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Holstein cows (n = 72) entering second or later lactation were used to determine whether metabolic indices and hepatic capacities for oxidation and gluconeogenesis from propionate are affected by source of carbohydrate in the prepartum diet and chromium-l-methionine (Cr-Met) supplementation throughout the periparturient period. Cows were fed prepartum diets as total mixed rations with the concentrate portion based either on starch-based cereals [high nonfiber carbohydrate (NFC); 1.59 Mcal/kg of net energy for lactation (NEL), 14.4% crude protein (CP), 40.3% NFC] or nonforage fiber sources (low NFC; 1.54 Mcal/kg of NEL, 14.5% CP, 33.6% NFC) from 21 d before expected parturition until parturition. After parturition all cows were fed a common lactation total mixed ration (1.74 Mcal/kg of NEL, 16.5% CP, 40.0% NFC). The Cr-Met was supplemented once daily via gelatin capsule at dosages of 0, 0.03, or 0.06 mg of Cr/kg of BW0.75. Thus, treatments were in a 2 (carbohydrate source) × 3 (Cr-Met) factorial arrangement. There was no effect of prepartum carbohydrate source on pre- and postpartum plasma concentrations of glucose, nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), insulin, glucagon, or insulin to glucagon ratio. However, cows fed the low NFC diet during the prepartum period tended to have greater plasma NEFA and lower BHBA concentrations postpartum. Liver glycogen concentrations tended to be greater on d 1 postpartum for cows fed low NFC prepartum. Supplementing 0.03 mg/kg of BW0.75 of Cr as Cr-Met increased prepartum plasma glucose and glucagon concentrations and tended to decrease prepartum plasma NEFA concentrations compared with either 0 or 0.06 mg of Cr/kg of BW0.75. Postpartum plasma glucose concentrations decreased linearly and glucagon concentrations were increased quadratically by administering increasing amounts of Cr-Met. Supplementing Cr-Met did not affect prepartum plasma concentrations of insulin or BHBA, postpartum NEFA or BHBA, or liver composition. There was an interaction of prepartum carbohydrate source and Cr-Met supplementation such that in vitro hepatic conversion of [1-14C]propionate to both CO2 and glucose was similar or increased when Cr-Met was supplemented to cows fed the low NFC diet but decreased when Cr-Met was supplemented to cows fed the high NFC diet. Insulin addition in vitro did not affect hepatic metabolism of propionate on d 1 postpartum. Overall, both the NFC content of the prepartum diet and Cr-Met had only modest effects on metabolic indices in this experiment.  相似文献   

Multiparous Holstein cows (n = 61) were used to determine the effects of chromium propionate (Cr-Pro) supplementation during the periparturient period and early lactation on metabolism, performance, and the incidence of cytological endometritis (CE). After a 1-wk preliminary period, cows were assigned randomly to 1 of 2 treatments from 21 d before expected calving through 63 d postpartum: (1) control (n = 31) and (2) Cr-Pro (n = 30) administered by daily topdress at a rate of 8 mg/d of Cr. A tendency was detected for increased dry matter intake (DMI) during the prepartum period for cows fed Cr-Pro. Moreover, cows fed Cr-Pro tended to have lower plasma concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids during the prepartum period. However, effects of Cr-Pro supplementation on postpartum DMI and milk yield were not significant. Cows fed Cr-Pro tended to have higher urea N concentrations in milk. An interaction of treatment and day existed during the postpartum period, such that cows fed Cr-Pro had lower plasma glucose concentrations within the first day postpartum compared with controls. Plasma haptoglobin concentration was not affected by treatment during the postpartum period. Blood neutrophil glycogen concentrations were not affected by treatment when sampled at either 7 d postpartum or on one day between 40 and 60 d (48 d ± 0.44 standard error) postpartum. Evaluation of endometrial cytology by low volume lavage at 7 d postpartum (first lavage) and on one day between 40 and 60 d (second lavage) postpartum revealed that cows fed Cr-Pro tended to have a higher percentage of neutrophils at first lavage and decreased incidence of CE as assessed at second lavage. In conclusion, supplementation with Cr-Pro resulted in trends for increased DMI and lower plasma nonesterified fatty acids prepartum. Postpartum production and energy metabolism were not affected by treatment; however, Cr-Pro supplementation tended to affect the postpartum influx of neutrophils into the uterus and decreased the incidence of CE, suggesting positive effects of Cr-Pro supplementation on uterine health.  相似文献   

