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Three experiments (Exp.) were conducted to study the effects of dietary addition of an essential oil product (EO) based on eugenol and cinnamaldehyde (0, control, or 525 mg/d of Xtract 6965; Pancosma SA, Geneva, Switzerland) on ruminal fermentation, total-tract digestibility, manure gas emissions, N losses, and dairy cow performance. In Exp. 1 and 3, the EO supplement was added to the vitamin-mineral premix. In Exp. 2, EO was top-dressed. Experiments 1 and 2 were crossover designs with 20 multiparous Holstein cows each (including 4 and 8 ruminally cannulated cows, respectively) and consisted of two 28-d periods. Intake of dry matter did not differ between treatments. Most ruminal fermentation parameters were unaffected by EO. Concentrations of ammonia (Exp. 1), isobutyrate (Exp. 1 and 2), and isovalerate (Exp. 1) were increased by EO compared with the control. Apparent total-tract digestibility of nutrients was similar between treatments, except total-tract digestibility of neutral-detergent fiber, which was increased or tended to be increased by EO in Exp. 1 and 2. Manure emissions of ammonia and methane were unaffected by EO. Blood plasma and milk urea-N concentrations and urinary N losses were increased by EO compared with the control in Exp. 1, but not in Exp. 2. Average milk yield, 3.5% fat-corrected milk yield, and milk fat, protein, and lactose concentrations were unaffected by treatment. Urinary excretion of purine derivatives, a marker for microbial protein production in the rumen, was greater in cows receiving the EO diet in Exp. 1, but not in Exp. 2. In Exp. 3, 120 Holstein cows were grouped in pens of 20 cows/pen in a 12-wk experiment to study production effects of EO. Dry matter intake, milk yield (a trend for a slight decrease with EO), milk components, milk urea N, and feed efficiency were similar between treatments. Results from these studies indicate that supplementing dairy cows with 525 mg/d of Xtract 6965 had moderate effects on ruminal fermentation, but consistently increased ruminal isobutyrate concentration and tended to increase total-tract digestibility of neutral-detergent fiber. Under the conditions of these experiments, Xtract 6965 fed at 525 mg/d did not affect milk production or composition.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to characterize the change in blood metabolites over time, and to evaluate the effect of dietary energy concentration on ketone body accumulation in periparturient cows. Twenty-eight multiparous Holstein cows were listed in order of their anticipated due dates and assigned randomly to 1 of 2 groups: with or without a transition diet. The control group received a nonlactating cow diet [1.54 Mcal/kg of net energy for lactation (NEL), 10.9% crude protein (CP), 53.1% neutral detergent fiber (NDF)] from 28 d before expected parturition, and a lactation diet (1.77 Mcal of NEL/kg, 16.8% CP, 29.9% NDF) after parturition. The treatment group received a transition diet (1.71 Mcal of NEL/kg, 16.8% CP, 35.2% NDF) from 17 d before parturition to 14 d after calving and was fed the same diets as cows in the control group during the third week of lactation. Blood from the coccygeal vein was sampled 3 times per week from 21 d before expected parturition to 21 d postpartum for analysis of glucose, nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyrate, acetoacetate, acetone, and glycerol. There were no significant differences in dry matter intake, milk yield, milk components, body weight change, and body condition score change during the postcalving period. Plasma concentrations of different ketone bodies changed in parallel, stayed relatively constant precalving, peaked after parturition, and then decreased but remained high compared with concentrations late in gestation. Plasma concentrations of NEFA and glycerol changed in a pattern similar to those of the ketone bodies. Feeding a transition diet resulted in a greater area under the curve (AUC) for glucose in the last 17 d of gestation, but in no effect within the first 21 d in milk. Acetoacetate AUC was greater for treatment cows than for control cows across the first 21 d in milk. The AUC of NEFA and glycerol between d 15 and 21 postpartum were greater for treatment cows than for control cows. Feeding a transition diet both before and after parturition was associated with greater mobilization of adipose tissue and greater exposure to ketone bodies in early lactation compared with abruptly changing to a lactation diet after parturition.