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  目的  “碳达峰、碳中和”目标要求现有能源结构进行深刻变革。提高原有燃煤热电联产机组灵活调节能力是保障新能源电力安全并网的重要内容之一。  方法  分别从燃煤热电联产系统灵活调节需求、潜在储能应用现状以及耦合储能技术的发展方向等方面进行了评述。  结果  分析认为深度“热电解耦”仍是提高燃煤热电联产系统的关键内容。其次,为满足“源–荷”匹配性,储能技术将在燃煤热电联产系统中发挥重要作用,其中具有应用潜力的储能技术主要包括储热、蓄电以及飞轮储能。  结论  最后根据燃煤热电联产机组耦合储能技术的应用特点,提出了储能性能老化、新能源消纳、扩容区域热电负荷中长期变更、初投资与回收期的经济性分析四个方面的建议以及需要注意的相关问题。  相似文献   

  目的  随着新能源电力消费比例不断提高,燃煤机组耦合双储能技术的能源系统发展受到广泛关注。  方法  文章基于能源系统组成、储能技术特性、项目示范情况以及技术瓶颈等方面的分析,针对风电、光伏嵌入下双储能技术耦合燃煤机组参与电力系统调峰应用开展了运行控制策略研究。  结果  双储能技术耦合燃煤机组可通过不同的结构组成、运行策略优化有效解决新能源系统运行稳定性、能源高效利用以及技术经济性等问题,但目前尚未到实现大规模商业化应用阶段。  结论  双储能耦合燃煤机组在新能源系统中的推广应用,需要对双储能技术的策略优化及储能技术本身的发展突破方面不断开展工作。  相似文献   

基于无功补偿的无功功率实时平衡是电力系统安全稳定运行的重要保障.储能变流器具有四象限运行功能,可同时输出或吸收无功及有功功率,具有调频调压功能.基于储能的无功补偿技术具有响应速度快,连续可调、规模可控等优点,适用于高比例新能源和高电力电子化的新型电力系统.本文基于储能无功补偿原理,介绍了多种拓扑结构储能变流器的无功控制策略、串并联模块化放大以及中高压级联技术等研究进展.按照储能类型和应用场景,综述了储能以及储能混合无功补偿技术的发展进程及趋势,早期储能无功补偿主要采用超导储能、超级电容器及飞轮储能等短时间尺度的储能技术,电池储能技术的发展使其在电网调压、黑启动等无功补偿领域具有应用前景.基于经济性考虑,储能与STATCOM、新能源机组协同运行实现有功无功联合调压,保障系统电压水平,改善电能质量.新能源为主的新型电力系统给予储能无功补偿技术更重要的角色.储能、新能源机组及无功补偿装置的暂态稳态协同控制是未来新能源场站无功补偿主要形态.储能与其他无功源之间的协调控制策略以及联合规划问题的求解与优化都将是储能无功补偿技术的研究重点.  相似文献   

随着可再生能源的迅速发展,各种能源的出现使得能源互联网的构建逐渐完善,储能在电力系统中的作用越来越重要.现代科技发展的速度也越来越快,在科技强国战略背景下,储能技术也越发成熟.当前我国已基本具备了储能技术推广条件,进一步推动储能技术在电力系统中的应用,满足我国能源变更和电力发展的实际需求,则需要更加深入的了解储能技术、储能市场和政策环境以及各种储能技术的应用原理和商业运营模式,以便推动储能技术的研究和应用向规模化、商业化快速迈进.华志刚所著《储能关键技术及商业运营模式》(中国电力出版社)一书针对适用于电力系统的规模化储能技术关键问题和商业运营模式进行了系统分析,对于研究储能技术在电力系统中的应用价值与运营模式具有较大的参考价值.  相似文献   

在国家"30·60"战略推动下,电力系统将向着以新能源为主体的新型电力系统飞速发展.新能源的大规模接入与用户侧资源的深度挖潜,电网传统调度手段已难以支撑安全稳定的电力供给.新型储能作为近年来蓬勃发展的一种可调灵活资源,对填补电网日益扩大的调节能力缺口与可再生能源的高效消纳起到关键作用.首先阐述了新型储能的重点储能品类及...  相似文献   