Plant essential plant oils (EO) are volatile aromatic compounds with antimicrobial activity that can alter ruminal fermentation when used as dietary supplements. A feeding trial was conducted to determine the effects of dietary supplementation of periparturient and early lactation dairy cows with a specific mixture of EO. Forty multiparous Holstein cows were randomly assigned to either control (C) or EO-supplemented (1.2 g/cow per day) total mixed rations (TMR). Feeding of treatment diets commenced 3 wk before the expected calving date and continued through 15 wk in lactation. The prepartum TMR contained 70% forage [70% corn silage, 15% alfalfa silage, and 15% wheat straw; dry matter (DM) basis]. The lactation TMR contained 50% forage (60% corn silage, 33% alfalfa silage, 7% alfalfa hay; DM basis). Prepartum and lactation TMR were formulated to contain 12 and 17% CP (DM basis), respectively. There were no differences between treatments for prepartum DM intake (DMI), but DMI was 1.8 kg/d less for EO than C on average across the 15-wk lactation trial. Plasma concentrations of glucose, nonesterified fatty acids, β-hydroxybutyrate, and urea-N on samples collected −21, −14, −7, −1, 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29 d relative to calving were unaffected by treatment. There were no differences between treatments for actual or fat-corrected milk yields on average across the 15-wk lactation trial. Milk protein content was 0.15% units less for EO than C. Feed efficiency (kg of milk per kg of DMI) tended to be greater for EO than C on average and was greater during wk 8 to 14 of lactation. Prepartum and lactation body weight and condition score measurements were unaffected by treatment. There was no benefit to EO in prepartum dairy cows. Dietary supplementation with EO reduced DMI in early lactation dairy cows with no effect on milk yield.  相似文献   

Eight multiparous Holstein cows, 4 of them fitted with rumen cannulas, were used to test the effects of substitution of steam-flaked corn (SFC) for equal amounts of finely ground corn (FGC) in diets on feed intake and digestion, blood metabolites, and lactation performance in early lactation dairy cows. Cows were fed 4 diets in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design. The fistulated cows formed 1 replicate. Each experimental period lasted for 3 wk. The 4 diets contained 0, 10, 20, or 40% SFC and 40, 30, 20, or 0% FGC (dry matter basis), respectively. The milk protein content and yield, milk solid nonfat content and yield, plasma glucose concentration, and dry matter intake increased as the proportion of SFC increased in diets. Apparent total tract digestibilities of dry matter, organic matter, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, and average ruminal fluid NH3-N concentration decreased with increasing levels of SFC. The ruminal fluid pH was not affected by the substitution of SFC for FGC. The 20% SFC substitution improved digestion of crude protein, yield of fat-corrected milk, milk lactose content, fat, and fat yield. The 40% SFC substitution increased urea concentration in both plasma and milk. It was concluded that 20% of SFC substitution for FGC appeared to be an appropriate level in diet for early lactation dairy cows.  相似文献   

The effect of type of grain (corn vs. barley) and amylopectin content of barley grain (normal vs. waxy) on ruminal fermentation, digestibility, and utilization of ruminal ammonia nitrogen for milk protein synthesis was studied in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design trial with 6 lactating dairy cows. The experimental treatments were (proportion of dietary dry matter): CORN, 40% corn grain, NBAR, 30% normal Baronesse barley:10% corn grain, and WBAR, 30% high-amylopectin (waxy) Baronesse barley:10% corn grain. All grains were steam-rolled and fed as part of a total mixed ration. The NBAR and WBAR diets resulted in increased ruminal ammonia concentrations compared with CORN (8.2, 7.4, and 5.6 mM, respectively), but other ruminal fermentation parameters were not affected. Ruminal digestibility of dietary nutrients and microbial protein synthesis in the rumen were also not affected by diet. Corn grain had greater in situ effective ruminal dry matter degradability (62.8%) than the barley grains (58.2 and 50.7%, respectively), and degradability of the normal barley starch was greater than that of the waxy barley (69.3 and 58.9%, respectively). A greater percentage of relative starch crystallinity was observed for the waxy compared with the normal barley grain. Total tract apparent digestibility of dry matter and organic matter were decreased by WBAR compared with CORN and NBAR. Total tract starch digestibility was greater and milk urea nitrogen content was lower for CORN compared with the 2 barley diets. In this study, the extent of processing of the grain component of the diet was most likely the factor that determined the diet responses. Minimal processing of barley grain (processing indexes of 79.2 to 87.9%) reduced its total tract digestibility of starch compared with steam-rolled corn (processing index of 58.8%). As a result of the increased ammonia concentration and reduced degradability of barley dry matter in the rumen, the utilization of ruminal ammonia nitrogen for microbial protein synthesis was decreased with the barley diets compared with the corn-based diet. In this study, waxy Baronesse barley was less degradable in the rumen and the total digestive tract than its normal counterpart. The most likely reasons for these effects were the differences in starch characteristics and chemical composition, and perhaps the different response to processing between the 2 barleys.