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of plane of energy intake prepartum on postpartum performance. Primiparous (n = 24) and multiparous (n = 23) Holsteins were randomly assigned by expected date of parturition to 1 of 3 prepartum energy intakes. A moderate energy diet [1.63 Mcal of net energy for lactation (NEL)/kg; 15% crude protein (CP)] was fed for either ad libitum intake (OVR) or restricted intake (RES) to supply 150 or 80% of National Research Council (2001) energy requirement, respectively, for dry cows in late gestation. To limit energy intake to 100% of NRC requirement at ad libitum dry matter intake (DMI), chopped wheat straw was included as 31.8% of dry matter (DM) in a control diet (CON; 1.21 Mcal of NEL/kg of DM; 14% CP). Multiparous and primiparous cows assigned to OVR gained body condition during the dry period [initial body condition score (BCS) = 3.3], but were not overconditioned by parturition (BCS = 3.5). Multiparous cows in the OVR group lost more BCS postpartum than multiparous RES or CON cows. Primiparous cows lost similar amounts of BCS among dietary treatment groups postpartum. Addition of chopped wheat straw to CON diets prevented a large decrease in DMI prepartum in both primiparous and multiparous cows. During the first 3 wk postpartum, DMI as a percentage of BW was lower for multiparous OVR cows than for multiparous RES cows. Prepartum diet effects did not carry over through the entire 8-wk lactation period. Because of greater mobilization of body stores, OVR cows had greater milk fat percentage and greater 3.5% fat-corrected milk yield during the first 3 wk postpartum. Multiparous cows assigned to OVR experienced a 55% decrease in energy balance and primiparous cows a 40% decrease in energy balance during the last 3 wk before parturition, compared with CON or RES cows that had little change. Multiparous cows fed OVR had a greater contribution of energy from body energy reserves to milk energy output than either CON or RES cows. Overfeeding energy prepartum resulted in large changes in periparturient energy balance. Even in the absence of overconditioning, a large change in DMI and energy balance prepartum influenced postpartum DMI and BCS loss, especially for multiparous cows. Chopped wheat straw was effective at controlling energy intake prepartum, although primiparous cows did not achieve predicted DMI. Even so, controlling or restricting energy intake in primiparous cows was not detrimental to lactational performance over the first 8 wk of lactation.  相似文献   

Thirty-two multiparous Holstein cows were used to investigate the effects of chromium-l-methionine (Cr-Met) supplementation and dietary grain source on performance and lactation during the periparturient period. Cows were fed a total mixed ration consisting of either a barley-based diet (BBD) or a corn-based diet (CBD) from 21 d before anticipated calving through 28 d after calving. The Cr-Met was supplemented at dosages of 0 or 0.08 mg of Cr/kg of metabolic body weight. The study was designed as a randomized complete block design with 2 (Cr-Met levels) × 2 (grain sources) factorial arrangement. There was no Cr effect on prepartum dry matter intake (DMI) or postpartum DMI, body weight (BW), net energy balance, and whole tract apparent digestibility of nutrients. Prepartum DMI as a percentage of BW tended to increase with Cr-Met. Supplemental Cr-Met tended to increase milk yield whereas milk protein percentage decreased. Pre- and postpartum DMI, BW, net energy balance, milk yield, and milk composition were not affected by substituting ground barley with ground corn. The addition of Cr-Met increased prepartum DMI and tended to increase postpartum DMI of the BBD but not the CBD. The change in prepartum DMI was smaller when the BBD was supplemented with Cr-Met but remained unchanged when the CBD was supplemented with Cr-Met. Yields of crude protein and total solids in milk and prepartum digestibility of DM and organic matter tended to increase when Cr-Met was added to the BBD but remained unchanged when added to the CBD. Periparturient cows failed to respond to the grain source of the diet, whereas they showed greater response in milk yield to diets supplemented with Cr-Met. In conclusion, the present results demonstrate that the beneficial effect of Cr-Met supplementation during the periparturient period to improve feed intake may depend on the grain source of the diet.  相似文献   

Nutritional management during the dry period may affect susceptibility of cows to metabolic and infectious diseases during the periparturient period. Thirty-five multiparous Holstein cows were used to determine the effect of prepartum intake, postpartum induction of ketosis, and periparturient disorders on metabolic status. Cows were fed a diet from dry-off to parturition at either ad libitum intake or restricted intake [RI; 80% of calculated net energy for lactation (NEL) requirement]. After parturition, all cows were fed a lactation diet. At 4 d in milk (DIM), cows underwent a physical examination and were classified as healthy or having at least one periparturient disorder (PD). Healthy cows were assigned to the control (n = 6) group or the ketosis induction (KI; n = 9) group. Cows with PD were assigned to the PD control (PDC; n = 17) group. Cows in the control and PDC groups were fed for ad libitum intake. Cows in the KI group were fed at 50% of their intake on 4 DIM from 5 to 14 DIM or until signs of clinical ketosis were observed; then, cows were returned to ad libitum intake. During the dry period, ad libitum