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Milk serum protein concentrates (SPC) are proteins found in cheese whey that are removed directly from milk. Because SPC are not exposed to the cheese-making process, enzymatic or chemical reactions that can lead to off-flavors are reduced. The objectives of this study were to identify and compare the composition, flavor, and volatile components of 80% protein SPC and whey protein concentrates (WPC). Each pair of 80% SPC and WPC was manufactured from the same lot of milk and this was replicated 3 times. At each replication, spray-dried product from each protein source was collected. Commercial 80% WPC were also collected from several manufacturers for sensory and volatile analyses. A trained sensory panel documented the sensory profiles of the rehydrated powders. Volatile components were extracted by solid-phase microextraction and solvent extraction followed by solvent-assisted flavor evaporation with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-olfactometry. Consumer acceptance testing of acidified 6% protein beverages made with 80% SPC and WPC produced in the pilot plant and with WPC from commercial sources was conducted. The SPC was lower in fat and had a higher pH than the WPC produced in the pilot plant or commercial WPC. Few sensory differences were found between the rehydrated SPC and WPC manufactured in this study, but their flavor profiles were distinct from the flavor of rehydrated commercial WPC. The pilot-plant WPC had higher concentrations of lipid oxidation products compared with SPC, which may be related to the higher fat content of WPC. There was a large difference in appearance between 80% SPC and WPC: solutions of SPC were clear and those of WPC were opaque. Concentrations of lipid oxidation products in commercial WPC were generally higher than those in pilot-plant SPC or WPC. Sensory profiles of the peach-flavored protein beverage included cereal, free fatty acid, and soapy flavors and bitter taste in beverages made from pilot-plant products, whereas cardboard flavors were detected in those made with commercial WPC. Consumer liking scores for the beverages made with SPC were ranked highest or equally high with beverages made with WPC for aroma, appearance, and mouthfeel, but the beverages made with SPC had lower flavor and overall liking scores compared with beverages made with 3 of the 4 WPC.  相似文献   

This study compared the functional properties of serum protein concentrate (SPC) with whey protein concentrate (WPC) made from the same milk and with commercial WPC. The experimental SPC and WPC were produced at 34% or 80% protein from the same lot of milk. Protein contents of WPC and SPC were comparable; however, fat content was much lower in SPC compared with WPC and commercial WPC. The effect of drying methods (freeze vs. spray drying) was studied for 34% WPC and SPC. Few differences due to drying method were found in turbidity and gelation; however, drying method made a large difference in foam formation for WPC but not SPC. Between pH 3 and 7, SPC was found to have lower turbidity than WPC; however, protein solubility was similar between SPC and WPC. Foaming and gelation properties of SPC were better than those of WPC. Differences in functional properties may be explained by differences in composition and extent of denaturation or aggregation.  相似文献   

Our research objective was to measure percent removal of whey protein from separated sweet whey using 0.1-µm uniform transmembrane pressure ceramic microfiltration (MF) membranes in a sequential batch 3-stage, 3× process at 50°C. Cheddar cheese whey was centrifugally separated to remove fat at 72°C and pasteurized (72°C for 15 s), cooled to 4°C, and held overnight. Separated whey (375 kg) was heated to 50°C with a plate heat exchanger and microfiltered using a pilot-scale ceramic 0.1-µm uniform transmembrane pressure MF system in bleed-and-feed mode at 50°C in a sequential batch 3-stage (2 diafiltration stages) process to produce a 3× MF retentate and MF permeate. Feed, retentate, and permeate samples were analyzed for total nitrogen, noncasein nitrogen, and nonprotein nitrogen using the Kjeldahl method. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-PAGE analysis was also performed on the whey feeds, retentates, and permeates from each stage. A flux of 54 kg/m2 per hour was achieved with 0.1-µm ceramic uniform transmembrane pressure microfiltration membranes at 50°C. About 85% of the total nitrogen in the whey feed passed though the membrane into the permeate. No passage of lactoferrin from the sweet whey feed of the MF into the MF permeate was detected. There was some passage of IgG, bovine serum albumen, glycomacropeptide, and casein proteolysis products into the permeate. β-Lactoglobulin was in higher concentration in the retentate than the permeate, indicating that it was partially blocked from passage through the ceramic MF membrane.  相似文献   