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to characterize the change in blood metabolites over time, and to evaluate the effect of dietary energy concentration on ketone body accumulation in periparturient cows. Twenty-eight multiparous Holstein cows were listed in order of their anticipated due dates and assigned randomly to 1 of 2 groups: with or without a transition diet. The control group received a nonlactating cow diet [1.54 Mcal/kg of net energy for lactation (NEL), 10.9% crude protein (CP), 53.1% neutral detergent fiber (NDF)] from 28 d before expected parturition, and a lactation diet (1.77 Mcal of NEL/kg, 16.8% CP, 29.9% NDF) after parturition. The treatment group received a transition diet (1.71 Mcal of NEL/kg, 16.8% CP, 35.2% NDF) from 17 d before parturition to 14 d after calving and was fed the same diets as cows in the control group during the third week of lactation. Blood from the coccygeal vein was sampled 3 times per week from 21 d before expected parturition to 21 d postpartum for analysis of glucose, nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyrate, acetoacetate, acetone, and glycerol. There were no significant differences in dry matter intake, milk yield, milk components, body weight change, and body condition score change during the postcalving period. Plasma concentrations of different ketone bodies changed in parallel, stayed relatively constant precalving, peaked after parturition, and then decreased but remained high compared with concentrations late in gestation. Plasma concentrations of NEFA and glycerol changed in a pattern similar to those of the ketone bodies. Feeding a transition diet resulted in a greater area under the curve (AUC) for glucose in the last 17 d of gestation, but in no effect within the first 21 d in milk. Acetoacetate AUC was greater for treatment cows than for control cows across the first 21 d in milk. The AUC of NEFA and glycerol between d 15 and 21 postpartum were greater for treatment cows than for control cows. Feeding a transition diet both before and after parturition was associated with greater mobilization of adipose tissue and greater exposure to ketone bodies in early lactation compared with abruptly changing to a lactation diet after parturition.  相似文献   

The effect of barley-based (BBD) or corn-based diets (CBD), or their equal blend (BCBD) on dry matter (DM) intake, feeding and chewing behavior, and production performance of lactating dairy cows was evaluated. Nine multiparous Holstein cows (75.6 ± 11.0 d in milk) were used in a triplicate 3 × 3 Latin square design with 21-d periods. Forage-to-concentrate ratio (40:60), forage neutral detergent fiber (20% of DM), total neutral detergent fiber (>29% of DM), and geometric mean particle size (4.3 mm) were similar among treatments. Meal patterns, including meal size and intermeal interval, were not affected by the dietary treatments and DM intake (25.6 kg/d) was not different among treatments. Ether extract intake increased linearly with increasing amount of the corn grain in the diets. Due to similar feed intake, actual milk (48.6 kg/d), 4% fat-corrected milk (36.8 kg/d), and fat- and protein-corrected milk (38.1 kg/d) yields were not affected by treatments. Average milk protein percentage and yield were 2.83% and 1.37 kg/d, respectively, and were not different across treatments. Milk fat percentage increased linearly with increasing amount of corn grain in the diets and was greater in CBD relative to BCBD but not BBD (2.31, 2.28, and 2.57%, for BBD, BCBD, and CBD, respectively). However, milk fat yield tended to show a linear increase as the amount of corn grain included in the diets increased. Results indicated that changing diet fermentability by replacing barley grain for corn grain in oil-supplemented diets did not influence feeding patterns and thereby no changes in feed intake and milk yield occurred.  相似文献   