cows ate more than RI cows; the difference in intake resulted in ad libitum cows that were in positive energy balance (142% of NEL requirement) and RI cows that were in negative energy balance (85% of NEL requirement). Prepartum intake resulted in changes in serum metabolites consistent with plane of nutrition and energy balance. Prepartum intake had no effect on postpartum intake, serum metabolites, or milk yield, but total lipid content of liver at 1 d postpartum was greater for ad libitum cows than for RI cows. The PD cows had lower intake and milk yield during the first 4 DIM than did healthy cows. During the ketosis induction period, KI cows had lower intake, milk yield, and serum glucose concentration but higher concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids and β-hydroxybutyrate in serum as well as total lipid and triacylglycerol in liver than did control cows. Cows with PD had only modest alterations in metabolic variables in blood and liver compared with healthy cows. The negative effects of PD and KI on metabolic status and milk yield were negligible by 42 DIM, although cows with PD had lower body condition score and BW. Prepartum intake did not affect postpartum metabolic status or milk yield. Periparturient disorders and induction of ketosis negatively affected metabolic status and milk yield during the first 14 DIM.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of far-off and close-up diets on prepartum metabolism, postpartum metabolism, and postpartum performance of multiparous Holstein cows. From dry-off to −25 d relative to expected parturition (far-off dry period), cows were fed a control diet to meet National Research Council (NRC) recommendations for net energy for lactation (NEL) at ad libitum intake (100NRC; n = 25) or a higher nutrient density diet, which was fed for either ad libitum intake to provide at least 150% of calculated NEL requirement (150NRC; n = 25) or at restricted intake to provide 80% of calculated NEL requirements (80NRC; n = 24). From −24 d relative to expected parturition until parturition (close-up period), cows were fed a diet that met or exceeded NRC nutrient recommendations at either ad libitum intake (n = 38) or restricted intake (n = 36) to provide 80% of the calculated NEL requirement. After parturition, all cows were fed a lactation diet and measurements were made through 56 d in milk (DIM). Prepartum metabolism was consistent with the plane of nutrition. During the first 10 DIM, far-off treatments had significant carryover effects on dry matter intake, energy balance, serum nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) concentration, and serum β-hydroxybutyrate concentration. Cows with the lower energy balance during the far-off period (100NRC and 80NRC) had higher dry matter intake and energy balance and lower serum NEFA and β-hydroxybutyrate during the first 10 DIM. There were no effects of close-up diet and no interactions of far-off and close-up treatments. During the first 56 DIM, there were no residual effects of far-off or close-up diets on dry matter intake, milk yield or composition, body weight, body condition score, serum glucose and insulin concentrations, or muscle lipid concentration. Serum NEFA was higher for 150NRC than 80NRC; 100NRC was intermediate. Thus, the effects of far-off and close-up treatments on postpartum variables diminished as lactation progressed. Overfeeding during the far-off period had a greater negative impact on peripartum metabolism than did differences in close-up period nutrition.  相似文献   

Holstein cows (n = 72) entering second or later lactation were used to determine whether metabolic indices and hepatic capacities for oxidation and gluconeogenesis from propionate are affected by source of carbohydrate in the prepartum diet and chromium-l-methionine (Cr-Met) supplementation throughout the periparturient period. Cows were fed prepartum diets as total mixed rations with the concentrate portion based either on starch-based cereals [high nonfiber carbohydrate (NFC); 1.59 Mcal/kg of net energy for lactation (NEL), 14.4% crude protein (CP), 40.3% NFC] or nonforage fiber sources (low NFC; 1.54 Mcal/kg of NEL, 14.5% CP, 33.6% NFC) from 21 d before expected parturition until parturition. After parturition all cows were fed a common lactation total mixed ration (1.74 Mcal/kg of NEL, 16.5% CP, 40.0% NFC). The Cr-Met was supplemented once daily via gelatin capsule at dosages of 0, 0.03, or 0.06 mg of Cr/kg of BW0.75. Thus, treatments were in a 2 (carbohydrate source) × 3 (Cr-Met) factorial arrangement. There was no effect of prepartum carbohydrate source on pre- and postpartum plasma concentrations of glucose, nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), insulin, glucagon, or insulin to glucagon ratio. However, cows fed the low NFC diet during the prepartum period tended to have greater plasma NEFA and lower BHBA concentrations postpartum. Liver glycogen concentrations tended to be greater on d 1 postpartum for cows fed low NFC prepartum. Supplementing 0.03 mg/kg of BW0.75 