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Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) can be integrated with Device‐to‐Device (D2D) communications to enable the exploitation of unused spectrum portions and to address the spectrum scarcity problem. Spectrum management mechanisms integrated into DSA and D2D allow low‐power communications between User Equipments without interfering with licensed primary users. However, these mechanisms tend to be energy and processing intensive, being unfeasible to implement in User Equipments with strict battery and processing limitations. On the other hand, Cloud Radio Access Networks already leverage the virtually unlimited computing capacity of clouds for baseband processing functions. Thus, in this article, we propose the Cognitive Radio Device‐to‐Device (CRD2D) approach aiming to offload spectrum management functionality to the cloud taking advantage of Cloud Radio Access Networks architecture to support the integration of DSA and D2D.  相似文献   

Cognitive radio network (CRN) is an emerging technology that can increase the utilization of spectrum underutilized by primary users (PUs). In the literature, most exiting investigations on CRNs have focused on how secondary users (SUs) can coexist harmlessly with the PUs. Despite the importance of such a coexistence issue, it is also crucial to investigate the coexistence of SUs because (i) the PUs usually rarely use the licensed spectrum and (ii) the advantages of CRN will significantly increase the number of SUs in the future. To address this challenging issue, we propose, in this paper, an optimal randomized spectrum access scheme, whose main ideas include the following: (i) an SU shares its sensing results with neighboring SUs and (ii) with the regional sensing results, an SU will access available channels with a non‐uniform probability distribution. We first formulate a multichannel optimal randomized multiple access (MC‐ORMA) problem that aims to maximize the throughput of the CRN; we then develop efficient distributed algorithms to solve the MC‐ORMA problem; we derive the closed‐form value of collision probability for each SU; and finally, we conduct extensive numerical experiments and compare our theoretical analysis with simulation results to demonstrate the advantages of our scheme. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Orestis  Fotini-Niovi   《Ad hoc Networks》2008,6(2):245-259
Concurrent with the rapid expansion of wireless networks is an increasing interest in providing Quality-of-Service (QoS) support to them. As a consequence, a number of medium access control protocols has been proposed which aims at providing service differentiation at the distributed wireless medium access layer. However, most of them provide only average performance assurances. We argue that average performance guarantees will be inadequate for a wide range of emerging multimedia applications and “per-flow” service assurances must be provided instead. Based on m-ary tree algorithms, we propose an adaptive and distributed medium access algorithm for single-cell ad hoc networks to provide “per-flow” service assurances to flows whose QoS requirement can be expressed as a delay requirement. Both analytical and simulation experiments are conducted to assess the performance of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

Cognitive radio is a promising technology that deals with the scarcity of radio spectrum. In this paper, we propose a new multi-channel transmission strategy for dynamic spectrum access in cognitive radio network. Starting with the model of spectrum activities, we present the multi-channel transmission strategy which has primary user’s protection mechanism to improve the spectrum efficiency and study its performance under perfect and imperfect sensing. Numerical example results reveal that the performance of the proposed strategy has the superiority with respect to capacity performance of cognitive users and the protection of primary users.  相似文献   

In cognitive radio networks, there are scenarios where secondary users (SUs) utilize opportunistically the spectrum originally allocated to primary users (PUs). The spectrum resources available to SUs fluctuates over time due to PUs activity, SUs mobility and competition between SUs. In order to utilize these resources efficiently spectrum sharing techniques need to be implemented. In this paper we present an approach based on game-theoretical mechanism design for dynamic spectrum sharing. Each time a channel is not been used by any PU, it is allocated to SUs by a central spectrum manager based on the valuations of the channel reported by all SUs willing to use it. When an SU detects a free channel, it estimates its capacity according to local information and sends the valuation of it to the spectrum manager. The manager calculates a conflict-free allocation by implementing a truthful mechanism. The SUs have to pay for the allocation an amount which depends on the set of valuations. The objective is not to trade with the spectrum, but to share it according to certain criteria. For this, a virtual currency is defined and therefore monetary payments are not necessary. The spectrum manager records the credit of each SU and redistributes the payments to them after each spectrum allocation. The mechanism restricts the chances of each SU to be granted the channel depending on its credit availability. This credit restriction provides an incentive to SUs to behave as benefit maximizers. If the mechanism is truthful, their best strategy is to communicate the true valuation of the channel to the manager, what makes possible to implement the desired spectrum sharing criteria. We propose and evaluate an implementation of this idea by using two simple mechanisms which are proved to be truthful, and that are tractable and approximately efficient. We show the flexibility of these approach by illustrating how these mechanisms can be modified to achieve different sharing objectives which are trade-offs between efficiency and fairness. We also investigate how the credit restriction and redistribution affects the truthfulness of these mechanisms.  相似文献   