Twenty multiparous Holstein cows, 4 of them surgically fitted with ruminal cannulas, were used in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square to compare the effects of whole-plant silage and grain produced from NutriDense (ND), leafy NutriDense (LND), or a conventional yellow dent (YD) hybrid on ruminal fermentation, total tract nutrient digestibility, and performance of lactating dairy cows. On a DM basis, diets contained 30.6% corn silage and 27.7% corn grain provided from the 3 hybrids according to the following combinations: 1) YD grain and YD silage, 2) YD grain and LND silage, 3) ND grain and YD silage, and 4) ND grain and LND silage. The average concentrations of crude protein, neutral and acid detergent fiber, and ether extract of LND silage and ND grain were higher, but the contents of nonfibrous carbohydrates and starch were lower than those of their YD counterparts. Although DM intake was similar among treatments, feeding ND grain, LND silage, or both reduced the intakes of nonfibrous carbohydrates and starch but increased the intake of ether extract. Apparent digestibility of starch in the total tract was highest for the diet that contained LND silage and YD grain, whereas the amount and percentage of ether extract that were apparently digested in the total tract was increased and tended to be increased, respectively, by the addition of ND grain, LND silage, or both to the diets. Ruminal fermentation parameters were unaffected by treatments except for the concentration of ammonia nitrogen in the ruminal fluid, which tended to be increased by the feeding of ND grain, LND silage, or both. Production of milk, crude and true protein, fat, lactose, and total solids did not differ among diets. Concentration of milk urea nitrogen increased when the ND grain, LND silage, or both were fed to the cows. Results indicate that ND grain and LND silage were similar to the conventional grain and silage for the feeding of lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

Holstein cows (n = 72) entering second or later lactation were used to determine whether productive performance and dry matter intake (DMI) are affected by carbohydrate source in the prepartum diet and chromium-L-methionine (Cr-Met) supplementation throughout the periparturient period. Cows were fed either a TMR with the concentrate portion based on starch-based cereals [high nonfiber carbohydrate (NFC); 1.59 Mcal/kg of net energy for lactation (NEL), 14.4% crude protein (CP), 40.3% NFC] or a TMR with the concentrate portion based on nonforage fiber sources (low NFC; 1.54 Mcal/kg NEL, 14.5% CP, 33.6% NFC) from 21 d before expected parturition until parturition. After parturition all cows were fed a lactation TMR (1.74 Mcal/kg NEL, 16.5% CP, 40.0% NFC). The Cr-Met was supplemented once daily via gelatin capsule at dosages of 0, 0.03, or 0.06 mg of Cr/kg of metabolic body weight. Thus, treatments were in a 2 (carbohydrate source) x 3 (Cr-Met) factorial arrangement. Neither prepartum nor postpartum DMI was affected by prepartum dietary carbohydrate source. Administering increasing amounts of Cr-Met linearly increased milk yield and, subsequently, postpartum DMI. Prepartum carbohydrate source did not affect postpartum milk yield; however, cows fed the low NFC diet tended to yield milk with a lower content of total solids. These data indicate that prepartum carbohydrate source has little influence on performance during the immediate peripartal period, and that increases in milk yield for cows supplemented with Cr-Met are independent of prepartum dietary carbohydrate source.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate effects of feeding increasing proportions of barley grain on acute phase response in lactating dairy cows. Eight cannulated primiparous (60 to 140 d in milk) Holstein dairy cows were assigned to 4 diets in a 4 × 4 Latin square experimental design. The experimental period lasted for 21 d, with 11 d of adaptation and 10 d of measurements. Cows were fed the following diets: 1) no barley grain in the diet, 2) 15% barley grain, 3) 30% barley grain, and 4) 45% barley grain, as well as barley and alfalfa silage and alfalfa hay at 85, 70, 55, and 40% [dry matter (DM) basis]. All cows were supplemented with a 15% concentrate mix. Blood and rumen fluid samples were collected on d 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 of the measurement period, and pH and endotoxin content were measured in rumen samples. Concentrations of serum amyloid A, lipopolysaccharide-binding protein, haptoglobin, and C-reactive protein in plasma were measured by ELISA. Feeding high proportions of barley grain at 0, 15, 30, and 45% of DM was associated with lower feed intake (32.6, 32.9, 27.34, and 25.18 kg/d ± 1.30, respectively), lower ruminal pH (6.8, 6.7, 6.7, and 6.5 ± 0.03, respectively), and higher DM intake (13.33, 15.28, 14.68, and 16.04 ± 0.63 kg/d, respectively) and milk production (27.2, 28.2, 29.0, and 31.0 ± 1.2 kg/d, respectively). Ruminal endotoxin increased in cows receiving 30 and 45% barley grain (5,021, and 8,870 ± 393 ng/mL, respectively) compared with those fed no grain or 15% barley grain (654 and 790 ± 393 ng/mL, respectively). Plasma concentrations of serum amyloid A, lipopolysaccharide-binding protein, and C-reactive protein increased in cows given higher (30 and 45%) proportions of grain. Plasma haptoglobin was not affected by treatments. In conclusion, feeding dairy cows high proportions (30 and 45% DM basis) of barley grain was associated with lower feed intake and rumen pH, increased endotoxin in the rumen fluid, and stimulation of an inflammatory response.