of Cr as Cr-Met increased prepartum plasma glucose and glucagon concentrations and tended to decrease prepartum plasma NEFA concentrations compared with either 0 or 0.06 mg of Cr/kg of BW0.75. Postpartum plasma glucose concentrations decreased linearly and glucagon concentrations were increased quadratically by administering increasing amounts of Cr-Met. Supplementing Cr-Met did not affect prepartum plasma concentrations of insulin or BHBA, postpartum NEFA or BHBA, or liver composition. There was an interaction of prepartum carbohydrate source and Cr-Met supplementation such that in vitro hepatic conversion of [1-14C]propionate to both CO2 and glucose was similar or increased when Cr-Met was supplemented to cows fed the low NFC diet but decreased when Cr-Met was supplemented to cows fed the high NFC diet. Insulin addition in vitro did not affect hepatic metabolism of propionate on d 1 postpartum. Overall, both the NFC content of the prepartum diet and Cr-Met had only modest effects on metabolic indices in this experiment.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine lactation performance responses of high-producing dairy cows to a reduced-starch diet compared with a normal-starch diet and to the addition of exogenous amylase to the reduced-starch diet. Thirty-six multiparous Holstein cows (51 ± 22 DIM and 643 ± 49 kg of body weight at trial initiation) were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatments in a completely randomized design: a 3-wk covariate adjustment period during which the cows were fed the normal-starch diet, followed by a 12-wk treatment period during which the cows were fed their assigned treatment diets. The normal-starch TMR did not contain exogenous amylase (NS−). The reduced-starch diets, formulated by partially replacing corn grain with soy hulls, were fed without (RS−) and with (RS+) exogenous amylase added to the TMR. Starch and NDF concentrations averaged 27.1 and 30.6%, 21.8 and 36.6%, and 20.7 and 36.6% (dry matter basis) for the NS−, RS−, and RS+ diets, respectively. Dry matter intake for cows fed the RS− diet was 2.4 and 3.2 kg/d greater than for cows fed the NS− and RS+ diets, respectively. Intake of NDF ranged from 1.19 to 1.52% of body weight among the treatments, with the RS− diet being 28% greater than the NS− diet and 13% greater than the RS+ diet. Milk yield averaged 50.4 kg/d and was unaffected by treatment. Fat-corrected milk yield was 2.9 kg/d greater for cows fed the RS− diet than for cows fed the NS− diet. Body weight and body condition score measurements were unaffected by treatment. Fat-, solids-, and energy-corrected milk feed conversions (kilograms/kilogram of DMI) were 12 to 13% greater for cows fed the RS+ diet than for cows fed the RS− diet. Dry matter and nutrient digestibilities were lowest for cows fed the NS− diet and greatest for cows fed the RS+ diet, and were greater for cows fed the RS+ diet than for cows fed the RS− diet, with the exception of starch digestibility, which was similar. Greater conversion of feed to milk for dairy cows fed reduced-starch diets that include exogenous amylase may offer potential for improving economic performance.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of prepartum plane of energy intake on metabolic profiles related to lipid metabolism and health in blood and liver. Primiparous (n = 24) and multiparous (n = 23) Holsteins were randomly assigned by expected date of parturition to 1 of 3 prepartum energy intakes. A high energy diet [1.62 Mcal of net energy for lactation (NEL)/kg; 15% crude protein] was fed for either ad libitum intake or restricted intake to supply 150% (OVR) or 80% (RES) of energy requirements for dry cows in late gestation. To limit energy intake to 100% of National Research Council requirements at ad libitum intake, chopped wheat straw was included as 31.8% of dry matter for a control diet (CON; 1.21 Mcal of NEL/kg of dry matter; 14.2% crude protein). Regardless of parity group, OVR cows had greater concentrations of glucose, insulin, and leptin in blood prepartum compared with either CON or RES cows; however, dietary effects did not carry over to the postpartum period. Prepartum nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) were lower in OVR cows compared with either CON or RES cows. Postpartum, however, OVR cows had evidence of greater mobilization of triacylglycerol (TAG) from adipose tissue as NEFA were higher than in CON or RES cows, especially within the first 10 d postpartum. Prepartum β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) was not affected by diet before parturition; however, within the first 10 d postpartum, OVR cows had greater BHBA than CON or RES cows. Prepartum diet did not affect liver composition prepartum; however, OVR cows had greater total lipid and TAG concentrations and lower glycogen postpartum than CON or RES cows. Frequency of ketosis and displaced abomasum was greater for OVR cows compared with CON or RES cows postpartum. Controlling or restricting prepartum energy intake yielded metabolic results that were strikingly similar both prepartum and postpartum, independent of parity group. The use of a bulky diet controlled prepartum energy intake in multiparous and primiparous cows, improved metabolic status postpartum, and reduced the incidence of health problems. When metabolic profiles are considered collectively, cows overfed energy prepartum exhibited an “overnutrition syndrome” with characteristics of clinical symptoms displayed by diabetic or obese nonruminant subjects. This syndrome likely contributed to metabolic dysfunction postpartum.  相似文献   