近年来,风力发电、光伏发电等大型新能源并网发电,给电力系统的稳定和安全运行带来了挑战。储能系统作为一种辅助服务,参与火电厂的频率调节和峰值负荷调节,不仅可以帮助火电机组满足电网的快速调频和峰值调节要求,而且可以实现电网的供需平衡。本文建立了储能系统的全寿命周期成本模型,包括储能系统参与辅助服务的初始投资、运行维护、收益及补偿模型,以及考虑储能系统实际运行的成本模型。最后,通过实例对储能系统的经济指标进行了评价和分析。  相似文献   

储能技术是实现可再生能源大规模接入,提高电力系统效率、安全性和经济性的关键技术,也是提高清洁能源发电比率,推动雾霾治理的有效手段。截至2015年底,全球储能装机总量约167GW,约占全球电力总装机的2.9%;我国储能装机为22.8GW,约占全国电力总装机的1.7%。预计到2050年,我国储能装机将达200GW,市场规模将达2万亿元以上。目前已有的储能技术主要包括抽水蓄能、压缩空气储能、飞轮储能、超导储能、铅酸电池、锂电池、钠硫电池、液流电池及超级电容器等。不同的储能技术适用于不同的应用场合和领域,根据系统功率与放电时间,可以将储能技术的主要应用领域分为能源管理、电力桥接和电能品质管理三部分。未来储能市场的发展将集中在分布式储能、分布式光伏+储能、微网等配网侧和用户侧等领域。近年来中国储能产业在项目规划、政策支持和产能布局等方面均加快了发展的脚步,未来几年随着可再生能源行业的快速发展,储能市场亦将迎来快速增长。不过我国储能产业还处于发展的初级阶段,尚以示范应用为主,储能商业化应用面临着储能成本偏高、电力交易市场化程度不健全、储能技术路线不成熟、缺乏储能价格有效激励等各方面的问题,可谓机遇与挑战共存。  相似文献   

实现碳中和的过程,就是推进以可再生能源为基础,以新电气化为中心的经济社会全面转型。从经济学、环境经济学、气候经济学、社会学原理分析,可再生能源电力化和终端能源消费电能化,对能源、经济、环境平衡关系产生质的变化,演变为"电力-经济-气候"新平衡体系;新平衡体系下,电力系统特性发生重大变化,需要重构。新型电力系统特征是:大范围能源资源配置与分散式配置并重系统、可再生能源为主体的多元低碳电源体系、灵活性电源与储能相结合的调节系统、"源-网-荷-储"高度耦合的智能化供需平衡系统,及多层级电力风险防控系统。  相似文献   

储能技术在电力系统中具有削峰填谷、一次调频、提高电网稳定性、改善电能质量、提高电网利用率、提高可再生能源的利用率等重要作用。介绍了抽水储能、飞轮储能、压缩空气储能、钠硫电池储能、锂离子电池储能、液流电池储能等典型储能技术以及各自的国内外研究动态,比较了各种储能技术的优缺点,并对储能技术在电力系统中的不同应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

随着配电网中的可再生能源渗透率快速增加和电能替代战略的实施,配电网的运行和控制面临更严峻的挑战,配电网的新能源接纳能力成为关键。文章提出了一种考虑典型电能替代的配电网新能源接纳能力分析方法。该方法在配电网接纳能力分析时,将常规负荷与电采暖负荷、电动汽车充电站和储能3种典型电能替代负荷进行综合考虑,建立了考虑典型电能替代负荷的配电网综合负荷等值模型。基于随机规划方法,建立了考虑典型电能替代负荷的配电网新能源接纳能力分析的随机优化模型,采用线性递减粒子群解算策略进行求解。采用IEEE-14节点算例进行了计算分析,仿真结果表明,文章所提出的方法在考虑典型电能替代的配电网新能源接纳能力分析时具有较好的适用性。  相似文献   