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the effects of feeding ground, steam-flaked, or super-conditioned corn on production performance, rumen fermentation, nutrient digestibility, and milk fatty acid (FA) profile of lactating dairy cows. Twenty-four lactating Holstein cows (130 ± 12 d in milk) in a completely randomized block design experiment were assigned to 1 of 3 treatments that contained 31% of one of the following corn types: (1) ground corn; (2) steam-flaked corn; and (3) super-conditioned corn. Actual milk yield was greater in the super-conditioned corn diet than in the steam-flaked and ground corn diets. Dry matter intake, 3.5% fat-corrected milk and energy-corrected milk remained unaffected by treatments; however, milk fat concentration decreased in the super-conditioned corn diet compared with the ground and steam-flaked corn diets. The molar proportion of ruminal acetate decreased in the super-conditioned corn diet compared with the ground and steam-flaked corn diets, whereas the molar proportion of propionate spiked in the super-conditioned corn diet. Ruminal pH dropped in cows fed super-conditioned corn compared with the other 2 diets. A similar pattern was observed for ruminal NH3-N and acetate-to-propionate ratio. Total-tract starch digestibility increased the most in the super-conditioned corn diet followed by the steam-flaked and ground corn diets (96.8, 95.1, and 92.5%, respectively). The neutral detergent fiber digestibility declined in cows fed the super-conditioned corn diet as opposed to other diets (~3.9%). The concentrations of 16:0 and mixed-FA in milk fat dropped in the super-conditioned corn-based diet compared with the ground corn diet. Milk trans-10 18:1 FA increased, whereas trans-11 18:1 FA decreased in cows fed the super-conditioned diet. We concluded that super-conditioned corn has the potential to increase milk yield and starch digestibility in lactating dairy cows; however, reduced milk fat output caused by altering ruminal pH and ruminal FA biohydrogenation pathways may not be desirable in certain markets. Future research is warranted to investigate how super-conditioned corn affects feed efficiency.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of 2 lots of barley grain cultivars differing in expected ruminal starch degradation on dry matter (DM) intake, ruminal fermentation, ruminal and total tract digestibility, and milk production of dairy cows when provided at 2 concentrations in the diet. Four primiparous ruminally cannulated (123 ± 69 d in milk; mean ± SD) and 4 multiparous ruminally and duodenally cannulated (46 ± 14 d in milk) cows were used in a 4 × 4 Latin Square design with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments with 16-d periods. Primiparous and multiparous cows were assigned to different squares. Treatments were 2 dietary starch concentrations (30 vs. 23% of dietary DM) and 2 lots of barley grain cultivars (Xena vs. Dillon) differing in expected ruminal starch degradation. Xena had higher starch concentration (58.7 vs. 50.0%) and greater in vitro 6-h starch digestibility (78.0 vs. 73.5%) compared with Dillon. All experimental diets were formulated to supply 18.3% crude protein and 20.0% forage neutral detergent fiber. Dry matter intake and milk yield were not affected by treatment. Milk fat concentration (3.55 vs. 3.29%) was greater for cows fed Dillon compared with Xena, but was not affected by dietary starch concentration. Ruminal starch digestion was greater for cows fed high-starch diets compared with those fed low-starch diets (4.55 vs. 2.49 kg/d), and tended to be greater for cows fed Xena compared with those fed Dillon (3.85 vs. 3.19 kg/d). Ruminal acetate concentration was lower, and propionate concentration was greater, for cows fed Xena or high-starch diets compared with cows fed Dillon or low-starch diets, respectively. Furthermore, cows fed Xena or high-starch diets had longer duration that ruminal pH was below 5.8 (6.6 vs. 4.0 and 6.4 vs. 4.2 h/d) and greater total tract starch digestibility (94.3 vs. 93.0 and 94.3 vs. 93.0%) compared with cows fed Dillon or low-starch diets, respectively. These results demonstrate that selection of barley grain can affect milk fat production and rumen fermentation to an extent at least as great as changes in dietary starch concentration.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present in vivo and in situ trials were to evaluate whether feeding barley grain steeped in lactic acid (LA) would affect rumen fermentation patterns, in situ dry matter (DM) degradation kinetics, and milk production and composition in lactating dairy cows. The in vivo trial involved 8 rumen-fistulated Holstein cows fed once daily a total mixed ration containing rolled barley grain (27% in DM) steeped for 48 h in an equal quantity of tap water (CTR) or in 0.5% LA (TRT) in a 2 × 2 crossover design. The in situ trials consisted of incubation of untreated rolled barley grain in cows fed CTR or TRT diets and of incubation of 3 different substrates including CTR or barley grain steeped in 0.5% or 1.0% LA (TRT1 and TRT2, respectively) up