The objective of this trial was to determine lactation performance responses in high-producing dairy cows to a reduced-starch versus a normal-starch diet and to the addition of exogenous amylase to the reduced-starch diet. Forty-five multiparous Holstein cows, 68 ± 29 d in milk and 696 ± 62 kg of body weight (BW) at trial initiation, were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatments in a completely randomized design; a 2-wk covariate adjustment period with cows fed the normal-starch diet was followed by a 10-wk treatment period with cows fed their assigned treatment diets. The normal-starch total mixed ration did not contain exogenous amylase (NS−). The reduced-starch diets, formulated by partially replacing corn grain and soybean meal with whole cottonseed and wheat middlings, were fed without (RS−) and with (RS+) exogenous amylase addition to the total mixed ration. All diets contained 50% forage and 19.8% forage neutral detergent fiber (dry matter basis). Starch and neutral detergent fiber concentrations averaged 27.0 and 30.9%, 22.1 and 35.0%, and 21.2 and 35.3% (dry matter basis) for the NS−, RS−, and RS+ diets, respectively. Expressed as a percentage of BW, dry matter intake was greater for cows fed RS− than for cows fed NS− or RS+. Intake of neutral detergent fiber ranged from 1.09 to 1.30% of BW among the treatments, with that of RS− being 21% greater than that of NS−. Milk yield tended to be greater for cows fed NS− compared with the RS diets. Milk fat content and yield were unaffected by treatment. Milk protein content and yield were greater for cows fed NS− compared with the RS diets. Concentrations of milk urea nitrogen were greater for cows fed RS diets compared with the NS− diet. Body weight, BW change, and body condition score were unaffected by treatment. Feed conversion (kg of milk/kg of dry matter intake) was 10% greater on average for cows fed NS− than for cows fed the RS diets, and tended to be 6% greater for cows fed RS+ compared with RS−. Feeding a reduced-starch diet formulated by partially replacing corn grain and soybean meal with a wheat middlings and whole cottonseed mixture compared with a normal-starch diet without addition of exogenous amylase to either diet reduced milk and component-corrected feed conversions. Addition of exogenous amylase to a reduced-starch diet was of minimal benefit in this study.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to examine the effects of dietary supplementation with vegetable oils on performance of high-yielding lactating cows and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content in milk fat. Twelve lactating Holstein cows in early lactation (30 to 45 d postpartum) were used in a triple 4 × 4 Latin square design. In each period, the cows in each group were fed the same basal diet and received one of the following treatments: 1) control (without oil), 2) 500 g of cottonseed oil, 3) 500 g of soybean oil, and 4) 500 g of corn oil. Each experimental period lasted for 3 wk, with the first 2 wk used for adaptation to the diet. Supplementation with vegetable oils tended to increase milk yield, with the highest milk yield in the cottonseed oil group (35.0 kg/d), compared with the control (34.4 kg/d). Milk fat percentage was decreased, but there were few effects on percentage and yield of milk protein as well as milk fat yield. The cows fed added soybean oil produced milk with the highest content of trans-11 C18:1 (23.8 mg/g of fat), which was twice that of the control (12.6 mg/g of fat). Content of cis-9, trans-11 CLA in milk fat increased from 3.5 mg/g in the control to 6.0, 7.1, and 10.3 mg/g for the cows fed oils from cottonseed, corn, and soybean, respectively. A significant linear relationship existed between trans-11 C18:1 and cis-9, trans-11 CLA. Supplementation with oils doubled the content of total fatty acids in blood plasma, with little difference between different vegetable oil sources. Octadecenoic acid content was significantly higher in blood plasma of animals fed added oils from cottonseed and soybean than those fed with corn oil and control. The plasma trans-11 C18:1 content was significantly higher in the oil-added animals than in control. Supplementation of vegetable oils tended to improve milk production of lactating cows, and the CLA content in milk fat was significantly increased. Soybean oil seemed to be the optimal source to increase CLA production.  相似文献   

