength converters). However, in this paper, we show that a Benes network with full-permutation capability in both space and wavelength domains can be designed using a smaller number of hardware components but the same number of stages as that in a space-only Benes network. In addition, wavelength conversion in the proposed network occurs only between two pre-defined wavelengths, eliminating the need for any expensive wide-range wavelength converters. The proposed Benes network is based on the newly proposed concept of wavelength-exchangeable permutation networks. Wavelength-exchangeable networks implement single-step space and wavelength switching and hence reduces the number of hardware components. We show that, such wavelength-exchangeable networks possess some interesting properties that can be used for designing routing algorithms to improve signal quality.
Haitham S. HamzaEmail:

WDM全光网络的故障定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
故障定位对于波分复用(WDM)全光网络的保护非常重要,文章给出了一种简洁有效的基于因果链和集合论的故障定位方法,并详细分析了故障模型,证明了用于故障定位的公式,进行了算法的时间和空间复杂性分析,还给出了实际设备的告警和故障的详细描述。  相似文献   

Internet protocol (IP) traffic connections arrive dynamically at wavelength‐division multiplexing (WDM) network edges with low data rates compared with the wavelength capacity, availability, and quality‐of‐service (QoS) constraints. This paper introduces a scheme to be integrated into the control and management plane of IP/WDM networks to satisfy the availability and QoS required for IP traffic connections bundled onto a single wavelength (lightpath) in WDM networks protected by shared‐backup path protection (SBPP). This scheme consists of two main operations: (i) routing multi‐granular connections and traffic grooming policies, and (ii) providing appropriate shared protection on the basis of subscribers’ service‐level agreements in terms of data rate, availability, and blocking probability. Using the Markov chain process, a probabilistic approach is developed to conceive connection blocking probability models, which can quantify the blocking probability and service utilization of M:N and 1:N SBPP schemes. The proposed scheme and developed mathematical models have been evaluated in terms of bandwidth blocking ratio, availability satisfaction rate, network utilization, and connection blocking probability performance metrics. The obtained research results in this paper provide network operators an operational setting parameter, which controls the allocation of working and backup resources to dynamic IP traffic connections on the basis of their priority and data rate while satisfying their requirements in terms of bandwidth and availability. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在WDM光网络中,将波长路由算法(Routing and Wavelength Assignment,RWA)与服务等级约定(Service Level Agreement,SLA)结合在一起研究,以此来确保高等级业务在传输时具有更好的可靠性和低阻塞率,并对实验数据进行仿真分析.  相似文献   

A dynamic routing and wavelength allocation technique with an interplay between physical and network layer parameters encompassing Four-wave mixing (FWM) awareness and teletraffic performance of wavelength-routed optical networks has previously been proposed for a distributed approach. In this article, we present a fast computational algorithm for our routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) encompassing FWM-induced crosstalk. The objective is to minimize the time of establishing a dynamic lightpath. For this purpose, a precomputed matrix of FWM crosstalk products is used in an adapted version of the FWM-aware dynamic RWA algorithm. The approach is validated through simulations showing improvement up to 30–50% on the provisioning time of lightpaths for different network topologies compared to an online full computational scheme.
Ken-ichi KitayamaEmail:

Dynamic lightpath establishment in wavelength routed WDM networks   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
In wavelength-routed WDM networks, a control mechanism is required to set up and take down all-optical connections. Upon the arrival of a connection request, this mechanism must be able to select a route, assign a wavelength to the connection, and configure the appropriate optical switches in the network. The mechanism must also be able to provide updates to reflect which wavelengths are currently being used on each link so that nodes may make informed routing decisions. In this work, we review control mechanisms proposed in the literature. We also investigate and compare two different distributed control mechanisms for establishing all-optical connections in a wavelength-routed WDM network: an approach based on link-state routing, and one based on distance-vector routing  相似文献   

在对光交换技术深入研究的基础上,对光网络中的关键器件,声光可调滤波器及光缓存器作了详细介绍,最后对光交换的发展前景作了展望。  相似文献   

In WDM optical networks, lightpath provisioning for static, incremental and dynamic traffic model has been widely investigated. However, Internet connectivity services are increasingly showing a new kind of traffic type in the context of optical networks, i.e., sliding scheduled traffic, which does not have a rigid deadline and allows flexible sliding within a large time window. This new traffic type offers opportunity of more efficiently utilizing network resources to accommodate more traffic, and poses new challenges of exploiting the flexibility of scheduling time. In this paper, we formulate the static sliding scheduled lightpath demand (SSLD) provisioning problem as a mixed partition coloring model in which routing and wavelength assignment are conducted simultaneously in compliance with the allowed time window of each request. Then, we propose a novel one-step heuristic algorithm named as maximum conflict degree first conflict reducing (MCDF-CR) to solve the SSLD provisioning problem based on mixed partition coloring model. Simulation results show that our approach can improve wavelengths utilization compared to previous heuristics.  相似文献   