认知无线电是一种基于软件无线电的智能通信系统,它能够认知周围环境,并能通过一定的方法相应地改变某些工作参数来实时地适应环境,从而达到提高频谱利用率、缓解频谱资源紧张的目的.授权频段的频谱利用问题是认知无线电实现的关键技术之一.研究了授权频段的两种频谱利用方法:动态频谱接入和基于动态频谱接入模型之一的机会频谱接入.  相似文献   

In cognitive radio networks, cooperative sensing can significantly improve the performance in detection of a primary user via secondary users (SUs) sharing their detection results. However, a large number of cooperative SUs may induce great sensing delay, which degrades the performance of secondary transmissions. In this paper, we jointly consider cooperative sensing and cognitive transmission in cognitive radio networks, aiming to achieve efficient secondary access with low sensing overhead under both the sensing time and reporting power limitations, where primary users are guaranteed to be sufficiently protected. We first propose an adaptive sensing scheme to lower the detection time while not degrading the detection probability. Then, based on the proposed adaptive sensing scheme, an efficient cognitive transmission protocol is well designed, which improves the throughput of secondary transmissions while ensuring the QoS of primary transmissions. We analyze the performance for the proposed secondary access framework in terms of misdetection probability, average detection time and normalized secondary throughput, respectively, and derive their closed‐form expressions over Rayleigh fading channels with considering the reporting errors accordingly. We also study the problems of optimizing the number of cooperative SUs to minimize the misdetection probability and average detection time, and maximize the normalized secondary throughput for proposed framework. Simulation results reveal that the proposed framework outperforms the traditional case significantly. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为有效平衡认知无线网络中次用户系统中接入信道的感知时间和信道总的吞吐量之间的矛盾,提出了一种只对部分信道进行感知的频谱接入策略,联合总的感知信道数和各条信道的感知时间进行优化,并通过最优停止算法求解,在最大化节省感知时间的同时,取得较大的平均吞吐量。与HC-MAC(Hardware Constrained- Media Access Control)算法的仿真分析对比表明,该算法在相同给定条件下感知时间更短,吞吐量更大,具有明显的优势。  相似文献   

Although more than a decade has passed from the proposal of the Cognitive Radio paradigm, in these years the research has mainly focused on physical and medium access issues, and few recent works focused on the problem of routing in cognitive networks. This paper addresses such a problem by evaluating the feasibility of reactive routing for mobile cognitive radio ad hoc networks. More specifically, we design a reactive routing protocol for the considered scenario able to achieve three goals: (i) to avoid interferences to primary users during both route formation and data forwarding; (ii) to perform a joint path and channel selection at each forwarder; (iii) to take advantage of the availability of multiple channels to improve the overall performance. Two different versions of the same protocol, referred to as Cognitive Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (CAODV), are presented. The first version exploits inter-route spectrum diversity, while the second one exploits intra-route spectrum diversity. An exhaustive performance analysis of both the versions of the proposed protocol in different environments and network conditions has been carried out via numerical simulations. The results state the suitability of the proposed protocol for small mobile cognitive radio ad hoc networks.  相似文献   

在认知无线电(CR)背景下,动态频谱接入已成为提高无线网络频谱利用率的重要途径。基于全球移动通信系统-铁路(GSM-R)系统中采集的细粒度频谱监测数据,提出一种数据驱动的深度学习方法,建模频谱模式,并建立一套动态频谱接入访问框架。采用一种深度频谱生成模型指导频谱分配;设计一种综合递归序列表征与场景特征嵌入的深度网络,建模和预测短时频谱占用情况,并由此提出一种动态信道接入策略。进一步,利用软件无线电(SDR)平台实现一套跳频系统,并将其与动态频谱接入策略进行集成。使用真实的历史频谱数据评估该系统的数据吞吐能力,测试结果表明,所提方法及构建的跳频系统能有效提高机会通信能力,高效利用频谱资源。该频谱接入框架及SDR系统实现具有较强的通用性,易于集成到不同场景和频段的系统中。  相似文献   

Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are formed by network-enabled sensors spatially randomly distributed over an area. Because the number of nodes in the WSNs is usually large, channel reuse must be applied, keeping co-channel nodes sufficiently separated geographically to achieve satisfactory SIR level. The most efficient channel reuse configuration for WSN has been determined and the worst-interference scenario has been identified. For this channel reuse pattern and worst-case scenario, the minimum co-channel separation distance consistent with an SIR level constraint is derived. Our results show that the two-hop co-channel separations often assumed for sensor and ad hoc networks are not sufficient to guarantee communications. Minimum co-channel separation curves given various parameters are also presented. The results in this paper provide theoretical basis for channel spatial reuse and medium access control for WSN s and also serve as a guideline for how channel assignment algorithms should allocate channels. Furthermore, because the derived co-channel separation is a function of the sensor transmission radius, it also provides a connection between network data transport capacity planning and network topology control which is administered by varying transmission powers. Xiaofei Wang is born on July 31st, 1974, in Jilin, People’s Republic of China. He received the M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands in 1992, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Cornell University, Ithaca, New York in 2005. From 1997 to 1998, he was selected as one of the twenty best master graduate candidates in all fields to participate in the Japan Prizewinners Programme, an international leadership exchange program established by the Dutch Ministry of Culture, Science and Education. From 1998 to 1999, he worked as a researcher at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Mathematics of Delft University of Technology in the areas of Secondary Surveillance Radar and Ground Penetrating Radar. His research interests include wireless sensor networks, wireless mesh networks, wireless networking, error control coding, communication theory and information theory. He is currently working at Qualcomm Incorporated in San Diego, CA. Toby Berger was born in New York, NY on September 4, 1940. He received the B.E. degree in electrical engineering from Yale University, New Haven, CT in 1962, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in applied mathematics from Harvard University, Cambridge, MA in 1964 and 1966, respectively. From 1962 to 1968 he was a Senior Scientist at Raytheon Company, Wayland, MA. From 1968 through 2005 he he held the position of Irwin and Joan Jacobs Professor of Engineering at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY where in 2006 he became a professor in the ECE Deportment of the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Professor Berger’s research interests include information theory, random fields, communication networks, wireless communications, video compression, voice and signature compression and verification, neuroinformation theory, quantum information theory, and coherent signal processing. Berger has served as editor-in-chief of the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory and as president of the IEEE Information Theory Group. He has been a Fellow of the Guggenheim Foundation, the Japan Society for Promotion of Science, the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China and the Fulbright Foundation. In 1982 he received the Frederick E. Terman Award of the American Society for Engineering Education, he received the 2002 Shannon Award from the IEEE Information Theory Society and has been designated the recipient of the IEEE 2006 Leon K. Kirchmayer Graduate Teaching Award. Berger is a Fellow and Life Member of the IEEE, a life member of Tau Beta Pi, and an avid blues harmonica player.  相似文献   

成峰  章国安  金喜龙 《电讯技术》2017,57(12):1363-1368
认知车载网中不同的衰落传播信道会影响频谱感知的性能.为了描述不同信道下的频谱感知性能,分析了加性高斯白噪声信道、瑞利衰落信道和Nakagami-m衰落信道条件下的频谱感知单用户能量检测概率和协作能量检测概率,重点是Nakagami-m衰落信道、检测衰落因子、次用户的数量和信噪比这几个参数对协作频谱感知性能的影响.仿真结果表明,通过对不同信道特性的准确了解能够帮助车辆在不同衰落信道环境下提高频谱的检测概率.  相似文献   

In cognitive vehicular networks (CVNs), spectrum sensing and access are introduced as the promising technologies to fully exploit the underutilized licensed spectrum. Because the sensing ability of a single secondary vehicular user (SVU) is affected by high mobility, dynamic topology, and unreliable wireless environment, collaborative sensing is developed to increase the sensing accuracy and efficiency. Generally, the synchronization is required in the collaborative sensing in CVN. However, it is difficult to keep all SVUs synchronized with others for sensing under the high dynamic network topology, and the sensing overhead of the synchronous cooperative action may be significant. In this paper, we first propose an asynchronous cooperative sensing scheme in which each SVU provides an energy information (EI) that is tagged with location and time information. The sensing decision will be made on account of the EI. Considering the temporal and spatial diversities of each SVU, we assign different weights to each EI and formulate the probabilities of detection and false alarm as the optimization problems to find the optimal weight of each EI. Then, based on the asynchronous sensing, the specifications of the opportunistic spectrum access mechanism are elaborated in both centralized and decentralized CVNs for the sake of practical implementation. We analyze the system performance in terms of achievable throughput and transmission delay. Numerical results show that the proposed scheme is able to achieve substantially higher throughput and lower delay, as compared with existing schemes. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cognitive radio (CR) is an emerging wireless communications paradigm of sharing spectrum among licensed (or, primary) and unlicensed (or, CR) users. In CR networks, interference mitigation is crucial not only for primary user protection, but also for the quality of service of CR user themselves. In this paper, we consider the problem of interference mitigation via channel assignment and power allocation for CR users. A cross-layer optimization framework for minimizing both co-channel and adjacent channel interference is developed; the latter has been shown to have considerable impact in practical systems. Cooperative spectrum sensing, opportunistic spectrum access, channel assignment, and power allocation are considered in the problem formulation. We propose a reformulation–linearization technique (RLT) based centralized algorithm, as well as a distributed greedy algorithm that uses local information for near-optimal solutions. Both algorithms are evaluated with simulations and are shown quite effective for mitigating both types of interference and achieving high CR network capacity.  相似文献   