Diets offered to lactating dairy cows in the pasture-based dairy systems in southeastern Australia can vary in their dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) from 0 to +76 mEq/100 g. The effects of such a range of DCAD on the health and production of cows, on a predominantly pasture-based diet, were examined in an indoor feeding experiment. Four groups of five cows were offered a diet of 5 kg of barley and ad libitum pasture, which is a diet representative of what is offered to cows in early lactation in the region. The cows were supplemented twice daily, with varying levels of salt combinations to alter the DCAD, which ranged from +21 to +127 mEq/100 g. Although a reduction in DCAD to +21 mEq/100 g caused a nonrespiratory systemic acidosis, there was a threshold value, above which blood and urine pH did not appear affected, although the strong ion difference of blood and urine and the blood bicarbonate concentration increased linearly (P < 0.05, 0.001, and 0.01, respectively). A DCAD above +21 mEq/100 g linearly reduced dry matter intake (P < 0.1), average daily bodyweight gain (P < 0.05), and milk protein yield (P < 0.05) but did not have a significant effect on the concentration of fat, protein, or lactose in milk. Although data were consistent with a tendency for milk yield to decrease as dietary cation-anion differences increased, this trend was not statistically significant. Urine hydroxyproline to creatinine ratio increased (P < 0.001) as dietary cation-anion difference increased, possibly suggesting an increased rate of uterine involution. It is concluded that a range in the dietary cation-anion difference, above +52 mEq/100 g, may have deleterious effects on dry matter intake and milk production.  相似文献   

Seven ruminally cannulated lactating Holstein dairy cows were used in an incomplete Latin rectangle design to assess the effects of 2 commercial essential oil (EO) products on rumen fermentation, milk production, and feeding behavior. Cows were fed a total mixed ration with a 42:58 forage:concentrate ratio (DM basis). Treatments included addition of 0.5 g/d of CE Lo (85 mg of cinnamaldehyde and 140 mg of eugenol), 10 g/d of CE Hi (1,700 mg of cinnamaldehyde and 2,800 mg of eugenol), 0.25 g/d of CAP (50 mg of capsicum), or no oil (CON). Cows were fed ad libitum twice daily for 21 d per period. Dry matter intake, number of meals/d, h eating/d, mean meal length, rumination events/d, h ruminating/d, and mean rumination length were not affected by EO. However, length of the first meal after feeding decreased with addition of CE Hi (47.2 min) and CAP (49.4 min) compared with CON (65.4 min). Total volatile fatty acids, individual volatile fatty acids, acetate:propionate ratio, and ammonia concentration were not affected by EO. Mean rumen pH as well as bouts, total h, mean bout length, total area, and mean bout area under pH 5.6 did not differ among treatments. Total tract digestibility of organic matter, dry matter, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, crude protein, and starch were not affected by EO. Milk yield and composition did not change with EO. In situ dry matter disappearance of ground soybean hulls was not affected by EO. However, organic matter disappearance of soybean hulls with CE Hi tended to decrease compared with CON. Compared with CON, neutral detergent fiber disappearance (41.5 vs. 37.6%) and acid detergent fiber disappearance (44.5 vs. 38.8%) decreased with addition of CE Hi. The CE Lo had no effect on rumen fermentation, milk production, or feeding behavior but CAP shortened the length of the first meal without changing rumen fermentation or production, making it a possible additive for altering feeding behavior. The CE Hi negatively affected rumen fermentation and shortened the length of the first meal, suggesting that a dose of 10 g/d is not beneficial to lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

The effect of increasing the postpartum metabolizable protein (MP) supply on performance and mammary metabolism was studied using 8 Holstein cows in a complete randomized design. At parturition, cows were assigned to abomasal infusion of water (CTRL) or casein (CAS). Arterial and epigastric venous blood samples were taken 14 d before expected parturition and at 4, 15, and 29 d in milk (DIM). To compensate previously estimated deficiency of essential AA and to avoid oversupply, casein protein infusion was graduated with 696 ± 1, 490 ± 9, and 212 ± 10 g/d at 4, 15 and 29 DIM, respectively. Dry matter intake was unaffected by CAS. Compared with CTRL, MP supply was greater at 4 DIM with CAS but did not differ by 29 DIM. Milk yield was greater with CAS (+7.2 ± 1.3 kg/d from 1 to 29 DIM). Milk protein yield was greater with CAS at 4 DIM and averaged 1,664 ± 39 g/d compared with 1,212 ± 86 g/d for CTRL, but did not differ at 29 DIM (1,383 ± 48 g/d). The ratio of MP total supply to requirement was numerically greater at 4 DIM for CAS compared with CTRL, indicating less postpartum protein deficiency. In contrast, a greater net energy deficiency tended to be induced with CAS, but the greater milk yield allowed a