Our objective was to measure whey protein removal percentage from separated sweet whey using spiral-wound (SW) polymeric microfiltration (MF) membranes using a 3-stage, 3× process at 50°C and to compare the performance of polymeric membranes with ceramic membranes. Pasteurized, separated Cheddar cheese whey (1,080 kg) was microfiltered using a polymeric 0.3-μm polyvinylidene (PVDF) fluoride SW membrane and a 3×, 3-stage MF process. Cheese making and whey processing were replicated 3 times. There was no detectable level of lactoferrin and no intact α- or β-casein detected in the MF permeate from the 0.3-μm SW PVDF membranes used in this study. We found BSA and IgG in both the retentate and permeate. The β-lactoglobulin (β-LG) and α-lactalbumin (α-LA) partitioned between retentate and permeate, but β-LG passage through the membrane was retarded more than α-LA because the ratio of β-LG to α-LA was higher in the MF retentate than either in the sweet whey feed or the MF permeate. About 69% of the crude protein present in the pasteurized separated sweet whey was removed using a 3×, 3-stage, 0.3-μm SW PVDF MF process at 50°C compared with 0.1-μm ceramic graded permeability MF that removed about 85% of crude protein from sweet whey. The polymeric SW membranes used in this study achieve approximately 20% lower yield of whey protein isolate (WPI) and a 50% higher yield of whey protein phospholipid concentrate (WPPC) under the same MF processing conditions as ceramic MF membranes used in the comparison study. Total gross revenue from the sale of WPI plus WPPC produced with polymeric versus ceramic membranes is influenced by both the absolute market price for each product and the ratio of market price of these 2 products. The combination of the market price of WPPC versus WPI and the influence of difference in yield of WPPC and WPI produced with polymeric versus ceramic membranes yielded a price ratio of WPPC versus WPI of 0.556 as the cross over point that determined which membrane type achieves higher total gross revenue return from production of these 2 products from separated sweet whey. A complete economic engineering study comparison of the WPI and WPPC manufacturing costs for polymeric versus ceramic MF membranes is needed to determine the effect of membrane material selection on long-term processing costs, which will affect net revenue and profit when the same quantity of sweet whey is processed under various market price conditions.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(9):7760-7764
Milk protein concentrates are common ingredients in the dairy industry, with varying processing histories and composition. The objective of this research was to determine the feasibility of using the whey protein nitrogen (WPN) index, a well-established index for skim milk powder and nonfat dry milk, as a quality parameter for milk protein concentrates. The WPN index is a value based on the moisture-adjusted weight of skim milk powder. We hypothesized that WPN, even when standardized based on protein, may change depending on solubilization conditions of milk protein concentrates because of differences in solubilization conditions or processing history. The WPN was measured for model concentrates with different thermal history or reconstitution conditions. The WPN was not affected by an increased concentration of soluble casein in the dispersions nor after solubilization of the powder at 22 or 60°C. All reconstituted samples were standardized for protein. The WPN was also in full accordance with residual native protein measured by chromatography.  相似文献   

Membrane filtration technologies are widespread unit operations in the dairy industry, often employed to obtain ingredients with tailored processing functionalities. The objective of this work was to better understand the effect of partial removal of whey proteins by microfiltration (MF) on the heat stability of the fresh concentrates. The micellar casein concentrates were compared with control concentrates obtained using ultrafiltration (UF). Pasteurized milk was microfiltered (80 kDa polysulfone membrane) or ultrafiltered (30 kDa cellulose membrane) without diafiltration (i.e., no addition of water) to 2× and 4× concentration, based on volume reduction. The final concentrates showed no differences in pH, casein micelle size, or mineral concentration in the serum phase. The micellar casein retentates (obtained by MF) showed a 20 and 40% decrease in whey protein concentration compared with the corresponding UF milk protein concentrates for 2× and 4× concentration, respectively. The heat coagulation time decreased with increasing protein concentration, regardless of the treatment; however, MF retentates showed a higher thermal stability than the corresponding UF controls. The average diameter for casein micelles increased after heating in UF but not MF concentrates. The turbidity (measured by light scattering) increased after heating, but to a higher extent for UF retentates than for MF retentates at the same protein concentration. It was concluded that the reduced amount of whey protein in the MF retentates caused a significant increase in the heat stability compared with the corresponding UF retentates. This difference was not due to ionic composition differences or pH, but to the type and amount of complexes formed in the serum phase.  相似文献   

