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Jakobus E. van Zyl Prabhat Kumar Mayank Gupta 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2008,134(8):1176-1179
This note proposes a new method for snapshot analysis of water distribution systems based on the commonly used gradient method. The proposed method uses a secant (intersecting the head-loss function in two points) instead of a tangent to approximate the pipe head-loss function. A theoretical model is developed for the flow range in which the secant approximates the head-loss function without exceeding a given allowable error. This scheme allows a tradeoff to be made between the allowable error and the number of iterations required to achieve convergence. The proposed method is applied to an example network to illustrate its application and benefits. It is argued that the number of iterations required to find a solution can be reduced significantly in both snapshot and extended-period simulations. 相似文献
Clifford K. Ho 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2008,134(9):1236-1244
The spreading of solutes or contaminants through water-distribution pipe networks is controlled largely by mixing at pipe junctions where varying flow rates and concentrations can enter the junction. Alternative models of solute mixing within these pipe junctions are presented in this paper. Simple complete-mixing models are discussed along with rigorous computational-fluid-dynamics models based on turbulent Navier–Stokes equations. In addition, a new model that describes the bulk-mixing behavior resulting from different flow rates entering and leaving the junction is developed in this paper. Comparisons with experimental data have confirmed that this bulk-mixing model provides a lower bound to the amount of mixing that can occur within a pipe junction, while the complete-mixing model yields an upper bound. In addition, a simple scaling parameter is used to estimate the actual (intermediate) mixing behavior based on the bounding predictions of the complete-mixing and bulk-mixing models. These simple analytical models can be readily implemented into network-scale models to develop predictions and bounding scenarios of solute transport and water quality in water-distribution systems. 相似文献
波纹补偿器在管系工程中应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
介绍了波纹补偿器在管系工程应用中的几大要点即补偿器的预冷紧、串联波纹补偿器的应用及施工中需注意的问题,并提出补偿器预冷紧的计算公式。 相似文献
Qualitative algebraic equations are the basis of qualitative simulation, which are used to express the dynamic behavior of steady-state continuous processes. When the values and operation of qualitative variables are redefined, qualitative algebraic equations can be transformed into signed direct graphs, which are frequently used to predict the trend of dynamic changes. However, it is difficult to use traditional qualitative algebra methods based on artificial trial and error to solve a complex problem for dynamic trends. An important aspect of modern qualitative algebra is to model and characterize complex systems with the corresponding computer-aided automatic reasoning.In this study, a qualitative affection equation based on multiple conditions is proposed, which enables the signed direct graphs to describe complex systems better and improves the fault diagnosis resolution. The application to an industrial case shows that the method performs well. 相似文献
Pruning is one of the effective techniques for improving the generalization error of neural networks. Existing pruning techniques are derived mainly from the viewpoint of energy minimization, which is commonly used in gradient-based learning methods. In recurrent networks, extended Kalman filter (EKF)-based training has been shown to be superior to gradient-based learning methods in terms of speed. This article explains a pruning procedure for recurrent neural networks using EKF training. The sensitivity of a posterior probability is used as a measure of the importance of a weight instead of error sensitivity since posterior probability density is readily obtained from this training method. The pruning procedure is tested using three problems: (1) the prediction of a simple linear time series, (2) the identification of a nonlinear system, and (3) the prediction of an exchange-rate time series. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed pruning method is able to reduce the number of parameters and improve the generalization ability of a recurrent network. 相似文献
John P. Vítkovsky Pedro J. Lee Aaron C. Zecchin Angus R. Simpson Martin F. Lambert 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2011,137(5):556-568
Applications of frequency-domain analysis in pipelines and pipe networks include resonance analysis, time-domain simulation, and fault detection. Current frequency-domain analysis methods are restricted to series pipelines, single-branching pipelines, and single-loop networks and are not suited to complex networks. This paper presents a number of formulations for the frequency-domain solution in pipe networks of arbitrary topology and size. The formulations focus on the topology of arbitrary networks and do not consider any complex network devices or boundary conditions other than head and flow boundaries. The frequency-domain equations are presented for node elements and pipe elements, which correspond to the continuity of flow at a node and the unsteady flow in a pipe, respectively. Additionally, a pipe-node-pipe and reservoir-pipe pair set of equations are derived. A matrix-based approach is used to display the solution to entire networks in a systematic and powerful way. Three different formulations are derived based on the unknown variables of interest that are to be solved: head-formulation, flow-formulation, and head-flow-formulation. These hold significant analogies to different steady-state network solutions. The frequency-domain models are tested against the method of characteristics (a commonly used time-domain model) with good result. The computational efficiency of each formulation is discussed with the most efficient formulation being the head-formulation. 相似文献
从工程实践出发,针对高层建筑内部管道施工方法的复杂性,提出相应的措施,组织实施高层建筑管网集中试压,以期达到有序施工、有序试压、提高工效、节省资源的目的. 相似文献
Giuseppe Pezzinga 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1999,125(7):676-685