large part of mobilized fat to be secreted in milk. Arterial concentration of total essential AA increased sharply after parturition for CAS compared with slight decreases for CTRL. The patterns of arterial concentrations combined with arterial-mammary venous concentration differences indicated that Lys, Leu, and Tyr were the first-limiting AA at 4 DIM with CTRL. Mammary plasma flow was unaffected by treatment, indicating similar perfusion of mammary tissue. The greater milk yield with CAS was associated with greater mammary uptake of individual essential AA, tendencies to greater uptake of glucose, lactate, and β-hydroxybutyrate, whereas uptakes of volatile fatty acids were unaffected. Despite similar MP supply by 29 DIM, milk and lactose yields were greater with CAS indicating a persistent response to increased postpartum MP supply. In conclusion, the postpartum MP deficiency can have a substantial negative effect in dairy cows as the major outcome of increasing the postpartum MP supply was increased milk, milk protein, and lactose yield, as well as an enhanced MP balance. Potential positive effects for other body functions than milk synthesis are discussed. Future investigations are needed to delineate how to transfer the effect into practical feeding strategies.  相似文献   

Management of dairy cow productivity requires monitoring of their nutritional status by visual observation. It has been suggested that changes in hair coat appearance are among the indicators of nutritional state in dairy cows. Temporal changes in the skin morphology in cows, however, have not been reported. In this study, we examined the changes in the skin of dairy cows that occur during the peripartum period. Seven pluriparous cows were used. Skin samples were collected at 28 d before the due date and 28 d and 56 d after calving for morphological examination. Hair follicle width was 108.8 ± 5.9 µm (±SD) in the dry period, 95.5 ± 5.5 µm at 28 d after calving, and 104.2 ± 5.3 µm at 56 d postpartum. The percentages of anagen hair follicles during these 3 periods were 41.4 ± 3.4, 18.5 ± 3.4, and 32.3 ± 3.3%, respectively. The corresponding sebaceous gland sizes were 8,362.0 ± 707.6, 7,800.0 ± 831.4, and 9,186.8 ± 962.6 µm2, respectively. Hair follicle width was positively correlated with percentage of anagen hair follicles. The thickness of epidermal and proliferation rate of epidermal cell were also correlated. However, the hair follicle width, sebaceous gland size and cell proliferation rate, and thickness and proliferation rate of epidermal cells did not show any marked changes.  相似文献   

Four ruminally cannulated, lactating Holstein cows were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square design (28-d periods) with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments to study the effects of dietary addition of essential oils (0 vs. 2 g/d; EO) and monensin (0 vs. 350 mg/d; MO) on digestion, ruminal fermentation characteristics, milk production, and milk composition. Intake of dry matter averaged 22.7 kg/d and was not significantly affected by dietary additives. Apparent digestibilities of dry matter, organic matter, neutral detergent fiber, and starch were similar among treatments. Apparent digestibility of acid detergent fiber was increased when diets were supplemented with EO (48.9 vs. 46.0%). Apparent digestibility of crude protein was higher for cows fed MO compared with those fed no MO (65.0 vs. 63.6%). Nitrogen retention was not changed by additive treatments and averaged 27.1 g/d across treatments. Ruminal pH was increased with the addition of EO (6.50 vs. 6.39). Ruminal ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) concentration was lower with MO-supplemented diets compared with diets without MO (12.7 vs. 14.3 mg/100 mL). No effect of EO and MO was observed on total volatile fatty acid concentrations and molar proportions of individual volatile fatty acids. Protozoa counts were not affected by EO and MO addition. Production of milk and 4% fat-corrected milk was similar among treatments (33.6 and 33.4 kg/d, respectively). Milk fat content was lower for cows fed MO than for cows fed diets without MO (3.8 vs. 4.1%). The reduced milk fat concentration in cows fed MO was associated with a higher level of trans-10 18:1, a potent inhibitor of milk fat synthesis. Milk urea nitrogen concentration was increased by MO supplementation, but this effect was not apparent when MO was fed in combination with EO (interaction EO × MO). Results from this study suggest that feeding EO (2 g/d) and MO (350 mg/d) to lactating dairy cows had limited effects on digestion, ruminal fermentation characteristics, milk production, and milk composition.  相似文献   