采用顶空固相微萃取结合气相色谱—质谱(HS—SPME—GC—MS)法分析浆水发酵过程挥发性物质的变化。结果表明:在发酵期间,共检出挥发性物质56种,主要为醇类(19种)、烃类(17种)、醛酮类(9种)、酯类(6种)、酸类(2种)。在发酵0,24,48,72,96h时发酵液中分别检出挥发性物质24,29,34,34,36种,其中共有成分12种。随发酵的进行,挥发性物质的种类逐渐增多且新增酯类物质。发酵前期,醇类、烃类的相对含量有所下降,酯类和酸类的相对含量显著上升,而在发酵后期,各类物质的相对含量变化较小。此外,在发酵阶段醛酮类物质的相对含量变化较小。其中双戊烯、乙酸乙酯、己醛、蒎烯、苯乙醇、正己醇、乙酸、乙酸丙酯对浆水风味的形成贡献较大。  相似文献   

Whey protein solutions at pH 3.5 elicited an astringent taste sensation. The astringency of whey protein isolate (WPI), the process whey protein (PWP) that was prepared by heating WPI at pH 7.0, and the process whey protein prepared at pH 3.5 (aPWP) were adjusted to pH 3.5 and evaluated by 2 sensory analyses (the threshold method and the scalar scoring method) and an instrumental analysis (taste sensor method). The taste-stimulating effects of bovine and porcine gelatin were also evaluated. The threshold value of astringency of WPI, PWP, and aPWP was 1.5, 1.0, and 0.7 mg/mL, respectively, whereas the gelatins did not give definite astringency. It was confirmed by the scalar scoring method that the astringency of these proteins increased with the increase in protein concentration, and these proteins elicited strong astringency at 10 mg/mL under acidic conditions. On the other hand, the astringency was not elicited at pH 3.5 by 2 types of gelatin. A taste sensor gave specific values for whey proteins at pH 3.5, which corresponded well to those obtained by the sensory analysis. Elicitation of astringency induced by whey protein under acidic conditions would be caused by aggregation and precipitation of protein molecules in the mouth.  相似文献   

Summary Analytical results are given for whey powders prepared on a commercial or semi-commercial scale by three companies. Altogether, five preparations enriched in β-lactoglobulin, four whey protein isolates and a fraction enriched in α-lactalbumin were analyzed for protein composition, including %β-lactoglobulin, α-lactalbumin, bovine serum albumin, casein (glyco) macropeptide and the main triglycerides. Protein composition was determined by high pressure gel permeation and reversed phase liquid chromatography and by capillary zone electrophoresis. The extent of modification of the native β-lactoglobulin structure was also measured through the degree of lactosylation and the fraction of accessible free sulphydryl groups. One significant finding was that the calculated recovery of protein following quantitation of the chromatogram or electropherogram was seldom above 90% and occasionally below 60% of that loaded onto the column or capillary, raising doubts as to the reliability of the analytical results. Extrapolation by linear regression to 100% recovery allowed estimates to be made of the true β-lactoglobulin composition of the samples. The nine samples could be placed into three distinct groups with estimated true β-lactoglobulin weight % of 70.9 ± 1.1, 62.0 ± 3.4 and 39.5 ± 4.9. Physico-chemical properties of the group of samples are reported elsewhere (Holt et al ., 1999).  相似文献   