朱成章 《中外能源》2012,17(7):13-18
能源发展要以电力为中心似乎是个老问题,我国从1985年开始,经“七五”、“八五”、“九五”、“十五”直到2020年,一直坚持“能源发展以电力为中心,煤炭为基础”,但在新形势下,重提“以电力为中心”就具有特殊意义.新形势下,不仅煤炭清洁利用要求把更多的煤炭转变成电力,而且可再生能源和新能源替代化石能源时,大部分也必须转换成电力,保护生态环境和应对气候变化也必须以电力为中心.我国自1985年提出能源工业的发展要以电力为中心以后,电力工业有了长足的发展,电力在全国的覆盖面大大提高,电气化程度快速上升.2010年我国电煤占煤炭消费量的比重、电力占一次能源消费量的比重、电能占终端能源消费量的比重,都比1985年提高了1-2倍.在大能源观的指导下,中国的绿色能源战略是:节能;解决煤烟污染,方法是煤炭利用要以电力为中心;发展天然气,用天然气替代发电以外的用煤,将替代下来的煤炭供发电用;发展水电和核电,对中国来说,水电、核电是能源工业以电力为中心的重要内容;开发新能源,新能源绝大多数需要转变成电力来使用,所以绿色能源战略要以电力为中心.我国要实现用低碳、无碳能源替代化石能源的第三次能源大转换,需要做好替代能源的选择;研究建立非化石能源的电力辅助服务设施;建立适应我国电力工业需要的智能电网;加强大规模储能设施的研究开发;加强用能设施的研究等各方面的工作.中国在没有完成两次能源大转换的落后条件下,要通过第三次能源大转换迎头赶上.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the fundamental question of where hydrogen might fit into a global sustainable energy strategy for the 21st century that confronts the three-pronged challenge of irreversible climate change, uncertain oil supply, and rising pollution. We re-envision the role of hydrogen at national and international strategic levels, relying entirely on renewable energy and energy efficiency. It is suggested the time for an exclusive ‘hydrogen economy’ has passed, since electricity and batteries would be used extensively as well. Yet hydrogen would still play a crucial role: in road and rail vehicles requiring a range comparable to today’s petrol and diesel vehicles; in coastal and international shipping; in air transport; and for longer-term seasonal storage on electricity grids relying mainly on renewables. Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are proposed where medium and long distance trips are required, with plug-in battery electric vehicles reserved for just short trips. A hierarchy of spatially-distributed hydrogen production, storage and distribution centers relying on local renewable energy sources and feedstocks would be created to limit the required hydrogen pipeline network to the main metropolitan areas and regions by complementary use of electricity as a major energy vector. Bulk hydrogen storage would provide the strategic energy reserve to guarantee national and global energy security in a world relying increasingly on renewable energy. It is recommended that this vision next be applied to specific countries by conducting detailed energy-economic-environmental modeling to quantify its net benefits.  相似文献   

梳理可再生能源发电商、常规能源发电商与售电公司等交易主体之间的电力、绿色证书供需关系,以各发电商的利益最大化为目标,建立考虑绿色证书的能源经济调度模型,求解消纳保障机制下发电商电力调度及证书交易策略;通过算例分析说明了绿色证书机制提高可再生能源发电商收益的有效性,消纳责任权重对于绿证价格变化、市场力抑制等市场良性运营具...  相似文献   

针对河西地区大规模新能源建设发展引起的发电企业之间及发电企业与电网企业之间的矛盾进行剖析,提出了解决问题的方法和建议,指出政府应综合协调兼顾各方利益,对新能源、常规电源、调峰电源以及电网建设统筹规划、科学配置、有序发展,营建和谐电网,使新能源、常规电源及电网发展相互促进,逐渐步入良性循环的共同发展轨道。  相似文献   

The deployment of smart grids in electricity systems has given rise to much interdisciplinary research. The new technology is seen as an additional instrument available to States to achieve targets for promoting competition, increasing the safety of electricity systems and combating climate change. But the boom in smart grids also raises many economic questions. Public policies will need to be adapted, firstly to make allowance for the potential gains from smart grids and the associated information flow, and secondly to regulate the new networks and act as an incentive for investors. The new competitive offerings and end-user pricing systems will contribute to improving allocative and productive efficiency, while minimizing the risks of market power. With real-time data on output and consumption, generators and consumers will be able to adapt to market conditions. Lastly smart grids will boost the development of renewable energy sources and new technologies, by assisting their integration and optimal use.  相似文献   