The objectives of this experiment were to determine the Fe status of cows in late gestation and early lactation and determine whether measures of Fe status and milk production were affected by feeding supplemental organic Fe. Starting 60 d before anticipated calving, cows and heifers were fed diets with 0 or 30 mg/kg of supplemental Fe (Availa-Fe, Zinpro Corp., Eden Prairie, MN). All animals changed to prefresh diets at 14 d before anticipated calving and then to lactation diets following calving; the Fe supplementation rates (0 or 30 mg/kg) remained constant. The experiment ended at 63 d in milk. Hematocrit, hemoglobin, serum Fe, unsaturated Fe binding capacity, and percentage Fe binding saturation were measured at the start of the experiment, 7 d before calving, 7 d after calving, and at 60 d in milk. Treatment did not affect any measure of Fe status and values did not change greatly over time. Milk production (averaged 41 kg/d), milk composition, and dry matter intake during early lactation (averaged 20.4 kg/d) were not affected by treatment. The somatic cell count of milk was reduced when cows were fed supplemental Fe (114,000 vs. 94,000 cells/mL). The limited response to supplemental Fe may have been because basal diets were adequate in Fe (ranged from 282 to 336 mg of Fe/kg of DM) even though most of the basal dietary Fe was provided by forages, which are generally considered poor sources of available Fe.  相似文献   

Forty-eight Holstein cows were used to determine the effects of short-term oral drenches of propylene glycol (PG) and Ca-soaps of palm oil fatty acids (fat) on plasma concentrations of key metabolites, liver composition, and milk production during the first 3 wk of lactation. Treatments (2 x 2 factorial arrangement) given orally once daily for the first 3 d postpartum were water (control), 500 ml of PG, 454 g of fat, or 500 ml of PG plus 454 g of fat. All treatments were administered as a total volume of 1.9 L. Administration of PG decreased concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) in plasma during the first 7 d and the first 21 d postpartum and tended to decrease concentrations of beta-hydroxybutyrate during the first 7 d postpartum. Concentrations of insulin in plasma were not affected by treatment. Administration of either PG or fat increased plasma glucose and liver glycogen concentrations compared to the control or PG plus fat treatments. Concentrations of triglycerides in liver were not affected by treatment. Administration of PG did not affect dry matter intake or milk yield and composition during the first 3 wk postpartum; however, cows drenched with fat tended to have lower dry matter intake and milk yield during the first 3 wk of lactation. Short-term drenching of PG effectively decreased NEFA concentrations in plasma during early lactation; however, data do not support administration of fat via drench to early lactation cows and concurrent administration of dietary fat appears to blunt the metabolic response of cows to PG.  相似文献   

Eighty-five multiparous Holstein cows were used in a completely randomized design with restrictions to evaluate the effects of prepartum carbohydrate (CHO) source and monensin on periparturient dry matter intake (DMI), blood parameters, and lactation performance of dairy cows. Dietary treatments were arranged in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement with a conventional (CONV) dry cow diet and a nonforage fiber source (NFFS) dry cow diet not supplemented (−) or supplemented (+) with 330 mg/cow per d of monensin as a top dressing. The CONV diet contained 70% forage and the NFFS diet contained nonforage fiber sources such that 28% of the forage was replaced with cottonseed hulls and soyhulls. The experimental diets (CONV and NFFS) were fed throughout the entire dry period (for 60 d before parturition). Monensin was top dressed once daily starting 28 d (27 ± 1.8 SD) before the expected calving date and continued until parturition. After parturition, all cows received the same lactating cow diet. During the last 28 d of gestation, cows receiving the NFFS diets prepartum had greater DMI (15.8 vs. 11.9 kg/d), DMI as a percentage of body weight (2.1 vs. 1.6% of body weight), plasma glucose (67.4 vs. 64.6 mg/dL), and serum insulin concentrations (0.59 vs. 0.45 ng/mL), and lower plasma nonesterified fatty acid concentrations (185 vs. 245 μEq/L) compared with cows receiving the CONV diets prepartum. Average milk production or composition during the first 56 d of lactation was not significantly affected by prepartum source of CHO, monensin, or their combination; however, there was a trend for the prepartum CHO source to affect milk production over time. Supplementation of monensin as a top dressing for 28 d prepartum had no effect on periparturient measurements. The prepartum diet did not affect postpartum DMI, blood glucose, nonesterified fatty acids, insulin concentrations, or liver triglyceride content. Results from this research demonstrated that partly replacing conventional dietary carbohydrate sources with NFFS, cottonseed hulls and soyhulls, in the dry cow diet improved or maintained the prepartum DMI and therefore enhanced the prepartum metabolic status, as indicated by key blood metabolite concentrations. This greater prepartum DMI may potentially increase milk production during early lactation.  相似文献   

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