Optical burst switching (OBS) is one of the most important switching technologies for future optical wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) networks and the Internet. The model of differentiated services has been proposed to support quality of service (QoS) in the IP‐based Internet. It is also very important to have differentiated service support in OBS networks. When the burst scheduling in an OBS network is set up appropriately, network can support differentiated services. In this paper, we proposed a new burst scheduling scheme, called differentiated scheduling with identical priority offset time (DSIPO). In DSIPO, the same priority offset time is used for all the bursts destined to the same edge node regardless of their priorities. Differentiated services in terms of burst loss probability are achieved by processing the control packets of higher priority class bursts, thus reserving resources for their data bursts, more promptly upon their arrival than those of lower priority class bursts. Each intermediate (core) node can adjust the burst loss probabilities of various burst classes by choosing its own differentiated processing delay value for each priority class or its own differentiated processing delay difference value between any pair of adjacent priority classes. We model and analyse DSIPO in terms of the burst loss probability for each priority class with simulation validation. The performance of DISPO is evaluated by simulation. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

GMPLS-controlled Wavelength Switched Optical Networks (WSON) often undergo upgrade in bit rate or in network element switching capability. In such a scenario many wavelength paths cannot be anymore considered pre-validated from the original network design phase. Thus, it is required to verify the quality of the optical path physical signal during path computation and signaling by considering the optical network impairments (e.g., attenuation, amplified spontaneous emission, etc.).In this paper, the general problem of impairment-aware path computation is presented and then solutions based on GMPLS extensions to be used during path set-up are considered. Specifically, an overview is presented where different approaches for implementing Quality of Transmission (QoT) estimation and QoT measurements in transparent networks are outlined. In addition, techniques for exploiting sparse regeneration in translucent networks are illustrated. Numerical results show that the proposed schemes are effective in finding or designating QoT-validated paths in only few set-up attempts when a fully transparent path is available. If the transparent path becomes unfeasible, the translucent approach is adopted showing how to optimally designate intermediate regenerators to satisfy the end-to-end QoT constraints.  相似文献   

自相似业务在WDM网络中的动态性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过在几种颇具代表性的网络拓扑结构上进行仿真,对自相似业务在波分复用(WDM)光网络中的动态路由波长分配(RWA)问题进行了研究,分析了自相似业务在不同波长路由分配策略下的动态性能,并与相同条件下的泊松业务作了对比。  相似文献   

随着掺铒光纤放大器(EDFA)的出现及其迅速商用化的发展,使得波分复用(WDM)技术日益成熟,而路由和波长分配(RWA)问题是WDM网络中的一个重要问题。通过对RWA基本问题的探讨,对EDFA出现的增益饱和现象的分析,找到了FAR算法中所存在的弊端并进行了改进。在文中所提出的新算法中,主要是根据光纤到光纤链路中输入EDFA光信号功率的基础上寻找备选路由,此种算法能够大大降低WDM传输网中的阻塞率。  相似文献   

As the number of wavelengths in a single optical fiber increases, so does the number of ports needed for wavelength switching in optical cross-connects (OXCs), which may significantly increase the cost and difficulty associated with controlling large OXCs. Waveband switching (WBS) treats several wavelengths as a bundle that is switched through a single port if they share the same switch route, so that the number of ports needed can be reduced. On the other hand, light-trails in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) optical networks allow intermediate nodes on established optical paths to access the data paths whereas light-paths only allow two end nodes to access the data paths. Therefore, light-trails offer significantly better flexibility for service provisioning and traffic grooming. In this article, we study service provisioning using light-trails in WDM optical networks with the WBS capability under a static traffic model. For comparison, integer linear programs are formulated for establishing light-trails with and without WBS. Numerical studies show that in certain cases, service provisioning with WBS in light-trail networks can reduce the number of ports needed while providing a more flexible sub-wavelength service provisioning capability. However, contrary to intuition, in most cases applying the WBS technique requires more ports in OXCs in light-trail networks. This study provides insights into the network design problem that applies the WBS technology to light-trail based optical networks.  相似文献   

针对基于业务疏导的WDM网络模型的两种不同的网络优化目标,提出并仿真了在已用波长优先情况下6种波长选择算法方案,计算机仿真结果表明,基于概率模型的业务疏导波长选择算法和基于业务起止位置的带宽负载度算法具有较好的性能。最后指出了这些算法的应用领域。  相似文献   

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