to 72 h in the rumen. Results of the in vivo trial indicated that cows fed the TRT diet had greater rumen pH during most intensive fermentation phases at 10 and 12 h post-feeding. The latter effect was associated with a shorter duration in which rumen pH was below 5.8 for cows fed the TRT diet (2.4 h) compared with CTR diet (3.9 h). Furthermore, cows fed the TRT diet had lower concentrations of volatile fatty acids at 2 and 4 h post-feeding. In addition, concentrations of preprandial volatile fatty acids were lower in the rumen fluid of cows fed the TRT diet. Results also showed that molar proportion of acetate was lower, whereas propionate tended to increase by feeding cows the TRT diet. Cows fed the TRT diet demonstrated greater rumen in situ lag time of substrate DM degradation and a tendency to lower the fractional degradation rate. Other in situ results indicated a quadratic effect of LA on the effective rumen degradability of substrates whereby the latter variable was decreased from CTR to TRT1 but increased for TRT2 substrate. Although the diet did not affect actual milk yield, fat-corrected milk, percentages of milk protein, and lactose and concentration of milk urea nitrogen, cows fed the TRT diet increased milk fat content and tended to increase fat:protein ratio in the milk. In conclusion, results demonstrated that treatment of barley grain with LA lowered the risk of subacute rumen acidosis and maintained high milk fat content in late-lactating Holstein cows fed diets based on barley grain.  相似文献   

Dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) has been commonly used as a dietary protein source for lactating dairy cows. However, there is a paucity of data evaluating the use of DDGS as a partial replacement of forage or grain. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of partially replacing barley silage or barley grain with corn/wheat-based DDGS on dry matter intake (DMI), chewing activity, rumen fermentation, and milk production. Six ruminally cannulated lactating Holstein cows were used in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design with 21-d periods. Cows were fed the control diet (CON: 45% barley silage, 5% alfalfa hay, and 50% concentrate mix), a low forage (LF) diet or a low grain (LG) diet, in which barley silage or barley grain was replaced by DDGS at 20% of dietary dry matter, respectively. All diets were formulated to contain 18% crude protein and fed as total mixed rations. Compared with CON, cows fed the LF diet had greater DMI (26.0 vs. 22.4 kg/d), yields of milk (36.4 vs. 33.0 kg/d), milk protein (1.18 vs. 1.05 kg/d), and milk lactose (1.63 vs. 1.46 kg/d), but milk fat yield was not affected. The LF diet decreased chewing time compared with the CON diet (29.7 vs. 39.1 min/kg of DMI), but did not affect rumen pH and duration of rumen pH below 5.8. Compared with CON, feeding the LG diet tended to increase minimum and maximum rumen pH, but did not affect DMI, milk yield, and milk composition in this study. These results indicate that a partial replacement of barley silage with DDGS can improve the productivity of lactating dairy cows without negatively affecting rumen fermentation and milk fat production. Barley grain can also be partially replaced by DDGS in diets for lactating dairy cows without causing negative effects on productivity.  相似文献   

Management of dairy cow productivity requires monitoring of their nutritional status by visual observation. It has been suggested that changes in hair coat appearance are among the indicators of nutritional state in dairy cows. Temporal changes in the skin morphology in cows, however, have not been reported. In this study, we examined the changes in the skin of dairy cows that occur during the peripartum period. Seven pluriparous cows were used. Skin samples were collected at 28 d before the due date and 28 d and 56 d after calving for morphological examination. Hair follicle width was 108.8 ± 5.9 µm (±SD) in the dry period, 95.5 ± 5.5 µm at 28 d after calving, and 104.2 ± 5.3 µm at 56 d postpartum. The percentages of anagen hair follicles during these 3 periods were 41.4 ± 3.4, 18.5 ± 3.4, and 32.3 ± 3.3%, respectively. The corresponding sebaceous gland sizes were 8,362.0 ± 707.6, 7,800.0 ± 831.4, and 9,186.8 ± 962.6 µm2, respectively. Hair follicle width was positively correlated with percentage of anagen hair follicles. The thickness of epidermal and proliferation rate of epidermal cell were also correlated. However, the hair follicle width, sebaceous gland size and cell proliferation rate, and thickness and proliferation rate of epidermal cells did not show any marked changes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate effects of feeding increasing proportions of barley grain in a total mixed ration (TMR) on diurnal plasma metabolite fluctuations in high-producing dairy cows. Eight early- to mid-lactation (60 to 140 d in milk) primiparous Holstein cows were assigned to a double 4 × 4 Latin square experimental design. Each