德国加快发展可再生能源产业   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杨敏英 《中国能源》2009,31(2):23-26
继续坚持提高能源利用效率,以可再生能源替代核电发展,保证未来能源供应的可持续发展和能源供应安全是德国近期能源战略的选择。本文介绍德国至2014年的可再生能源发展规划以及风电产业快速发展的主要经验,以推动我国可再生能源战略的实现。  相似文献   

Renewable power (photovoltaic, solar thermal or wind) is inherently intermittent and fluctuating. If renewable power has to become a major source of base-load dispatchable power, electricity storage systems of multi-MW capacity and multi-hours duration are indispensable. An overview of the advanced energy storage systems to store electrical energy generated by renewable energy sources is presented along with climatic conditions and supply demand situation of power in Saudi Arabia. Based on the review, battery features needed for the storage of electricity generated from renewable energy sources are: low cost, high efficiency, long cycle life, mature technology, withstand high ambient temperatures, large power and energy capacities and environmentally benign. Although there are various commercially available electrical energy storage systems (EESS), no single storage system meets all the requirements for an ideal EESS. Each EESS has a suitable application range.  相似文献   

冷热电三联供(CCHP)系统是利用一次能源或可再生能源发电,并通过多种余热回收设备高效利用余热,建立在能源的综合梯级利用基础上的产能系统。用户负荷动态变化及可再生能源输出不稳定会导致冷热电联供系统供、需侧能量不匹配,储能技术可有效解决该问题。本文总结了CCHP系统中储能技术类型及其研究现状,阐明了CCHP系统中电能储存和热能储存技术的应用方式。指出在传统能源与可再生能源相结合、供能系统越发复杂化的能源发展态势下,系统特性、配置优化和对不同场景制定出运行策略是储能技术与CCHP集成系统未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

The islands usually face challenges in their energy supply due to their specific location. On islands that are distant from the land, power is typically provided by diesel generators. Therefore, oil tankers must regularly refuel the island in order to supply the necessary fuel for diesel generators. As a result, if the fueling procedure is not completed for whatever reason, the island will not receive the necessary energy, which will result in an unavoidable loss of load. Due to their strategic location, some of these islands are used as military islands to protect the nations and waterways. Given the vital role that these military islands play for nations, a delay in supplying the island with energy can seriously harm security, the economy, and other factors. Transferring fuel to these islands is typically difficult, and in some cases impossible, under certain circumstances, such as war. Therefore, reducing the island's reliance on fossil fuels as much as feasible is vital to ensure the energy security of these specific islands. Diesel generators provide electricity to Larak Island, which is situated in the Strait of Hormuz. Larak Island serves as a military island due to its geopolitical location, hence it is crucial to consistently provide Larak with electricity. Therefore, in this paper, a combination of distributed generations and system storage is used to supply the Larak island. The photovoltaic, wind and tidal plants are considered the main power plants, and fuel cells with electrolyzers and hydrogen tanks have also been used as storage systems. In addition, the diesel generator is considered the system backup. The considered objective functions to design and manage Larak island's power supply system are reducing diesel generators fuel consumption, reducing electricity cost, and reducing electricity outages and lost power generation of renewable resources.  相似文献   

The choice of which type of electrical power generation technology to adopt is driven by a number of factors including: cost of generated electricity; responsiveness of generating plant to demand; security of supply/resource availability; environmental impact; and execution risk. Within these, tidal energy is unique as a renewable technology since it has the capability of providing predictable, firm power contributing to security of supply. This predictability gives tidal energy additional value in a future electricity market. Especially one where stochastic renewable technologies contribute to a sizable component of the power supplied; and where reserve capacity is required to maintain supply during periods of non-availability. In the shorter term, in order for tidal energy to gain commercial acceptance, tidal technologies under development need to produce electricity at a competitive price. This paper examines the drivers influencing electricity pricing; current tidal energy developments, aimed at reducing capital costs; and bench-mark these against offshore wind.  相似文献   

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