目的 对比母乳、牛乳、山羊乳、绵羊乳、驼乳和驴乳的蛋白质组成及乳清蛋白二级结构,厘清主要加工乳种与母乳的蛋白质差异。方法 通过十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, SDS-PAGE)和傅里叶变换红外光谱法(Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, FTIR)对比各乳种的蛋白质组成和乳清蛋白二级结构。结果 绵羊乳中蛋白质、乳糖、脂肪含量均显著高于母乳、牛乳、山羊乳、驼乳和驴乳(P<0.05),母乳中蛋白质、乳糖、矿物质与驴乳各对应指标均无显著性差异(P>0.05);酪蛋白﹕乳清蛋白(C:W)是衡量动物蛋白质量的指标,检测结果为母乳C:W为38.58﹕61.42,牛乳C:W为81.43﹕18.57,山羊乳C:W为61.14﹕38.86,绵羊乳C:W为68.42﹕31.58,驼乳C:W为56.16﹕43.84,驴乳C:W为8.91﹕91.09;母乳与驼乳均含有较高的乳铁蛋白与血清白蛋白,且几乎不含β-乳球蛋白;驼乳与母乳乳清蛋白的α?螺旋结构占比较高。结论 母乳与主要加工乳种蛋白质组成与乳清蛋白二级结构不尽相同,该研究为各种乳源高值化利用和纯度鉴别提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(12):9367-9386
A growing number of companies within the cheese-making industry are now using high-protein (e.g., 4–5%) milks to increase cheese yield. Previous studies have suggested that cheeses made from high-protein (both casein and whey protein; WP) milks may ripen more slowly; one suggested explanation is inhibition of residual rennet activity due to elevated WP levels. We explored the use of microfiltration (MF) to concentrate milk for cheese-making, as that would allow us to concentrate the casein while varying the WP content. Our objective was to determine if reducing the level of WP in concentrated cheese milk had any impact on cheese characteristics, including ripening, texture, and nutritional profile. Three types of 5% casein standardized and pasteurized cheese milks were prepared that had various casein:true protein (CN:TP) ratios: (a) control with CN:TP 83:100, (b) 35% WP reduced, 89:100 CN:TP, and (c) 70% WP reduced, 95:100 CN:TP. Standardized milks were preacidified to pH 6.2 with dilute lactic acid during cheese-making. Composition, proteolysis, textural, rheological, and sensory properties of cheeses were monitored over a 9-mo ripening period. The lactose, total solids, total protein, and WP contents in the 5% casein concentrated milks were reduced with increasing levels of WP removal. All milks had similar casein and total calcium levels. Cheeses had similar compositions, but, as expected, lower WP levels were observed in the cheeses where WP depletion by MF was performed on the cheese milks. Cheese yield and nitrogen recoveries were highest in cheese made with the 95:100 CN:TP milk. These enhanced recoveries were due to the higher fraction of nitrogen being casein-based solids. Microfiltration depletion of WP did not affect pH, sensory attributes, or insoluble calcium content of cheese. Proteolysis (the amount of pH 4.6 soluble nitrogen) was lower in control cheeses compared with WP-reduced cheeses. During ripening, the hardness values and the temperature of the crossover point, an indicator of the melting point of the cheese, were higher in the control cheese. It was thus likely that the higher residual WP content in the control cheese inhibited proteolysis during ripening, and the lower breakdown rate resulted in its higher hardness and melting point. There were no major differences in the concentrations of key nutrients with this WP depletion method. Cheese milk concentration by MF provides the benefit of more typical ripening rates.  相似文献   

Acidic whey protein beverages are a growing component of the functional food and beverage market. These beverages are also astringent, but astringency is an expected and desirable attribute of many beverages (red wine, tea, coffee) and may not necessarily be a negative attribute of acidic whey protein beverages. The goal of this study was to define the consumer perception of astringency in clear acidic whey protein beverages. Six focus groups (n=49) were held to gain understanding of consumer knowledge of astringency. Consumers were presented with beverages and asked to map them based on astringent mouthfeel and liking. Orthonasal thresholds for whey protein isolate (WPI) in water and flavored model beverages were determined using a 7-series ascending forced choice method. Mouthfeel/basic taste thresholds were determined for WPI in water. Acceptance tests on model beverages were conducted using consumers (n=120) with and without wearing nose clips. Consumers in focus groups were able to identify astringency in beverages. Astringency intensity was not directly related to dislike. The orthonasal threshold for WPI in water was lower (P < 0.05) than the mouthfeel/basic taste threshold of WPI in water. Consumer acceptance of beverages containing WPI was lower (P < 0.05) when consumers were not wearing nose clips compared to acceptance scores of beverages when consumers were wearing nose clips. These results suggest that flavors contributed by WPI in acidic beverages are more objectionable than the astringent mouthfeel and that both flavor and astringency should be the focus of ongoing studies to improve the palatability of these products.  相似文献   