基于先验知识模型,设计了基于信道剩余空闲时间估计的动态频谱接入算法:每个次用户根据感知历史维护信道剩余空闲时间的估计向量并周期进行更新,每个时隙开始时次用户选择剩余空闲时间估计最大的信道接入。对动态频谱接入算法的适应性问题进行了分析,并求得了次用户的最优传输时间长度。仿真结果表明,在给定的参数下,新算法的信道利用率比其他算法提高约5%-10%,同时对主用户的干扰保持最低。  相似文献   

Medium access using the distributed coordination function of IEEE 802.11 is not efficient in wireless multihop networks if the devices are equipped with beamforming antennas. This paper proposes a distributed MAC protocol that goes completely away from the spatial reservation scheme of 802.11. It facilitates the use of beamforming antennas by following an announcement-objection scheme: a potential sender must “simulate” a transmission on a signaling channel before it can access the traffic channel. Based on this simulation, each receiving device estimates the expected interference and objects to the transmission if necessary. This paradigm overcomes the drawback of 802.11-based approaches that neighboring devices are silenced irrespective of whether or not they disturb signal reception. It benefits from a tight interaction of the MAC and physical layer.  相似文献   

Medium Access Control is an important component in cognitive radio that allow secondary users to identify and access spectrum opportunity without interfering with primary users. In this paper, a queueing model to analyze the performances of the secondary users in a cognitive radio network is presented. The queueing model considers the transmissions of a secondary system where a Medium Access Control algorithm is used to enable the secondary users to sense and access the channels. Also, a simple scheduler is employed to assign transmission time slots to the secondary users. Because the value of the system parameters can be perturbed and cannot be determined precisely, the analysis is extended to take uncertainty into account. In this case, a robust optimization method to study the Markov chain with uncertainty is applied to obtain the stationary probabilities of the queueing model under uncertainty. The lower and upper bounds of performance measures are obtained and compared with the nominal value. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

摘 要:为满足认知无线网络中宽带业务实时传输的需求,提出低延迟的MAC层频谱接入方案,包括频谱感知调度与信道接入竞争两部分。在频谱感知阶段,认知用户选取最佳可用信道数实现感知与传输的延迟最小化;在信道接入竞争阶段,协议考虑频谱资源动态变化的特点,通过设计数据帧格式以及邻居节点协同侦听机制,减小信道冲突与“聋终端”的影响。理论与实验结果表明,与传统的认知无线网络MAC层协议相比,提出的接入方案数据传输延迟更短,同时在授权信道空闲率较大时吞吐量性能略优。  相似文献   

根据既不对主用户(Primary Radio user,PR)产生干扰,又对认知无线电用户(Cognitive Radio user,CR)提供QoS保证的原则,将认知无线电网络(Cognitive Radio Network,CRN)中多信道接入频谱共享问题建模为混合整数非线性规划。采用多级功率限制保证PR不被干扰,以CR物理层能够提供的速率作为信道和功率分配的依据,提出将能够为CR提供最大传输速率的信道分配给该CR的分配策略,将混合整数非线性规划转化为整数线性规划,并给出集中式启发算法和基于功率速率比(Power Rate Ratio,PRR)最小的分布式启发算法求解该整数线性规划。仿真结果表明,文中给出的算法能够提供较高的CRN吞吐量和较好的CR用户QoS保证。  相似文献   

As group-oriented services become the focal point of ad hoc network applications, securing the group communications becomes a default requirement. In this paper, we address the problem of group access in secure multicast communications for wireless ad hoc networks. We argue that energy expenditure is a scarce resource for the energy-limited ad hoc network devices and introduce a cross-layer approach for designing energy-efficient, balanced key distribution trees to perform key management. To conserve energy, we incorporate the network topology (node location), the “power proximity” between network nodes and the path loss characteristics of the medium in the key distribution tree design. We develop new algorithms for homogeneous as well as heterogeneous environments and derive their computational complexity. We present simulation studies showing the improvements achieved for three different but common environments of interest, thus illustrating the need for cross-layer design approaches for security in wireless networks. Loukas Lazos received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from the Electrical Engineering Department, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece, in 2000 and 2002, respectively. He is currently working towards the Ph.D. degree in the Electrical Engineering Department, University of Washington, Seattle. His current research interests focus on cross-layer designs for energy-efficient key management protocols for wireless ad-hoc networks, as well as secure localization systems for sensor networks. Radha Poovendran received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park, in 1999. He has been an Assistant Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department, University of Washington, Seattle, since September 2000. His research interests are in the areas of applied cryptography for multiuser environment, wireless networking, and applications of information theory to security. Dr. Poovendran is a recipient of the Faculty Early Career Award from the National Science Foundation (2001), Young Investigator Award from the Army Research Office (2002), Young Investigator Award from the Office of Naval Research (2004), and the 2005 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, for his research contributions in the areas of wired and wireless multiuser security.  相似文献   

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