A quasi-two-dimensional model for unsteady-flow analysis in pipes and pipe networks is presented. The turbulence model is based on the mixing length hypothesis in the turbulent zone and on Newton's law in the viscous sublayer. An expression of the mixing length in terms of the Reynolds number and an expression of the parameter of logarithmic law of the wall in terms of the friction Reynolds number are found from Nikuradse's experimental data. An implicit numerical scheme for the integration of the equations is proposed to overcome the limitations of the explicit schemes. Uniqueness of the head and continuity of discharge are considered at the junctions. The results of both a quasi-steady 1D model and a quasi-2D model are compared with results from a laboratory network. For these experimental runs, the comparisons show that the average relative errors on the maximum head oscillations are 19.1% with the 1D model and 8.6% with the quasi-2D model; those on the minimum oscillations are 19.2% with the 1D model and 5.3% with the quasi-2D model. The latter model is in better agreement because it takes into account the velocity profile, thus allowing for a more accurate evaluation of the shear stress. 相似文献
David H. Axworthy Mohamed S. Ghidaoui Duncan A. McInnis 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2000,126(4):276-287
Extended irreversible thermodynamics (EIT) provides a framework for deriving extensions to phenomenological equations (e.g., Newton's law of viscosity, Fick's law of mass transport, and Darcy's law for porous media flow) for problems involving high frequencies (i.e., rapid transients). In this paper, a phenomenological equation is derived for energy loss in 1D unsteady pipe flow using an EIT formalism. The resulting wall shear stress is equal to the sum of (1) the steady-state shear stress; (2) a term that is proportional to the local (i.e., temporal) acceleration; and (3) a term that is proportional to the product of the velocity and the convective (i.e., spatial) acceleration. The form of this EIT-based wall shear stress formula shows that EIT provides a physical basis for instantaneous acceleration based unsteady friction formulas. It also illustrates the limitations and underlying assumptions of these models. For example, instantaneous acceleration based unsteady friction formulas are limited to fast transients (i.e., transients in which the water hammer timescale is significantly smaller than the diffusion timescale). A characteristics solution for unsteady pipe flow is proposed in which the phenomenological equation is used to model energy dissipation. Comparison of numerical test results with measured data from upstream and downstream valve closure laboratory experiments shows excellent agreement. 相似文献
Slobodan Djordjevi? Du?an Prodanovi? Godfrey A. Walters 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2004,130(12):1167-1178
Using finite difference methods in conjunction with the reduced momentum equation and applying boundary condition structure inherent to subcritical flow to all regimes, is an approach that enables efficient numerical simulation of supercritical and transcritical flows in pipe/channel systems. However, as well as certain errors within a single channel due to incomplete equations, this technique also may introduce unwanted effects propagating across a network in both upstream and downstream directions. These may include: unrealistic backwater effects due to improper boundary conditions, nonamplifying oscillations due to jerky jump movement, and other computational instabilities. Practical implications of these are analyzed in detail and are illustrated using a set of examples. Sensitivity analyzes and comparisons with analytical solutions and laboratory experiments are made. The measures to reduce the inaccuracies inevitable in simulation of transcritical flows are discussed. 相似文献
从工程实践出发。针对高层建筑内部管道施工方法的复杂性,提出相应的措施,组织实施高层建筑管网集中试压。以期达到有序施工、有序试压、提高工效、节省资源的目的。 相似文献
A. M. Al-Khomairi 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2003,129(12):1001-1006
An experimental pipeline system with a multistage centrifugal pump was used to study the effect of transient operations on the hydrodynamic performance of a centrifugal pump. Several transient flow operations were considered, ranging from very mild to severe transients. The dynamic relationship of total pressure rise across the pump to the flow rate was compared with that of the steady state. Deviation between the dynamic pump head and the value given by the steady-state curve at the same instantaneous discharge was established and found to be a function of the severity of the transient. It was found that severe flow conditions could cause this deviation to exceed 30% of the steady-state value. The use of the steady-state pump head-discharge relationship in the solution of transient pipe flow by the method of characteristics (MOC) is discussed. It was found that the steady-state pump head-discharge curve was not accurate enough to support the solution of unsteady pipe flow application by the MOC. 相似文献
蒸气管网是具有典型大时滞特点的非线性网络系统结构,提高管网运行预测能力,对管网的安全高效运行有很好的指导意义。贝叶斯神经网络具有良好的泛化能力和准确计算能力,在网络目标函数中引入表示网络结构复杂性的惩罚项,以便能够在训练优化过程中降低网络结构的复杂性,达到避免网络过拟合的目的。实例验证表明,模型计算结果和泛化能力均有良好表现,优于传统BP算法计算性能,可提高企业蒸气管网运行管理水平,对流程工业节能减排建设有一定的帮助。 相似文献
In this study optimum design of municipal water distribution networks for a single loading condition is determined by the branch and bound integer linear programming technique. The hydraulic and optimization analyses are linked through an iterative procedure. This procedure enables us to design a water distribution system that satisfies all required constraints with a minimum total cost. The constraints include pipe sizes, which are limited to the commercially available sizes, reservoir levels, pipe flow velocities, and nodal pressures. Accuracy of the developed model has been assessed using a network with limited solution alternatives, the optimal solution of which can be determined without employing optimization techniques. The proposed model has also been applied to a network solved by others. Comparison of the results indicates that the accuracy and convergence of the proposed method is quite satisfactory. 相似文献
采用沉管灌注桩法处理软土地基,经试桩并确定单桩承载力后,采用单打法进行施工。实践证明,采用振动、夯打沉管灌桩法处理软土地基,具有施工简单、工期短、节约材料、经济效益好、能保证工程结构要求及施工机械损坏少等特点。 相似文献