Enhancement in processing technology has improved the nutritional and functional properties of whey protein concentrates by increasing the content and quality of the protein, leading to their increased use in different food products. The extent of heat treatment affects the quality of the whey protein concentrate, and wide variation in product quality exists due to the various means of manufacture and from the whey product history from farm to factory. The study was carried out with 6 commercial whey protein concentrates with 80% protein (WPC80) to determine variations in physical properties, particle size and density, and functional properties--solubility, gel strength, foam volume, and stability. Significant differences were observed among all the products for every property compared. Particulate size was the most important determinant of functional characteristics. Larger particulate WPC80 had significantly higher fat content and were less soluble with poor foam stability; but narrowing the particle size distribution through sieving, minimized variations. We determined that sieving all products within the particle size distribution range of 100 to 150 microns minimized variation in physical composition, making functionality uniform. WPC80 from different manufacturers can be made to perform uniformly within a narrow functionality range by reducing the particle size distribution through sieving.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to study the effect of different salts and salt concentration on the isolation of casein micelles from bovine raw skim milk by tangential flow microfiltration. Tangential flow microfiltration (0.22 μm) was conducted in a continuous process adding a modified buffer to maintain a constant initial sample volume. This buffer contained calcium chloride (CaCl2), sodium phosphate (Na2HPO4), or potassium citrate (K3C6H5O7) in concentrations ranging from 0 to 100 mM. The concentrations of caseins and whey proteins retained were determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-PAGE and analyzed using the Scion Image software (Scion Corporation, Frederick, MD). A complete isolation of caseins from whey proteins was achieved using sodium phosphate in the range of 10 to 50 mM and 20 times the initial volume of buffer added. No whey proteins were detected at 50 mM but this was at the expense of low caseins being retained. When lower sodium phosphate concentrations were used, the amount of caseins retained was higher but a small amount of whey proteins were still detected by sodium dodecyl sulfate-PAGE. Among the salts tested, calcium chloride at 50 mM and all volumes of buffer showed the higher retention of casein proteins. The highest casein:whey protein ratio was found at 30 mM CaCl2, but no complete casein micelle isolation was achieved. Potassium citrate was the most ineffective salt because a rapid loss of caseins and whey proteins was observed at all concentrations and with low quantities of buffer added during the filtration process. Our results show the potential of altering the mineral balance in milk for isolation of casein micelles from whey proteins in a continuous tangential flow microfiltration system.  相似文献   

Ten commercial samples of dry dairy products used for protein fortification in a low fat yoghurt model system at industrial scale were studied. The products employed were whey protein concentratres, milk protein concentrates, skimmed milk concentrates and skimmed milk powder which originated from different countries. The gross chemical composition of these dried products were determined, including polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS‐PAGE) and isoelectric focusing of the proteins, and minerals such as Na, Ca, K and Mg. Yoghurts were formulated using a skim milk concentrated as a milk base enriched with different dry dairy products up to a 43 g kg−1 protein content. Replacement percentage of skim milk concentrated by dry dairy products in the mix was between 1.49 and 3.77%. Yoghurts enriched with milk protein concentrates did not show significantly different viscosity (35.12 Pa s) and syneresis index (591.4 g kg−1) than the two control yoghurts obtained only from skimmed milk concentrates (35.6 Pa s and 565.7 g kg−1) and skimmed milk powder (32.77 Pa s and 551.5 g kg−1), respectively. Yoghurt fortified with the whey protein concentrates, however, was less firm (22.59 Pa s) and had less syneresis index (216 g kg−1) than control yoghurts. Therefore, whey protein concentrates may be useful for drinking yoghurt production. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Whey protein nanoparticles (NPs) were prepared by heat‐induced method. The influences of whey protein isolates (WPIs) and concentrates (WPCs) on the formation of NPs were first investigated. Then Pickering emulsions were produced by protein NPs and their properties were evaluated. After heat treatment, WPC NPs showed larger particle size, higher stability against NaCl, lower negative charge and contact angle between air and water. Dispersions of WPC NPs appeared as higher turbidity and viscosity than those of WPI NPs. The interfacial tension of WPC NPs (~7.9 mN/m at 3 wt% NPs) was greatly lower than that of WPI NPs (~12.1 mN/m at 3 wt% NPs). WPC NPs‐stabilised emulsions had smaller particle size and were more homogeneous than WPI NPs‐stabilised emulsions. WPC NPs‐stabilised emulsions had higher stability against NaCl, pH and coalescence during storage.  相似文献   

