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目前在基于道路网的移动对象的各类查询研究中,大多都是在假定移动对象速度固定不变的基础上进行的.而实际上因为外界环境和自身情况等不确定性因素的影响,对象的速度可能会发生变化.基于此,本文提出一种基于路网的速度不确定的移动对象的k近邻查询处理方法.在查询时刻根据查询点位置执行查询操作,得到构成查询点k近邻的候选对象集合,再根据概率计算方法得到结果集及其概率.实验结果表明本文所提方法是有效的.  相似文献   

提出一种路网中查询点速度不确定的连续k近邻查询方法.查询点在起始位置向服务器提出查询请求,得到k近邻的候选集.随着查询点的移动,利用有效候选集计算当前的k近邻,而不必再向服务器请求,从而减少了服务器计算代价.当候选集部分失效时,由服务器返回候选集中失效的兴趣点的当前信息,使候选集有效.当候选集完全失效时,由查询点重新向服务器提出查询请求,得到新的候选集.并提出一种计算候选集的优化方法,降低了查询代价.最后,通过实验验证了所提算法的有效性.  相似文献   

随着无线通讯技术的发展,移动对象的查询有广阔的应用空间.针对现有反向最近邻算法很多都是基于静态对象的情况,提出了一种新的基于移动对象的反向最近邻的算法--以TPR-tree为索引结构,对原有的半平面修剪策略进行了改进,使其性能优化,并采用过滤验证这两个处理步骤来获取移动查询点的反向最近邻,实现了移动对象的动态反向最近邻的查询.  相似文献   

Algorithms for Nearest Neighbor Search on Moving Object Trajectories   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Nearest Neighbor (NN) search has been in the core of spatial and spatiotemporal database research during the last decade. The literature on NN query processing algorithms so far deals with either stationary or moving query points over static datasets or future (predicted) locations over a set of continuously moving points. With the increasing number of Mobile Location Services (MLS), the need for effective k-NN query processing over historical trajectory data has become the vehicle for data analysis, thus improving existing or even proposing new services. In this paper, we investigate mechanisms to perform NN search on R-tree-like structures storing historical information about moving object trajectories. The proposed (depth-first and best-first) algorithms vary with respect to the type of the query object (stationary or moving point) as well as the type of the query result (historical continuous or not), thus resulting in four types of NN queries. We also propose novel metrics to support our search ordering and pruning strategies. Using the implementation of the proposed algorithms on two members of the R-tree family for trajectory data (namely, the TB-tree and the 3D-R-tree), we demonstrate their scalability and efficiency through an extensive experimental study using large synthetic and real datasets.
Yannis Theodoridis (Corresponding author)Email: URL: http://dke.cti.gr http://isl.cs.unipi.gr/db

One of the most important queries in spatio-temporal databases that aim at managing moving objects efficiently is the continuous K-nearest neighbor (CKNN) query. A CKNN query is to retrieve the K-nearest neighbors (KNNs) of a moving user at each time instant within a user-given time interval [t s , t e ]. In this paper, we investigate how to process a CKNN query efficiently. Different from the previous related works, our work relieves the past assumption, that an object moves with a fixed velocity, by allowing that the velocity of the object can vary within a known range. Due to the introduction of this uncertainty on the velocity of each object, processing a CKNN query becomes much more complicated. We will discuss the complications incurred by this uncertainty and propose a cost-effective P2 KNN algorithm to find the objects that could be the KNNs at each time instant within the given query time interval. Besides, a probability-based model is designed to quantify the possibility of each object being one of the KNNs. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate the efficiency and the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Chiang Lee (Corresponding author)Email:

Continuous K nearest neighbor queries (C-KNN) are defined as finding the nearest points of interest along an enitre path (e.g., finding the three nearest gas stations to a moving car on any point of a pre-specified path). The result of this type of query is a set of intervals (or split points) and their corresponding KNNs, such that the KNNs of all points within each interval are the same. The current studies on C-KNN focus on vector spaces where the distance between two objects is a function of their spatial attributes (e.g., Euclidean distance metric). These studies are not applicable to spatial network databases (SNDB) where the distance between two objects is a function of the network connectivity (e.g., shortest path between two objects). In this paper, we propose two techniques to address C-KNN queries in SNDB: Intersection Examination (IE) and Upper Bound Algorithm (UBA). With IE, we first find the KNNs of all nodes on a path and then, for those adjacent nodes whose nearest neighbors are different, we find the intermediate split points. Finally, we compute the KNNs of the split points using the KNNs of the surrounding nodes. The intuition behind UBA is that the performance of IE can be improved by determining the adjacent nodes that cannot have any split points in between, and consequently eliminating the computation of KNN queries for those nodes. Our empirical experiments show that the UBA approach outperforms IE, specially when the points of interest are sparsely distributed in the network.  相似文献   

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