experimental period lasted 21 d with the first 11 d used for diet adaptation. Cows were fed a TMR once daily at 0800 h containing no barley grain (control diet), or 15, 30, and 45% (dry matter basis) barley grain as well as barley silage. Blood samples were collected from the tail vein on the last day of each period shortly before (i.e., 0 h) and at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 h after the morning feeding. Concentrations of glucose, nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyric acid, cholesterol, and lactate in plasma were measured. Results of this study showed that feeding increasing proportions of barley grain affected concentrations of glucose and lactate in plasma with greater plasma glucose and lactate in cows fed the highest amount of grain; however, the amount of grain in the diet did not have an effect on diurnal patterns of plasma glucose. Additionally, the concentration of NEFA in plasma was greater in cows fed the higher grain diets and was greater in the hours following the morning meal than later in the day. The amount of grain in the diet was associated with lower plasma β-hydroxybutyric acid, which increased particularly after the morning meal. Interestingly, cows fed the most barley grain had the lowest plasma cholesterol and this decreased during the day. In conclusion, the concomitant increase of glucose, lactate, and NEFA as well as the decrease of plasma cholesterol in cows fed high proportions of barley grain suggest that high inclusion of barley grain in the diet played a role in the diurnal patterns of plasma metabolites in lactating dairy cows. However, further research is warranted to understand involvement of these metabolic changes on the long-term health and productivity of dairy cows.  相似文献   

Nutritional management during the dry period may affect susceptibility of cows to metabolic and infectious diseases during the periparturient period. Thirty-five multiparous Holstein cows were used to determine the effect of prepartum intake, postpartum induction of ketosis, and periparturient disorders on metabolic status. Cows were fed a diet from dry-off to parturition at either ad libitum intake or restricted intake [RI; 80% of calculated net energy for lactation (NEL) requirement]. After parturition, all cows were fed a lactation diet. At 4 d in milk (DIM), cows underwent a physical examination and were classified as healthy or having at least one periparturient disorder (PD). Healthy cows were assigned to the control (n = 6) group or the ketosis induction (KI; n = 9) group. Cows with PD were assigned to the PD control (PDC; n = 17) group. Cows in the control and PDC groups were fed for ad libitum intake. Cows in the KI group were fed at 50% of their intake on 4 DIM from 5 to 14 DIM or until signs of clinical ketosis were observed; then, cows were returned to ad libitum intake. During the dry period, ad libitum cows ate more than RI cows; the difference in intake resulted in ad libitum cows that were in positive energy balance (142% of NEL requirement) and RI cows that were in negative energy balance (85% of NEL requirement). Prepartum intake resulted in changes in serum metabolites consistent with plane of nutrition and energy balance. Prepartum intake had no effect on postpartum intake, serum metabolites, or milk yield, but total lipid content of liver at 1 d postpartum was greater for ad libitum cows than for RI cows. The PD cows had lower intake and milk yield during the first 4 DIM than did healthy cows. During the ketosis induction period, KI cows had lower intake, milk yield, and serum glucose concentration but higher concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids and β-hydroxybutyrate in serum as well as total lipid and triacylglycerol in liver than did control cows. Cows with PD had only modest alterations in metabolic variables in blood and liver compared with healthy cows. The negative effects of PD and KI on metabolic status and milk yield were negligible by 42 DIM, although cows with PD had lower body condition score and BW. Prepartum intake did not affect postpartum metabolic status or milk yield. Periparturient disorders and induction of ketosis negatively affected metabolic status and milk yield during the first 14 DIM.  相似文献   