The increasing use and demand for whey protein as an ingredient requires a bland-tasting, neutral-colored final product. The bleaching of colored Cheddar whey is necessary to achieve this goal. Currently, hydrogen peroxide (HP) and benzoyl peroxide (BPO) are utilized for bleaching liquid whey before spray drying. There is no current information on the effect of the bleaching process on the flavor of spray-dried whey protein concentrate (WPC). The objective of this study was to characterize the effect of bleaching on the flavor of liquid and spray-dried Cheddar whey. Cheddar cheeses colored with water-soluble annatto were manufactured in duplicate. Four bleaching treatments (HP, 250 and 500 mg/kg and BPO, 10 and 20 mg/kg) were applied to liquid whey for 1.5 h at 60°C followed by cooling to 5°C. A control whey with no bleach was also evaluated. Flavor of the liquid wheys was evaluated by sensory and instrumental volatile analysis. One HP treatment and one BPO treatment were subsequently selected and incorporated into liquid whey along with an unbleached control that was processed into spray-dried WPC. These trials were conducted in triplicate. The WPC were evaluated by sensory and instrumental analyses as well as color and proximate analyses. The HP-bleached liquid whey and WPC contained higher concentrations of oxidation reaction products, including the compounds heptanal, hexanal, octanal, and nonanal, compared with unbleached or BPO-bleached liquid whey or WPC. The HP products were higher in overall oxidation products compared with BPO samples. The HP liquid whey and WPC were higher in fatty and cardboard flavors compared with the control or BPO samples. Hunter CIE Lab color values (L*, a*, b*) of WPC powders were distinct on all 3 color scale parameters, with HP-bleached WPC having the highest L* values. Hydrogen peroxide resulted in a whiter WPC and higher off-flavor intensities; however, there was no difference in norbixin recovery between HP and BPO. These results indicate that the bleaching of liquid whey may affect the flavor of WPC and that the type of bleaching agent used may affect WPC flavor.  相似文献   

Raw milk (2,710 kg) was separated at 4°C, the skim milk was pasteurized (72°C, 16 s), split into 3 batches, and microfiltered using pilot-scale ceramic uniform transmembrane pressure (UTP; Membralox model EP1940GL0.1μA, 0.1 μm alumina, Pall Corp., East Hills, NY), ceramic graded permeability (GP; Membralox model EP1940GL0.1μAGP1020, 0.1 μm alumina, Pall Corp.), and polymeric spiral-wound (SW; model FG7838-OS0x-S, 0.3 μm polyvinylidene fluoride, Parker-Hannifin, Process Advanced Filtration Division, Tell City, IN) membranes. There were differences in flux among ceramic UTP, ceramic GP, and polymeric SW microfiltration membranes (54.08, 71.79, and 16.21 kg/m2 per hour, respectively) when processing skim milk at 50°C in a continuous bleed-and-feed 3× process. These differences in flux among the membranes would influence the amount of membrane surface area required to process a given volume of milk in a given time. Further work is needed to determine if these differences in flux are maintained over longer processing times. The true protein contents of the microfiltration permeates from UTP and GP membranes were higher than from SW membranes (0.57, 0.56, and 0.38%, respectively). Sodium-dodecyl-sulfate-PAGE gels for permeates revealed a higher casein proportion in GP and SW permeate than in UTP permeate, with the highest passage of casein through the GP membrane under the operational conditions used in this study. The slight cloudiness of the permeates produced using the GP and SW systems may have been due to the presence of a small amount of casein, which may present an obstacle in their use in applications when clarity is an important functional characteristic. More β-lactoglobulin passed through the ceramic membranes than through the polymeric membrane. The efficiency of removal of serum proteins in a continuous bleed-and-feed 3× process at 50°C was 64.40% for UTP, 61.04% for GP, and 38.62% for SW microfiltration membranes. The SW polymeric membranes had a much higher rejection of serum proteins than did the ceramic membranes, consistent with the sodium-dodecyl-sulfate PAGE data. Multiple stages and diafiltration would be required to produce a 60 to 65% serum protein reduced micellar casein concentrate with SW membranes, whereas only one stage would be needed for the ceramic membranes used in this study.  相似文献   

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