Our objective was to compare the effects of grinding versus steam-rolling of barley grain at 30 or 35% of diet dry matter on feed intake, chewing behavior, rumen fermentation, and milk production in high-producing lactating cows. Eight multiparous Holstein cows (85 ± 9 d in milk) were used in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design experiment with four 21-d periods. Each period included 14 d of adaptation and 7 d of sampling. Treatments included grinding (GB) or steam-rolling (SB) of barley grains at either 35 or 30% of dietary dry matter. Diets were prepared as a total mixed ration and delivered twice daily at 0730 and 1600 h. Neither processing method nor dietary barley grain inclusion rate affected dry matter intake, daily eating, ruminating and chewing times, rumen pH and major volatile fatty acid molar percentages, or milk percentages and yields of fat and protein. Energy-corrected milk yield increased for SB compared with GB at 35% but not at 30% barley grain. Feed efficiency was increased by SB, but was unaffected by dietary barley grain level. Results suggest that at 30% dietary barley grain, GB resulted in similar lactation performance as SB and that SB did not affect productivity when dietary barley grain increased from 30 to 35%. Regardless of barley grain level, grinding effectively maintained dry matter intake and rumen pH at 4 h postfeeding, whereas steam-rolling increased feed efficiency. Increasing barley grain from 30 to 35% of diet dry matter did not improve feed intake and milk production.  相似文献   

Forty-eight Holstein cows were used to determine the effects of short-term oral drenches of propylene glycol (PG) and Ca-soaps of palm oil fatty acids (fat) on plasma concentrations of key metabolites, liver composition, and milk production during the first 3 wk of lactation. Treatments (2 x 2 factorial arrangement) given orally once daily for the first 3 d postpartum were water (control), 500 ml of PG, 454 g of fat, or 500 ml of PG plus 454 g of fat. All treatments were administered as a total volume of 1.9 L. Administration of PG decreased concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) in plasma during the first 7 d and the first 21 d postpartum and tended to decrease concentrations of beta-hydroxybutyrate during the first 7 d postpartum. Concentrations of insulin in plasma were not affected by treatment. Administration of either PG or fat increased plasma glucose and liver glycogen concentrations compared to the control or PG plus fat treatments. Concentrations of triglycerides in liver were not affected by treatment. Administration of PG did not affect dry matter intake or milk yield and composition during the first 3 wk postpartum; however, cows drenched with fat tended to have lower dry matter intake and milk yield during the first 3 wk of lactation. Short-term drenching of PG effectively decreased NEFA concentrations in plasma during early lactation; however, data do not support administration of fat via drench to early lactation cows and concurrent administration of dietary fat appears to blunt the metabolic response of cows to PG.  相似文献   

Data from multiparous Holstein cows (n = 43) were used to determine whether supplementation of anions to low-potassium (K) prepartum diets would improve periparturient energy and macromineral status and affect performance during the postpartum period. Beginning 21 d before expected parturition, cows were fed a control diet (1.29% K; +10 mEq/100 g; n = 21) or a low dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) diet (1.29% K; −15 mEq/100 g; n = 22) with anions provided through a combination of sulfate from calcium sulfate dihydrate (0.40% S total ration) and chloride (1.17% Cl total ration) from SoyChlor 16-7 (West Central, Ralston, IA). All cows were fed the same postpartum diet from parturition through 63 d postpartum. Feeding anions decreased overall urine pH (8.17 vs. 6.70) during the prepartum period. Overall, peripartum concentrations of plasma Ca, P, and Mg were similar between treatments; however, concentrations of plasma Ca tended to be increased during the first 24 h postcalving in cows fed the low DCAD diet. Overall, concentrations of plasma P tended to be increased by feeding the anionic diet prepartum; this effect was more pronounced during the immediate peripartal period. Anionic supplementation did not affect incidence of clinical (<5 mg/dL) and subclinical (5 to 8 mg/dL) hypocalcemia, clinical hypophosphatemia (<2 mg/dL), or clinical (<1.1 mg/dL) and subclinical (1.1 to 1.8 mg/dL) hypomagnesemia. Nevertheless, subclinical hypophosphatemia (2 to 4 mg/dL) tended to be decreased at 16 h postcalving and was decreased at d 2 postpartum for cows fed the anionic diet prepartum. Anion supplementation decreased prepartum dry matter intake (15.6 vs. 14.4 kg/d), but did not affect postpartum dry matter intake (22.4 vs. 23.0 kg/d), milk yield (46.5 vs. 46.1 kg/d), or content and yield of milk fat and true protein. Plasma concentrations of energy-related metabolites (glucose, nonesterified fatty acids, β-hydroxybutyrate) were similar for both groups during the prepartum and postpartum periods. Glucose rate of appearance was determined by continuous infusion of 6,6-dideuterated glucose in a subset of cows between 6 and 10 d prepartum (control, n = 12; low DCAD, n = 9) and 7 and 10 d postpartum (control, n = 9; low DCAD, n = 8) periods. Glucose rate of appearance was not affected by treatment during the prepartum or postpartum periods. Overall, anion supplementation of low K diets improved P status during the early postpartum period, but did not affect aspects of energy metabolism or periparturient performance.  相似文献   

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